Always hated the first day

The Unknown

   Finally class was over, and I was able to leave. This one girl kept following me and annoying me. "Hey look, this is cool I said as I handed her a piece of paper of a drawing." She took it away from me and looked at it. I quickly ran away to get away from her. I finally got off campus, I looked around for anyone following me. Luckily enough no one was. I walked to the park that was close by. The park was empty besides for three guys. I went to an empty swingset and sat down. I kept looking at the other guys trying to see if I could recognize them. Damn they're too far away. I would walk closer to see them, but that would be just awkward. Hmmm maybe I could walk around the track once or twice so I can get a good glimpse of them. I thought to my self and stood up, I wanted to see them. They were the only ones here and it was just bothering me. I walked the track finally close enough to see them, they all seemed like they were having fun. I wanted to walk up and make friends with them. One of them caught my attention, my head kept turing towards them as I walked by. "I'M THE COOL CAT MEOW~!" I heard the one with the gorgeous face say. I laughed, not knowing what was going on. 

   I realized that I kept looking at them and then I hurried home. Hoping that they didn't notice me. I kept thinking about that gorgeous face. I wanted to meet him. This is the first time I saw some one and thought this. I wanted to know everything about him, what was his name. His hair looked unique. I could remember him anywhere. Next time I see him I should talk to him. No....that would be weird I guess. What should I do. Ugh...I don't know. I laid down on my bed thinking of him all night. I eventually fell asleep.


A/N Hey sorry for the short chapter, its just my first story on here and I don't really know what to do with it. Though I hope you like it. I also hope that you all like it so far! ^_^ I keep thinking of ideas, so I write it on here. Not only that I had a thought about my story, and well. I guess just because I can't wait I will give a little teaser of it (if thats what you call it)

Everyone rushed to the hospital as they heard what happend.

"Taemin!! No!" Minho said with tears welling up in his eyes. "I love you please don't leave me!" Minho couldn't stop himself from crying. 


Don't worry I don't like people dying in stories, so no one will die. :) 

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!