
One Sun, Two Moons


FT Island- Bad Woman

Chanyeol sighed, sitting on his window ledge with the window closed.


He stared at the small black box with a pink bow on top of it.


I was going to give it to you after you officially became mine.


He stared at the box, contemplating whether or not to open it.


In the end, he opened it.


The two silver rings sat there in the styrofoam placement hold.


“It’s still new…” he whispered to himself.


I wonder what it would’ve felt wear it…  with Eun Mi…


Chanyeol looked down at the two rings.


He took his out first and put it on his left ring finger.


It fits…


Then he carefully plucked out Eun Mi’s ring and placed it on his pinky.


A perfect fit…

He bitterly smiled at the two rings.


Chanyeol closed his eyes and imagined what it would have been like….


If he gave Eun Mi the ring.


If he said he chose it just for Eun Mi.


If he were able to slip it onto her finger.


If he were able to show her off to the world like the beautiful gem she was.


He wondered…


What would it would’ve been like..


If she was still alive…


A silent tear slid down.


Chanyeol put his palm to his head, slapping himself.


“Idiot, idiot, idiot.  You idiot.  She’s dead now.  No use in imagining,” Chanyeol muttered to himself.


Jingle jingle.


Chanyeol looked up and saw Eun Mi.




Yeolyeol” beamed Eun Mi.


She was dressed in a red plaid shirt and pajama shorts, revealing her long smooth legs.


Chanyeol gulped


“It’s been a while” she said.


“Yeah.. it has” he warily replied.


“Why are you wearing two rings?”  Eun Mi looked down at his left hand.


Embarrassed, Chanyeol hid his hand behind his back.


Eun Mi looked for the rings.


“Is one of them for me??” she questioned.


Slowly, Chanyeol drew out his left hand.


“It was….”  Chanyeol replied.


Eun Mi anxiously jumped up and down.  “Can I see??”


Chanyeol chuckled.


“Of course,” he pulled off her ring and put a hand out.


Eun Mi looked at him, puzzled.


“Give me your hand,” he commanded.


Eun Mi put her hand into his.


Gently, Chanyeol slipped the ring onto her right ring finger.


“A perfect fit.  I knew it” he smiled down at her hand.


Eun Mi withdrew her hand and gazed at it.


“It’s so pretty!”  She commented, putting her hand out to look at it better.


“Is this really for me??” She asked Chanyeol.


Chanyeol bobbed his head up and down.


“I wouldn’t give any other girl a ring,” Chanyeol grinned, causing the ends of his eyes to go up.


“Aigoo, look at my little *troublemaker”


Eun Mi put each index finger on the ends of his eyes and pushed it upwards, causing Chanyeol’s eyes to shrink in size.


“Little?  Who you callin’ little?”  Chanyeol asked, eyes still in chinky form.


Eun Mi burst into a fit of giggles and released his eyes.


Her laughter was like the sounding of Christmas bells.


“Come here you!”  Chanyeol tore off his jacket and chased after her.


Eun Mi ran away and hid behind his white couch.


“Found you” a deep voice said.


Eun Mi looked up and met with Chanyeol’s hazelnut eyes.


Chanyeol gazed back down at her.


He leaned in and Eun Mi pecked him lightly on the lips, then ran away.


“If you want another one, then you gotta catch me~” sang Eun Mi.


“Oh I will” smirked Chanyeol.


He swiftly picked her up and dropped her onto the couch.


Eun Mi laughed aloud and pushed Chanyeol away from her.


“C’mere!” Chanyeol pulled her back down onto the couch with him.




“What was that…?” Eun Mi asked Chanyeol.


“I dunno…” Chanyeol shrugged his shoulders.


He and Eun Mi looked around the couch for the source of the sound.


“Aha!  I found it!”  Chanyeol tugged at a piece of paper in the crack of the couch pillows.


“What is it?”


“I’m not sure..”  Chanyeol finally pulled the paper free.


“Well read it,” Eun Mi smiled, already aware of what was on the paper.


She sat next to him on the couch, her hand high fiving his side ways.


Her hand was facing down and his up.


It was something the two of them did.



Play with me

I’m bored.” read Chanyeol, as he grasped onto her hand.


He laughed at the picture.


“Who’s that supposed to be a picture of?” he chuckled.


Eun Mi looked closely at the photo.



“It’s us!  Can’t you tell?”  she replied.


Chanyeol chuckled harder.


“It doesn’t look like us at all,” Chanyeol told her with a smile.


“Let me show you!”  Eun Mi snatched the paper out of his hand and began to explain.



Chanyeol watched her explain with a loving gaze, amused by her gestures.


“Do you see it now?”  Eun Mi asked again.


“Of course baby” smiled Chanyeol.


“You weren’t even listening were you?” She pouted.


“Heh, caught,” Chanyeol stuck out part of his tongue.


Eun Mi tsked him and walked into his bathroom.


“Aww, come on baby, don’t be maddd,” begged Chanyeol.


He followed her into the bathroom but she wasn’t there.


“Boo!”  A voice said from behind.


Chanyeol jumped up in fright.


“Don’t do that!” whined the older.


“You’re such a scaredy cat!” Eun Mi teased.


“Am not!”  Chanyeol shot back.


Eun Mi turned around the corner again.


“Hey!  Where are you going now?”  Chanyeol went after her.


He skidded to a stop when he saw Eun Mi open the window.


“What are you doing?”


“It’s time” Eun Mi replied.


“What do you mean it’s time?”  Chanyeol’s eyes widened.


“Hold this for me really quickly” Eun Mi took the ring off and put it in his palm.



“What?  No?  Keep it.  It’s yours,” Chanyeol pushed it back into her hand.


“Chanyeol listen to me.  It’s time,” Eun Mi sternly said.  She pushed the ring into his hand.


“No.  What are you talking about??”  Chanyeol was like a lost puppy.


Eun Mi bitterly smiled.


“Check the couch” she told him.


Hesitant, Chanyeol left to go check the couch.


“There’s nothing ther-” Chanyeol stopped talking.


She left.


There was nothing left.  The window was closed.


Chanyeol frantically checked the window but it was locked, as if it had never been opened before.


“Agh!”  he threw the ring down in frustration and sorrow.


He picked it back up and clutched it in his hand.


Chanyeol twisted off his ring and stuffed the both of them down his pants pockets.


With a sigh, he plopped himself onto the couch.


Crunch!  Crunch!


What’s that sound…?


Chanyeol lifted up the couch pillow from its place.


Underneath the seat pillow were letters and notes, all from Eun Mi, safely tucked away.


Tears welled up in his eyes.


Chanyeol lifted up the other seat pillow, only to reveal more letters.


One by one he picked them up and read them.


He sat on the floor, reading every single letter and note she wrote.


From the silliest to most sentimental ones, he loved them all.


He reached out to grab the last letter.


He closed his eyes and prepared himself for it.


-Yoooo~  Chan to the Yeol!  kekekeke.-  Chanyeol read the letter in Eun Mi’s voice and laughed.


-I miss you….  You and Exo are away in Paris with F(x) unnies for a family reunion, leaving me behind. :c

I really miss you.

A lot.

A lot.

I really really really miss you. 3

When are you coming back?

I hope it’s soon.

I miss your smile and the way the ends of your eyes curl up.

I miss your deep voice.

I miss your chuckle.

I miss your hugs.

I miss your kisses.

I miss you….

I love you my YeolYeol!


Your MiMi <3-


A tear dropped onto the paper but Chanyeol quickly wiped it away.


I’m sorry we lied to you Eun Mi…. It wasn’t a family reunion….we went…. to an Elder’s Council meeting…. to lie about you…..


Chanyeol stuffed the letters into a music box and put it on a nightstand next to his bed.



Luhan stared at the clock at his desk.


He slumped over the table and levitated the clock up into the air.


Hao wu liao” (How boring)


His chestnut colored hair was a mess and he still wore his black tank top with basketball shorts.



He put his chin on the desk and began looking through his phone for songs.


His thumb stopped.




“My favorite song”


Luhan jumped up at the voice.


He turned around, but there was no one there.


“Sing it~” he heard a soft voice tell him.


Luhan looked around once more, but nobody was there.


“Okay…” he warily said.


He turned back to his phone, only to find that Angel was playing.


Exo-M- Angel


The melody began and Luhan began to lose himself in the music.


He sang.


He sang with all his heart.


He sang with all his might.


He sang with all his pent up pain.


He sang with all his frustration.


But most importantly…


He sang with all his love.


His love for Eun Mi…


He reached the end of the song and heard clapping.




This time for sure, Luhan knew there was someone there.


Lo and behold, it was Eun Mi.


“**Eun….” (Grace) Luhan called out.


“Hi there Han”  Eun Mi waved.


Hao jiao mei ting dao ni jiao wo Han”  (It’s been a long time since you called me Han) Luhan held her hand.


“I thought you didn’t like Han” Luhan told Eun Mi.


“What made you think that?”


“You always called me Luhan


“Because it sounds better” Eun Mi said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


Luhan laughed.


Silly Eun.


Eun Mi smiled and changed the subject.  “Hao jiu mei kan dao ni” (Long time no see)


“***Eo” (Yeah)  Luhan cautiously nodded.


He didn’t know whether or not his mind was playing tricks on him, but he decided to go with it.


A world with Eun Mi was a hell of a lot better than a world without her.


Wo hao xiang ni…” (I missed you a lot) Eun Mi told him, walking over.


Wo ye shi” (Me too)


Luhan tucked hair behind her ear.


Ni hai hao ma?” (Are you okay?) asked Eun Mi.


Luhan nodded, pulling Eun Mi closer.


Ni ne?” (You?)  Eun Mi could feel his breath on her skin.


“I’ve been better,” chuckled Eun Mi.


Luhan cracked a smile.


“So tell me Han, ni zui jin zai gan ma?”  (So tell me Han, what have you been doing recently?)


Eun Mi poked his nose.


“Thinking of you” Luhan immediately replied.


“That’s it?” Eun Mi scrunched up her nose.  Luhan kissed it in reply.


“That’s it” he said.


“You’re such a boring old fart” Eun Mi said, releasing him.


“Excuse me?” Luhan raised an eyebrow.


“You don’t do anything”


Eun Mi walked over to his desk.


“I do!” protested Luhan, hugging her back.


“Staying indoors all day solving and unsolving your rubix cube doesn’t count” Eun Mi put his clock back in its place.


“Does too!”


“Come on Han.  Go do something with your life.  You have to move on,” Eun Mi nagged him.


“Why is it that even when you’re dead, you never fail to nag me?” Luhan asked with a slight smirk.


Eun Mi chuckled and picked up a solved Rubix cube.


“That’s because, you’re literally going to live forever.  Might as well start doing something productive with your life” she answered.


She twisted the rubix cube.


He flinched for a second.


Luhan rolled his eyes.  “Thanks for reminding me”


“You’re welcome” Eun Mi beamed.


She twisted the rubix cube again.


Luhan flinched even more.


“Hey hey hey, be careful with that.  That’s my favorite Rubix cube” Luhan told Eun Mi.


“I’m trying to help you!” Eun Mi reasoned.


“By breaking it?” Luhan arched his eyebrow again.


“No.  Watch,” Eun Mi held up the Rubix cube in plain view.


“I’m watching” Luhan crossed his arms.


Then Eun Mi did the unthinkable.


She took the Rubix cube and smashed it onto the floor, watching it break into colorful pieces.


“NO!” Luhan screamed.


But amidst the colorful pieces of plastic, Luhan spotted something silver and green.


“There’s always something better,” winked Eun Mi.


Luhan bent down and brushed away the plastic pieces.


He held up the two objects.


The first one was a telekinesis necklace.



The second object was a green bracelet with his name in bronze English letters.




Luhan brushed his fingers over the necklace.


His eyes shone.


“Thank y-”


He looked up to thank Eun Mi but she disappeared.


Eun?” (Grace?)


Luhan called her name again and again.


He began to panic.


It all happened too fast for him to comprehend.


Losing her once was enough, but he wasn’t going to lose her again.


Eun!  Eun!  Ni zai na li?”  (Grace!  Grace!  Where are you?)


Luhan called out for her again and again but there was no reply.


Then Angel began to play again, but this time, it played backwards, as if it were being rewinded.


Luhan opened his eyes again and the song ended.


Breathing heavily, Luhan looked back at his desk.


His clock was still misplaced and his Rubix cube in one piece.


Pushing over the books, Luhan grabbed the Rubix cube and smashed it onto the floor.


He searched through the pieces and found the necklace and bracelet.


Clutching it to his chest, Luhan laid on the bed.



Before Chanyeol was about to play his guitar, he looked to his right and stared at the music box.


He pulled out the letters again and read them one by one again.



Luhan held the necklace up in the light.


The bracelet fit perfectly on his wrist.



It was as if she was still there.


*Troublemaker = in Korean culture, people who have the ends of their eyes curl up when they smile means they're a prankster, jokester, troublemaker, etc.

**Eun = in Chinese, Eun means grace, whereas in Korean, it means Silver.

***Eo = in Chinese and Korean, if you usually say this, or Eung, it means yes, like a nod of the head.

Who do you guys prefer: Chanyeol or Luhan?(:

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Choding0w0Babylion #1
Chapter 17: I just finished chapter 17! Please update soon! (:
Chapter 17: Finally you comeback ^^ Great chapter & I'm anticipating for next update - Yuki
Chapter 16: So much drama ... but i really like it!! Wonder how they will meet again. Cant wait! ><
Chapter 6: It just .. i dunno. Im gonna subcribe this story after im finish read the last chapter!
Chapter 1: That was so heartbreaking. I wanna cry too T.T
lohsna #6
Chapter 16: argggg youre killing me, arent you? Those silent tears, i could only hope exo will know the truth real soon :')
Chapter 16: Thanks for update & hope EXO can meet Eun Mi! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 14: O>M<G poor EXO & i'm pity for Eun Mi :'( - Yuki
lohsna #9
Chapter 13: wait authornim, 2NE1 and lee hi also vampires? Then eunmi isnt the only vampire girl ._.