Suddenly at Once

Open Relationship; Open to Trouble


“There is a sparkle in her eyes.”


Jiwon woke up and glanced at her right, surprised to see Kai right beside her. Jiwon rolled over to stare into Kai’s face. Kai from close up still never failed to make her heart skip a beat.  

But it was a different type of beat…if that makes any sense. 

Well, it doesn’t make any sense to Jiwon wither. And now she’s confused. As to try and get rid of this confusion, she leaned in to give Kai a quick peck. 

“Morning to you too.” Kai opened his eyes when he felt Jiwon on his lips.


“I missed you.” Kai reached out his hand to stoke Jiwon’s face. She feels the heat rushing to her face. But still, the feeling was just… different

“You seem cheery this morning dear.” 

“I kissed a girl this weekend grandmother.” Luhan smiled brightly before returning back to his bowl of rice. 

“Do you like her?” Luhan’s grandmother asked as she used her chopsticks to put more food in his bowl. She was quite surprised considering all the years of living with him; it was his first mention of a girl.

“I don’t know. Maybe?”

“How do you feel when you’re with her?” 

“I can’t really describe it.” Luhan bit his lips in deep thought. “I just… I think I like her. I always want to bother her. See her. Talk to her. I smile when I'm with her. And so I want to bother her more.”

“Well then, tell her.” 

“Tell her I want to bother her?” Luhan scrunched his face at the thought. Even he knew that wouldn’t end up well. 

His grandmother shook her head. “Tell her that you think you like her.” 

“What if she rejects me?” Luhan scowled at the thought. 

“Then you at least know you tried.”

“But I don’t want to know that I tried. I want to know that she likes me.” Luhan leaned back against his chair and crossed his arms. “I mean she should like me. Who wouldn’t? She should tell me first.”

“You’re just like you father.” His grandmother ruffled his hair while Luhan frowned. He hated when other people touch his hair and just because his grandmother was the only exception doesn’t mean he liked it.

“Yeah yeah. And I look like mother.” 

“And what do I always say?”

Luhan sighed. “That they love me and they are always watching over me.” 


“So whatever choose I do, it’ll all work out in the end.” Luhan repeated the familiar saying he has heard all his life. 

“Don’t be scared and just tell her then. Okay?” 

“Kay.” Luhan smiled. His grandmother was always right. Why would she fail her now? 

“What did Kai do know?” Krystal put her purse on the chair and sat down.

“Why do you always ask that?” Jiwon pouted and scooted the menu closer so Krystal could take a look and order.

“Because every time you ask me to eat, it’s always blah blah blah blah blah… KAI. I’m surprised you haven’t started drinking already.”

“It’s not about Kai this time.” Jiwon smiled sarcastically. 


“Well… there is this guy.”

Krystal’s eyes widen, fully knowing where that tone is heading. She was surprised considering the last time she talks to her about a guy except Kai was-well, never. “Another guy?”

“I met him at SM. We went on an MT together and-“

“Wait wait wait wait wait. “ Krystal shook her head repeatedly when she heard SM. “SM as in he’s a model or just an employee.”

“Well a model is technically-“

“Answer the question.”

“His name is Kris. You probably don’t-“

“WHAT? Wait a second!” Krystal went rummaging through her purse when she heard the familiar name. “This Kris?” 

Jiwon was shocked to see Krystal pull out a magazine with Kris’s face plastered on the cover. “Yeah-“

“SHUT UP!” Krystal gasped in excitement when she looked at the picture on the magazine and back to Jiwon. “And rumor is he just broke up with his girlfriend!”

‘Well they’re still technically together’ Jiwon wanted to say. But that opens another can of worms she didn’t want to get into yet. “I love Kai. But I don’t know if I like Kris-“

“If you don’t know then find out. Ask him out. Date him.” Krystal said as though it was the most obvious thing ever.

“It’s not that easy.” Jiwon let out a nervous laugh.

“Why? If anything, it is more than easy. You don’t have to break up with Kai and you can test out Kris. What is simpler than that?” Krystal explained. “Maybe I should give this open relationship thing a try.”

“What do you do when you like a girl?” Kris asked Lay, one of his closest friends. 

Lay looked up from his plate of food with his usual blank face. “I ask them out on a date.” 

“Date huh?” Kris bit his lips and starred off in contemplation.

“Why? Do you have a girl in mind?”

“What makes you think that?” Kris starred at the strange smile Lay had on his face.

“Well Lu was complaining to me the other day about you taking his toy away-“

“Toy?” Kris rolled his eyes. “Is that what he calls her?”

“So there is a her.” Lay wanted to pat himself on the back to know that he was right. What can he say? Intuition of a unicorn. "Do you like her?”

"I don't know." Kris huffed at the question. He's been asking himself that for a long time now. "There is a sparkle in her eyes that I can't just quite get rid of in my mind."

"Date her. Find out."

“I’m with Sora.” Kris responded almost automatically. But then he remembered.

“It’s an open relationship right? Is the other girl is taken?” 

“She is.” 

“Then I guess that could be a problem.”

“Actually, not really.”

“Tell me what this is.” The man slides some pictures across the dinning room calmly.

“Pictures of me.” Sora sighed, showing a bored expression.

“Yeah. And do you know how expensive these pictures cost me?”

“You tell me.”

“More expensive than it cost for an actual photographer take a picture of you.”

“I didn’t ask you to buy these pictures. I don’t really care if they do get released to the public.” 

“That’s the problem with you!” the man threw his arms up in the air in frustration. “You should care. A picture paints a thousand words and these pictures paint a million.”

“And what is that?” Sora crossed her arms and challenged.

“What do you think? A girl who is said to be in a relationship in another picture, holding hands, with a different guy.” 

“It says that I’m seeing the other guy.” 

“An is that true? It isn’t but-“

“But it is true.”

“You don’t need people to know that. People don’t want to know the truth.”

Sora rolled her eyes and scratched her eyebrows in slight frustration. “What do you know?”

The man sighed at the expression on her face. “I know that I haven’t been the best father in the world and I’m trying to change. I really am. I just hope you’ll meet me half way. I want a better relationship with you. That was your mother’s last wish.”

“Fine.” Sora bit her lips when she saw genuine sincerity. “What do you want me to do?”

“I just want you to be happy. I don’t want to tell you what to do, but please, if you dating this ‘other guy’ is just a form of rebellion then break it off with him. Just pick one that makes you happy because someone is bound to get hurt. And Kris is a nice guy.”  

Nice. That word always bothered Sora. It felt like a burden to her. And Sora was never equipped for heavy lifting. 

Because it's my birthday....

lol, my birthday is one day before baekhyun's and the day of exo's was probably meant to be

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I'm really not upset. Just curious? Don't apologize. Lol


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Chapter 19: It's really funny how I just started reading this fics while you have decided like a month ago to delete this..
Well, life is just... like that. Isn't it?
I really like this story, but I, too, could understand what you are going through. Do whatever feells right for you.
Whatever your decision is.. I'm thankful that you had write and share this fics. I truly enjoy reading it.
Chapter 19: I'm surprised that the update alert on my sub showed that this story has updated. I'm happy because this story is one of long awaited fanfic that I've been craving to update. But it's just. ..

I know that feeling too really
But deleting this account and the story don't mean that you are released from that feeling.
I just love your story so much and see your efforts and progress from beginning. And i'm sad of course :(

But desicion is still yours. It's okay.
I will miss this story. Much
Chapter 19: I honestly miss this story :')
Chapter 19: Waw author.
Good story to read in here.
So muchh feelll I like it.
Tx for writing this. Iluvu :)
AgarwaeN #5
Chapter 19: It's sad to see a story left unfinished and never will it be finished but I understand that...I once did it too. So, it how life is... :)
Keycolight #6
Chapter 19: so sad to hear this but it's ok... it's your own choice. as long as you're happy and not stressed from feeling yourself is a disappointment. that's fine, you don't have to feel disappointed to yourself. just do whatever you feel right. i hope you won't delete the story tho cuz probably some readers wanna reread it or some new readers wanna give it a chance. well it's still tour own choice. thank you for sharing this story with us :)
Keycolight #7
Chapter 18: why? WHY?! of all places, why should it be in Japan? Kai's changing bit by bit. but why should this be happened? I really really wanna cry right now.... :(((
at first i love seeing her with Kris, but now Kris is trying too hard to make Kai looks so bad. He doesn't even know him personally how could he assumed he doesn't love Jiwon? could he read his mind? could he know his heart? i'm sorry author-nim... Kai and Kris are both my bias but i can't be bias on both of them right now. Now i understand why we all love the bad boys. nice boys are boring.
aren't you going to continue this? it's been 2 years already. did something happen to you? or is it just a writer block? do they call it a writer block? please come back~~ come baby baby come come~ /slapped/
fighting author-nim!! ^^
Keycolight #8
Chapter 6: i remembered i subscribed to this story like 2 years ago? haha it was a long time ago but i wanted to wait till it's completed then i'll start to read it. turns out you stopped updating it. and now here i am reading your amazing fic. this is so good you know? Kai's a jerk, Kris's a sweetheart, and luhan's a haha. sorry but every time he's on the scene i always think he has that y personality. you three effin georgous men here. jeez i can't even puck one of them lmao. just wait kai.. wait till jiwon leaves you then you'll understand :'')
Chapter 18: i still dream of an update
Missy_Daydreamer #10
Shocked to see that this story has low subscribers... This story deserves more than that... I really hope you'll update tho...