
Painfully Captivating [Hiatus]


Chapter six: Moved


“Will you be ok by yourself?” Hana, who bit her lower lip slightly, asked with a concern gaze. “You’ll be alone from now on. It won’t be more dangerous? I mean… there’s no one el-”

“I’ll be ok Hana,” Mrs. Park interrupted her with a smile on her lips, “Don’t worry about me. They won’t be able to found me”

In that moment, Hana had a confusing gaze which the older female noticed and told her the plans she was thinking about.

“I’ll move too, darling.” Mrs. Park curled Hana’s hair behind her ear and continued. “I won’t be longer living in Korea, but in China”

Hana’s eyes turned wider and she blinked several times before realization hit her. She won’t be able to see her anymore if she moves to another country. But it was also the best option Mrs. Park could come with. As long she is sound and safe it’s ok. And as far away the older is from those people it will be better. Even if China is close to South-Korea, it’s a decision Hana agreed with.

But she’ll be alone in that place. Hana’s eyes reflected an uneasiness mood which was pretty obvious for the older. Sometimes Hana is really predictable with her thoughts.

“Hana, I’ll be sharing an apartment with a friend”

A friend? Never did she mention a friend to her! But Hana respected it because everyone has secrets. Everyone has details they want to hide or remain unknown from others.

The younger female didn’t ask further about the details because it was enough with what she knew already. It was more than enough. At least, Mrs. Park won’t be depending by herself, but with a friend. At least, she won’t be alone anymore, she’ll have someone who accompany her and talk about their insecurities and problems.

After their conversation, Hana started making her suitcase helping Junwoo during the process.

Mrs. Park was discharged from the hospital the day after. The latter left with a prescription which indicated which pills she should be taking due to the injuries and maintain in repose. Hana asked her about the details of the accident, but Mrs. Park didn’t want to worry her so the latter didn’t tell her any single detail making Hana frown with her response, an act Mrs. Park found childish but cute from her.

“It is ok with I take this with me?” Hana asked as she showed the older female, who was sitting in the couch, a photograph taken a year ago. A photograph which showed a smiling Hana, a cheerful Junwoo being hugged by his sister and Mrs. Park with a small smile. It was Hana’s favorite photo and the only one they had together. The only photo they appeared so happy, so content. The only photo that appeared the three of them. Hana never thought why they didn’t take another photo together, but she was ok with it. This one was perfect for her because it reflected blissfulness.

“It’s your favorite right?” Hana nodded as she smiled in delight. “Of course you can it”

Mrs. Park’s gaze landed on a shiny pedant hanging on Hana’s neck and she smiled in realization. Mrs. Parked recognized immediately the ‘H’ pedant. Hana was still wearing the necklace the first gave her on her fifteen birthday. Even if it was a little worn out and its color was a bit darker, Hana still wore it. Every day. It was the most beautiful and significant present for her and she didn’t care if it was shabby, she still used it.




Hana wondered how Lu Han’s placed looked like; because the only thing she knew was that he lives in an apartment. So she was full of curiosity; was it like Mrs. Park’s apartment? Small but cozy? Or maybe just small for a single person? But that thought was erroneous for her, because who will accept two more persons if he had barely space for him in his place. It would be absurd. Maybe it had a medium size, enough for three. But judging by Lu Han’s expensive and new car, his place can be rather… big? Yet Hana didn’t want to judge him just by the artifacts he owns. Hana didn’t know much about cars and the like, but she was sure Lu Han’s was expensive. It was modern, had comfortable sits and its color was a soft but shining grey. Never did she saw a model like he owned and it was beautiful for her. Almost the dream car.

“Lu Han, can I ask you a question?” Hana asked as she looked at his back. He was driving towards his apartment, his gaze focus on the road, but he was listening carefully. Junwoo was next to his sister looking through the window the different places they passed by.

“Sure. Go ahead,” Lu Han answered still focus on the way.

“I hope you don’t find rude my question, but if we’re going to live together from now on… I want to know… what kind of job you have,” Hana’s gaze was rather timid, but full with curiosity making him smile at her reaction.

Lu Han couldn’t tell her about his real job. Not now. Now it would scare her and put her in danger. And if he can, he’ll maintain it as a secret because he didn’t want to cause her pain. He didn’t want to put her life in danger, neither Junwoo’s. It would be risky reveal it now.

“I work at a bar with some friends. And during the weekends is used as a nightclub”

It was part of true though.

Hana pouted softly and then moisturized her dry lips. “You mean the places where people get drunk and else?”

Lu Han leaned his head softly to his left as he thought. Were bars used as something else? Actually, they also served food and snacks, not only alcohol drinks. They even contract live bands or comedians during the nights, just to keep it safe.

He looked through the rearview at Hana, who was turned to her side eyeing carefully the places around with a straight gaze, and answered. “Not only people attend bars to get drunk. Maybe they go to celebrate someone’s birthday or an accomplish they fulfill”

But working in a bar gives you enough money to buy a car like Lu Han had? Unless he was the owner or something related. Also the neighborhood looked pretty … costly? But judging a book from its cover was disrespectful from her. She had to believe him, from now.

Hana didn’t ask further so lifted her head and nodded, but his answer didn’t satisfy her. He was indeed hiding something from her which made her anxious to know. Why so many secrets? Why the sudden feel to not let her more details or the truth?! Still she barely knew him, so she couldn’t ask him to tell her directly. Not yet.

“Wow! Those buildings are really tall! Noona, look!” Junwoo signaled the many tall buildings around the place making Hana turned and observed with him. They looked well made and expensive for sure. And she was in awe for a moment. It was indeed a good-neighborhood. 

Hana was surprised, but calm and Junwoo was rather excited to live in a place like this. But both like what they saw so far.


It didn’t take long to arrive to Lu Han’s place. And once again Hana and Junwoo were left in awe. The building had so many floors, and if Hana guessed correctly, it might have around fifteen to twenty.

“Do you really live here?” Junwoo asked signaling towards the tall building. Lu Han smiled and nodded making the younger get excited and smile wider and wider.

At least, it made Hana happy see Junwoo this cheerful.

What Hana told her young brother about moving with Lu Han was part of the truth. She told him Mrs. Park will move to China, but she didn’t mention him why or when. They’ll be alone from now one, but the older female suggested Lu Han as a tutor for them. Someone they can rely and live with. Junwoo didn’t mind if Hana agreed with, because he was willing to go wherever his older sisters goes. He didn’t care if they live with Lu Han or by they own, as long as he is with his younger it was ok for him.

“I can’t believe you only have one suitcase each,” Lu Han said as he placed them down and closed the trunk.

“What do you mean?” Hana carried her school bag and helped Junwoo putting his too.

“Usually, people have at least two or three when they move”

Hana giggled. She couldn’t get angry with his response because she knew he was being sincere and was trying to joke too. “We just came with the important things. And we didn’t want to bother you with more stuff,” Hana mumbled the last part, but Lu Han heard her.

“Noona said bring the essential and I did,” Junwoo added with a bright smile and took his older sister’s hands.

Hana smiled at him affectingly. She was about to take her suitcase, but Lu Han took it before she could do so. As well he did with Junwoo’s. And she pouted slightly, barely noticeable.

“Lu Han, I have hands. I can take my suitcase”

“Hana, let me be a gentleman for once, ok?”

Hana blinked several times. Actually, this was the first time she heard him saying her name. She had weird feeling inside her tummy. Nervousness? Shyness? Maybe. Maybe she felt like that because she was never tread with that care by someone else besides Mrs. Park and Junwoo. Lu Han was being really kind with her.

“Thank you,” Hana whispered making Lu Han smile a bit.

Posted: 2014/02/10

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missnoon #1
Chapter 22: i need a new update :(
missnoon #2
i miss this story :(
k_nana #3
Chapter 22: I love you so much rite now cuz this story gave me indescribable feelings n I'm cringing like legit rite now. Thank u for spending time to update evn tho u have packed schedule. I appreciate ur efforts n will continue to fillow this story n it's progress. Hwaiting!!!
Chapter 20: It was good to read this (:
taecmars #6
Chapter 18: I was just thinking about your story when you updated :)
rudelysweetk21 #7
Chapter 17: Aww they had sweet little date and now sleeping on same's just giving me too much feelings ..sorry I was suppose to feel sorry for hana.and i do but here iam jumping over them sleeping together. .can't wait to read more
agtrnta #8
Chapter 17: Please update soon ^^
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 16: Gahaa how till how long can luhan keep hana safe? Well no hana today..haha waiting for next then..
Chapter 15: Again and as always awesome! You are the best ceci you should know that (: Im just so happy you finally have free time, just wait one more week for me (:
The story is going great, as we have talked I know there are plenty surprises to come and many other things I cant wait for. So thanks for updating so fast. I guess I kind of owe you with mine hehe.
Anyways, great job. Lov u couz' ^^