A mixture of sorts.

The Unknown

Minho's POV


   I woke up early. I had to, just to make sure that everyone had gotten up and went to school. I'm usually not awake this early I just needed to take a shower and once I got out and got my school uniform on I would wake Key up. I kept thinking about yesterday. I am not the one to lie and I didn't like the fact that I had to yesterday. I just kept thinking that it would ruin our friendship. I wanted to tell him, I just couldn't. You all know how it is to have a friend and/or close to a best friend and you find out that you like them, you don't want to tell them anything because you think it would ruin the friendship. Though in some casese the people would have never talked and get in a realationship together break up and become the best of friends. Occiasionaly you would have the person that liked you and you never knew it. Wait why am I, Choi Minho, thinking about relationships all of a sudden. This makes no since. Ahh. Taemin, what have you done to me. Look you got me thinking about relationships, which in fact never happens. I just go along and if I love them I love them. Though I thought it was kind of awkward because I have never liked a guy this way before. I didn't mind it at all, its just that there is a first time for everything. I know that there will be a day to were I will tell him. Wait what if we become bestfriends and then it would be just too awkward and then he would find out that I lied to him on the first day I met him. Which at that would be a bad impression I know it already.

   I got out of the shower and got my ironed uniform on and I went downstairs to wake up Key. See the reason why I got up so early is so that I could wake up everyone one after the other after they gotten out of the shower. Yes we have more bathrooms and more showers its just that my mom does not like my friends using any other shower or bathroom at that than this one. My mom was always so picky. Man this is one weird world. OUCH! "Thanks Key for punching me in the stomach, all I was doing was waking you up. Is there a problem with that?" I asked jokingly as Key had slowly awoke. "Did we all sleep in the floor?" Key asked as he got up with the cover covering half of his body. 

   I looked at the clock and it had 6:10 AM. Wow Minho why must you be up so early. I don't know why but my mind kept referring back to yesterday when my secret was almost out, and technically I didn't neciarlly like him. I just have a slight crush on him. If that is the same thing then damn. "I'm hungry.." I jumped at the small faint voice and noticed Taemin standing at the counter with his eyes barely open. He sat down at the table and laid his head down and afterwords....I don't even think that he was awake anymore.

  It was only about 5 minutes later when Key came down stairs all dressed and everything. I looked at the table and Taemin was still sleeping. I could have atleast cooked something. Oh well I will just wake Taemin up and cook something. I walked over to the table and I realized how cute he was sleeping and I just froze and stared at him for a little bit. "Minho! Wake him up! Don't just stand there and watch him sleep. Thats creepy you know." Key slitely shouted, trying not to wake Taemin up. I never got the point in that I mean they were going to be woken up anyways. "Taemin....Wake up..." I kept repeating that and nudged him a few times after he woke up. I don't know why I just felt nervous waking him up. He rose up from the table and looked at me with tired eyes. I couldn't help but think that was cute, and I wanted to tell him that too. Wait why do I want to tell everyone everything. Well that isn't weird at all Minho. 

Key's POV

  I could tell Minho was at least a little bit nervous while waking Taemin up. I don't blame him. If I was him I probably would be too. Excpasially this bieng the first time that he has been over at his house. I wonder... "Hey Minho. I'm hungry cook something for breakfeast." I demanded after Minho came back downstairs from showing Taemin where everything is so he could shower. "Alright what do you want. Plus I was going to do that anyway." Minho replied walking into the kitchen.

"I don't know. Biscuts and gravy...eggs...."

"Hey before you go listing a bunch of things I can only cook so little." Minho replied glancing at me from the window.

"What are you staring at?" I asked not even sure that he was staring at something, but his gaze was just concentraited out the window. 

"Hmm? Oh nothing." 

"Are you thinking about something?" I asked curiously. I just realized that I am nosy when it comes to stuff like this.

"Yea, I just can't stand the fact that I lied. I mean I know its something like that, its just I know I will regret not telling him that I do like him. Damn it Minho, what the hell is wrong with you." Minho said. I wasn't quite sure if he was replyin to me or if he was talking himself.


A/N: Hello everybody this is a small update, I promise I will make this better and I was hoping to make this longer and have atleast more points of views and hurry up to were everyone atleast met. I want to rush to that point because I want to right the part that I have in mind, I hope you all like this chapter. It seems to....I don't know what you would call it. By the way, I realized how terrible my spelling in this chapter is. I will try an update some later on. Though I might not be able to get on the computer tomorrow I will write it down on paper and make sure it doesn't sound terrible like this. Haha anyways, comment and tell me what you think.

I am really jealous of some people on here. I will be reading there stories and it would be like the most awesome idea ever. Why can't I think of anything like that >.< Anyways I will update the next chapter when I can! 

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!