Her in Love but Him in...Like?

Open Relationship; Open to Trouble



"I would just rather share you than risk losing you."



The first thing Jiwon does when she wake up in the morning is glance to her right. Sure, she expected the empty bed-it has been empty for a couple of months now. But it’s quite the strange habit with the way that she can’t seem to get up without feeling disappointed in the morning. She still has yet to learn to manage that quench in her heart when she was reminded she was alone. Again. 

Luckily, her cell phone took her out of her miserable-

‘Well there goes my mood,’ Jiwon thought when she unlocked her phone and made a groaning noise.
It was quite interesting for Jiwon to realize just how fast and easy it was to not like a person.  Or it was Luhan’s fault for making himself so unlikable. 

‘Spilling on my pants in 5,4,3… better get here quick with my bread still warm.’ The message said attached to a picture of a cup of coffee on top of Luhan’s lap-Luhan’s lap that was clothed with a sponsored pair of expensive looking jeans. If this were two days ago, Jiwon would have thought he was joking. But two days and a ruined pair of sneakers proved just how serious Luhan was when it comes to his petty threats. And it was Jiwon who got in trouble for them.

Jiwon jumped out of bed at the memory and grabbed the nearest sweatshirt before running to the bathroom quick to wash her face. “Darn him and his baby looking face,” Jiwon hissed as she began to scrub her face fast and furiously. She swears that one day, she will expose the real Luhan to his fan who dub him as sweet and innocent.

“Why are you laughing like that?” Kris raised his eyebrows at Luhan who was being particularly creepy by being weirdly giggly at his phone at the moment. Kris knew that laugh. That laugh was a flashing sign for Luhan being up to no good.

“Just messing with my intern.” Luhan smiled innocently while looking up with bright eyes.

Kris scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Like I’ll be falling for that look again,” Kris whispered to himself. They say that girls are manipulative, so Luhan must be a girl in that context.

“Why are you being so mean to intern all of the sudden? I thought he annoyed you and you did not like dealing with him.”

“It’s a she now.” Luhan posses a strange smile on his face all of the sudden.

“She? When did SM start allowing girls to intern for male models?”

“Since my intern got sick and I needed a new one.”

“I’m sure you could get by fine either with or without one. But wait-I’m pretty sure I saw your intern-“

“What are you doing here?” Luhan shouted angrily when the door opened and a male with thick-rimmed glasses walked in.

“I-I am coming back to work?” the boy stuttered with a slight glint of fear in his eyes.

“I thought you were sick or something. Stay sick!” Luhan grumbled, earning a chuckle from Kris at the sidelines. Luhan never failed to amuse Kris when Luhan gets like this-like a middle school-et that is.

“W-what?” the boy stuttered yet again. Sure, he was used to Luhan’s outburst but it’s usually because Luhan was being particularly picky. And this time, the boy has yet to even start working but Luhan was already throwing hissy fits.

“I don’t want you as my intern anymore! Go away!” Luhan angrily pouted and crossed his arm, looking ever more like a child.

Luhan was causing quite the scene, but this was SM where even the janitor know of Luhan’s infamous outburst. It became a routine for one of the manager ladies to come within minutes after hearing Luhan’s pitched voice that he seemed to have reserved for his fits.

“What is it now?"

“I don’t like my intern anymore. I’m keeping Jiwon.”

Now that was new. “Do you like her or something?” Kris interjected when he noticed how particularly outspoken Luhan was for a human being.

“NO!” Luhan scoffed and gave a ‘do-you-know-who-I-am’ look. But the manager lady replied with an ‘I-can’t-believe-this’ scoff when she took note of Luhan’s suddenly tainted cheeks. And it wasn't the makeup.

“But you are obviously starting to feel something. And let’s fix this before it gets any worse. Kris, you will be taking her since you don’t have an intern.” The manager decided despite a disapproving Luhan.

Now it was Kris’s turn to throw a fit. “But you know how I get with personal space! That’s why-“

“No! Jiwon is my intern. You telling me I’m not allowed to do something just makes me want to do it ever more. I don’t like her but if you telling me I’m not allowed to then-

Ah. Here comes the reason for this entire ruckus with a loud bang on the door.

“I’M HERE!” Jiwon had a slight panic attack when she saw the manager’s angry expression and thought she was too late.

“Good. Jiwon, Kris will be your model from now on.” The lady pushed Jiwon towards Kris who had to unwillingly catch her fall.

“But I said-“

“Luhan, kiss your Bahamas shoot goodbye if you don’t shut your mouth.”

“AISH!” Luhan yelled in defeat, pushing out everybody to make a dramatic exit towards the door.

“At least we know you worth less to him than sand.” The manager looked to Jiwon and chuckled before also making a turn for the door. 


“Get off me.” Kris slightly pushed Jiwon off when she saw that she was still in his arms.

‘It’s him again.’ Jiwon realized when she remembered the same grumpy look and voice.

“First rule. Don’t touch me.” 

With that, Kris also left the dressing room. Jiwon didn’t quite know what to do but she thought it would be best to follow the guy. 

“How was the movie?” Kai thought to start a conversation when the waiter took their menus away.

“Fine.” Jiwon smiled and played with her nails under the table. 

They both hated this feeling. They never felt any bit awkward with each other but here they are now.

The phone made a slight vibration and Jiwon frowned, knowing it was probably a girl. Kai frowned too; also knowing it was a girl. Kai wanted to fix things and get back the unconditionally loving Jiwon as soon as possible but he knew they just took a couple of steps backwards. 

“Sorry.” Kai smiled and turned off his phone.

“You can just take-“

“No. This is our night.” Kai emphasized, knowing exactly how to get Jiwon right where he wanted her. 

“Well how are things at the studio?” Jiwon smiled, thinking that she should at least try with Kai since he was also (sort of). Maybe she can remind him why he loved her and he will quit this nonsense. 

“Let’s not talk about my work. It’s been a bit hard but nothing I can’t handle. “ Kai scrunched his nose but gave a quick smile afterwards. Kai has been doing this a lot lately. It’s almost like he doesn’t want to talk and share things with Jiwon anymore.


“How is your internship-thing going?”

“Let’s not talk about my work.” Jiwon mimicked Kai’s tone of voice and face.

Kai sighed. As much as he was annoyed with how difficult Jiwon was being at the moment, he can never deny the part of him that cared a little. A little was a lot to Kai.  Kai was never reserved so much of himself for someone. And he hated himself for that. 

Kai reached for Jiwon’s hand and tightened his grasp slightly. “I just don’t want to worry you with my work that’s all. I know how you get when I tell you something bad.”

“But what am I here for if you won’t share things with me?”

“I’m just been a bit off with my game a little lately...missing a couple deadlines.”

“But you’ve been at the studio a lot, haven’t you?”

“That doesn’t mean I’m inspired. I haven’t been for a while.”

Kai liked being like this with Jiwon. They weren't doing anything in bed, but just lying facing each other and comforted by the presence of each other. 

“I love you.” Kai Jiwon’s hair and stared deeply into her eyes. Kai liked Jiwon's soft hair and brown eyes. Even though it was dark, Kai still found them enticing. 

“No you don’t.” Jiwon replied, earning a laugh from Kai. Kai liked this about Jiwon; how she never takes him seriously. For whatever reason, Kai can’t do serious. Kai liked that Jiwon knows that. 

“I know. But I also know that you like hearing me say that I do,” Kai laughed and continued playing with Jiwon’s hair, “do you love me?”

“I think you know that also. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

“Well, I would think that because you love me, you would refuse to share me.”

“Or I would just rather share you than risk losing you.” Jiwon whispered before closing her eyes and reached her hands up to hold Kai’s hand. 

Kai liked this too. Other people would be embarrassed to say so much and be so honest. And he liked how Jiwon didn’t care to expose herself all to Kai.

It would be perfect of Kai could learn to do that also. 

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I'm really not upset. Just curious? Don't apologize. Lol


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Chapter 19: It's really funny how I just started reading this fics while you have decided like a month ago to delete this..
Well, life is just... like that. Isn't it?
I really like this story, but I, too, could understand what you are going through. Do whatever feells right for you.
Whatever your decision is.. I'm thankful that you had write and share this fics. I truly enjoy reading it.
Chapter 19: I'm surprised that the update alert on my sub showed that this story has updated. I'm happy because this story is one of long awaited fanfic that I've been craving to update. But it's just. ..

I know that feeling too really
But deleting this account and the story don't mean that you are released from that feeling.
I just love your story so much and see your efforts and progress from beginning. And i'm sad of course :(

But desicion is still yours. It's okay.
I will miss this story. Much
Chapter 19: I honestly miss this story :')
Chapter 19: Waw author.
Good story to read in here.
So muchh feelll I like it.
Tx for writing this. Iluvu :)
AgarwaeN #5
Chapter 19: It's sad to see a story left unfinished and never will it be finished but I understand that...I once did it too. So, it how life is... :)
Keycolight #6
Chapter 19: so sad to hear this but it's ok... it's your own choice. as long as you're happy and not stressed from feeling yourself is a disappointment. that's fine, you don't have to feel disappointed to yourself. just do whatever you feel right. i hope you won't delete the story tho cuz probably some readers wanna reread it or some new readers wanna give it a chance. well it's still tour own choice. thank you for sharing this story with us :)
Keycolight #7
Chapter 18: why? WHY?! of all places, why should it be in Japan? Kai's changing bit by bit. but why should this be happened? I really really wanna cry right now.... :(((
at first i love seeing her with Kris, but now Kris is trying too hard to make Kai looks so bad. He doesn't even know him personally how could he assumed he doesn't love Jiwon? could he read his mind? could he know his heart? i'm sorry author-nim... Kai and Kris are both my bias but i can't be bias on both of them right now. Now i understand why we all love the bad boys. nice boys are boring.
aren't you going to continue this? it's been 2 years already. did something happen to you? or is it just a writer block? do they call it a writer block? please come back~~ come baby baby come come~ /slapped/
fighting author-nim!! ^^
Keycolight #8
Chapter 6: i remembered i subscribed to this story like 2 years ago? haha it was a long time ago but i wanted to wait till it's completed then i'll start to read it. turns out you stopped updating it. and now here i am reading your amazing fic. this is so good you know? Kai's a jerk, Kris's a sweetheart, and luhan's a haha. sorry but every time he's on the scene i always think he has that y personality. you three effin georgous men here. jeez i can't even puck one of them lmao. just wait kai.. wait till jiwon leaves you then you'll understand :'')
Chapter 18: i still dream of an update
Missy_Daydreamer #10
Shocked to see that this story has low subscribers... This story deserves more than that... I really hope you'll update tho...