A game of truth or dare part 1

The Unknown


A/N: Okay just to let you know everyone I updated this chapter and practically rewrote it. Anyways tell me if you like this version better! So here is your edited and revised chapter~:

Third Person’s POV


“Minho hyung. What is that behind you?” Taemin asked pointing behind Minho. He turned around only to see nothing.

“There is nothing behind me Taeminne.” Minho stated looking back just in case.

“Minho hyung, I swear there is a figure behind you, it’s really faded and they are wearing a black cloak, and a black top hat.” Taemin said pointing back at the figure, describing it.

“Dude Minho, he is not joking, there really something behind him.” Lee Minho stated.

“I don’t see anything!” Minho complained.

“Minho! I’m not lieng!” Taemin tried to get Minho to believe them.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter and if there is something behind me that’s their fault. Now who wants to play a fun game of truth and dare.” Minho asked raising his hand up.

“Sure gets us to actually do something.” Key reasoned.

“Okay then.” Minho said smirking.

“Truth or dare Key?” Minho asked

“Dare.” Key replied simpily

 “I dare you to dance to Trouble Maker’s Troublemaker with Jonghyun, and you have to Hyuna.” Minho stated his dare.

“What?! That’s not right you never asked me truth or dare!” Jonghyun exclaimed.

“I don’t care Jonghyun, dance to it with him.” Minho said and Jonghyun finaly stood up with Key, and got it the starting position. I pulled out my iPod and started to play the music, and we all watch them nail every move. Jonghyin began to get this big smirk on his face.

“Finished!” Taemin yelled after the song finished, and everyone clapped.  Jonghyun bowed, acting all mighty like.

“Yes Jonghyun you did amazing now sit down.”  Minho stated.

“Minho, truth or dare?” Key asked.

“Dare.” Minho stated scared of what he was going to dare them to do.

“I dare you to kiss Taemin, a slight cute kiss.” Key stated with a smile. Minho glared at Key for a little bit then looked back at Taemin and grabbed him on the chin and kissed him.

“Aww.” Was the first thing that Onew has said in a while.

 “Taemin! Truth or dare?” Jonghyun asked.

“Dare!” Taemin smiled.

“I dare you to dance to TVXQ Rising Sun.” Jonghyun said pulling his iPod out of his pocket.

“Kay!” Taemin smiled and stood up. Every one focused on him and the music started.  That’s when everyone realized that that really cute child can turn beast mode when he is dancing!  Taemin nailed every move and did the whole dance with very little flaws and the flaws he did make they were very unnoticible. Taemin’s little performance made everyone just stare, with amazed expressions.

“Woo! That’s my son!” Key yelled after the dance was over. Everyone clapped for him and Minho hugged him when he sat down beside him.


a/n: Chapter over sorry I couldn’t think of anything more! :)Anyways! I was just thinking that I should write a Beast fanfic! Any beast fans out there think so! Because guess what! I’m going to! JI will post the link down in the next chapter when I can. 

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!