Reconcile ?


" I shouldn't have add fuel to the fire.. " Naeun mumbled to herself.

Suddenly, a creak noise coming out from the door, stating that the door is opening. However, Naeun doesn't care. In fact, she does not even have the energy to care after crying so much. 

" Naeun.. " A familiar voice is ringing in her head.

' Taemin ? No, that's impossible. I must be hallucinating. '

" Naeun ah ? " The voice repeats in her head and finally, without even caring about how does she looks, she looked up to the source of the voice. To her surprise, it's really the one who she has been expecting. 

" Why are you here ? " Naeun tries her best to show him that she's still strong. 

" I came out to check on you and if possible, I would like to talk to you. " 

" There is nothing to talk about. " Naeun gets up and stomped her feet away as she tries to leave the hospital as fast as possible which followed by Taemin, trying to stop her. 

Though Taemin is being hospitalised, his health is still pretty good in condition hence he catches up with Naeun quickly. Due to the heavy rain, Naeun accidentally tripped but thankfully, Taemin was there to stop that accident. Wrapping around her waist and shoulders with both of his hands and lying in his arms, reminds both of them about that one special moment.

It's none other than the first day that they met. Everything was the same, it's raining heavily and the girl tripped too but thankfully, she is been rescued by a guy. A guy who she didn't know that she will love him so much. A guy who she didn't know that the two words ' Break Up ' will be brought up so soon between the two of them. Tears starts to form in Naeun's eyes. How she wish that this moment will stay forever so that Taemin will not leave her. She begged to God that he will stay with her. She has absolutely no idea that she will be that desperate for a guy. 

A thunder roar can be heard throughout the whole city, slapping Naeun's face back to the reality. She knows that, it's impossible and the wisest thing to do is to at least, saves her dignity. 

" Let me go. " Those three words also brings Taemin back to the reality as he has been thinking about the same thing as Naeun. 

" Sorry. " Taemin whispered but it's loud enough for the girl. 

Little did Naeun knows that, Taemin pulls her to himself and embraces her . 

" What- What are you doing ? " 

" I am sorry for my selfishness but I really can't bear to let you go. " 

" Huh ? " Naeun knew that Taemin was hiding something from her but she doesn't even have a clue of what it is. The guy then breaks the hug as he said, " Let's go in first. " which Naeun agreed.

Following the footsteps behind Taemin, Naeun feels extremely unsettled. She knows that it must be something really really big and it may affects her life in some ways. 

Taemin stopped as he faces the girl with a heavy sigh and fidgeting eyes. 

" I am really sorry to break the truth to you and because of me, you will be getting a tremendous amount of pain and worries. However, I still thinks that you should have a right to know the truth. Though it's going to get really complicated and tough in the future, I will always be there for you. Are you ready ? " 

Naeun nodded with a heavy breath and waits for Taemin to speak patiently. The guy let out a heavy sigh once again and swallowed his saliva and finally speaks. 

" Basically, my parents are now in the hospital due to accident and the culprit for that, it's actually... "

" It's actually ? "

" It's.. actually..... your dad. " 

" What ?! "

" I know it's hard to believe that but I also hope that it's just a mistake or something. "

" No, my dad will not do this kind of things. "

" But Naeun.. " 

" Stop ! If you want to break up with me then just freaking say it and just get over with it ! Why the heck do you even need to accuse my dad ? " 

" Listen girl, I really wish that I am just making a mistake or something but this is the evidence. " 

" I am sorry. It's not that I don't believe you but I dont wish to know that. It's really hard for me. What should I do now ? " Naeun is so frustrated that she feels like crying. 

' What to do now.. ? One is the person I love the most and the other is the person that I love ever since I was born... ' 

" It's okay, Naeun. I will be here for you. I know your situation very well. I wanted to save your relationship with your dad or at least still makes your impression of your perfect dad intact but I am too selfish.. I don't want to lose you.. It's really hard for me too.. I feel so unfillal because I am doing this while my parents are lying in the hospital, unconscious.. but I believe they won't put the blame on you and wish that both of us will be back together.. I am sorry for hurting you earlier. I came up with such a lame excuse. I am so sorry.. "

" It's okay, Taemin-ah ~ I don't blame you. " Naeun then moves closer to Taemin and hugs him tightly. 






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Will update tomorrow instead, please anticipate !


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Anu_Taeun #1
Chapter 28: Update
Anu_Taeun #2
Chapter 28: Update
Icha_Deswita #3
Chapter 28: Author-nim please update ?
Chapter 28: Please update
Evelyne1102 #5
Chapter 28: Please update.. I am looking forward for the story. Hope u will continue to write this fanfic ^^
Chapter 28: wait, is that means NE leaving him? oh gawd -_-'
moonlevine #7
Chapter 28: Oh! Poor them
moonlevine #8
Chapter 27: Update soon author ^^
Stepfanietaeun #9
Chapter 27: Taemin is right, he should do it! Thanks author
APinkSonNaEun20 #10
Chapter 26: It really hurts......:(
Happy Birthday Taemin!!!!!!^^