A meeting at the movies

The Unknown

Minho's POV

   Key was sitting in the passangers seat, and Taemin was in the back seat behind the driver's seat. When we got to the movies, I had to ask Key and he said that he would want to watch Easy A, because it was the only one on there that he actually knew anything about.

  I couldn't stop looking at Taemin during the whole movie though I was still able to watch the movie. When the movie was finally over we decided to stay and wait for everyone else to leave so there wasn't that much of a big crowed when we left. Everyone left and we sat there a few minutes, just sitting and talking. I noticed that Taemin kept looking at me alot more than he did Key. 

  When we left Taemin was smiling but kept his head down and without realizing it he ran into a random dude. I instantly helped him up and Key walked over to the other person and helped him up. "Sorry about that" Taemin said bowing. 
"Taemin you sure love running into people don't you?" Key said as he looked at Taemin, still standing at by the other guy who was just staring at him with big eyes. "Haha I guess so!" Taemin said with a big smile. 

Jonghyun's POV

     I couldn't believe it I was standing right next to the guy I saw at the park. I didn't even know that we were going to meet like this. I just stared at him with really big eyes.

 "Why are you staring at me like that? Though I really like your eyes." The other asked and stated.

 "Oh sorry, you just look REALLY familiar. Thanks!" I replied

 "By the way I'm Kim Kibum, call me Key." 

 "I'm Kim Jonghyun. Nice too meet you Key. And who are you?" I replied and turned to the other too that were just looking at as weirdly. 

"I am Choi Minho." The taller one replied

"I am Lee Taemin! Nice to meet you." The other one replied. 

"Nice to meet you all." I replied. 
"So who are you here with?" Key asked

"No one, I am here alone." I replied looking back at him.

"Oh, well, are you going to go watch a movie or what?" He asked

"No. The movie just finished." I replied.

"Oh well then, we, well I mean I, just can't leave you here alone after we just met. We should get to know you some more don't you think? As well as Taemin, since we don't know him well. We are going out to eat do you wanna come?" Key asked looking over at Taemin then back at me.

"I'd love to." I said smiling. I was already excited the person I wanted to meet since yesterday is asking me out for dinner. Well he seems nice.  

    We got to the restraunt and we all ordered our food. "Hey let me tell you something now Jonghyun." Minho said looking at me. "Taemin you might want to know this too." We both looked at him to listen to what he was going to say. "Key may seem nice the first time you meet him, that's only because he wants a good first impression, now when you get to know him and he is mad, he is not going to hide him and his.....evilness, is that even a word?" Minho continued.

 "No that's not a word Minho, and yes I am mean once you get to know me. Minho here has known me since the first year of highschool." Key said, agreeing with Minho that he is not real nice when you get to know him. Though knowing that didn't change anything. I still wanted to get to know him better. We all talked and talked about stuff that the others might want to know and other things that you could really care less. I had a great time though. 

   When I got home I was happy about today. I realized we were all in the same class. So when we get to go to the library I told them that I would sit with them. 


A/N: Hello sorry its been awhile since I updated so anyways I hope you like this chapter. Its a little bit longer though! So thats a good thing. I'm glad that Jonghyun was able to meet Key! Haha, well comment  and tell me if you like it. ^_^ 

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!