
Painfully Captivating [Hiatus]


Chapter five: Trusted



Hana looked to her left and noticed Lu Han placed a cup of juice next to her and sat in front of her. They were currently at the hospital canteen located at the first floor.

“Thanks,” Hana said with a low voice as her gaze stopped at her juice.

His name is Lu Han. He’s currently 22 years old. He met Mrs. Park long ago, but he didn’t go further with details, which left Hana full with curiosity. He said she was like a mother to him. Lu Han had a baby face, which could fool anyone about his age, but Hana somehow noticed his gaze to be wiser and mature.

Hana noticed some of his the features. His dark-brown and soft hair, his milky skin, his tender and wiser gaze, his defined lips and his brown and deep eyes. He was handsome, Hana couldn’t deny it.

Hana took a sip, but her gaze didn’t left her juice as she talked. “Do you know what happened to her?”

Lu Han hesitated on telling her. Hana deserved to know the truth, but it was complicated to explain in just a few words. It was rather dangerous for her, a bit confusing and complex. But, this time, he decided to lie. Lu Han decided to hide part of the truth.

So he shook his head softly.

But his answer didn’t satisfy Hana; somehow it was strange for her. How and why he appears so suddenly? How did he know Mrs. Park was in the hospital? Why haven’t she mentioned Lu Han before? Yet she didn’t insist. Hana didn’t want to put him neither herself in an awkward situation by demanding an honest and detailed answer.

Because somehow she also trusts him. It might be absurd and crazy, but Lu Han’s gaze makes her comfortable. She felts safe with him even if they just met. For her it was a ridiculous thought; trusting someone so easily, like she was doing with Lu Han, but it was a feeling Hana could explain. She feels relax and a bit happy, maybe? She couldn’t explain.

Hana looked at her wrist watch and her eyes got wider. She forgot about Junwoo! She was supposed to pick him up after school and here she was, drinking carelessly her juice. He must be still waiting for her in school. How could she forget about her little brother?! The pressure made her thoughts go wild. The concern and uneasiness made her forgot about her responsibility.

“Did something happen?”

Hana looked up and was welcomed with a kind and concerned gaze. Lu Han was smiling softly to her too.

“I need to pick up my little brother from school,” Hana said as she stood up and carried her bag. “Thanks for taking care of Mrs. Park.” Hana bowed and turned to leave, but she was stopped with Lu Han’s voice.

“I can take you there. That way you can arrive faster don’t you think?”

Hana turned slightly. Her brain was telling her to not trust him this fast, but her heart was contradicting it. It was crazy. Because at the same time her thoughts were divided. Her brain was telling to her to have faith on him, as well as her heart, but at the same time it wasn’t. Because Hana had never relied on someone at first sight, at the first meeting. But she decided to trust her heart mostly. Somehow, this Lu Han boy emitted a warm and caring aura Hana likes.

Still she’ll be careful. Just because he and Mrs. Park know each other and part of her was telling he was a good person, it doesn’t mean she can completely rely on him, right? 

“Ok,” she mumbled.




Hana was standing next to Lu Han’s car and dialing Junwoo’s phone. Even if Hana consider the latter too young to posses that kind of artifact, Junwoo promised her to use it only with emergencies, which he had done so far. Hana was proud. She was proud at her younger brother sense of responsibility and braveness, because, just like her, Junwoo was strong enough to confront his fears. Even if he was still naïve about some the details, he didn’t let his fears stop him.

Hana knew Junwoo grew up with a fear against their father. And just like her, who also maturated with a fear chasing after her. Every time, their father arrived home and if it was really late, he was drunk. Really drunk. And it made her shivered. It made her vulnerable to see him in that dangerous state, because not only he started yelling the two of them since kids and cursed a lot, but also beat her up. Hana protected Junwoo all the time he did so, and the young boy only sobbed trying to not be so loud. Every time their father was stressed or drunk and he heard Junwoo crying, he got angrier. He protested to shut him up, which only caused Junwoo to cried harder and harder and lead the old man to a several and an abusing solution: beat up. But never had he laid a finger on Junwoo, because all the time he tried to do so, Hana protected his loved little brother. She received all the hits and punches for him.

She had several scars, not only physically, but also emotionally. But Hana was strong to endure the pain. Never did she complained yelled back or threaten his father, because of fear. She beard with her injuries and her fears.

“Junwoo? Where are you? I’m at your school gates,” Hana said as she leaned her back carefully against the car.

“Noona!” Junwoo answered with a cheerful voice, “I’m going out. Don’t leave without me!”

Hana smiled and hanged up. She turned towards her right and noticed Lu Han on the same position as hers, resting his back against the car, but with his hands inside his pocket’s jeans. And that way he looked more mature and handsome.

“Thank you,” Hana started, “For accompanying me”

Lu Han kept his straight gaze and Hana noticed a smile in his lips. “No problem”

And in that moment a small boy came running as he saw his older sister and called her. Hana turned as she recognized Junwoo’s voice and smiled.

“Sorry, Junwoo,” Hana said as she caressed his head softly. “Sorry for making you wait this long”

Junwoo shook his head as his lips were smiling affectingly. “Don’t worry. I waited for you inside my classroom. It was really calm there and I was able to finish my homework there”

As he finished, the little boy’s head turned to his side. He looked curiously at Lu Han.

Hana noticed his confused, but innocent gaze and introduced them. “Junwoo this is Lu Han. Lu Han this is my little brother Junwoo”

“Nice to meet you, Junwoo.” Lu Han smiled as he waved slightly. Junwoo bowed softly still smiling.

“Lu Han, can you take us back to the hospital? Maybe Mrs. Park already woke up”

He nodded at Hana’s request. And Junwoo seemed to have a surprised and concerned gaze, which later changed to a soft and calmer one after Hana explained what happened on their way back.

The moment they reached the hospital once again and headed towards Mrs. Park’s room, she was already awake. Her eyes were following the noises outside her window and the sunset’s light was reflecting through the glass of it.

“Thank god you are alright!” Hana said as she hugged her softly.

Mrs. Park was like a mother to her. During all this years she was the one who take good care of the two of them. And she was really thankful for that. Hana sincerely appreciates her caring acts and her hospitality.

Junwoo hugged Mrs. Park too after Hana did, which made the older female smile widely. It’s the first time she saw them so preoccupied. It made her heart warmer and happier.

She remembered the first time she talked with Hana. She was rather silent and her gaze was full of concern. The first time they talked it was about Junwoo and Hana asked if it would be ok if Mrs. Park could take care of him until she finishes her duties in school. There wasn’t anybody besides Hana who could look after Junwoo, who was still a baby during that time. Hana had responsibilities too. She had to attend school.

Now Hana’s gaze towards her was rather sincere and affectingly than the first time. Hana learned to trust Mrs. Park trough the older acts and with the help of the years they spent together.

Mrs. Park’s gaze changed from Hana and Junwoo and faced Lu Han. Her eyes were calm with the sight of the boy. It’s been almost four years since the last time she saw him, but they didn’t lose contact. Lu Han was always calling her and making sure she was ok. Lu Han was preoccupied for Mrs. Park all the time.

The older female told him about Hana and Junwoo, but never before she mentioned their names to Lu Han before. She only said she was taking care of two people besides herself. Two broken, but caring and kind ones.

Never did Lu Han expect them to be Hana and Junwoo. He was rather happy they were safe. After Hana’s kidnapping he lost any trail about she and her family. Or rather his father did them from him. That night, Yixing told him about the slap Hana received the moment her father arrived. Yixing also mentioned his angry gaze and severe tone towards the young girl leaving both perplexed. Then Lu Han found about the several abuses she and her brother received at home. It was the only news about them he was able to found out.

And the moment he heard about Mrs. Park’s accident, he was sure it had to be related with his father orders. Somehow he had that presumption. All bec-

“Lu Han, it’s good to see you again,” Mrs. Park spoke interrupting the mentioned boy’s thoughts. He smiled softly and bowed slightly making her giggled. “You don’t have to be so formal”

“Maybe,” Lu Han whispered still smiling.

“Hana, Junwoo can you guys leave for a moment? I need to talk with him. Alone,” Mrs. Park said with a caring smile.

Hana nodded and took Junwoo’s hands between hers and headed outside. And before she started talking with her younger brother, Hana smiled at Lu Han making her eyes sparkled a bit. It was a thankful smile.

And never before did Lu Han saw such a sincere smiled which made him smile back too.

“You must be starving Junwoo, don’t you?” Junwoo smile was wider and nodded fervently making her laughed at his cute act.

Both siblings left the room with smiles and laughs. Lu Han’s gaze followed them until they turned the corner. He was always smiling at them. Hana looked really content with her younger brother and beautiful when she smiles. She emitted a caring and innocent scent that captivated him.

Lu Han thought she must be seventeen by now and her brother six. But Hana acted mature for her age. Even if her gaze tells you she’s still young and innocent, her actions somehow fools you.

“She’s the girl, isn’t she?”

Lu Han turned towards Mrs. Park and nodded. The latter knew it. She knew about Hana’s kidnapping even if the younger girl never mentioned to her before. Mrs. Park was aware of it.

Also Mrs. Park had the presumption that Hana trusted Lu Han already, even if they just met. Even if it was a rather small hope on him, it made Mrs. Park happy. Her thought was weird and absurd, but she noticed Hana’s small acts towards him. Hana didn’t look at Lu Han the way she did with her the first time they met. Hana’s gaze was rather calm and kinder. And that small hope leaded her to ask something to him: A petition.

“Lu Han, can you do me a favor?” She asked with a soft and pleading gaze. Lu Han kept silent as he waited for her request. “Can you take care of both? Hana and her bother?”

“Of course I can.” He answered as he sat on the chair next to Mrs. Park’s bed.

Lu Han didn’t seem to understand her request correctly making Mrs. Park laughed softly. She knew she can count on him, but her petition was rather serous. “Both of us know that from now on it would be insecure if they stay with me from now on. Things can get complicated and dangerous. My request might sound crazy for you, but… let them move with you. They’ll be safer with you around”

Lu Han was perplexed with her request. Never did he expect her asking that. Letting Hana and Junwoo live with him was unexpected.

But the final answer depends on them, on the siblings, not on Lu Han.

“You are aware that we’ll have to explain to Hana about your accident and the people behinds it?” Lu Han asked.

“I am, but let’s remain hidden your past and your present, ok? We might reveal mine, which I don’t mind at all. Hana is old enough to comprehend it”

And Lu Han agreed with Mrs. Park request.


author's note: 

First of all, I’m sorry for not updating for almost a month T^T *bowsninetydegrees* But better late than never don’t you think?

I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think on the comments ^^ and hopefully I’ll came with more frequent updates. I have already some stuff planed for PC :D and Hana and Junwoo moving with Luhan was one of them *giggles* you’ll later understand about Mrs. Park’s past, which should be included on the next chapter. Also you know already a bit about Luhan’s past by the kidnapping, but there are more complicated stuff coming up!

See you soon, lovelies <3

Posted: 2014/02/06

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missnoon #1
Chapter 22: i need a new update :(
missnoon #2
i miss this story :(
k_nana #3
Chapter 22: I love you so much rite now cuz this story gave me indescribable feelings n I'm cringing like legit rite now. Thank u for spending time to update evn tho u have packed schedule. I appreciate ur efforts n will continue to fillow this story n it's progress. Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: It was good to read this (:
taecmars #6
Chapter 18: I was just thinking about your story when you updated :)
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 17: Aww they had sweet little date and now sleeping on same's just giving me too much feelings ..sorry I was suppose to feel sorry for hana.and i do but here iam jumping over them sleeping together. .can't wait to read more
agtrnta #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 16: Gahaa how till how long can luhan keep hana safe? Well no hana today..haha waiting for next then..
Chapter 15: Again and as always awesome! You are the best ceci you should know that (: Im just so happy you finally have free time, just wait one more week for me (:
The story is going great, as we have talked I know there are plenty surprises to come and many other things I cant wait for. So thanks for updating so fast. I guess I kind of owe you with mine hehe.
Anyways, great job. Lov u couz' ^^