
Painfully Captivating [Hiatus]


Chapter four: Threaten


It’s been already near two years after the accident. Two years had already flown after Hana and Junwoo’s father death.

The police concluded that he was murdered. Ironic. It was the most obvious answer anyone could get. They didn’t investigate further due to the lack of probes. There wasn’t the arm they used. There weren’t any single prints around the house neither on the corpse. There wasn’t any single print in the note Hana read. So… there wasn’t much to investigate.

Due to him being an undocumented in Korea, the police didn’t examine his case further. He didn’t have official documents with him, all of them were counterfeit.

Due to that, Hana and Junwoo were safe. Due to him not having official documents Hana and Junwoo were able to stick together. But not only that, Mrs. Park took responsibility for both.

At first, Hana was afraid they’d get separated by law. But, somehow, they didn’t. The reason was oblivious for her. Hana was just happy they didn’t separate.

After two years, they were able to find a new home. Were they could build a new future and start all over again. A place where they could find happiness and calm for their souls. A place where Hana’s swollen soul can find peace and blissfulness.

But all that happiness wouldn’t last long. It lasted only two years.

During the last days, Hana received threaten notes on her locker.

Be careful, pretty girl.

We’re watching you.

Someday, you’ll have to pay us pack.

Had she done something wrong? Had she hurt someone? No, she didn’t. Why was she receiving those weird notes? She didn’t know. Hana was just an average high school student. Never in her life, had she done something to hurt anyone.

At first, were just simple sentences. They weren’t scaring or violent. But recently, the notes got longer and dominant. That was the time she figured out why her father got murdered.

Pay us back the ing money your father owes us!

If you don’t have the money, you’ll have to pay with something else. Maybe your body?

The notes got disgusting and threaten.

Why her father owes them money? Was he financially bad to ask for a loan? Why couldn’t he ask the bank instead of some strangers?!

She knew they were bad people. Hana knew they were dangerous. If she faces them, she’ll definitely get hurt.

Hana need to find for a solution. But she doesn’t have the enough money to pay them back. She doesn’t know how much money her father owes those guys!

“Did you receive one today too?”

Hana nodded as she handed Mrs. Park the note she received today.

Don’t play with our patient, pretty girl. Sooner or later you’ll have to give up. We are aware you don’t have the enough amount to pay us back.

They were right. Hana wasn’t that wealthy to give them the amount they were asking for.

Hana caressed Junwoo’s head. The latter was sleeping on his older sister´s lap. He was sleeping peacefully. She was afraid he’ll get hurt, but not only Junwoo, but also Mrs. Park. The three of them were in danger and there wasn’t much she could do.

“Have you thought for a solution?” Hana shook her head. What those people could do with a seventeen year old girl? Sell her, her or force her into ion until she completes the amount?


But Hana didn’t want to do that. She wasn’t a doll they could play with. She wasn’t a marionette they could manipulate easily. Hana was human. She has emotions and fears. She was thoughts and believes. Hana won’t let them force her to do something against her will.

If only I can come with a solution.

“Hana, I think we could do something.” The girl lifted her head with a gaze full with hope. Mrs. Park has a solution.

“I believe I can pay back the amount of money your father owes them,” Mrs. Park said calmly, “Just let me call someone and I’ll tell you”

Hana nodded softly. She hated the idea of owning someone a favor. It made her dependable of someone, but it was the best solution for now.

She didn’t know how much money she had to pay them back, but she was sure it was a huge amount. How Mrs. Park will be able to pay that amount if she didn’t have a job? All the time Hana spent with Mrs. Park never they spoke about money issues. Somehow, the latter pay in time the debts they had. Never in their lives was money a problem, but now.

She wondered how.

Then Hana remembered the previous job of Mrs. Park. The job when she got when she was young and old enough. The job Hana didn’t insist to know about. Maybe they still pay Mrs. Park as if she works there. Maybe she was still working there without the younger female knowing it.

She was old enough to know it. Hana was seventeen and had the right to know!

“Mrs. Park,” the mentioned one lifted her head. Her gaze was soft and tender, “About your previous job…”

“Don’t worry. I’ll tell you later,” Mrs. Park stood up, “Now I have to make a call.” Then she walked away towards her room.

Was she avoiding her? Was she abstaining from answering once again? Does Mrs. Park didn’t trust her enough to tell her already?

It couldn’t be that bad, could it?




“Hana! Can you help me with yesterday math’s homework?” A female asked with a delighted face.

Hana smiled. “Of course, Danbi”

Yoo Danbi. Hana’s first truly friend. The first person Hana felt comfortable with after Mrs. Park. Danbi was sincere person. She was always cheerful and bright. She was good at sports, but bad with math and chemistry. Danbi was the first person who approached Hana because she liked her. Danbi was the first one whose first question to Hana wasn’t something regarding to school.

Hana still remembers the first time they talked. She still remembers her kind and cute question.

Hana, right? Can we eat lunch together?

Danbi approached her with curiosity and sincerity. And that’s the reason why Hana likes her. Danbi might be clumsy and absentminded, kind of the Hana’s opposite, but her kindheartedness is something both had in common.

It was lunch time when Danbi asked her about the homework. Hana was tutoring her briefly about the exercises the clumsy one couldn’t understand. Soon Danbi’s eyes reflected a bright glance; she was able to understand any single word Hana said.

“Hana, you should be the teacher instead!” She complimented, “Your explanation was way easy to understand!”

“Don’t joke,” Hana giggled, “If you pay attention, you could have understood in the first place”

“You know math is not my fort”

“At least, you could try to pay attention,” Hana bit her sandwich.

“Why to do so if I have a best-friend who is willing to tutor me everything!” Danbi pouted cutely making Hana rolled her eyes as she smiled.

“Hana, did you receive a note today too?” The mentioned female shook her head.

Danbi also knew what Hana had gone through. All the abuses she and her little brother had. All the scars her soul has. All those details that marked her life she told Danbi. The latter was at first shocked. It looked like Hana’s past didn’t affect her behavior at all. Hana was noble and modest. Hana was strong and courageous. And Danbi admires her bravery.

Now that Danbi mentioned it. Today’s morning when Hana opened her locker, there wasn’t any single note. Lately, during the last month, Hana was receiving a note every day. But today…there wasn’t any. And that frighten her.

After lunch, Hana and her friend headed towards the classroom. The first was still concern why there wasn’t a note today.

During the class, her attention was on the notes. Did any single of them mentioned what could happen if she didn’t receive a note? She couldn’t remember. But she guessed. Maybe they already give up on scaring her? No. Hana knew those people were stubborn regarding money issues.

What could be the reason why there wasn’t a note? They forgot? They didn’t know what to put to scare her more? Hana smiled almost visible with her thought. She turned her head towards the usual spot she always looks: the school trees. Luckily her high school had also trees planted around the building. The color of the leaf were green; a mesmerizing green.


A voice made her wake up from her thoughts. Danbi’s voice specifically.

“School is already over,” Danbi said as she noticed her friend looking outside deep in her thoughts.

“Ohh,” Hana mouthed as she stood up and prepare her bag, “Thanks for telling me”

Danbi nodded and waited for Hana to finish. Both girls walked together towards the classroom’s door.

In the moment, Hana and Danbi were about to cross the main building’s gate, Hana’s phone vibrated. It was an unknown number.

“Yes?” Hana picked up. Danbi stooped and looked full with curiosity yet calm.

“Are you Minami Hana?”

“Yes. Who is it?”

“I’m calling from Seoul’s Hospital. Your tutor Mrs. Park had an accident”

Hana’s eyes grew wider as she heard the sentence. Her face got a bit paler and her lips were slightly parted apart.

Hana hung up and she was about to burst into tears. Yet, she held them on.

“Hana. Did something happen?”

“Mrs. Park had an accident,” Hana mumbled as she started running leaving Danbi with a surprised gaze. The later understood the sudden necessity of Hana to arrive where her tutor was located at. Concern. Hana was full with concern.

Hana knew exactly where the hospital was located at so there wasn’t any single reason to ask for directions or call a taxi.

After running and running she arrived. Hana’s breathing was becoming faster and faster the moment she walked in.

Hana asked for Mrs. Park room and soon she was on her way towards it. What could have happened? Were those unknown guys taking revenge with Mrs. Park? Why she and not her?! Why do they have to hurt someone who has nothing to do with her problems! Why do people always take revenge with the innocent people? It’s not fair. It’s not fair at all.

The moment Hana opened the door she was welcome with a sleeping female and an unknown boy. Hana noticed Mrs. Park sleeping figure and calmed down then her gaze turned towards the standing guy, who had nothing but a surprised gaze. Was he related with Mrs. Park? Was he the doctor? No, he wasn’t wearing the usual white hospital gown as the rest. He was a stranger in her eyes, but in his eyes Hana wasn’t a stranger. He remembered her perfectly.

“Who are you?” Hana tried to not sound harsh.

“I’m Lu Han,” he smiled, “Nice to meet you”


author's note: 


 <-- (So funny xDDD )

Gladly I was in the mood to write two chapters. Yesterday I was writing chapter number three and I finished it this afternoon then I couldn't contain myself –and feel inspirited- to write number four!


I wonder…what kind of relationship does Luhan has with Mrs. Park? Mmmm… You’ll have to wait to find out! xD

By the way, Danbi’s character was inspirited by someone I know and I already told her about it! xD I bet, she’s already reading this. If you guys wondered, Danbi’s character was inspired by my lovely cousin Dani. Yeah…I made their names similar xD and their character’s personalities are really similar.

If you already noticed, I was focusing on Hana’s grown from eleven to seventeen then I’ll be focusing only when she reached eighteen, which I believe it won’t take me long –about two chapters more, maybe?- So wait patiently for that ^.^

 (poor Luhan xD yet it was really funny to see >.<)

See you soon! 


-credit to real owners of the gif I'm using-

Posted: 2014/01/07

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missnoon #1
Chapter 22: i need a new update :(
missnoon #2
i miss this story :(
k_nana #3
Chapter 22: I love you so much rite now cuz this story gave me indescribable feelings n I'm cringing like legit rite now. Thank u for spending time to update evn tho u have packed schedule. I appreciate ur efforts n will continue to fillow this story n it's progress. Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: It was good to read this (:
taecmars #6
Chapter 18: I was just thinking about your story when you updated :)
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 17: Aww they had sweet little date and now sleeping on same's just giving me too much feelings ..sorry I was suppose to feel sorry for hana.and i do but here iam jumping over them sleeping together. .can't wait to read more
agtrnta #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 16: Gahaa how till how long can luhan keep hana safe? Well no hana today..haha waiting for next then..
Chapter 15: Again and as always awesome! You are the best ceci you should know that (: Im just so happy you finally have free time, just wait one more week for me (:
The story is going great, as we have talked I know there are plenty surprises to come and many other things I cant wait for. So thanks for updating so fast. I guess I kind of owe you with mine hehe.
Anyways, great job. Lov u couz' ^^