
Painfully Captivating [Hiatus]


Chapter nine: Goodbye


Hana woke up earlier than usual. She eyed her balcony and noted it was still a bit dark, but the sun was already rising up. She didn’t feel like sleeping anymore, so she decided to prepare herself for school.

She took her clean clothes and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. When she finished, Hana felt way lighter and fresher. Showers can bright up your mood in the morning.

Hana was already wearing her school uniform; even if she had around two hours left. She left the bathroom as she dried her hair with a towel. And on her way towards the kitchen, she met Lu Han there. He was already awake this early, dressed in his usual clothes and drinking a cup of coffee freshly made.

The coffee scent fulfilled the room. It’s scent was pure yet a bit bitter.

“Good morning,” Hana smiled as she still rubbing her hair with the towel slowly, “I didn’t know you were already awake”

“Good morning, Hana. I guessed you didn’t hear me,” Lu Han laughed. “Are you hungry?" He stood up and turned towards the cabinets. He opened and searched for something Hana might like eating, “You can eat fruit, cereal, yogurt, boxes of juice or maybe you prefer a normal Korean breakfast?”

Hana shook her head still smiling at him. “Whatever it’s ok”

Lu Han nodded and took the box of cereal and mixed it with vanilla yogurt, also he gave her a box of orange juice. He wondered if Hana likes vanilla flavor, so he asked her and she answered positively with a bright gaze.

Hana’s favorite flavor is vanilla.

“Lu Han?” He turned towards Hana, placed the bowl and sat again with his cup of coffee between his hands. “It’s not healthy if you don’t sleep at least seven hours. Even if I’ve been here for almost two days, I noticed you sleep really late, but you woke up really early. And I believe this happens pretty often. Am I right?”

Lu Han laughed and took a sip from his cup. Hana was indeed right. Damn, she was completely right! How could she notice it in just a couple of days?

He was surprised by her curiosity and her smartness. Hana was indeed smart to understand and guess certain facts just by looking and paying attention carefully. She wasn’t the kind of person who waits things to happen. She wasn’t that all. She was the kind who takes the initiative to start making changes. And she tends to say was she thinks. It was her way to show her honesty and kindness.

“You are,” Lu Han answered softly and stood up to clean his cup.

“Take better care of it.” Hana munched her cereals. “Ok?”


Lu Han walked towards the door to leave, but Hana’s voice stopped him from walking further.

“Are you leaving to work already?” Hana asked as she turned towards him.

Lu Han turned too and hide his hands on his jean pockets as he nodded.

“I see,” she whispered, “Good luck then.” Hana smiled brightly at him making him smile in response.

“Oh! And Lu Han… drinking too much its bad too. Try to not do it regularly,” Hana added as she turned again and ate her breakfast in silent.

Lu Han might be old enough to take care of those things, but she wanted to advise him a bit. Even if she was younger, Hana wanted him to take care of his health too. Hana knew that compared to him Lu Han was way experienced with those topics, but she wanted to make sure. Because she was starting to take care of him in the smallest ways possible. Sharing her thoughts was her way to tell you she is concern and worry about you.

Lu Han faced her back and laughed softly. He knew Hana wasn’t waiting for an answer, so he didn’t give her one. Her sentence was rather a suggestion. And he comprehends her noble intentions.




“I’m going to miss you. Please call us often!” Junwoo pulled Mrs. Park dressed and pouted. The female nodded as she smiled affectingly.

On Monday’s afternoon Mrs. Park flight will leave. It was the day of her departure.

After school, Hana picked up Junwoo from school too and headed towards the airport. There wasn’t time to go home and change, because of the time. If they headed towards home first, they won’t have enough time to say goodbye properly. The siblings hurried to arrive on time.

When Mrs. Park saw them, she got contented. They came to see her. Even if it was a farewell, she was happy to see them. Because she wasn’t sure if it would be forever or not. Things can get more complicated for her and for the siblings, so there was no way to ensure them she’ll come back. But she hopes so. Mrs. Park hopes to come back. Mrs. Parks hopes things get better in the future.

The mentioned female got the chance and asked Hana and Junwoo about Lu Han. Even if they spent in his home around two days, she was already curious about it. But in two days you can’t assure someone’s reliability. In two days, you can’t be sure if that person doesn’t mean harm at all. But Lu Han… was different. With him, Hana can assure she will be ok as well as Junwoo. With him, she can assure herself, Junwoo and Mrs. Park they are in good hands. Because Hana knew, Lu Han was a kind person.

“Of course, Junwoo. I’ll call you as often as I can,” Mrs. Park assured them, “Can I ask you a favor before I leave?”

Junwoo and Hana nodded at the same time making the female laughed at the similar act.

“Please, call me Eunjung from now on. Can you do that?”

Junwoo nodded happily and Mrs. Park smiled at him. Her gaze then changed towards Hana, who smiled softly in response. She knew it meant a yes from the younger.

Then Mrs. Park flight was being called making Hana and Junwoo turned a bit sad. It’s time for her to leave to another country and leave them, maybe forever, but hopefully not. Because Mrs. Park hopes thing get settle with her absence. She hopes Lu Han will be able to help the siblings, settle things around them and protect them.

“Eunjung, Lu Han gave me this for you.” Hana handed her a letter. A closed letter. It was easy to see what was written there, but Hana didn’t. It wasn’t for her. It wasn’t hers. She shouldn’t browse things didn’t belong to her. It was disrespectful

The older thanked her. And before she leaves, she hugged both affectingly. She’ll miss them. She’ll miss them so much. And she’ll try her best to not lose contact with them.

Hana and Junwoo were her second family. They converted in her second family. They completed the empty space her sorrow and worn heart had. They grew to like, trust and love her for who she was.

Eunjung was thankful. She was thankful to them and happier because of them.

Mrs. Par opened Lu Han’s letter when she was already settle on her seat.

Eunjung, I’m sorry I couldn’t go. I had work to do and things to settle. I hope you forgive my absence. You know how difficult and stressing is having to different works and try to pretend everything is ok when sometimes it isn’t.

I hope the best of luck. And here’s my mother’s address. She’s waiting for you. And please, if something goes wrong don’t hesitate to contact me.

                                                                                  Lu Han.



Posted: 2014/02/20

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missnoon #1
Chapter 22: i need a new update :(
missnoon #2
i miss this story :(
k_nana #3
Chapter 22: I love you so much rite now cuz this story gave me indescribable feelings n I'm cringing like legit rite now. Thank u for spending time to update evn tho u have packed schedule. I appreciate ur efforts n will continue to fillow this story n it's progress. Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: It was good to read this (:
taecmars #6
Chapter 18: I was just thinking about your story when you updated :)
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 17: Aww they had sweet little date and now sleeping on same's just giving me too much feelings ..sorry I was suppose to feel sorry for hana.and i do but here iam jumping over them sleeping together. .can't wait to read more
agtrnta #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 16: Gahaa how till how long can luhan keep hana safe? Well no hana today..haha waiting for next then..
Chapter 15: Again and as always awesome! You are the best ceci you should know that (: Im just so happy you finally have free time, just wait one more week for me (:
The story is going great, as we have talked I know there are plenty surprises to come and many other things I cant wait for. So thanks for updating so fast. I guess I kind of owe you with mine hehe.
Anyways, great job. Lov u couz' ^^