Part One of This Mess We Are In

Open Relationship; Open to Trouble


“Wait for me.”

“You look ugly.” Luhan commented on Jiwon made strides into the photo-shoot with huge dark circles and a puffy face.

Jiwon rolled her eyes and ignored Luhan. She saw Kris and dragged him into the dressing room, starting on her job to get Kris all polished and ready. The awkward tension was enough for Kris to know something was wrong.

“Is this because of what I said yesterday?” Kris thought to begin.

“What?” Jiwon looked up and frowned when reminded of what he said. Honestly, Kris was the last thing on Jiwon’s mind last night. “I just couldn’t sleep.”

“Because of me?” Kris chuckled with a hint of arrogance. As weird it was to admit, Kris really wanted Jiwon to be thinking of him all night. 

“No.” Jiwon shook her head seriously, not playing along to Kris’s teasing. “Because of Kai.”

For the first time ever, Kris noted just how much he hated that name. Kai. Stupid. What's with the name? The letter K was-Nevermind. “Why?”

“I don’t know. It was the first night that I’ve really ever been alone.”

“I thought sometimes he wouldn’t go home.”

“Yeah. But it’s different because I know he’ll show up in the morning, or the day after at the latest.”

“Why is this any different?”

“He left a vague text message and right as I got home, his half of the closet was gone.”

“What did his message say?”

“Something about an emergency and a sudden trip.”

Kris nodded but raised his head when a few things in his mind clicked. “Trip? Where?”

“He didn’t say.” 

There was a pause between the two before Kris suddenly scrunched up his face. 

“You know, Sora is on a trip ‘with her dad’ in Japan." Kris frowned when trying to put the pieces together. "I should have known though. To think I was happy for Sora when she told me they made up. What sense did it make? I mean, the two have been arguing since-”

“What are you saying?” Jiwon frowned, starting to breath a little heavily.

“That Kai and Sora probably went-”

“I have to go.” Jiwon bit her lips at the thought and left.

Jiwon continued munching on her lips when waiting for the phone to ring. She was…upset. No way right? No way was Kai going on a trip with Sora. Kai has been so different lately. Kai has been showering her with affection more than ever. 

“Hello?” the voice on the other line greeted with a deep voice.


There was a pause. “Yeah.”

“Where… Where are you?”

“I told you.” Kai sighed softly. “I had an emergency.”

Jiwon was playing with her fingers in trying to clam her beating heart. “You’re not in Japan are you?”

Jiwon could hear Kai breathing on the other line. “How did you know?”

“So you are.” Jiwon chuckled bitterly.

“Yeah.” Kai huffed. He thought he wouldn’t have to tell her. He didn’t want her to worry. “Something happened with my dad.”

Jiwon scoffed at the matching alibi. Jiwon up her tears and did the thing she was so used to with Kai, smile and lie to say it’s all-okay. “I hope it all goes well then.”

“I’ll call you. Wait for me.”  

Jiwon hung up before Kai could get another word in and started to break down crying. Who wouldn’t be upset to find out the love of her life decided to go on a freaking romantic getaway trip with another girl.

And to think Jiwon thought Kai was changing for the better as of lately. 

Luhan was roaming through the hallways, not looking for Jiwon. He needed to go 'to the bathroom.’

His manager just gave him a look before shooing him away. It’s not like saying no to Luhan was going to prevent Luhan from actually doing anything. It would provoke him to do even more. And with all the ruckus Luhan caused, the manager doesn't need more. 

Luhan heard light sniffles in the corner to where all the props were place. He followed the sound and hid as he tried to make out what it was. It was Jiwon. Crying.

Luhan opened his eyes in shock, looking around in hopes of finding something that would tell him what to do in such a situation. He didn’t know what to do and it wasn't because this was the first he saw a girl cried. Girls cried all the time. And he usually made them cry. And if he was being honest, he found it entertaining to see mascara running and curses comming out from the pretty mouth of theirs. But right now, his heart was quenching. He couldn’t bear the sight of Jiwon crying, or even the thought that he might be the cause of it.

“I’m sorry.” Luhan rushed to her side and put his hands on her shoulders. “I didn’t mean it.”

“What?” Jiwon looked up at Luhan in confusion. Why was he even here in the first place? Seemingly trying to comfort her of all things.

“You’re really pretty. I’ve always thought you were pretty-“

Jiwon was still confused until she broke out in laughter when she remembered what Luhan said to her this morning. “It’s not because of you.”

Luhan smiled a bit, hearing Jiwon laugh despite the tears in her eyes. “Then why?”

“Just… Relationship problems.” Jiwon tried to sum up without having to explain anything. 

“That Kai guy?” Luhan pouted at the thought that Jiwon seems to be so affected by this man.

“Yeah. That Kai guy.” Jiwon bitterly repeated.

“Should I cheer you up?” 

To be honest, Jiwon wanted to be alone. At least just not be with Luhan with all people. “I should get to work-“

“No no. It’ll tell them I need to borrow you for a fitting. Let’s go.” Luhan grinned ear to ear and held onto Jiwon’s hands. 

Jiwon really wanted to say no. Honestly, she wanted to go find Kris and talk about it. But with the genuine smile Luhan carried as he dragged her away, it was hard for Jiwon to find the words to reject the guy.

Genuine seemed to be the perfect word for Luhan. Sure, he’s a bit blunt and his honesty can easily come off across as arrogant and bitichy. But Luhan does just what he wants and it does because it’s because he cares, just like somebody else Jiwon knew.

Who is Jiwon to just push Luhan away? She didn’t want Luhan to take it as to never be nice to a girl and to never express his emotions. She didn’t want Luhan to turn out just like Kai. So for when Luhan gets an actual girlfriend, she wouldn’t cry and hurt as Jiwon is right now.

“You could be nicer to the girl.” Lay commented from the sidelines.

“She could have tried to not choke me.” Kris rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair angrily. Was he overreacting? Most definitely. “Where is Luhan?”

“That munchkin? He’s barely ever booked because of his height so why would you expect him for a runway run through?”

“He’s not here at the building at all.”

“I’m confused. We usually go out to eat when that happens. I thought the supposed response was happy.”

“Not when he disappeared to who-knows-where and Jiwon happens to be missing too. I don't give Luhan enough credit in thinking he's not so low as to kidnapping.”

“Ah.” Lay nodded his head knowingly. “So it’s Jiwon.”

“Who’s Jiwon?” Tao’s curiosity finally got the best of him in listening to the two. “Isn’t that the new intern?”

“Kris’s new crush.” Lay corrected with a smirk, earning him a shove to the shoulder.

“Get away from me.” Kris scowled but did nothing to deny.

“She has sparky eyes.” Lay tried to mimic Kris.

“What happened to Sora?”

“Off and away.” Kris sighed bitterly. He was so distracted with Jiwon disappearing that he forgot his anger in learning that Sora lied to him about her father in running away with Kai.

“Well it’s nice to know you’re not moping.” Tao smirked, thinking to the last time Sora left for a trip and Kris thought to drink his sorrows away. And Kris made bad decisions drunk.

“I think that video is still up on the Internet.” Lay snickered.

“Shut up.” Kris raised his voice and walked off in embarrassment.

“I bet you my vacation Kris and Luhan will get into a rumble by the end of the month.” Lay turned his head to see if Tao is up for the challenge.

“There is no doubt about that with how explosive those two tend to be, Kris especially. I think Kris will win.”

“Really? Luhan has always been the kind of person to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. The manipulative little thing.”

“If I was a girl though, I think I’ll go for Kris. He's super tall. Attractive. He's got nice hair. Not to mention a great personality in that he really cares for the people around him, even if he can a bit too much something.”

Lay narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Tao was being awfully specific, not to mention the weird tone of voice Tao carried. Lay always thought Tao had a slight man crush on Kris. It was one of the rumors floating around SM. But Lay shook his head, not wanting to think of the possibility of Tao... “I guess. But Luhan is cute too.”

“Yeah, if you were into girls. So of course you would.”

And just when Lay was going to give Tao the benifit of the doubt. Lay will need to stay in the far corner next time when changing. 

Jiwon smiled at the sight of Luhan all curled up into a ball. When Luhan asked what was the first place she could name, Jiwon replied Namsan tower. And Luhan thought to take her in an instant. 

“You could have said you’re afraid of heights.” 

“I’m not afraid.” Luhan whimpered as a toddler would in trying to put up a brave front.

“It’s okay.” Jiwon laughed and also crouched down to Luhan, softly patting on his back. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“The cable snaps as this sad excuse for protection spiral into black nothingness.”


“I don’t want to die.” 

“You’re not going to die. I promise.” Jiwon tried to stifle her giggles as she reached her pinky out. Luhan sighed but decided to entwine their pinky anyways. Luhan would usually scoff at childish acts such as this but why would he want to push away at Jiwon’s initiation for skin ship?

In my imagination, those crazy fans of exo bought SM. They're rich...I've seen the presents they managed for birthdays. Buy some stocks while your at it

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I'm really not upset. Just curious? Don't apologize. Lol


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Chapter 19: It's really funny how I just started reading this fics while you have decided like a month ago to delete this..
Well, life is just... like that. Isn't it?
I really like this story, but I, too, could understand what you are going through. Do whatever feells right for you.
Whatever your decision is.. I'm thankful that you had write and share this fics. I truly enjoy reading it.
Chapter 19: I'm surprised that the update alert on my sub showed that this story has updated. I'm happy because this story is one of long awaited fanfic that I've been craving to update. But it's just. ..

I know that feeling too really
But deleting this account and the story don't mean that you are released from that feeling.
I just love your story so much and see your efforts and progress from beginning. And i'm sad of course :(

But desicion is still yours. It's okay.
I will miss this story. Much
Chapter 19: I honestly miss this story :')
Chapter 19: Waw author.
Good story to read in here.
So muchh feelll I like it.
Tx for writing this. Iluvu :)
AgarwaeN #5
Chapter 19: It's sad to see a story left unfinished and never will it be finished but I understand that...I once did it too. So, it how life is... :)
Keycolight #6
Chapter 19: so sad to hear this but it's ok... it's your own choice. as long as you're happy and not stressed from feeling yourself is a disappointment. that's fine, you don't have to feel disappointed to yourself. just do whatever you feel right. i hope you won't delete the story tho cuz probably some readers wanna reread it or some new readers wanna give it a chance. well it's still tour own choice. thank you for sharing this story with us :)
Keycolight #7
Chapter 18: why? WHY?! of all places, why should it be in Japan? Kai's changing bit by bit. but why should this be happened? I really really wanna cry right now.... :(((
at first i love seeing her with Kris, but now Kris is trying too hard to make Kai looks so bad. He doesn't even know him personally how could he assumed he doesn't love Jiwon? could he read his mind? could he know his heart? i'm sorry author-nim... Kai and Kris are both my bias but i can't be bias on both of them right now. Now i understand why we all love the bad boys. nice boys are boring.
aren't you going to continue this? it's been 2 years already. did something happen to you? or is it just a writer block? do they call it a writer block? please come back~~ come baby baby come come~ /slapped/
fighting author-nim!! ^^
Keycolight #8
Chapter 6: i remembered i subscribed to this story like 2 years ago? haha it was a long time ago but i wanted to wait till it's completed then i'll start to read it. turns out you stopped updating it. and now here i am reading your amazing fic. this is so good you know? Kai's a jerk, Kris's a sweetheart, and luhan's a haha. sorry but every time he's on the scene i always think he has that y personality. you three effin georgous men here. jeez i can't even puck one of them lmao. just wait kai.. wait till jiwon leaves you then you'll understand :'')
Chapter 18: i still dream of an update
Missy_Daydreamer #10
Shocked to see that this story has low subscribers... This story deserves more than that... I really hope you'll update tho...