
Painfully Captivating [Hiatus]


Chapter sixteen: Task


“What do you mean you told her?!”

Yesterday’s memories floated on Lu Han’s mind as well as his words. Even if there were details he didn’t mention Hana, he still wondered if telling her was ok. He still regrets a bit. Yet he knew he couldn’t keep her like that any longer; someday she’ll find out.

“Idiot, you should have been more careful!” Xiumin scolded him with a fierce tone and gaze, “Who in their right mind leave would leave those documents within the reach of a girl like Hana?!”

Lu Han knew Xiumin was right. He knew Hana was a curious girl. He knew she’d ask for answers. And she’ll do everything to get them, because she doesn’t like being left behind. Even if it’s hurtful and dangerous for her, she prefers to know the truth.

Lu Han sighed and looked at the ceiling, “It can´t be helped… She already knows”. A smile spread on his lips as he remembered Hana’s words, “Keeping her unaware of my reality can turn into a weakness not only for me, but also for her”

“I guess so,” his friend agreed as he crossed his arms, “What do plan to do with her from now on?”

“I don’t know,” Lu Han answered honestly, “But for sure I won’t let my job interfere with her daily life. She deserves to be happy and I’ll do anything to protect her” Protect her from the ones who want to harm her, even myself.

“When it’s related to her, you turned into a completely idiot,” Xiumin whispered as he noticed his friend gleaming eyes and sincere words every time he talks about this certain girl. Even if the older was use to hear him talk like this, he still enjoys making fun of his younger by one month friend.

“Shut up,” Lu Han turned around, his lips forming a smirk, walked towards the door and opened it, “We have work to do. The others are waiting”

Xiumin shook his head and with a grin on his face he followed Lu Han towards the room next to them. They were on the second floor of the bar. That night moon’s glitter illuminated their steps and the long corridors. It was a normal night for them. A long and repetitive night waiting for them.

When they entered, the two of them were welcomed by other two males.

“Lu Han, did you bring the documents I told you?” Lay asked as he noticed them entered the room. Lu Han placed a collection of papers on Lay’s desk. Those papers contained important information. Details that can be useful for them only. Facts to threaten or -as last resort- to murder.

“Leader, who did you send this time?” Xiumin asked as he sat on the couch next to Lay’s desk.

Suho, who was sitting in front of the oldest member, his back facing him and his laptop in front, eyed carefully the monitor. Even if he was concentrated on the information that device showed him, he heard Xiumin’s question. “I send Kris, Chen, Kai and Sehun”

Xiumin nodded and asked again, “So what’s this case about?”

Suho was about to answered him, but Lu Han did. “Remember Han Dong Sun?”

“The old man who tried selling arms and drugs in the Black Market?” Xiumin wondered with curiosity, “If I’m not mistaken, he used our money for his purposes and deceived many people and even some gangs”

Lu Han turned and faced his friend, “It looks like Suho finally was able to find his hiding spot”

“Sorry I took me a month to find him,” the mentioned boy apologized as he turned to face the other three. Normally it took him two days at last to find someone’s whereabouts, but this man’s case was different. Not only was he smart and greedy, but also he was able to foolish many people by the tactics he used. He fooled the most dangerous people –people who belong to gangs or who deal with underground business were his favorites to fool– and he wasn’t caught even once. That’s why he was the target for most.

“Don’t worry,” Lu Han reassured and Lay, who was listening the entire conversation as he read, lifted his head from the papers he was analyzing, just shook his head with a small smile on his lips.

“Who would have thought that old man had many tricks up his sleeves,” Xiumin commented, “Never judge a book by its cover”

“That’s why many want him dead,” Lay said coldly and rested his head on the palm of his left hand. “Did you guys know someone was offering millions for his head?”

“Lay, please, don’t invent stupid rumors,” Lu Han said and sat next to Xiumin. The other three males laughed with Lay’s joke and Lu Han’s comment.

“Busted,” the joker whispered.

“Suho-Hyung? Lay-Hyung? Are you both there?”

Lay took the speaker and answered with a smirk drawn on his lips. He recognized that voice. “Sehun, how everything going so far?”

“What kind of question is that, Hyung?!” the younger complained, “You were supposed to send us the directions to our phones and we haven’t receive a single e-mail from you! Because of you we are in the middle of nowhere”

Even if Sehun was the youngest of the group, he always treated the older members like if they were his age. Only when it benefits him Sehun acts as the youngest. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect them. They were his friends and they learnt to deal with the younger boy like that. The other eleven grew attached to him that way. They grew used to Sehun acting like that.

“Calm down, Sehun. I’ll hand Suho the details and he’ll send them to you,” Lay turned towards Lu Han and giggled, “Besides you aren’t you suppose to be mad with me. It was Lu Han who took too long to hang me the key information to finally discover Han Dong Sun’s whereabouts”

Lu Han glared at Lay and murmured “ you”. The latter smirked and ignored him. Lay was one who enjoyed teasing Lu Han the most along with Baekhyun and Chanyeol, but the difference with the latest was that Lay only teased Lu Han.

“Tsk,” Lay heard Sehun mumbled, “Besides you didn’t explain us why the reason to be using speakers this time and no our phones”

“Maybe you haven’t realized it yet, but a few more miles from where you are there won’t be signal and you won’t be able to use them anymore. That’s why I told you to use the speakers more often than your phones. Maybe you’ll need your phones later, just in case”

“Tell Sehun I already sent them the coordinates of Han Dong Sun’s location,” Suho added as he typed on the laptop.

“Sehun?” Lay asked.

“Yep. We received them,” the younger answered, “Thank you. There’s interesting information here”

The mentioned message not only included the coordinates of Han Dong Sun’s hiding place, but also his personal information, the connections he had, the people who were helping him and how the four males should proceed. It also includes the tactics how to exterminate the man. Because that was their main purpose: kill him.

“I’ll call you when we finish”

Lay sighed and rested his back on the chair. He turned towards Suho and noticed he was looking at some camera recordings. Lay guessed those where some hiding cameras which helped him find Han Dong Sun’s location, but the places shown there were pretty remote. He barely recognized those places. He turned towards the only person he knew who could get access to those cameras easily. “How long did it take you hack those cameras?”

“About two hours or three,” Xiumin answered confidently, “What it took us longer was guessing that old man could get access towards that place”. He lifted his arm and pointed directly towards the image shown on the laptop screen.

“That place is about five hours from here,” Xiumin continued, “It has no name and nobody habitats it’s because the river water that supplies that area is contaminated”

“It’s the perfect place for hiding don’t you think?” Lu Han commented, “With no people living around nobody would guess your presence there”. He stood up and eyed his wrist watch. It was already past midnight and so far things here were working properly. They didn’t need his help. “If something comes up, call me”

“Where are you going?” Lay asked as he saw Lu Han walking towards the door.

“Home. Where else?”

“Why so sudden? It’s pretty early. Is someone waiting for you maybe?” Xiumin teased with a smirk on his lips. He already knew the answer. He knew the reason why Lu Han was leaving and heading home straight away.

Lay noticed the sarcastic tone on his friend question and eyed Lu Han with a small grin on his face. The latter noticed the way Lay was looking at him and realized he also knew the reason why his sudden leaving. 

“Why are you being like that?” Suho asked. He noticed the teasing tone when Xiumin spoke and the way Lay was looking at him. “Lu Han always leaves around this hour”

“Really?” Lay teased, “I haven’t noticed it until now”

Lay and Xiumin noticed Lu Han throwing death glares and them, but they ignored him. They were having fun by teasing him. And Lu Han had to grow used to it, because they irritated him almost every day.

On Lu Han’s thoughts he was cursing them, but he restrained himself from doing it verbally and instead only said, “Shut up both” and with that he left the room.

Xiumin and Lay were laughing softly. Suho turned with the small noises they emitted and sighed. He was a bit confused, because he knew Xiumin’s words meant something. It had a hiding meaning. But he knew someday Lu Han will explain him someday. He just needed to be patient.

This wasn’t the first time Suho noticed something off on Lu Han’s behavior. And also he noticed the sarcastic jokes of Xiumin, Lay and Sehun. At first, Suho didn’t pay attention to them, because he was aware Lu Han was closer with those three, but then he noticed the way they joked. Their way of teasing him was different from the others. Maybe he was the only one who noticed it. He was more attentive and curious than the others after all. But also Suho was relieved he was the only one who realized it because he was the most merciful out of the twelve. If one of them hides something from the rest, he’ll have his reasons. But out of the twelve there were a few who force you to tell them; he wasn’t like that.

Suho thought of confronting Lu Han someday, but that day will come when he would be sure of his thoughts. It would be the day Suho is sure Lu Han is hiding something from the rest that can be dangerous not only for the twelve, but also himself. It would be the day Suho was proofs of his suspicions.


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missnoon #1
Chapter 22: i need a new update :(
missnoon #2
i miss this story :(
k_nana #3
Chapter 22: I love you so much rite now cuz this story gave me indescribable feelings n I'm cringing like legit rite now. Thank u for spending time to update evn tho u have packed schedule. I appreciate ur efforts n will continue to fillow this story n it's progress. Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: It was good to read this (:
taecmars #6
Chapter 18: I was just thinking about your story when you updated :)
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 17: Aww they had sweet little date and now sleeping on same bed..it's just giving me too much feelings ..sorry I was suppose to feel sorry for hana.and i do but here iam jumping over them sleeping together. .can't wait to read more
agtrnta #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 16: Gahaa how till how long can luhan keep hana safe? Well no hana today..haha waiting for next then..
Chapter 15: Again and as always awesome! You are the best ceci you should know that (: Im just so happy you finally have free time, just wait one more week for me (:
The story is going great, as we have talked I know there are plenty surprises to come and many other things I cant wait for. So thanks for updating so fast. I guess I kind of owe you with mine hehe.
Anyways, great job. Lov u couz' ^^