New student

The Unknown

Jonghyun's POV

    Today there was a new student coming and since there was no more seats I asked the teacher if I could grab an extra chair and sit with Key, Minho and Taemin and the new student can have my spot. Lucky for me the teacher agreed.

"Yay you sit with us now!" Taemin said with a smile.

"So you got the teacher to let you sit here?" Key asked. 

"Yes, yes I did and it wasn't that hard either!" I replied to Key.

"Oh really?" He replied with a smirk on his face.

"Really." I replied gaining a smirk on my face.

"Then tell me how your face is so very attractive." Key replied. I was just stunned at what he said. I couldn't reply. I didn't know how. Everyone at the table was quiet for a while. 

"You can't can you!" Key suddenly said breaking the silence and laughed. 

"Are you fooling me or something is do you really mean that?" I asked, I was really kinda curious. Though in my voice I could tell that I didn't sound as curious.

"No, I'm telling you the truth. I really find your face attractive." Key replied with a serious face on.

   Finally class was starting and the teacher introduced the new student. "Class this is Lee Min Ho. He is our new student." The teacher showed him his seat and went on teaching the class. She was telling us about the project that was dew in a week or two, and how we would structure it and she showed us demonstrations of old projects that the teacher kept. Some of them looked amazing and I wondered how a human could do that.

Onew's POV

     "You never told me you were coming here." I slipped a whisper trying not to get caught by the teacher.

"Yeah, sorry. I just thought that I should suprise you." He replied with a smile.

"Ah thanks for suprising me. Now I have a friend here!" I chuckled. I am glad that Lee Min Ho the one that always would stick up for me and he tended to have the personality of a Pikachu. Sometimes I would even call him Pikachu because of that.

Yes when I was younger everyone would try to bully me. When I met my Pikachu he would always stick up for me. I loved him for that. Though I didn't love him more than a friend until earlier. I think it was they day I took him to the park so we could hang out that I realized I loved him  more than a friend. Well I guess it was okay since he was MY Pikachu!


A/N: Sorry for the late and short chapter everyone. I just couldn't think of anything to say. By the way I think I will call Lee Minho Pikachu often so that way it is easier for me and i don't have to type his full name and if i just type Minho it would be confusing. Well anyways I hope you like it. Anyway I just had to have a new kid so that way everything would be together. Yes Onew and the others have the same class! Comment and subscribe! ^_^ By the way, I am writing another fanfic, check it out.

This is called Switched Souls. Its were Taemin and this girl named Hannah (me) switch souls and find out what each others life is like and get to know everyone of the other persons friend. 

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Good chapter, darling. You just need to elaborate more and add in more details, then readers will be drawn in more. No more, "and he did as he was told." You should actually explain them doing it. ^^;
Thank you! :)
Hehe>.< Cute:)
I have updated! ^_^
this really cool<br />
please update soon!!!
this is so interesting!!!!!<br />
i like it ;)
Yes I agree Min ho and ones look good together! I will update the next chapter once I think of something
Oh mu gosh, update soon! Aigooo, its so adorable! I think onew should be with min ho, they look together!
Oh my gosh, its so good! I love it!