Lee Minho/Lee Onew

The Unknown



The two walked around aimlessly for a while. They weren’t exactly sure of where to go. To be honest Minho was still awkward with the kiss with Onew. It was like, there was something there. He wasn’t exactly sure what to call it. He looked around and just watched Onew walk beside him. Minho was a little bit taller than Onew, but never really realized that until now. Onew’s arm was still wrapped around Minho’s.

Onew on the other hand couldn’t stop smiling about the kiss. It was his first kiss actually, as well as his first ‘love’. Not really that. But it wasn’t just liking him, he was well aware of that.

“Where should we go?” Onew said breaking the silence.

“I don’t know.” Minho replied looking down.

“Oh, well can I ask you something?” Onew said looking around the darkness, even though he really couldn’t read anything.

“You just did.” Minho chuckled.

“Shut up, you know what I mean. Well I don’t really have to ask a question, I just have to actually…” Onew had paused, looking through his head for the right words. “I guess confess something.” He finished his sentence.

“What is that?” Minho asked calmly. Even though in his head he was panicking about what Onew was going to confess to him. If he was going to confess about what Minho thought it was going to be, he wouldn’t know how to react.

“Okay….where to start.” Onew said, and quit walking. He looked around. “Okay. I will try to sound as normal as possible telling you this… here I will just talk parts of a song to make it sound okay..” Onew  said pausing his sentence as he tried to remember the words to Insomnia. “Okay… Never thought that I fall in love but It grew from my simple crush.” Onew said trying not to sing the song. As a finished the statement he covered his face and turned around.

Minho was not only surprised at what he just did, but he found it cute. He walked to Onew and gave him a back hug. “It’s okay. Confessions are just hard to confess.” Minho chuckled.

“I know but I wanted to make mine, sound…I don’t know….not stupid!” He said blushing turning around to face Minho. Onew was glad that it was dark.

“It didn’t sound stupid Onew, it sounded cute. I liked it.” Minho smiled.

“Really?” He asked looking up from the floor to Minho.

“Yes. To be honest, I like you too.” Minho said kissing Onew.  Onew was surprised by the kiss, as well as Minho. Minho didn’t actually intend on kissing him, but it’s like one of those things were your body, or mind thinks on its own, and you can’t really stop what it’s doing.

“So….what are we going to do now?” Onew asked as he looked around.

“We..” Minho paused grabbing Onew’s arm, are going to find some ghost, and you will be my boyfriend! Correct?” Minho said looking at Onew.

Onew blushed at the statement, but smiled and nodded. “Correct.”

The two started to walk around in the complete darkness, not well aware of where they are going or if they will run into someone or something. They just hoped to find something interesting, and maybe some flashlights.

“Onew, did you hear that?” Minho stopped walking and looking around the room to find the source of the voice.

“Hear what?” Onew asked looking at Minho.

“It sounded like someone talking, I don’t know.” Minho replied/

“Maybe it was the others.” Onew stated.

“HEY ARE ANY OF YOU GUYS OVER HERE?!” Minho yelled.  Silence was their only answer.

“Woah.” Onew said shivering.

“What?” Minho asked looking over to him.

“It…like… I just felt a chill.  Like one of those creepy chills that people get when they are around ghosts.” Onew said pausing in between some words.

“Creepy.” Minho said shaking his head. “We should continue walking.” Minho said and the two started to walk.

THUD! “Oh my god are you okay?!” Minho and someone else asked.

“Are you okay.” Onew asked helping someone up.

“Onew, you scare the out of me.” Jonghyun stated.

“I’m sorry. Hey did you guys say anything earlier?” Onew asked.

“No, why? Was that you yelling?” Key replied to Onew’s question with his own.

“We heard talking, like it was faint. And yeah that was us. We wanted to make sure that it wasn’t any of you guys.” Minho replied.

“Alrighty then.” Jonghyun said. “Oh hey we got some flashlights, from the first floor, here you go.” Jonghyun continued grabbing two flashlights out of his pocket and handing them to Onew and Minho.

“If you have flashlights, then why aren’t you using them?” Onew asked.

“Well we didn’t want to use them tell we gave them to everybody. We were actually wanting to scare you, but instead, “ Jonghyun paused looking at Minho “You scared us.” He continued his sentence.

“Hehehe sorry.” Onew said rubbing the back of his head.

“Whatever.” Jonghyun glared at you. “We are going now.” He said grabbing Keys hand and turning on the flashlight and walking away.

“Well at least we can see where we are going now.” Onew stated.

“Right.” Minho said and his flash light as well as Onew.

The two continued walking to find nothing. They soon headed back to the elevator and were the first ones there.

“I’m sitting down.” Onew said sitting down against the wall and Minho as well. Onew looked at him, and layied his head down on his shoulders and closed his eyes.

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!