A Conversation with 'The Jerk'

More Than Just A J.Tunes Probee

Just before 10pm Saturday night, my dad knocked on my bedroom door.

"Got a minute?" he asked as he stuck his head in.

I put down my guitar as he walked over. He sat beside me on my bed.


"I noticed how uncomfortable you were yesterday ..." he started. I looked down at the floor. Yeah, I guess it was quite noticeable. "I know it's difficult, but I hope you can move past it."


I swallowed hard. What did he expect me to do? Act like nothing happened? To forget about it? I didn’t know what to say.


"It looks like you've healed enough to return to J.Tunes on Monday." He smiled. "They'll be advised of your current situation and informed on what your limitations are..." he reached over and patted my knee lightly.


"I think you and Kang Bok Gu need to have a heart to heart so you can get your self-esteem back." He stated.


My head snapped up and I glared at my father. I quickly masked my expression... but not fast enough.


“This animosity you two have had since the first day you meet, I'm sick of it." His tone was sharp and serious. "I want you two to work it out...Is that clear?"


My mind was whirling through all the crap Kang BokGu had done to me.


What? Work it out? With that Jerk!


"Seungri...Seungri!" his voice brought me back to the here and now. "Did you hear me?...Do you understand? "


I blinked my eyes a few times and took a deep breath. "I'd rather not." I said softly in English.


"What was that?" he leaned over toward me.


I mustered up and asked, "Can I think about it and give you an answer in the morning?"


"You can think about it." He stood up and patted me on my shoulder.  He walked over to my door and as he opened it, he stated "then you will have that much need conversation with 'The Jerk'.


My mouth dropped open. How did he know that's what I call Kang Bok Gu? My heart skipped a beat.




Needlessly to say, I hardly slept that night.  My brain was in over-drive. How should I handle this? My dad said I had a self-esteem problem. That wasn't true. My only problem was going to be waiting for me out in my dad's studio.


A loud knock woke me from my semi-conscious stupor. "Make sure to grab a smoothy on your way out to the studio. See you there in Ten." The door closed.


I flung my pillow at the door in protest. I didn't want to move. 'Just stay in bed. Fall asleep.' I let out a loud sigh.


A fierce battle was waging in my brain, not only about whether or not I should gathering enough strength to go out to face my adversary. I was going over what was I go to say and how was I going to act.


My phone rang, bringing back to my senses. I grabbed it.


"Be-yen-nida, Ahbojee. I'll be out, shortly." I pushed the end call and throw it across the room. What a coward I was! 


I had put it off as long as I could without bringing the old man back up here. I dragged my out of bed and slowly got ready to face my nightmare.



I entered the studio shortly after 9:30. The three adults were talking about some security problems they were encountering at the company. They stopped talking as I made my way over towards them.


"I was about to call ‘Search and Rescue'." My dad said as I stopped by his side.


 I bowed and greeted the Kang brothers, "Good morning, I hope you slept well?" Keeping the sarcasm out of my voice.


"Well enough, thank you." the older Kang replied.


"Let's get moving shall we? Seungri, quickly warm-up!"


I did as I was told and stretched out my limbs quickly, avoiding the gaze of all of them.


"We'll start off with a run. You two will lead us. Let's set out at our normal pace and we will see if you can handle it, Seungri."


Off we went at a faster rate than before. My body was stiff but I was no pain. The two older men were talking to each other behind us. We were silent. It felt awkward and uncomfortable but not because of my injury. I just wanted this day to be over. As we rounded the tennis court, the studio came back into veiw.


We did some cooling-down exercises and stretches. "Jong Kook gon, if you have some time, I would like you to have a look at something?" my dad asked the older Kang.


"I believe you two have things to discuss?" He nodded to Kang Bok Gu. He held the door open for the older man. My heart and brain were racing. He was leaving me alone with the Jerk! Was he crazy?


The studio door shut quietly, leaving silence in the room. I just stood there, staring at the closed door. Minutes passed by.


I could feel his eyes on me as I turned my gaze to the floor. Was he trying to intimate me?

The truth was, I logically knew, he would not physically hurt me but my subconscious was hypersensitive and very nervous when around him.


"We need to come to an understanding." he started."I don't know why we have such a strange attitude towards each other. I realize now, that I'm at fault for letting it get this out of hand." He started to walk over to me.


I held my ground still looking downward.


"We all see great potential in you." He continued. "And when you have that 'So-what' or 'whatever' kind of attitude and pop off to me. It drives me around the bend." He admitted to me.


"If you could just realize, I really want to help you reach your full potential.” His voice had lost it's arrogance. I was taken back. He almost sounded sincere.


"The other day, I saw how my ego and pride could have cost you greatly... If I was even a little more forceful, you could have been in serious danger..." He stood directly in front of me now.


My heart was still racing.


"I'm not one who admitted his failures easily..." he dropped to his knees in front of me. "But I failed you as a teacher and as a hyungnim..." he bowed his head down. "I apologise to you for my carelessness and my stupidity. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive this foolish Jerk."


I was totally stunned by his actions. Not in a million years would I believe this man would bow down to me and apologise!


I stood there awkwardly. The ball was in my court now. What should I say?  Deep down I knew it wasn't just his fault.  My own ego and pride shared a part of the blame.


I felt mentally exhausted. "You're not the only one at fault here." I slowly knelt down in front of him.


" I'm sorry for being such a pain in the a$$,..." and the next word out of my mouth was one of the hardest for me to say out loud without choking on it, "...Hyungnim."


He raised head and looked into me eyes. For the first time since I had met him, that look of superiority was gone.  He cleared his throat.


"I hope you can understand that I can't go easy on you because your the boss's kid. That would be unfair to you and to all the other kids under my care. But, I promise from now on that I will not cross that line and put you in danger again." He held out his hand for me to take.


"Will you gave me a second chance, Dongseung?" he asked.


I was surprised by his sincerity. My heart rate slowed down noticeably. I could feel my body relax a little. My anxiety was lessening. I let out a loud sigh and grabbed his hand.


He held it reassuringly, then he stood and pulled me up. "Like most Hyungs, I'm still going to ride your during training." He put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.  "I want you to reach your full potential and to do that, you can't slack off."


I nodded in understanding, "I'll put in some effort too. Believe it or not, I do want to prove it to my father that I have what it takes to survive in his world."


At that, Kang Bok Gu smiled and quickly moved his hand to my head and messed up my hair. "You're okay in my books, Jeung. Let's go and reassure the hyungmins that we both are still alive."

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Raiida04 #1
Chapter 26: waw!We finally know the reason!!! It all maakee sense now,I totally understand all his father's choice.
Seungri's relationship with his little sister is so precious!! ^^
Looking forward to the next chap
Liteseeker #2
I would like to thank my subbies for their on-going support...
Some of you have waited a long time for me to continue (2 1/2 years)...
I will do my best to satisfy you and Bring a fitting outcome and some closure regarding Seungri and his youthful adventures.
forheaven #3
Chapter 24: what does that last sentences mean?
trouble are coming again?
still there are so many secret , i hope you can go until the end this time
Raiida04 #4
Chapter 21: Oh no I smell trouble. Poor Seungri I really hope he'll find his watch back and that he'll be able to perform
I cannot wait for the next updapte ^^ I'm always so happy whenever I see a new chapter
Raiida04 #5
Chapter 18: I'm seriously in love with your fanfic !!! It's so different from what I'm use to read.
I've read both "Oh Victory" and the sequel in one go ^^ I cannot wait for the next update!
I'm glad Seungri and 'The Jerk' got to work things out . I was looking forward to when they would both just have a nice hyung/dongsaeng relationship
soshi_bond #6
Chapter 14: interesting...