Chapter 7

If This Is Love

First Song


Waking up in his chest, I tell myself not to get used to it.

In the morning when I turned to look at him as he is staring back at me and to have his voice as the first thing I hear for the day. It feels so nice that I might long for it everyday. So I again remind myself not to get used to it.

"Good morning..." I shyly greeted Chanyeol back... it's soooo embarrassing I wanted to bury myself under the ground.

He's about to say something when the door opened and both of us turned to... Sehun who appears to be half asleep at first but slowly turned utterly shocked at the sight of us.
Both of us got a little shocked too that I even fall from the bed

"Sorry. Later." He suddenly said and closed the door

We wanted to tell Sehun that he could just come in and there isn't any reason to feel like he's interrupting something.. but we end up unable to say anything
Chanyeol and I turned to each other.

"You alright?" He asked me worried that me falling from his bed might have hurt

"Think he caught us..." I replied back while smiling slyly

"C-caught us what?!" He immediately asked

"Our Sehunnie caught us sleeping together~" I teased back tilting my head on the side

Correction. It's not really the sleeping together kind of thing. It's more of sleeping next to each other. Just that.

It's just that but soon as Chanyeol heard me, his face turned red and he placed his palm to cover his wide smile.







I knew Baekhyun was staring at me though my eyes were closed.

When I felt him shift to the other  side, that's when I decided to call him... he seems troubled by something and it's probably because of the recording tomorrow.

The next thing I knew is that I asked him to sleep with me. And it's like digging my own grave, I can't just take back my words though I wanted to if only possible; but funny that at the same time, It got me a bit excited too...

He went to my side and he seemed to hesitate the last minute so I pulled him instead. Now, I doubt myself if I truly meant to comfort him... because it appears like it's really me who just wanted to sleep with him. And I tell you, it's awkward. But it's very comfortable. I hope I did help ease down his worries.




I was supposed to have a different practice session right now but here I am with the vocal line members in the studio.

I'm not acting on my own accord. It's because of Sehun! Believe me, early this morning, Sehun went in our room and yeah, he saw Baekhyun and I sharing the same bed.

Then he smirked. Like the smirks he flashes whenever he knew he'll win against me. That's when he started bugging me of accompanying him to watch other members on their recording today. I initially replied 'no' though at the back of my mind I thought it's not such a bad idea. But because I have prior schedule for this day, I really couldn't. I already explained it to him but Sehun just shrugged it off like he didn't hear my reason at all. Geez this maknae. Then he looked at Baekhyun who is sitting beside me while eating his breakfast. And I can't remember what he was saying that time anymore but he sounded like he was threatening me again. Aish... I really don't get why I need to be with him all the time when he actually wanted to be with Luhan-hyung; but then anyways, 

*Chuckles* Today will be the recording of the prologue single of EXO... it's a song called "What is Love". The lyrics actually sounds girly to me. I'm not really a fan of cliche romantic girly songs but because our target is to catch the hearts of teenage girls, we need to work hard get their attention and grab hold of their hearts. But though I'm not one who'll be singing that song, I'm a bit excited. Oh but I can't make myself look too excited. I can't. I can't.

Ryeowook sunbae even came to cheer for us but he's busy giving some pointers to Jongdae right now. Jongdae really adores Wookie sunbae the most for sunbae is really good in singing Chinese songs. He is also very caring to us. We all admire him a lot.

After a few more minutes Kyuhyun sunbae and Sungmin sunbae also came... to cheer for us? Cuz right now, they're just in the corner having their own world and sigh... I might even believe that KyuMin is real. Kyungsoo and Yixing hyung are playing games. Of course Sehun and Luhan are busy with each other, don't ask me how busy they are, I can't even look at them.

Now, I felt out of place, Yah! Why am I left alone?! Speaking of, where's Baekhyun anyway?!

And so I went out of the room for a while, It's crowded there anyway. I decided to look for Baekhyun but when I pass by the hallway, for some reason I'm attracted to go to the exit staircase. I mean, I once saw him there. And who knows? It might have become his comfort place, sanctuary, or something.

I again quietly peeked through the door and as I guessed, he is indeed there.

Hukssi, We have the same wavelength!

I slowly opened the door a little more and that's when I heard him rehearsing his lines from the song.

Who says we only target teenage girls? Who says Baekhyun is the one nervous the most? Who says we need to exert lots of effort to get their hearts?


The way he sings it, I'm sure he is outright targeting me too because I won't feel like getting my heart stolen by him so easily like this. And he does it so coolly... effortlessly.

For a moment I was  c a p t i v a t e d  by him.




T-THIS IS !! Baekhyun is sitting on top of me as I lay on the floor while he go the cream on his fingers. My shirt that he's wearing which is a little big for his fit, slides more on his side showing off his bare shoulder.


I think he even wipe the cream on my face before he started doing those moves. I don't know how it turned out like this, we were only supposed to celebrate Jongin and Kyungsoo's birthday...


Flashback to couple minutes ago...
"Aish, you're doing it wrong" I claimed as I took the icing cone from Baekhyun who is messing my perfect artwork on the cake.

We're in the kitchen of M-members' dorm. Today is Jongin's birthday!! and it's Kyungsoo's birthday just two days ago so we decided to surprise them. Since Kyungsoo isn't supposed to know this, Jongdae and I are incharge of the food.

Tao is busy... sleeping, argh, and Kris hyung is only good at ordering us around. Minseok hyung and Suho hyung are out to buy stuffs. Yixing hyung is... ummmmmmn... yup, like that, he's verrrrry slow. And you can't expect anything from Sehun when he sulks... right now he sulks cuz lately, Luhan hyung and Jongin are always together, they have different practice sessions from us... the management wanted the two of them to be the face of the group so they often come out a lot from different shows and photoshoots. Actually, Luhan hyung is close with everyone but for some reason, only when it comes to Jongin that Sehun is unreasonably unstable. Well I also know how to read that brat, we're close from the very start. That's why our maknae can't hide anything from me just as how I can't from him.

"Baekhyun-ah, careful not to dirty your clothes, err... why are you wearing Chanyeol's anyway? It's too big for your size" Kris hyung asked

"Because I don't know what's he thinking not bringing a spare when he knew we had a dance practice this morning" I answered in Baekhyun's stead

I was reluctant to lend it to him at first, it's one of my favorite shirts; but now that I'm seeing how he wears mine, I really think it's so cute. The sleeves would even slide from his side from time to time and I would help him hang it back on his shoulder.

Some hours later, the main lead for the day, Kyungsoo and Jongin finally came home with Lu-hyung of course. I feel bad for not telling him about this too but Suho-hyung said Lu-hyung might slip his tongue when talking with Jongin so we decided to keep it from him too.

We turned off the lights and clueless Luhan hyung probably got a little scared that he links his arm into Jongin.


And that's when the mess started.
Sehun bared it for a while but when he saw Luhan hyung moved a little too close to Jongin, that's when he walked towards them. I was the one holding the cake that time so I couldn't really stop him, but I decided to try, and when I did, I don't know how Sehun did it but the cake flew away from my hands... literally. The cake is flying in the air!

Sehun then went pass on me and took Lu-hyung away from Jongin. Suho hyung the lights; Yixing hyung is still in the process of absorbing the current situation. Other members are in awe.

Baekhyun and I both followed the cake as it finally descends... but it's probably because Baekhyun learned Hapkido or taewondo or whatever; that when we bumped to each other because we were trying to catch the flying cake, I was the one to fell on the floor. With him of course on top of me. Since I can't move already, he's the one who stretched out to catch it--

But still the cake went directly to my face. Baekhyun laughs as he sits up on top me.

"Ah, what a waste,,," he said

 And I think that's when I started feeling drunk...


and so back to where we're at...
I just watch him blankly as he continues with the icing on the cake

I seriously might have done something already if only Sehun didn't save me when he calmly suggested,

"Hyung, have mercy on Chanyeol hyung..."

And that's when other members laugh.. but my heart can't calm down still that I can't laugh with them for now.


After all those mess, we manage to have a proper celebration for Kyungsoo and Kai. We were supposed to go straight home our dorm but we decided to stay at the M-members' dorm for a while.

And it seems like Jongdae can't get over it still. He is imitating how I dance this afternoon with the other members as his audience. In all fairness, he is doing a good job for all the members are having a stomachache from laughing too hard.

"Yah! I know I'm bad at dancing but I don't remember dancing that funny this afternoon!" I yelled

"Actually Jongdae dances pretty funny too" Baekhyun added.

Oh, crap I can't control my smile thinking that Baekhyun is taking my side

"You do Chanyeol's dance and I do yours" Baekhyun suggested

Oh right. That's how Baekhyun love teasing Jongdae too. I'm the one stupid thinking he's my ally.

Wow, and there they go laughing with their own gag and I found myself dancing with them too, as Junmyeon hyung's representative. Hihi, I know how to copy his funny dance moves too! But hyung is glaring at me the moment I stepped forward to join so I quietly just returned back to my seat. Our leader is one of the most scary person I knew.


We love hanging in M-members' dorm more than anywhere else because it's unfairly bigger and more spacious than our dorm. And to which Kris hyung would jokingly reason out that it's simply because most of the M-members are tall. Argh this hyung.

"I wonder when can we promote as one?" Suho hyung started to speak.

By Suho hyung, I meant Junmyeon hyung, it's his stage name. And for some reason, we grew fond calling him that stead of his real name because it sounds fitting to him and its easier to say.

Then the lively atmosphere turned lightly mellow. 

The original plan is to debut here in Korea first then to China afterwards but the admin decided to debut to both places at the same date.

"We are promoting as one... just that, it's in different places..." Yixing hyung aka Lay hyung answered.

"It might not be possible for now but who knows if we really wish for it, then they might let us promote together soon." Minseok hyung added.

Minseok hyung is usually very silent and he seldom speaks. But when he does, that's when you'll confirm that he is indeed the eldest among us. He is a very reliable hyung :)


I noticed Baekhyun is not around so I stood up and searched for him. I went to the kitchen and saw him there in the kitchen table sitting with a glass of milk that seems like haven't been consumed yet. I jokingly tapped his back and he immediately snap off from his deep thought.

"Yah! What are you doing here solo?"

"Ah, just thinking some stuffs..." He answered.

I sat across him. He stares at me and all of a sudden he reaches out to hold my hand. He always does random stuffs like that so I'm not surprised anymore.

"Chanyeol-ah, I know this is so out of nowhere but we will be together for a long time right?"

It totally hit me deeply. When Baekhyun asked me that, I wanted to reply immediately 'YES' but I wanted to hug him instead, cup his cheeks or do something... I feel like words won't convey how much I meant by answering him a 'yes'

"..I mean, we're in the group... so it's not like were gonna part ways sooner right?" he added

"What are you saying?!! Of course. Promise!" I answered back with a smile while taking his hand

"Ah, I'm getting weird!"

"Hahahhaha yup, you're getting weird!"

But I didn't let him know that just this moment, I made another promise, that even if the world world would leave his side, I will be the one to hold on to him, stay, and go with him to where he'll be.




Hi! sorry for updating late. thanks a lot for the subs and for dropping by comments ^^~

@aliayana, anneyeong! i randomly got the gifs from chanbaek on tumblr.. but i think that scene is from sukira

have a lovely day ~!!

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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^