The First Staff

Sweet Retreat



Hello Kwanghee's spoken words

Hello Dong Jun's spoken words

All black Italicized are thoughts kay? happy reading!!

They finished running around and Kwanghee sat laughing. Dong Jun followed, the feeling of awkwardness between them was gone.


It’s been years since I had so much fun like that. 10 years to be exact since I wanted to be a pâtissier for that person. That's why I trained early. Good thing you laughed too. You looked like a gangster when you’re serious.


Yah! No I don’t!   DJ retorted sounding angry but happy inside that the older cared.


So why are you sleeping in the dome?


Got flak at home when mom discovered I wanted to sing and dance with a group. I decided to leave home but I ended up broke since we didn’t have a gig these days. I couldn’t go home though or I will not go home. I will just be hearing her nag “So you came back eh? Told you your dancing and singing will not feed you” stuff that I hate hearing the most. So what about you hyung?


Hmm? Just went to the super to get some supplies.


Supplies for what hyung?


Cakes. I sell cakes for a living.


So that’s why you smell sweeeet even though… Even though you’re a prankster.


Even though…?


Nothing hyung! So was it a bakeshop?


Well not really. It’s a café but I’m stuck at selling cakes since I’m looking for staff. Say… would you like a part time job as a waiter? You can perform there too. Besides I have a spare room we can live together!   Kwanghee happily exclaimed.Dong Jun eyed him warily but remembering what Kwanghee told him moments ago he started considering it.


Aish... I already told you, you don’t fit the bill why are you still hesitating? Hearing this Dong jun pouted. I’ll hire your other members too if they want to?


 It’s a deal!


So let’s go? Kwanghee said smiling as he went to get his paper bag and Dong Jun his luggage inside the dome. On the way they discussed what his group always performs.


So what genre do you perform?


Well mostly ballads or songs with long notes, sometimes catchy songs and the like.


Ahhh… perfect for what I have in mind. So can you call your members tomorrow?


Okay! I’ll check if they can come. Kwanghee just nodded and stopped on a door and opened it.


We're here! And went inside. Dong Jun eyed the place. It was a cozy café like a hidden place where you could relax. The atmosphere is not too dark like a bar but splashed in hues of brown, yellow and black. Child friendly as they say. He imagined it full of happy smiling customers just like his hyung, with him not noticing his wide smile plastered on his face.


You like it?


I love it!   Dong Jun exclaimed already looking forward to tomorrow’s duty.


Good! Our rooms are on the second floor and yours is the right one. I’ll leave your uniform by the door tomorrow.  Sleep tight! Night Night!! as kwanghee proceeded to his room


DJ entered to his room and messaged s. My next days will be fun! A smile formed in his lips as he fell asleep the instant he hit the bed.


Yay!!! one done again!!! almost done with the next but i guess i'll have time to upload in bulk on saturday.

Also shoutout to my two subbies - Jojo91  and choichan97 hope you like the new one!

Also sorry to Dong Jun's mom... She's not like that I hope? it's just for the story so don't bash me!!!  Subscription, Comments and Suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!

Have a nice day!!!

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SilentReada #1
Wow my first long I mean LOOOOONGGG comment ahahaha but thanks. I'm on you for that DongKwang moments since I always see them together on clips of shows on youtube. And since I saw ZEA for the first time the first OTP i found was SiKwang, then MinShik. Not sure about KwangChul though. I'll edit that chapter later to make it clear how Heechul felt. Maybe I'll make a flashback scenes of the three knights later for some cooling down filler chapters then back to explosions aheheh.
Anyway thanks for the menties. Ooohhh and Heads up for subbies here. I'll post the foreword and some chapters of the original storyline sometime in mid Feb. Depends on how much free time I could get it might be sooner or later. Anyway thanks for Reading!
hopelesswriter #2
new reader.i read the whole thing in one
found this fic awhile ago....but since i'm not into gang/fight stuffs i skipped it...
now that i found it again looking for some Kwanghee fic...i read it n love it since i love food related stuffs as well.....though the last few chapters made me a lil dizzy with the fight/gang scenes...
gaaah..i know rite from the start it'd be Siwan....i's Kwanghee we're talking about....but Kwanghee scenes with Dongjun made me melting rooting for them...esp chap 13....Kwanghee's first fight with Heechul made me crave for some aftermath KwangChul.......because i love the intensity....just wondering if Heechul knew Kwanghee in their previous gang days because i wanted to know his reaction having fought his own leader.
but the last few chaps of SiKwang's longing for each other manage to torture me together with them as well...
dhsbddnjsdsn...i know it's SiKwang..but i'm tempted to ship Kwanghee with so many guys in this fic...Dongjun.....maybe some Heechul...even Kevin..
n Siwan sounds so prince. i like it. i'm still a lil confused but i'll just go along...guess the Beast gang will combine with starship gang then? or maybe no......Hyorin sounds really cool too. love 'em. Kwanghee got a really cool character too which made me soo happy since it's rare to see him being interpreted as such in fics...he's funny, yet melancholic n badass...though sometimes he went too much with teasing his old gangmates like he did with the Heechul fight n with Siwan...i was screaming inside...'enough already kwangheee!!!'
sorry for blabbering too much. enjoyed this. keep it up^^~!
OMO , these three chapters are totally awesome !! I'm craving for more . Oh hey , I just love the fighting scene !! Can totally picture it in my mind . Regarding the question , I'd love to see the original ver of the fic . Update soon ! :)
Angel_Kiss #4
Update soon :)
SilentReada #5
maybe maybe not ahahahahaha guess? maybe the new guys that is out now?
ireneayu #6
siwan, ne? :)
SilentReada #7
O_O i thought it was pretty obvious aheheehehe
I wonder who's the Ice Prince ..... xO Update soon !!!<br />
It's awkward when I think of Kwanghee's serious face . Y'know , he's usually carefree and funny rite ? Anyhoo , you did a great job for this chap . <br />
Keep it up !
=D I love how the story gets more and more intense with each chapter , and I wanna applaud you for writing such a great fic ! :D I love Kwanghee and Kevin's character here ! And , ummm ~ Dongjun and Kwanghee ? o.O Lovey-dovey ? :P<br />
Hehe , do update soon ! :D
SilentReada #10
sure hope you like it!