Minho's house

The Unknown

A/N: Hello everyone I am back, and this is going to be from Key's point of view. Last is Onew. I think I will change it up for each chapter. Also the pictures of them for each chapter is what they look like in my story! ^_^ Anyways I think I will use the same picture for each chapter of them, unless if something happens between two of them then you would know! Haha anyways I am going to try and make this longer. Sorry for the short chapter of chapter 3. By the way at the time I was listning to Get down while writing it and that is why I had that "Hey I'm the cool cat meow" In there. Anyways, lets get on to the story shall we? 

Key's POV

Minho, Taemin and I were sitting on the swingset. Laughing at each others jokes. Taemin had told us stories about him, as we did the same for him. Minho and I had a brotherly relationship, and just the way he was looking at Taemin I knew something was up. I could tell by the look in his eye and his facial expression and the way he talks. I really think that Minho finds Taemin attractive. I can see how he does, he has such a cute and innocent face. I found him a little bit attractive too, but I decided to be nice and let Minho have a shot at him. 

  Minho stood up as rain started to come down. "Hey, we should head over to my house now." He said. 

"Neh, if not we would get soaking wet." I stood up looking at Taemin. He was the last one to get up and he seemed to be getting along with us great for the first day of knowing us, I also still can't believe that Minho has invited to come over on the first day of meeting. That is what gave it away. Though he did look a little suprised when Taemin answered him in class earlier today. Wait why am I thinking of all of this. 

  "YAH! KIBUM LISTEN TO ME!" It startled me when Minho unexpectedly yelled at me, and I had jumped. I noticed that Taemin laughed a little at that. "What?" I asked.

"It going to be late by time you head home so do you think you and Taemin can stay the night?" He asked.

"What are we going to do at your house?" I asked unexpectedly, I didn't mean to say that outloud, I was supposed to keep that thought in my head. Lucky for me it was just that and nothing else that ran through my mind. Minho and Taemin did not need to know what I was thinking about, first Minho would be suprised that I know already, and second Taemin would probably freak, and niether Minho or I know if he is like that or not, meaning as in liking guys.

"Play videogames and chat, eat...what else?" He continued "We have to hurry my mom hates it when you go in the house wet. Lets just hope if we do she is at work as well as dad." He said looking at both Taemin and I. Taemin was in between both of us and I was to his left.  "Are you going to answer me?" Minho said as he leaned over to look at me. 

"Wha- Oh, neh!" I said as I smiled. 

 We arrived at Minho's house and we walked in realived that his parents were not home. We walked in and Minho told Taemin and I to wait at by the door. While he was gone Taemin and I took our shoes off and left him at the door way. Minho came back with a towel for each of us, and lead us to his living room. His living room was large, and Taemin just looked around the room in amazement. Since we got in the house he hasn't said a word while Minho and I were chatting our heads off, but him and Taemin were doing the same on the way home, and then I was the quiet one. "Taemin! How do you like the house?" I asked trying to break his silence. 

"It amazing!" He said as he smiled to me and Minho. I could guess that Minho felt flattered by the look on his face. 

   It was like an hour later of us playing the video game. "I have to pee." Taemin said. "Where is the bathroom at?" 

"You're just gonna go out and say that you have to pee?! Haha Anyways, its down that hall and the third door to the left." Minho replied,  laughing. I noticed that Minho couldn't keep his eyes off of Taemins as he stood up and slowly walked out of the room.

"Nice ..." Minho said, his smiling face instantly went to a dead straight face. Taemin turned around "What?" He asked. 

"U-uh umm n-nothing, what are you talking about did I say something?" Minho replied trying to cover up what he had said. Taemin looked at him weirdly and just continued on the the bathroom. "CHOI MINHO! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST SAID THAT!! YOU LIKE HIM!!" I yelled not meaning to, after I said that I knew Taemin heard me because the foot steps just stopped. 

"Ssshhh! Don't yell that he could hear you! And when did you find out that I liked him?" Minho asked me. 

"Hahaha, I knew it since 'Key is coming over to my house today, would you like to come over' or something similar to that." I replied. Minho just stared at me with a dead look. "Damn...you are good....." Minho replied. I couldn't help but laugh at his reply. "I'm going to tell him!" I said with a devilish grin.

"No! Key please don't. It might scare him." 

"Haha, I won't. Though you touch him in any way I will kill you." I was turning into the 'Mom' I am, even though I only knew Taemin for a day, I had started calling him my son. 

"I won't!" Minho yelled at me and scooted away, he didn't like it when I got in my mom mode. 

"So do you plan on telling Taemin that you like him any ti-" I was interreupted when Taemin walked in the room. Taemin just had to walk in at the wrong time of our conversation. "What did you just say?" Taemin asked with an innocent but confused face. "Nothing Taeminne!" I said hoping that he didn't hear the whole sentence. "N-no you just asked him if he was planning on telling me that he likes me anytime soon. I heard you." Taemin said with a kind of petrified face on.


A/N again: Okay so the chapter turned out longer than I planned, the night is not over with the three of them, but next chapter you get to meet the chicken maniac! Onew! Anyways, how do you like it so far. This chapter was not planned at all, I wrote the first sentence and just went with it from there. ^_^ 

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!