
Painfully Captivating [Hiatus]


Chapter six: Truth


Hana was silent and had a confused gaze. She listen carefully every single detail Mrs. Park revealed to her.

It was crazy and shocking. It made her feel dizzy and have a headache. Never did she expect that kind of revelation, that kind of truth.

They were still at the hospital. Mrs. Park asked Junwoo to go downstairs where the playground was located and when Hana was about to follow him, she was stopped by the older female voice. Mrs. Park stopped her from accompanying him. Hana knew she wanted to talk with her without her younger brother presence and she respect it. The younger girl was about to ask Lu Han to accompany Junwoo instead, but the little boy said he’ll be ok by himself. His request made Hana a bit uneasy, but she trusts him. She knows he’ll be careful by himself. There will be more kids playing around and adults watching, so there’s nothing to worry about.

Hana was sitting at the couch next to Mrs. Park’s bed and behind her was the window’s room, Lu Han next to her. The latter was quiet all the time and watching Hana’s reaction; and her eyes showed a monotonous, surprised yet perplexed reflection.

Now everything made sense for Hana. Why her father didn’t like Mrs. Park from the beginning and why he kept insulting her every time he saw her. Hana understood the reason why he kept calling her . All because of the job she had when she was younger. The job Mrs. Park had when she was alone and hopeless.

Sometimes despair can make people take risk and dangerous decisions.

Mrs. Park worked at a brothel as a e. But Hana preferred addressing her job as a call girl because that way it was less harsh and direct. Mrs. Park was in misery. She had no one she can rely on. She had no one to confess her fears and troubles. She was alone and out of money. And before the older female realized it she was already working at a very know brothel. The owner was an old lady who was around her fifties; she was prideful, but at least she cared about her customers’’ necessities as well as her workers. Never did Mrs. Park have to worry about money anymore, because she was well-paid, but she felt guilty and dirty. She felt worn-out and used, but she had to bear with the self-disgust. She kept her grief for herself and continued working.

That place already closed years ago, but never did Mrs. Park have to worry about financial issues after it, because she had saved up enough money. Even the older female addressed it as dirty money, she gain it with sacrifices and sorrow. She did it out of desperation.

“I’ll understand if you don’t like me anymore, Hana. I had to wait until you were older enough to tell you about it, because I was ashamed. I won’t ask you to trust me anymore if you don’t feel like it and you can judge me if you want to”

But Hana couldn’t blame her. All these years Mrs. Park was nothing but caring with her. She was preoccupied by hers and her younger brother’s happiness and she still does. Hana was sure of it. Even with Mrs. Park dark past, Hana still trusts and loves her.

Hana smiled at her affectingly, stood up and hugged her, leaving Mrs. Park dumbfounded.

“Everyone made wrongs decision in their lives, at least once. And I can’t judge you for it, because you were in sorrow. Despair leaded you to that solution.” Hana embraced her stronger, but softly at the same time. “I know you had to endure your pain for yourself and suffered in loneliness. I understand that you were embarrassed on telling me, but please don’t request me to hate you…because I won’t. You were nothing but kind to me and Junwoo and I appreciate it”

Mrs. Park felt relieved and lighter. She was sure Hana was a good and honest girl and she meant it, every single word.

And Lu Han was left astonished with Hana’s answer because her words were kind and sincere. He noticed she acted mature for her young age.

“Thank you, Hana.” The mentioned girl nodded softly making not only Mrs. Park smile widely, but also Lu Han.

After a couple of seconds of being silent, Hana let go of the embrace and turned softly towards Lu Han. “You knew it, right?”

Out of words. He was out of words because he didn’t know what to answer. Telling her he was already aware it would lead him to reveal the relationship Mrs. Park had with his family. And the older female seemed to notice his uneasiness and answer instead

“After the brothel closed, I met Lu Han. He helped me a lot afterwards. And just like you did, he didn’t judge me for what my job was,” Mrs. Park said calmly and Hana believed it.

But still it was fishy for her. There was like something missing. A lost piece in this puzzle. Why Lu Han was willing to help a stranger with a previous job like hers? She was an unknown person. But there seems to be more complicated stuff she couldn’t comprehend yet.

“Hana, there’s something I want to ask you,” Mrs. Park started, “It’s rather a petition and a favor”

Hana nodded softly as she sat back next to Lu Han.

“I won’t be able to protect both of you anymore. Not after this incident. So I asked Lu Han to take care of Junwoo and you and he’s willing to help”

Hana’s eyes got wider and turned towards Lu Han searching a reaction from him. And he did nothing but smile at her. A comforting and trustable smile. Why does she feel so secure with his presence? Her gaze turned towards the older female and asked her, “Why?”

She just wanted to understand the reason for her request. Even if it’s complicated, Hana will try to understand. Even if it might be painful, she’ll try to endure the pain.

And somehow Hana had the presumption it was related to the people who threaten her, the ones who send her those scary and disgusting letters.

Mrs. Park smiled at her and answered honestly. “I’m sure you’re smart enough to guess who was it, aren’t you?” Hana nodded softly with a sad gaze. She felt guilty. It was due to the debt her father left that made her vulnerable. It was dangerous not only for her brother and her, but also for Mrs. Park. And Hana didn’t want the latter to get hurt because of her.

“You don’t have to blame yourself.” Hana turned to her sides. Lu Han was comforting her. How did he notice? How did he manage to guess her thoughts? “It’s not your fault at all”

Because it wasn’t. It was her father’s fault for being so careless to ask dangerous people for a loan. People who can harm you and even kill you.

Still Hana’s eyes reflected sorrow and guiltiness, but Lu Han’s words calmed her down and comforted her.

“Lu Han can protect the both of you,” Mrs. Park continued, “I ask you to trust him because I’m sure he won’t ever hurt you. They are dangerous people, Hana. And if you live by yourself, I’m sure it would be more risky not only for you, but for Junwoo too”

Mrs. Park was right. Even if Hana came up with that idea, living and depending by herself, it’s dangerous. She didn’t want to depend from him. She didn’t want to depend by someone else’s hospitality. But if it wasn’t another option left, she had to do it, even if she didn’t like it a single bit.

“Are ok with it?” Hana asked remaining her face straight. Lu Han knew her question was direct to him and answered her honestly.

“I am”

He noticed her eyed him from the corner from her eyes and her lips smiling a bit. Why Hana feels so safe in his hands even if she barely knows him?

But why would Mrs. Park choose Lu Han out of everybody? What was he? What is he? Why can he protect them? Hana wondered. She was sure she had to pay the debt her father owes them, but she hasn’t enough resources for it. She was just a high-school student.

“And Hana,” Mrs. Park said making the mentioned female lifted her gaze, “Don’t worry about the money your father owes them. I’ll pay it”

Hana’s eyes got rounder and her lips were slightly parted a part. She couldn’t let her do it. Hana can’t let Mrs. Park pay back the money she somehow feels responsible of. And before she could even refuse the older female continued.

“I know what are you thinking, but Hana, let’s face it, you don’t have the enough amount. If you try to stand by yourself with this huge charge by yourself, you’ll end up getting hurt, darling. Let me help you with this, please. Just once, accept my helping hand. Depending on someone else’s hospitality it’s not bad if you don’t do it constantly,” Mrs. Park smiled at her, “Once is fine”

Hana gulped and her lips were forming a thin line. It was true though. Hana wasn’t sure about how much money they were talking about, but she rely it on Mrs. Park. She trusted her cordiality. And she’ll make sure to pay her back the money.

The younger female agreed to her request making the older smile widely. After it, Hana excused herself and left to check on Junwoo, leaving Mrs. Park and Lu Han alone.

Lu Han, all the time he remained silent and just listening their conversation, noticed her sincere acts. He was sure Hana won’t take advantage by others cordiality and kind acts towards her. And she was smart enough and courageous to take risks. But she also needs someone else’s help to stand up. She won’t be able to make it by herself.

“Eunjung, are you sure of it?” Lu Han asked. “You know. I’m not the perfect person to take care of them. It might be more dangerous”

“I’m sure, Lu Han,” Mrs. Park answered as her gaze stopped at her room’s door, “I’m sure you won’t let them lay a finger on them. I trust you”

Lu Han nodded. It might be risky for both, Hana and Junwoo, but he’ll try his best to protect them. Just like he did the first time he met Hana. He’ll try to come with a safety solution, but he’ll maintain her oblivious about his dangerous background because it would be risky for Hana if she knows it.

“Did you find out about the amount?”

“I did,” Lu Han contested with a small smirk on his lips, “But, Eunjung, why did you tell her that? Both know I’m the one who’ll pay back the amounts her father owes them”

“I believe you are aware perfectly that Hana won’t receive help from a stranger, even if she there’s a pinch of hope for you, she’d have never accepted if it was from you”

Lu Han knew it perfectly. Who in their right-mind would accept money from a stranger? A stranger who is willing to pay back the money you owe such dangerous people? And it’s not a small amount they were talking about, it was thousands of dollars. Just like Mrs. Park calls it, dirty money Hana’s father asked for different purposes.


Posted: 2014/02/09

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missnoon #1
Chapter 22: i need a new update :(
missnoon #2
i miss this story :(
k_nana #3
Chapter 22: I love you so much rite now cuz this story gave me indescribable feelings n I'm cringing like legit rite now. Thank u for spending time to update evn tho u have packed schedule. I appreciate ur efforts n will continue to fillow this story n it's progress. Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: It was good to read this (:
taecmars #6
Chapter 18: I was just thinking about your story when you updated :)
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 17: Aww they had sweet little date and now sleeping on same's just giving me too much feelings ..sorry I was suppose to feel sorry for hana.and i do but here iam jumping over them sleeping together. .can't wait to read more
agtrnta #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 16: Gahaa how till how long can luhan keep hana safe? Well no hana today..haha waiting for next then..
Chapter 15: Again and as always awesome! You are the best ceci you should know that (: Im just so happy you finally have free time, just wait one more week for me (:
The story is going great, as we have talked I know there are plenty surprises to come and many other things I cant wait for. So thanks for updating so fast. I guess I kind of owe you with mine hehe.
Anyways, great job. Lov u couz' ^^