One meeting

The Unknown

Jonghyun's POV

  I woke up later than usual, which is weird because I went to bed early last night. Well I dread going to school today. I hope no one will stalk me. It really was annoying. I just want to see that face one more. That most adorable face that I have seen and it could possibly make my day. I already know how today is going to turn out.

   After I had took my shower and everything I went to school, I was still quite upset and I can't understand why people just loved to stalk me. What is up with that. I mean don't you think that the people would be creeped out if you stalked them. It wouldn't be as annoying if they actually tried to start a conversation with me. So I just kept quiet and kept to myself about alot of things. I wanted a freind that I knew that would actually listen to me and not talk to me and not only pretend to listen just because of  my looks. People were really annoying these days.

Key's POV

  We all left for school and we talked about whatever came up. We got to school faster than I thought, but Minho lives closer to the school then I do so I forgot, I wasn't used to staying at other peoples houses during school. I have it just has been a while since I went to someones house.

  Today we at school we have science, I hope the teacher isn't going to make us do something stupid like she always does. I like some projects, but some of them was just plain out....stupid. I mean, how many times have you disected a frog in your highschool years, prolly alot. I would always come up with excuses after a while on the disect a frog day or whatever you would want to call it so I don't have to. It was boring after a while. Plus why do we disect frogs the most. I mean it would be awesome if you changed it up a little bit, but now each teacher had to keep it the same. Stupid people. I sat down and I was still tired,, I don't like waking up real early in the mornings. "You know you could have woken up Taemin first right?" I said to Minho without realizing it.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked with a really weird looking question face.

"It was early and you chose me to wake up first!"

"Well yeah, I have known you since sometime in highschool. I wasn't going to wake up the person I only knew for a day and tell him what to do."

"Damn you Minho, damn you."

"Well you're mean. Haha"

"I don't like school." Taemin randomly said. He was looking at the desk with a tired face.

"I do too. Why do we have to wake up so early?" I replied.

"Exactly! They could atleast wait till 9 in the morning." Taemin said looking up at Minho and I.

"Haha. That's good enough for me, just not 8 in the morning, then I have to wake up earlier than I actually wake up." I said jokingly though it was true. We all shut up when the teacher walked in the room and started telling us what we were going to do. We were supposed to make a project of our choice but have it a model of the earth and something to do with the rocks, or we could make a structure of a creature that apparantly used to exist but does not anymore. This seemed like a pretty interesting project, the best one that I have ever done so far. The project is due in two weeks. So today we got to discuss what we wanted to do for the project.

"So...what do you guys want to do?" I asked looking at the other two when the teacher got done explaining everything.

"I don't know. There is alot of choices." Minho replied.

"We should do something that had to do with dinosaurs like a pterodactyl." Taemin replied looking at the table. I guess he was unsure of what we were going to say.

"I like his idea." Minho said poiting at Taemin. I gave Minho a look practically saying 'Of course you do'. Though it did seem like a pretty good idea.

"Sure lets go with it." I said nodding with a smile on my face.

"Really?!" Taemin said lifting his head up quickly with a smile on his face.

"Ah, you're too cute Taemin." Minho said. I didn't expect him to say something like that just randomly, though I could see that Taemin was blushing afterwords. He has to tell him the truth sometime, he has to.

A/N: Well how do you like this chapter. I think that I have done better and the chapters are getting longer. I was able to update, and the next chapter you will see more of Onew and Jonghyun, because I haven't said much about them!  Sorry about that! Though I was thinking that Onew would be kind of lonely and he needs a person, so I was thinking either you guys comment and tell me who I should give him, but if not I will have Lee Min Ho to him. Even though, I can't even see that, its just how everything turned out! Okay well if you like this awesome!

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!