New Day

One Sun, Two Moons



Team A (Winner) - New Day



SEO YOUNG-AHHHHHH!” Yoon Hyeong screamed, with his arms flailing everywhere as he ran to the girl.


Seo Young winced at his screeching.


Why is he always so loud?


Tae Hyun quietly snickered to himself after hearing her thoughts, not looking up from his book.


Y-yoong H-hyeong-ssi,” Seo Young replied.


“Todayyy, the weather is really nice!  Let’s go outside and play!” Yoon Hyeong held her hand with a wide grin plastered on his face.


“I-I uh huh, u-um,” she stuttered.


Yoon Hyeong was still smiling brightly at her, waiting for a ‘yes’.


Tae Hyun shut the book he was reading and hit Yoon Hyeong on the head.


Seo Young looked at him with a small smile.


“You idiot, you’re too loud.  Hurts my ears like hell,” Tae Hyun lied.


Seo Young looked up at him in surprise.


Tae Hyun looked away, biting his lip to prevent him from smiling.


“Plus, you’re digging your own grave if you’re going out into the sun” Seung Hoon reminded his younger brother.


“You’re gonna get burned to a crisp” said B.i, not looking up from his game.


“I’m not going to heal you again,” Jin Woo told him, flipping through the TV channels.


Yoon Hyeong looked to his older brother Dae Sung, jutting out his lower lip.


Dae Sung sighed at his little brother.


“I’ve saved you more times than Jin Woo.  What makes you think I’m going to save you if he isn’t?”


“Because you love me!” grinned Yoon Hyeong, forming a heart over his head.


Seo Young chuckled.


The Royals froze, and slowly turned their heads in her direction.


“W-what?” she asked, staring back.


“N-nothing,” gulped B.i


He gently put a hand on his heart.


Please stop…


He looked down at his chest.


Mino put his earphones back on and turned his music up louder.


Is it wrong that I really like her laugh?


His cheeks were tinted pink.


Joon Hwe cleared his throat and went back to his magazine.


2ne1 and Big Bang gave each other knowing looks and snickered.


The three maknaes, Hi, Chan Hyuk and Soo Hyun looked at each other, confused.


“But, but, I still want to go out!” whined Yoon Hyeong, shaking Seo Young’s arm.


“Ah geumanhae!” (Ah stop it!) ordered B.i


Yoon Hyeong lowered his head.


Dong Hyuk rolled his eyes.


How is he my hyung?


“Well you idiots can continue to bicker.  I’m going to take the girls out,” CL told her brothers.


2ne1, Soo Hyun and Hi nodded.


One by one they each got up.


The boys watched their sisters walk away.


Seo Young stood there, watching them walk in awe.


Seo Young-ah,” CL called out, “what are you doing still standing there?  Let’s go.”


“Huh?  M-me?” Seo Young stammered back, pointing to herself.


“You’re the only Seo Young here,” laughed Hi.


“Come on now,” Dara grabbed her wrist and led her away.


“W-wait!” said a worried Tae Hyun.


Everybody stared at him in shock.


Tae Hyun glanced around, slightly embarrassed.


“W-what?  I was just going to, uh, to tell you that I need you to buy something for me,” Tae Hyun explained.


“What is it?” Minzy smirked.


She already knew what was going through his head.


“Buy me some more tea.  You know the kind I like.”




Minzy thought.


Get out of my head.


Tae Hyun growled back in his head.


Shut up you two.  I’m trying to sleep.


Tae Yang cut in.


Jin Hwan just laughed a loud.


Everyone looked at him as if he were crazy.


He cleared his throat and looked away.


“Well alrightie then.  We’re leaving now!” Bom took Seo Young by her other wrist.


“Where are you guys going?” Mino removed his headphones and asked.


“To go shopping,” Soo Hyun replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.


“Aish!” Mino raised his hand sideways as if to hit her.


Soo Hyun stuck her tongue out at him.


“We already know that.  We mean where?” Seung Yoon replied.


“Everywhere and anywhere!  Seo Young needs clothes!  She can’t wear your clothes.  She looks like a guy wearing your shirts,” Bom answered, nodding to

Seo Young.


The Royals examined her.


She was still wearing Tae Hyun’s red baseball tee that reached to her knees, and shorts underneath, but nobody could see that.


All that was left, was her slender legs, exposed for all of man, well in their case, vampire-kind to see.


Dong Hyuk choked on his soda when his eyes reached her legs.


Tae Hyun smirked and Minzy laughed.


Jin Hwan cackled, patting his younger brother on his back.


Seo Young raised an eyebrow, confused.


“Let’s go.  Leave these idiots to die alone,” laughed CL, ushering them out.


“We can’t die!  We’re immortal remember!” Joon Hwe yelled after his sisters.


They all laughed.



The girls arrived in 2ne1’s walk in closet first for Seo Young to change clothes.


There were shoes on top and clothes of every color.

Seo Young gasped at the sight.


Soo Hyun went up to her and sighed.


“Don’t be surprised.  This is the smaller closet.”


Seo Young’s eyes widened.


“Here put this on,” Bom threw a pile of clothes in Seo Young’s direction.


Seo Young examined it piece by piece.


“ it?” she asked, staring at the see through shirt.


“It’s a blouse,” Bom happily replied.


“I don’t think she would wear that kind of scandalous stuff,” Hi replied.


“How about this?”


Dara held up a pineapple shirt with black stars on it.


Seo Young scrunched her nose and shook her head.




CL held up a black skull shirt.


“Hey!  That’s mine!” Minzy said, snatching it away.


Seo Young laughed and shook her head again.


She looked through the pile and found a red and white striped sweater.


Then she dug through the pants pile and found a pair of beige skinny jeans.


“Eyyy~  She has good taste just like I thought,” Hi nodded in approval.


“Go try it on” CL urged.


Seo Young went into the changing room and then came out.



“Ahhh of course our sister-in-law would look the best,” smiled CL.


Soo Hyun and Hi nodded together.


“Sister-in-law?” Seo Young tilted her head in confusion.


2ne1 put a hand over CL’s mouth.


CL removed their hands and wiped .


“Too soon?” she whispered to her sisters.


They all nodded.


Seo Young asked again.  “What do you mean by sister-in-law?”


“Ahh, nothing nothing.  It was a mistake.  My bad,” CL lied.


“Here, try these on,” Bom distracted Seo Young, handing her a pair of red Toms.


“O-oh okay”


Seo Young obediently slipped them on.


“Yehey!  That’s cute!  Okay let’s go!”


CL pushed the girls out the room and led them out of the house.


“Let the adventure begin!” Dara screamed out the door.


Their brothers waved, unfazed.


“Goodbye my moneyyyy” their father jokingly cried out.


Everyone laughed except for the girls.


They glared back at their father with a playful pout on their lips.



Exo wandered out of their rooms.


The wind was especially cold.


The breeze drifted through the windows, freezing the insides of the house.


Luhan, could you shut the window please?” DO asked his older brother.


Luhan flicked a wrist and the window shut.


His name bracelet gleamed in the rays of the sunlight.


“Hey, where’d you get that?” DO pointed at his brother’s wrist.


“This?” Luhan pointed at his bracelet.


DO nodded.


Luhan was silent for a little while.


“Eun Mi...she...visited me last night” Luhan explained.


DO’s eyes widened in surprise.


“You too?” he whispered back.


Luhan snapped his head back to DO.


“Eun Mi visited me too…”  DO said.


“What happened?” Luhan asked.


Then they began to discuss what happened the night before.



“Hey what’s up?” Kai sauntered over and took a swig of water from his bottle.


The boys were all in the living room, some playing games, others watching TV, but Kai was more interested by his two hyungs huddled on the couch



“Uh, um-” Luhan tried to explain.


“Where’d you get that from?” Kai pointed at his telekinesis necklace.


Luhan looked down and bitterly smiled.


“Eun Mi” he said aloud.


Exo froze.


Lay’s fingers hovered over the piano keyboard.


Kris dropped his pen.


Tao stopped eating his pizza.


Chanyeol’s bubble popped on his lips.


“Stop joking around,” Kai punched Luhan in the arm and dryly laughed.


“I’m not,” Luhan said with a straight face.


“Luhan, we’ve known Eun Mi as long as you have and we have never seen her give that to you, or you wear it until now,” Kris said.


“I’m not lying!” Luhan protested.


Luhan ge, Eun Mi’s dead.  She’s not here anymore,” whispered Lay.


“I saw her!  I’m not lying!” Luhan said, eyes flashing pink.


Tao lowered his head.


I saw her too...


“I saw her too,” DO whispered.


Tao looked at him.


“Me too,” Chanyeol raised a hand, while trying to remove gum his mouth with the other.


“Same here,” Lay piped up.


“Me too,” whispered Xiumin.


Everyone turned their head to him.


H-hyung, you spoke,” Baekhyun stuttered.


Xiumin nodded.



One by one the five of them began to explain their story.


How Eun Mi reappeared.


And how she disappeared.


Their heart here, then gone.


Except for Tao.


“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation” Xiumin whispered to the wind.

(Kahlil Gibran)

Sorry I didn't update yesterday like I said I would...

I decided to show my parents Exo, Block B, and Bap....

End Results:

1.  My mom thinks they're all gay.

2.  My dad thinks he's better looking than all of them.

I also apologize for any grammar mistakes!

I will be updating tomorrow!(:  For sure!

Yay for new subscribers!

Please comment, subscribe, and upvote!  Thank you!!(:

Merry Christmas Eve!! <3


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Choding0w0Babylion #1
Chapter 17: I just finished chapter 17! Please update soon! (:
Chapter 17: Finally you comeback ^^ Great chapter & I'm anticipating for next update - Yuki
Chapter 16: So much drama ... but i really like it!! Wonder how they will meet again. Cant wait! ><
Chapter 6: It just .. i dunno. Im gonna subcribe this story after im finish read the last chapter!
Chapter 1: That was so heartbreaking. I wanna cry too T.T
lohsna #6
Chapter 16: argggg youre killing me, arent you? Those silent tears, i could only hope exo will know the truth real soon :')
Chapter 16: Thanks for update & hope EXO can meet Eun Mi! Keep it up - Yuki
Chapter 14: O>M<G poor EXO & i'm pity for Eun Mi :'( - Yuki
lohsna #9
Chapter 13: wait authornim, 2NE1 and lee hi also vampires? Then eunmi isnt the only vampire girl ._.