The Different Types of Thinking

Open Relationship; Open to Trouble


“I know it’s not true but it’s not like it’s all not true.”


“So what did you do yesterday?” Kris snuck up behind Jiwon who had a handful of coffee deliveries that she tried all too hard to not drop on her way here. 

Luckily, Kris took them from her hand before anything bad happened. Jiwon tried to take the coffee out of his hand but Kris’s long arm kept her from doing so. This means, Kris was fully intending on finishing this conversation with her during this coffee delivery. 

“I was…busy.” Jiwon didn’t want to say too much. Why? She didn’t really know. She just felt like what happened yesterday was something to hide. 

“Uh huh. Well I’ll tell you what happened yesterday. I got a call from Sora who asked me out on a date-- a date, which I said no to. So again; what did you do yesterday?” Kris stopped walking and stood right in front of Jiwon with his naturally intimidating stare. 

“Just went out with a friend. We went shopping and then we had dinner.” It wasn’t a total lie. Jiwon only had the word friend in place of Kai’s name. 

“Is that my coffee?” 

It was like Luhan was hiding behind the wall because of course it was him who would be coming right now. Jiwon only hoped Luhan didn’t hear Jiwon’s conversation with Kris. Getting rid of him fast seems to be the best solution.


“So did I hear it was a friend you were with yesterday? Because I remember you introducing him as your boyfriend. Did you lie to try and make me jealous?” Luhan tilted his head to the side and gave a smirk. 

“Boyfriend huh?” Jiwon glared at Kris to tell him to wait while she deals with Luhan and his stupid conclusions for everything.

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you’re secretly in love with me.” Luhan smiled and said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why would-“

“I’m rich. Handsome. Successful. Charming, Tall-“

Please. By that standard, Jiwon must be more in love with me because I’m taller." Kris rolled his eyes "You know, I’m pretty sure you have an interview to get to right now.”

“I do. For an interview your height didn't get you for Forbes most-“

“Let me go and drown in my misery. Come Jiwon, misery loves company considering you just got rejected by the love of your life.” Kris put his hand behind around her shoulders and drag her away to the elevator.

“I didn’t reject!“ 

The elevator was shut before Luhan could finish his useless cries. It baffled Jiwon in the first place why Luhan thought it would be important to share that information in the first place. 

“It’s not like I’m actually in love with him.” Jiwon spoke lowly to herself. She had a habit of doing that. 

“More like the other way around.” Kris laughed even he heard what Jiwon said.

“I know right.”

“You know?” Kris widened his eyes, considering how he remembered Jiwon treating Luhan the past weeks. No way she picked up on the fact that Luhan had the slightest feelings for Luhan.

“Of course I know. Why wouldn’t I know something like that?

“Know what exactly?” Kris glared to the side and squinted his eyes, trying to guess if they were talking about the same thing.

“That I actually don’t like him? Is it not obvious? I thought I did a pretty bad job of hiding it.”

Kris laughed, praising himself for being right. Of course she didn’t know. Jiwon is a bit…

“Yah! Why didn’t you press the button? We just missed the fifth floor by-by now 3 floors! Now we have to go all-”

“Why are you yelling at me? You press it!” Kris pointed to the buttons that were technically closer to Jiwon so it wasn’t his fault.

Jiwon was ready to retort when she realized how stupid it would be instead of just clicking the button.

“I’m not going to be mad.” Kris returned to their conversation after the fitting that kept them both busy. They were currently eating lunch together at the SM’s cafeteria.

“Did I do something?”

“I don’t know. You lied. Twice. Actually, probably even more-“

“I thought you weren’t mad?” 

“I’m not. You can tell me. I just want to know.” Kris put aside his forks and leaned his head on his hands.

“I was with Kai yesterday.” Jiwon admitted while looking away.

“I knew it!” Kris was always happy to find out that he was right. 

“Oh please. As if you actually rejected Sora yesterday?” From the stories Kris told of their relationship, there was no way Kris would say no so easily. Plus, they were alike in so many ways in terms of the love they had for the other person. If Jiwon couldn’t say no, Kris couldn’t either.

“I did!” Kris would have been a bit more convincing had his eyes not widen as large as Luhan’s.

“Fine. Then I actually didn’t go out with Kai yesterday. It was Luhan I had a date with.”

“Fine. Then I actually went out with Sora yesterday.”

“I knew it!” Jiwon flicked some of her food at Kris’s face while he glared at discontent. 

They stared at each other for a bit before Jiwon lost it first and started to crackle. Honestly, they weren’t really getting mad at each other. Some ways, they were getting mad of themselves. Just taking it out of each other. 

“Was it fun?” Kris asked after wiping his food of Jiwon’s rice.

“Yeah." Jiwon smiled when she thought back to yesterday. "It was like a trip back to memory lane. We laughed like we used to and we held hands like we used to.”

“Glad it went well for you. We just fought. Again.”


“I don’t know. Apparently, wanting to ask if she was free the next weekend was overstepping boundaries for our relationship.” 

“You didn’t raise your voice?” Jiwon knew how easily Kris lost his temper.

“I might have begun to ask her a bit loudly as to why she was being so secretive.” Kris scratched his head guiltily. 


“It got to a conversation where I might have insinuated that she’s-“

“You didn’t call her names did you?”

“I don’t know. I just suggested that she might not be accused of so many scandals with all these male idols right now if she wasn’t acting the way she was right now…”

“YAH!” Jiwon sighed. Putting everything about the relationship aside, Kris needed a lesson for being such a douche.

“I know it’s not true but it’s not like it’s all not true.”


“It’s not ist if I think that a guy doing the same thing is also wrong. I.E. Kai.” Kris rolled his eyes at the expected lecture. 

“He’s not-“

“Not what? Two timing is already one time too many.” Jiwon wanted to argue but sighed in frustration. Kris was right and to be honest, she was sick of defending someone who obviously does not care. If he did, she wouldn’t have to be making excuses anyways. 

Jiwon understood from day one that Kai didn't care. 

“Are you going home?” 


“Be safe.”

“Mm.” Kai replied Sora with an annoyed face, showing his obvious frustration.

No, he wasn’t really frustrated by Sora. He was just frustrated at the fact that he wanted to leave Sora. Kai should be with Sora. He should want to be with Sora, not wanting to go home to Jiwon. Sora was so much like Kai.

From the way she walked with a bright smile that didn’t quite match her empty eyes told him she went through the same sort of pain. From the way she would flirt but never touch told him how she also just wanted a quick distraction. From the way she shivered from the slight and playful use of his mention of the word 'love' told him she was scared for the same reasons. From the way they ended up at her apartment even though they both knew the other was already taken told him how much she also didn’t care for anyone other than herself. 

They should be with each other. They were exactly alike. If they were together, nobody would get hurt.

But they also didn’t care as long as there was somewhere for them to runaway to, to make sure that they didn’t stay too long to actually care. 

But Kai is starting to care. And that is what was so frustrating. 

I was going to wait until I hit 30 subscribers but I couldn't resist. 

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I'm really not upset. Just curious? Don't apologize. Lol


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Chapter 19: It's really funny how I just started reading this fics while you have decided like a month ago to delete this..
Well, life is just... like that. Isn't it?
I really like this story, but I, too, could understand what you are going through. Do whatever feells right for you.
Whatever your decision is.. I'm thankful that you had write and share this fics. I truly enjoy reading it.
Chapter 19: I'm surprised that the update alert on my sub showed that this story has updated. I'm happy because this story is one of long awaited fanfic that I've been craving to update. But it's just. ..

I know that feeling too really
But deleting this account and the story don't mean that you are released from that feeling.
I just love your story so much and see your efforts and progress from beginning. And i'm sad of course :(

But desicion is still yours. It's okay.
I will miss this story. Much
Chapter 19: I honestly miss this story :')
Chapter 19: Waw author.
Good story to read in here.
So muchh feelll I like it.
Tx for writing this. Iluvu :)
AgarwaeN #5
Chapter 19: It's sad to see a story left unfinished and never will it be finished but I understand that...I once did it too. So, it how life is... :)
14 streak #6
Chapter 19: so sad to hear this but it's ok... it's your own choice. as long as you're happy and not stressed from feeling yourself is a disappointment. that's fine, you don't have to feel disappointed to yourself. just do whatever you feel right. i hope you won't delete the story tho cuz probably some readers wanna reread it or some new readers wanna give it a chance. well it's still tour own choice. thank you for sharing this story with us :)
14 streak #7
Chapter 18: why? WHY?! of all places, why should it be in Japan? Kai's changing bit by bit. but why should this be happened? I really really wanna cry right now.... :(((
at first i love seeing her with Kris, but now Kris is trying too hard to make Kai looks so bad. He doesn't even know him personally how could he assumed he doesn't love Jiwon? could he read his mind? could he know his heart? i'm sorry author-nim... Kai and Kris are both my bias but i can't be bias on both of them right now. Now i understand why we all love the bad boys. nice boys are boring.
aren't you going to continue this? it's been 2 years already. did something happen to you? or is it just a writer block? do they call it a writer block? please come back~~ come baby baby come come~ /slapped/
fighting author-nim!! ^^
14 streak #8
Chapter 6: i remembered i subscribed to this story like 2 years ago? haha it was a long time ago but i wanted to wait till it's completed then i'll start to read it. turns out you stopped updating it. and now here i am reading your amazing fic. this is so good you know? Kai's a jerk, Kris's a sweetheart, and luhan's a haha. sorry but every time he's on the scene i always think he has that y personality. you three effin georgous men here. jeez i can't even puck one of them lmao. just wait kai.. wait till jiwon leaves you then you'll understand :'')
Chapter 18: i still dream of an update
Missy_Daydreamer #10
Shocked to see that this story has low subscribers... This story deserves more than that... I really hope you'll update tho...