School tells us to stay for the night

The Unknown

A/N: Hello my lovly subscribers! I feel really bad for not updating in a while so I figured I would give yall a really long chapter that you would like, well not REALLY long but good enough for yall and I hope you all like it! Okay so tell me in the comments below! 


Minho's POV

"Sorry for the interuption, I need these students down to the office, Choi Minho, Lee Taemin, Kim Kibum, Kim Jonghyun, Lee Jinki, and Lee Minho. Thank you."  We all heard over the intercom. Everyone that got called down to the office so happened to be in the same class. We all got up and went to the office.

"What do you think were going down to the office for?" Taemin asked "Were not in trouble are we?" 

"I don't think so Taemin, haha." I said ruffling his hair. I did so and Key glared at me as if he was saying 'you need to tell him sometime soon'

We entered the office and was greeted by someone.

"Hello I'm Miss. Song. The reason why I called you all down to the office is because I wanted you all to stay in the school for a whole night. The reason is because of the school so called hauntings and I want you to investigate, you don't really have to investigate I just want you all to say in the school and be on the look out for unnatural things. Will that be okay?"

"Yea!" We all said in unison.

"Okay, well come here after class and we will discuss everything." Miss. Song said as she escorted us out of the office we went back to class and was excited for tonight. 

___________________________________________-After school and the disscussion, while only the members of SHINee and Lee Minho are at the school by them selves-


"Let me have you're chicken!!!!" Onew was yelling to to take my chicken.

"Onew calm down!" I heard Minho say or Simba...that's still confusing....

"No i want the chicken!" Onew yelled as I backed up into someone I turned around and saw something that made me feel with anger. I saw Taemin ontop of Jonghyun...and they were....kissing or so what I saw.

I jerked Taemin up and pulled him to the side and soon afterwords Key pulled Jonghyun up off the floo.

"Stay off my boyfriend!" Key yelled.

"I didn't do it!" Taemin yelled back.

"I'm not your boyfriend but I won't argue with that." Jonghyun said and kissed Key on the lips and quickly pulled away before he would get slapped. Key just glared at him.

"I hate you, Jonghyun..." Key whispered wile trying to hide a huge grin on his face and he was blushing. 

"Aww you like him!" I said pointing at Key.

"I don't think that's like. I think its love look at how red his face is." Onew pointed out.

"NO!.... Shut up.." Key tried to lie but didn't work so well.

Jonghyun kissed Key on the cheeks "Will you be my boyfriend?" 

Key slapped him in the arm and we all new that he wanted to say yes. I already knew that this wasn't normal for Key."Y-y-y-y-yes." Key stuttered alot.

"Awww!" Taemin squeled.

"Haha." I looked down at Taemin, only if I could make him mine just like that. Then I just realized how Taemin and I were standing. His arms were around mine, I had my arms over his shoulder he was laying his head on my chest and I was resting my head on his. How and when we ended up like this I have no idea.

"You two can't say anything with yall standing like that!" Key yelled pointing at us.

"But he's comfertable!" Taemin yelled.

"I don't even remember getting like this.." I replied

"Sure I bet you like it Minho!" No I said backing away almost making Taemin fall but catching him before he does.


A/N: Hey so it's not that long of a chapter but I hope you like it and yeah.... so who wants to have a moment with Onew and his Kitty (Lee Minho) next chapter?

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!