It's only a prank

The Unknown

Taemin busted out laughing as soon as everyone got all quiet. 

"Why are you laughing Taemin?!" Jonghyun exclaimed

"That was just funny they way you all screamed and everything. Man I didn't think it would be that scary." Taemin couldn't control his laughter. His statement had only confused the other five. They all looked around in the darkness with confused faces.

"What do you mean?" Minho asked.

"The whole elevator thing. Its a prank. If you didn't know there is this electric box behind me that controls the elevator. If you pull the emergancy break it turns the lights off. " Taemin said patting a metal box in the wall of the elevator.

"Taemin. I'm gonna kill you." Jonghyun said recieving a slap from Key. 

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Jonghyun asked rubbing the back of his head. 

"Taemin is my.....OUR son! You can't kill him." Key exclaimed empasizing on the word 'our'.  

Taemin opened the box and pulled the emergency break back up and it turned the elevator back on and it started moving again.

"If you ever scare us like that again..." Jonghyun paused looking over at Key, not wanting to get slapped by the latter once again."I'll slap you." Which he still got slapped but not as hard.

"You shoulda seen your faces it was funny!" Taemin laughed.

"Taemin you couldn't even see our faces." Lee Minho stated blankely

"What ever I bet it was priceless." Taemin contunied to laugh. After that the whole elevator ride was quiet. Everyone would steal a few glances at each other, but wouldn't say anything. 

The elevator started to go to a stop, and then the doors came open to a large dark room with very little ligt coming through. The basement of the school.

"Please tell me someone has flashlights that we can use." Onew said breaking the silence after what felt like 10 minutes.

"Sorry Onew, we forgot." Minho said looking around the dark area.

"Alright, we need to split up in teams, and look in diffrent areas. If you find anything ghost like take note of it, and tell us what we think later. When your done looking around just go to the elevator and wait there." Jonghyun stated.

"Okay, so who is with who?" Taemin asked.

"I'm with Lee Minho." Onew said grabbing his arm.

"I'm with Key!" Jonghyun said as well.

"Okay so I guess that leaves me and Taemin to be a team." Minho stated. 

"Alright lets split up!" Walking away dragging Lee Minho with him. The others walked away in diffrent directions as well.

a/n: alright so I want  to make the next three chapters worth reading. I watched alot of a show called Ghost Hunters and it gave me ideas for this story. The next three chapters will be diffrent views of what happens in each team. Well anyways since I am bored I'm going to try and update as much as possible today. :) I hope that you like this chapter. 

Honestly I feel as if my writing skills are beginning to disapear. I don't know. Hmm. well I am going to finish this story any way~

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!