Chapter 1

If This Is Love

A kiss...

Is what Chanyeol gave me to shut me up,

Because I didn't listen when I heard him told me to do so

But I doubt that he can now make me... for all I can hear are the massive loud thumps echoing on my ears every time my heart would pound heavily crazy.

He slowly breaks away from the kiss. His hand that was rested at the back of my head, I felt it slightly tremble as it slides to leave a touch.

I look at him frowning at me with cheerless eyes.

And my heart beat is still as loud as hell but I clearly hear him say, he made me hear him say,

“Will you make me stop? I think I’m starting to like you…”






First Encounter

I discreetly brushed the palm of my hands on the side of my jeans.

But after a second, my hands started sweating again.

Calm down Byun Baekhyun! It’s not like you’re going to give a Ministerial speech for the whole nation—I told myself.

I breathe out.

"Are you nervous?" Representative Cho asked me as he smiles. He probably noticed too.

"A little bit sir."

Actually I wanted to answer 'Yes'. Very. But I figured out that he'll say stuffs to calm me down and I know that it will only make me more nervous.

The elevator let out a ‘Ding’ sound upon reaching the twenty second floor and it caught both our attention as its door started to slide open and we got off from the lift on that floor.


Just an hour ago I was standing at the gates of the university preparing for my practical entrance exam. In the middle of rehearsing my song, a man in suit just got off from his car, went towards me and asked if I wanted to join SM Entertainment. I looked at him as if doubting him which I really was at that moment so he introduced himself as Representative Cho of the said company.

He gave me his business card so I can confirm but I was still far from believing him.

SM Entertainment. The top grossing record label and talent agency in Korea. Honestly, I had auditioned for a lot of other talent agencies before but unfortunately, I wasn't chosen to be part of any of them. I have always thought I was born to be a star because of my pretty face but I guess that road really wasn’t for me. That I’m about to give up and enter into an arts university instead, but this man suddenly came up to me whiffing the tiniest hope left deep inside me. There is really nothing to lose if I try once more right?

I don't know if I made the right choice. I often got into trouble because of my impulsive tendencies since I was a kid. But the problem with me is I never learned. So same things happen over and over again. Just like now. Turning down the chance to enter the university I wanted to take a random turn in this path. Not having a clue what will happen in the future.


Still, I can’t believe that I’m now inside this company building starting to take every step nearer to realizing my dream.

As I walk alone through the hallway of the annex building—Oh wait. I walk alone…?

I glanced to my both sides, in front and to my back; only to confirm that Rep. Cho is really not around. Alone. , I’m ALONE!

This is not a good start. As if a premolition.

My lips dried instantly and I can feel my own color turning pale. Great! Now it’s not just my hands that are sweating, my face too. I know Rep. Cho doesn’t hold my entire life for me to react like this- or maybe he does. So I’m trying to remember when are where exactly did I lost him.

I considered staying still on where I’m standing but my knees can’t bear it. In the end I decided to walk…

I looked around the area once again and went to walk towards the intersection corner of the floor.

When I’m about to turn left as I reach the corner, someone suddenly bumped unto me and both our butts crashed down on the ground. And I tell you, it hurts. But I think it’s a good thing because it eased my panic state just a while ago.

“Ow--” Both of us growled in unison.

I got to take a clearer look at him. He is staring at me too with his pair of big beautiful eyes. He is handsome. So handsome that I think I can even turn gay if he just asked me to. Can such handsome man like this exist? Now I remember, I’m inside the SM E Building. Of course people like him just swarm around this place naturally.

“Are you ok? You’re sweating?” He spoke. His voice is deep and huge that it can probably be heard around the entire floor.

But I have no time to describe him any further. I’m looking like a pitiful lost child in his verge of crying in front of him now.

“Oh, there you are!” I heard from a familiar voice a little bit far from my back. I saw the other guy stood up immediately and extends his hand to help me.

“Thank you.” I said. Finally standing in front of him, I noticed how tall he is. I should have noticed it even before that moment I grabbed his big hand that lifted me up.

And just as I thought, the voice just now was from Rep. Cho. He went towards us and the taller guy bowed ninety degrees at him while saying his greetings.

“I know the loud voice just now was from you. But what are you loitering around here for? Shouldn’t you be at the practice room?” Representative Cho casually asked the other.

“Oh right. I’m in a hurry. Then, annyeonghasaeyo” The latter answered while giving a smile. He’s more handsome when he does. He bowed his head again and dashed off to leave.

Rep. Cho turned to me and when I thought he’s going to scold me,

“You too, where have you been wandering around?”


“Anyways, let’s go”

He led me inside the function room but I think it’s used for auditions. From there, we entered in its office, he asked me to seat on the chair across the table and handed me the paper he pulled out from one of the drawers. He told me to include my name on the list and attach his name next to mine.

I’m scheduled for an audition next month. But he said it’s only for formality purposes.


I know my mom sees through my lies. When my dad asked me if I did the practical exam for the university, I hesistated a little before giving a nod as I lie. But I can't do the same with my mom. She confronted me and asked me what really happened. I can't lie to her but I also can't bear to make her worry because of my spontaneous acts. Still, I wanted to tell the truth to her... to share to her my excitement... how I'm looking forward to it... how I badly wanted to debut in the future. So I did. And I'm not surprised when she cheered me up and assured me that I'm the coolest and best star she ever known. It feels good having someone believe in me and support me unconditionally.

As I turn to sleep, I smiled as I recalled about the man I randomly bumped along the hallway this afternoon. Being the first person I get to meet there, doesn't it seem like fate? Hahaha, seriously now, fate? My, I'm watching lots of drama these past days. Will I get to meet him again the next time I go there? It'll be nice if I get to know him too...




I walked through the lobby and went straight to the reception area where the letters SM ENTERTAINMENT together with its logo in silver are nailed on the wall.

Well, I’m not really walking straight. I badly wanted to take some pill that will stop my muscles from contracting. God, why is the feeling always like this whenever I’m in this building?

I looked for Rep. Cho and the receptionist phoned him. After a few minutes, Rep. Cho tapped my shoulders and we took the elevator going to the 22nd floor again.

When we got there, he explained to me the cluster that I’ll be joining. Oops sorry, I forgot to relate that I was officially accepted in the company through a casting system just yesterday. The management informed me that today is my first day as a trainee and since it’s Rep. Cho who discovered me, he will be the one to do the orientation.

I closed my eyes when we were finally standing in front of the practice room door. Yes, the practice room door; but I feel like standing in front of my own execution room door instead. On the other side of the door are the people I’ll be spending my future years with. My heart can’t contain the mixed emotions overflowing within me. I’m definitely nervous and excited but nevertheless, I’m looking forward for this day and for the next days to come.

I slowly opened my eyes as Rep. Cho opened the door. When we entered the room, all eyes are on us--err… okay, on me only. Then the trainees in the room gathered around us as Rep. Cho introduced us to each others. Scratch what I have said before about me having a pretty face. It’s nothing compared to these people; I don’t even know what kind of creatures they are to be this stunningly good looking and beautiful. I expected them to be one but still I was struck-ed.

“Chanyeol is…? Where’s Chanyeol?” My thoughts were cut when I heard Rep. Cho looking for a guy named Chanyeol.

“He went to get his phone before. He’ll be back in a minute” The tallest and not a less handsome among them answered with intonation. He’s probably not a Korean… a Chinese maybe. Rep. Cho introduced him in his soon to be stage name— Kris. We were just introduced, but they are really so many; that’s why I can’t really recognize them each for now.

“Oh, he’s here” said the guy who looks like a mini Choi Siwon. Yup. There exists a person who looks a lot like Choi Siwon-ssi and he’s infront of me at the moment.

We turned our heads towards the door and saw another tall guy entering the room. I need not to tell that he is also one handsome guy, it’s for obvious.

Apparently, he is the one Rep. Cho is looking for-- Chanyeol. He went straight to us and bowed. Rep. Cho introduced us to each other. Somehow he looks familiar. I greeted him and he greeted me back too with a deep full voice. We stared at each other for about ten idle seconds until I remembered—

It’s him!




How’s the first chapter? I honestly thought that there really much happened.. sorry

And sorry for updating late too

And it’s 1st person pov, I know I terribly messed up.. I’ll worker harder

Wow, thanks lots lots for subscribing even before a chapter has come out, and even an upvote

i really appreciate your comments.. You make me really happy… Ottokee?! >;<

I still lack in many areas but please still look forward for the next chapter.. it’s channie’s pov ^^~

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hideandseekinheaven #1
oh my gosh
hideandseekinheaven #2
oh my gosh
Chapter 16: I love this like oh my gah i need more!!!!!!!!! Love u author-ssi!
56shas #4
Chapter 16: this story is........asdfgjkl
i really love it<3<3
channie32 #5
Chapter 15: continue the story. It is amazing!
sassymisskim #6
Chapter 14: hey, can't this be extended for few more chapters? ^^
or a sequel?
i love this!
please update soon authornim!
^^ aja!
EXO8804 #7
Chapter 14: Update please!!!
Mhiledelfin #8
Chapter 14: can't wait for next chap* omg
56shas #9
Omg chanbaek y so qt
Chapter 13: Authornim ~ update soon ^^