Something else.

Dream, more than just a dream

Next day at the work Sun couldn’t concentrate to anything. Her mind was full of thoughts because yesterday and Mr. Go looked at her angrily when she tried to organize cookies in the self, but she dropped one biscuit package and just continued put others to self.
“Hey! You dropped one package!” Mr. Go yelled to her other side of the shop.
“Ah, sorry…” Sun said while picking dropped package from the floor.
“How you can be so clumsy today? I guess you should go out for a while. I have one delivery to one house, would you like to delivery to it?” Mr. Go said behind his old-looking glasses and gave her a package.
“Ah, sure. No problem!” Sun said and took the package from Mr. Go. It was small so it was easy to carry by one hand.

Sun walked outside the shop and started to walk towards a house, where she had to take it. Day was bright and air smelled like a rain because was raining. Sun carried the package and had her umbrella in another hand. She sighed deep and started to think what happened yesterday. Why she should say to Yoseob? Sun didn’t want to answer even his calls before she knew what to say. He was keep calling for her since the morning, but she just ignored them. Sun looked up to the sky where the drops of water were falling slowly although it looked calm and beautiful, she didn’t like it at all. It was the worst thing after the snow.

She arrived to the house which was old styled Asian house. She rang the doorbell and no one came to open the door even after second time. So she rang the doorbell again. This time Sun heard to someone coming down a stairs and heard tired voice with annoying tone saying: “Who is this time at morning…” Door opened and Sun looked at really surprised to directly to Junhyung’s eyes. He stood in the doorway his hair messed up and looking sleepy. He looked really handsome at the moment. Wait, what I’m thinking? Sun shook her head.  She almost dropped the package when Junhyung opened his mouth: “So?”
“U-uh, this pa…I-I was told to bring this package to here.” Sun said quickly.
“Umm? okay, where to I sing?” He said sleepy. Sun thought that he did not know who she was - or did he only was so sleepy that he didn’t realize nothing. Sun handed a paper and Junhyung singed it and before she left, she handed the package to him quickly and ran away.

A little further she stopped and tried to smooth her ​​breath. Certainly she looked a funny but she was so afraid that she didn’t want to stay there anymore so long so she decided to run. Someone touched her back and Sun jumped to air frightened. “Ah, sorry!” Fay said and stepped front of her. “Oh It was only you…I though you are…Ah, never mind.” Sun said and sighed with relief.
“Hahaha, yes it’s me. What are you doing here? I saw you front of Junhyung’s house.” Fay said thoughtfully.
“Uum~, because of my work. Mr. Go sent me here to bring a package.”
“Oh, it’s that so. Anyway, I didn’t come to talk whit you about your work. Would you like to spend time whit me tonight?” Fay asked and Sun wondered why did she ask.
“Well...I don’t know. What have you planned?”
“Ah, come on! I need drink buddy, but nobody don’t want to drink whit me…” She pouted.
“Well, I don’t drink…” Sun bit her lip and looked away trying to leave.
“AH! Come on! Just for few drinks in a local place?” Fay said whit a cute face and stopped her.
“Umm, Aren’t you under-age?” Sun asked quickly.
“YA! It doesn’t matter here and this place gives alcohol for under-ages.”
“Umm~, I’m not sure…” Sun bit her lip again.
“PLEASE~” She begged.
“Umm, okay then but only for few!” Sun said still uncertainly.
“Thank you unnie~! See you at train station at nine!” Fay yelled while walking away.

Sun sighed and watched Fay’s back. What did she just promise to her? Last time when she was drunk it was a really embarrassing because she laughed all the time and was really annoying to others. The best part is that next day she didn’t even remembered what had happened. Her London friends told her, that she was almost to hug one boy and rotate on the floor. Sun blushed when she even thought of it and started to walk back to Mr. Go’s shop.

It was still raining when Sun arrived to back to work. “Why here have to rain so much today?” She sighed annoyed. “And why you are coming so late? I didn’t take so long to delivery to one package! HMM?!” Mr. Go tapped his feat angrily. “Sorry, I just met my one friend and she stopped me…” Sun tried to explain, but Mr. Go put her back to fill the shelves and continued his own stuffs.

Her work day was really long because she he would have a day off the next day and Mr. Go was still mad of her, so her work ended at 18.30 pm. She was really tired and decided to walk back to home to prepare for eve although she was still uneasy about it. At the same moment her phone started to ring. She looked at it and noticed that Yoseob was calling again, so she just closed the phone. Just now she didn’t want to talk with him, not yet. 


“Why, she doesn’t answer to my calls?!?!” Yoseob yelled to his phone and put it away. He was all day tried to call Sun, but she didn’t answer. “Is she mad of me or something? OR, What if she is dead?” He thought worried. He sat down on the sofa and sighed deep. “Ahahah, maybe she forgot you already and found new men but definitely she’s not dead.” Doojoon tempted him but decided to be quietly when he saw his serious face. Doojoon turned the tv on to watch it if there should come anything interesting. “AISH, this is not fun at all!” Yoseob finally said and shook his head.

Hyunseung walked inside the living room and sat besides the Yoseob who turned his face to him to say something but changed his mind because he only stared to nowhere. “Aish, you two need air! Let’s go a drink at the local place!” Doojoon stood up from the floor and looked at his friends.
“I don’t have a mood.” Hyunseung said with a blank expression on his face.
“Me either.” Yoseob said.
“COME ON YOU TWO! This is already ridiculous! Just for a few drinks!”
“AAAA, I really don’t have a mood to do nothing today!” Yoseob pouted.
“NOW, you two get up from the sofa and leave with me to drink!” He said and pulled them up off the couch.
“Okay then! Don’t lose your nerves.” Hyunseung said and they all went they own rooms to change better clothes. Doojoon laughed by himself to these two boy, who were so down because just one girl. 


Sun sat on the kitchen and looked outside from the window. Night was really dark and it was still raining really hard. Sun really wanted to stay at home, but she was already promised to Fay although she didn’t know her so well. She sighed deep while she walked to the door and opened it to leave. Sun closed the door behind her when her phone started to ring. “Hi?” She answered to it.
“Where are you? If you are at your place, don’t leave anywhere. I’ll come pick you up with my friend!” Fay’s happy voice said and before Sun said anything Fay was already ended the call. Sun wondered who this friend is. She hoped that it wouldn’t be Junhyung.

She decided to wait outside standing under the umbrella. Rain pitter-patter on the umbrella and cold wind shuddered Sun. “Why they don’t come already?” She said to herself and at the same time a sport car drove into the yard. When it stopped Fay looked out the window and waved to her. Sun ran into the car and closed the door behind her. Fay glanced at her from the front seat, maybe Sun looked a really confused because she started to laugh: “HAHAHA, you don’t need to put a seat belt. It’s for kids!”
“Ah, o-okay.” She said a little bit embarrassed.
“Anyway, you shouldn’t thank oppa that we don’t need to walk in this weather.” She said with sassy tone.
“T-thank you…” Sun said but then she noticed who was driving the car. Her worst nightmare came true. Junhyung looked at the back seat with a blank expression on his face and Sun’s heart skipped a beat. Why he was staring her like that? Junhyung didn’t say anything and he turned his face back to the road and they drove away.

Travel wasn’t long and they arrived to the bar after ten minutes. Fay and Sun stepped outside the car and they ran inside the bar that they don’t get wet in the rain. Fay was right; door men didn’t even ask their identity card. “This town is really weird?” Sun thought inside her head when they sat down on the free table which was in the rear corner. The Bar was already full of people and music was loudly. A few moments ago Junhyung arrived also and sat beside Sun. Sun was already hoping that she and Fay could be alone, but maybe she was hoping too much. They ordered ciders and when Sun began to drink her own Junhyung chuckled besides her. “Ahah, I didn’t know that you drink alcohol? Interesting…” He said and lifted his cider to drink it. “A-a little bit…” She said nervously.


Fay had really fun at the bar; she danced at drank a lot of alcohol.  Sun drank also too much and had fun with Fay, but soon Fay said something for her that she wanted to go to get some good drinks and she left from a dance floor. Sun left alone and looked around; bar was full of unknown drunk people, old and young. Here obliviously didn’t care who under-age was and who doesn’t.

She was dancing on the dance floor when she bumped into someone guy’s chest. “Ahahah, sorry I didn’t mean to.” She said and almost fell but this guy grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up. “Wow! Take it easy…WHAT?! SUN?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Doojoon said and looked at her face surprised. Sun was obliviously drunk because she grinned and poked Doojoon’s chest. “Hi, Dodo-dojoon~” She sang. Doojoon looked at her stunned and dragged her off the dance floor to quiet corner. “Naaw~ I want to go to dance~!” Sun said and tried to walk back, but Doojoon stopped her.
“No! You girl are too drunk.” Doojoon said worriedly and put her sit on a chair.
“Whaat~? I’m not drunk! I drank only t-two.” She said and showed two fingers.
“Why I don’t believe you at all?”
“Because I lied. Hihihi.” She giggled and Doojoon sighed.

“Why you are h---? WHAT? Why she is here?” Yoseob said suprsided when he walked to them.
“I don’t know, but she bumped into me on the dance floor and she is obliviously really drunk. Just look at her!” Doojoon said and pointed Sun who sat on the table and rolled the empty cider glass.
“Aaaw, she looks cute!” Yoseob said and sat beside Sun but before he had time to react she put her hands down his cheeks and presses them. “No~, you are cute!” She smiled and Yoseob blushed. “O-okay, she really is drunk.” He said and took her hands off his cheeks.
“I wonder who is with her. I didn’t see Amber or Alice here.” Doojoon said and at the same time Fay and Junhyung walked towards them.

“Oh, you two found her.” Fay said sassy. Doojoon and Yoseob turned their faces towards them surprised. Junhyung walked towards the table where Sun was still sitting playing whit empty cider glass, but Doojoon stopped his way.
“Wow! Wait a moment, where are you going?” He said.
“If you don’t see I'm going to her, that I can take her home.” Junhyung grinned.
“I don’t think so if I can decide.”
“Really? She is with us, not with you guys. No, don’t tell me that you are jealous?” Junhyung stared to Doojoon, who was almost losing his nerves because of him. “Jealous? No I take care that she can go home safe and I don’t think that you are now the safest option.” He said trying to keep himself calm. “Ahaha, what? You don’t trust me although we were friends?”
“Friends? Maybe we were before, but not anymore.” Doojoon hissed. Yoseob looked at Sun who looked at Doojoon and Junhyung quiet. Why she was with him? He thought and sighed deep.

“Oppa! Let it be and let’s go! I don’t want to ruin this eve with fight!” Fay pouted to Junhyung who looked at her angrily but decided to leave then. “This is not the end!” He said and turned around. He pushed Hyunseung who just arrived and looked at them confused. “Why he was here? And w-what she is doing here?” He asked surprised. Doojoon sighed angrily, but didn’t say anything so Hyunseung looked at Yoseob questioningly. “Sun was with them…But anyway now she is with us.” Yoseob said quickly and tried to lift her up, but she put against. “W-what are you doing? I just started to have a lot of fun!” She said annoyed but then she started to smile again and tried to grab the full cider glass. “NO! Not for you anymore!” Yoseob quickly took the glass away from her and Sun pouted angrily at him. Yoseob didn’t care about it and tried help her up and Hyunseung decided to go to help him because Sun put still against.

“Aish, she is really annoying when she is drunk.” Hyunseung said when they came out of the bar. Sun pushed Yoseob and him away and turned around, but really fast she put her arms around Hyunseung and hugged him. Hyunseung’s heart skipped a beat and he almost pushed her away, but didn’t do it. Sun rubbed her head against his chest and mumbled quietly. “I like you.” Yoseob heard it and looked at her surprised, but thought that maybe she always talks like that when she is drunk. So he tried to ignore it, but he still felt disappointed. Sun let go of Hyunseung and she passed out. Hyunseung quickly grabbed her and carried her in the back seat and sat beside her. Doojoon was already sitting on the driver’s seat and Yoseob sat in the front seat. Hyunseung looked at Sun when Doojoon drove off the bar. He wondered what she did say when she hugged him. He didn’t hear what, but something she said and he knew it. His heart skipped again a beat, when he quickly looked at her. She was asleep and her head was against the car’s door. Her hair hung down on her face and her head swung when the car stopped. “Okay, who is going to carry her inside?” Doojoon said and looked at Yoseob and Hyunseung. “I can.” Hyunseung said quickly before Yoseob said anything. Hyunseung took her on piggyback and walked inside the apartment building.

When he put Sun down on her bed she woke up. She didn’t say anything but she stared at him surprised. Hyunseung looked at her big eyes still bending over upon her. They stared each other’s eyes long and Hyunseung swallowed tried opening his mouth to say something, but then someone said behind them: “Hey! Why you aren’t coming already?” Yoseob said behind them. Hyunseung turned away quickly and almost bumped into the table which was behind him. Sun turned around on the bed and covered her head with a blanket.
“U-uh? Did I interrupt something?” Yoseob said stunned.
“N-no you didn’t. Let’s go.” Hyunseung said quickly and walked away from the room.
“O-okay? Good night Sun!” Yoseob said, but she didn’t answer anything. She bit her lip and after she heard the outer door closing she threw a blanket on the floor and ran to the bathroom. She felt throwing up, but because she didn’t like it she tried to hold it and it went over. She sighed relief and went back to sleep.


At the dorm Hyunseung looked out the window which was in his room. He really did like that girl; he just didn’t know what to do. He almost said it and he was probably to complain after saying that, fortunately Yoseob came in and he didn’t say anything. He sighed deep and went his bed. “Yoseob kissed her and told his feelings towards her, so she probably liked Yoseob.” He said himself, but that what happened at her place when they stared each other’s eyes, maybe she didn’t like Yoseob as much than Yoseob liked her. Hyunseung shook his head because his head was full of thoughts. He sighed and looked up the roof. What he really shouldn’t do?     


NOTE: Ah, this took so long to write this, about four days. D: I hate proofreading because I always get new ideas and I have to change the story again...aish. D: Anyway, I hope this annoying chapter is not awful! XD HAhaha, poor Hyunseung because I can't get the story forward, if you know what I mean. OKAY, on next chapter will happen something nice! 

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)