painful past

Dream, more than just a dream

“Hey?! Sun, are you okay? Wake up!” Someone called, but Sun couldn’t open her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy and she felt awful pain in her right knee. Someone called her again by her name. She opened her eyes slowly and looked straight through to Doojoon’s worried face. He was kneeled down and raised her head to his knee.
“Oh thank god, I was already sure that I have to take you the hospital.” He sighed relieved.
“U-uh?” Sun pulled herself up to a sitting position.
“I saw you fainting after that biker guy bumped into you. Is your knee okay?”
“Mmm, I think so. Can you help me up?” Sun asked while biting her lip and Doojoon helped her up. She tried to walk, but when she stepped even one step her knee betrayed under her body’s weight and it hurt a lot.
“!” She cried and hit the wall beside her.
“I see that your knee is hurting you a lot. Should I help you to the hospital?” Doojoon asked from her worriedly.
“ABSOLUTELY NO! Just take me home! I’m sure my knee is better tomorrow.” She shouted. The true is that she really wanted to go to hospital, but she was afraid. Her knee was already weak because she was beated up few years ago.
“Wow! No need to yell.” He said and lifted her arm around his shoulder to order to be like a walking stick to her and they started to walk towards to Sun’s apartment.

“Are you sure that you don’t need to go to the hospital?” Doojoon said when Sun sat down to her bed.
“I’m sure. Thank you Doojoon.” She smiled a little.
“No problem, I was near. Why did you faint anyway?”
“I’m a little bit sensitive to pain, so no need to worry.” She explained.
“Oh, I see. But if your knee isn’t better tomorrow, do you promise to me that you will go to the hospital?” He said fatherly.
“Of course I’ll go. I promise from bottom of my heart! Just go already!” She said and pointed the door and Doojoon said good night to her and left. Sun lied down after she took the painkiller which Doojoon was left on her bedside. The pain in her right knee calmed down a little bit and she felt asleep.


Next morning when Sun woke up, she forgot first that her knee was hurt and she rose up from the bed and it gave up under her body’s weight. She groaned because of the pain and pulled herself back to the bed.
“Damn, no walking today either.” She sighed and took her phone to call for someone to help her to take her the hospital, but first she called to Mr. Go. Mr. Go sounded a really worried and gave a few day-offs to her until he will saw the doctor’s decision about her right knee. After that Sun was almost to call to Alice, but then she remembered that she didn’t even have a car and her dad wouldn’t help anyway and she was probably at school. Amber didn’t have a car either, so Sun looked at her phone nervously and chose Hyunseung’s number.
“Hello?” Hyunseung answered quickly after her phone ring only couple of times.
“U-uh, hi! I had a little accident yesterday and…” Sun was able to say, until Hyunseung started to yell worriedly.
“I’m fine, but my knee isn’t. Would you take me to the hospital? I can’t walk…” Sun sighed.
“Oh man, sounds seriously. I’ll leave right now, wait me!” Sun heard a clatter and rustle of fabric. “I see that I woke him up…” Sun thought inside her mind.
“Hyunseung?” Sun asked when Hyunseung didn’t say anything.
“Yes?” He asked.
“Why we are still on the phone?”
“I don’t know, maybe we should hang up, hahahah.” He laughed.
“Maybe! See you soon!” Sun said and put her phone away when they ended the call. She put some clothes on which were beside her bed and played some games with her phone.

When the doorbell rang she tried to walk to open it. She took a support of all the potential and jumped with one foot to the door.
“Yah! Be careful!” Hyunseung said when Sun was almost to fell when she opened the door.
“I try! This isn’t easy…” She said almost to tearing up because of frustration.
“Are you crying?”
“No, something went my eye. Would we go, please?” She sniffled and put her arm around Hyunseung’s neck and they went to his car.

“How you are able to drive with that hand? It doesn’t hurt?” Sun asked worriedly when Hyunseung launched the car.
“Not really, but it’s not important now. Tell me already what happened to you?” He asked while he drove off the yard and Sun told everything, but not that Doojoon helped her to the home. Hyunseung nodded worriedly after that but he didn’t say anything. He only continued driving.
“Who helped you then home? Just wondering, because you can’t even walk.” He asked when they arrived to the hospital after a long silence.
“Doojoon helped me.” She smiled and wondered why he didn’t ask earlier.
“Oh…I see.”
“Are you jealous?” Sun temped when he noticed Hyunseung’s blank expression on his face.
“No I’m not! Just go. I’ll wait here.”
“And how I’m able to go to inside? Hmm?”
“Oh right…” He said and stepped out of the car. Sun put her arm around his neck again and they walked inside the hospital.  


“You aren’t able to walk probably about two days, but you have to try to move your knee that the muscle will not get stuck, because your last injure.” A doctor told Sun when she walked outside with a walking stick.
“Okay, thank you.” She said politely while bowing and started to walk toward Hyunseung, who was waiting her the waiting room.
“What the doctor said?” He asked when Sun came closer.
“He said, that I can walk normally in two days.”
“That’s good! Are you going to home now?”
“I planned so, because I can’t do anything…”
“That’s a shame; I was planning to treat a dinner for you…” Hyunseung sighed disappointed.
“Oh…Uumh, I’m actually kind of hungry…” She rubbed her tummy which growled loudly.
“So are we going to eat?” He lifted his eyebrow questioningly.
“YES!” Sun smiled and they walked back to Hyunseung’s car and they drove the nearest ramen restaurant.

Restaurant was full of people, since was dinner time but fortunately they found an empty table from a darkest corner. They ordered black bean noodles and while they were eating they talk about almost everything. Sun didn’t feel anymore so awkward around with him or with anybody, not even fear. Although, she still didn’t trust them at all. She looked at Hyunseung who was eating his bowl with a good appetite. He surely was really good looking and Sun’s heart started to beating really fast. Hyunseung lifted his head and looked at Sun who quickly turned her look somewhere else.
“Hmm? It’s something wrong?” He asked.
“W-what?” Sun choked.
“Just wondering, because you looked at me like I have something on my face.” He lifted his eyebrow.
“Ah, no. I just…”
“…You can’t resist my handsome appearance?” He smirked and Sun blushed and her heart skipped a beat. She couldn’t answer the question. She bited her lip and quickly took a rice and put it on . 
“Mmm, this rice is freaking good.” She said but dropped chopsticks when she noticed how close Hyunseung’s face was from her face. “When he was?” she thought.
“You’re such a clumsy and you have even food on your face.” He said and swept with a paper gently her ​​mouth. Sun looked at him with big round eyes and swallowed. Hyunseung smiled widely and came even closer. Sun closed her eyes and she felt his soft lips on hers.
“HIIIIIIII~!” A girl’s voice said next to their table and Hyunseung quickly pulled himself away from Sun and sat back to his chair while Sun blushed embarrassed.
“Hahahaha, you two should see your faces just now.” Amber laughed hard.
“A-Amber what are you doing here?” Sun asked.
“I came eat some good noodles and then I saw you two here, kissing.” She smirked.
“UAAAA~! The clock is already that much. I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. See you!” She said and quickly walked away. Sun sighed relieved, but then looked at Hyunseung a little bit angrily.
“You didn’t then even think where we are? Huh?”
“WHAT? Are you saying that I can’t kiss you when I want?” He pouted cutely and Sun just blushed and didn’t say anything.

After they finished their food they walked outside the restaurant and started to walk towards Hyunseung’s car. When they arrived at Hyunseung’s car a voice asked behind them:
“Hyunseung oppa?” After that Hyunseung quickly turned around in shock and Sun also turned around to look who was behind them. A really beautiful, fashionable and long brown curly haired girl stood behind them and looked really surprised. Sun looked at both them confused.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in Seoul?” Hyunseung asked and Sun noticed a slightly angry in his voice tone.
“Yes, but I came here because some family business. It’s really nice to see you such a long time oppa. And who is she?” The beautiful girl nodded towards Sun questioningly.
“She…She is my girlfriend.” Hyunseung said.
“Girlfriend? So you forget me already?” The girl continued and Hyunseung started already look a really annoyed.
“Yes. Let’s go Sun.” He said and walked to his car door when Sun walked with her walking stick the other side of the car.
“Oppa! It would be really nice if we can meet some day and just talk.” After that she walked away and Hyunseung sat inside the car. He hit the steering wheel with his health hand. Sun looked at him worriedly but didn’t say anything. “She was probably his old girlfriend…” Sun though inside her mind. After Hyunseung calmed down he sighed deep and launched the car.
“I’ll drive you home.” He said and after that they didn’t talk.

When they arrived at Sun’s apartment she stepped outside the car and turned around to close the car’s door.
“Uumm, thanks for the ride.” She said.
“I’m sorry about what happened earlier.” He said just when Sun was almost closing the car’s door.
“Ah, it wasn’t your fault.” Sun said quickly because she though he meant that meeting with his ex-girlfriend. Hyunseung stepped outside the car and came besides Sun looking at her confused.
“I meant that what happened at restaurant.” He sighed and closed the car’s door.
“Oh. Ah, that’s nothing.” Sun patted his shoulder and Hyunseung looked at her very confused. After that Sun gave a small awkward smile and started quickly as possible walk towards the apartment building. Hyunseung just looked at her and wondered what she was even thinking. He smiled and slightly laughed while he went after her.


Sun put the key to her front door and Hyunseung stood still outside when she stepped inside.
“Are you coming in?” Sun asked from him and he nodded while walking in.
“Hmm, here looks so different…” He said quietly.
“Hu? Different?” Sun asked when she sat on the sofa and put walking stick next to her, but Hyunseung didn’t answer and sat next to her closer the window.

They sat a really long time in silence and the atmosphere was very uncomfortable. Sun thought when he was going to leave and why he was even at her place. Hyunseung looked around and sighed. Sun turned her face to him and he seemed that he was thinking really hard something. Sun wanted to ask when he was going to leave but let it be and instead pulled herself of the sofa and stretched.
“Aigoo~ so boring.” She yawned but Hyunseung didn’t seem to even notice her. Sun pouted and slowly jumped front of him but he looked outside the window still on his own world.
“YAAAA!” Sun yelled and after that she lost her balance and fell directly on his lap because she stood only with one leg because her hurt knee. Hyunseung totally woke up from his world and looked at her surprised and Sun quickly pulled herself next to him on the sofa. She blushed hardly and scratched her neck.
“Sorry…” She apologized.
“Ah, I should to apologize but...Anyway are you bored?” He changed subject.
“YES! You are so boring that I feel like dying.” Sun pouted and poked his hand playfully.
“Really? What we should then do?” He asked.
“Something. Like…How many members you have in your family?” Sun asked.
“Me, mom, dad and younger little sister. And you?” He answered.
“Me and mom…” Sun said quietly, because sheregretted what she just asked.
“What happened to your dad? If I may ask…” Hyunseung asked hesitantly.
“He is alive, but he and mom divorced couple years ago. But anyway let’s continue asking.” She tried to change subject but Hyunseung looked at her questioning, but when Sun sighed he let it be.
“So…Why did you move here from London?” Finally the question what Sun didn’t want to hear.
“Umm…I had some problems there and….I just wanted to follow my dreams.”
“Problems? What kind of problems?” He continued asking.
“Ah, just some problems. Why I should tell you?” Sun blurted.
“Didn’t I tell you already that you can trust me? So tell me or I’ll ask from somebody else.”
“I…Ugh~ this is so hard…” Sun hesitantly.
“I’ll say this really short. I was bullied at school, I didn’t have friends and I lost my trust to the people. Only people who I can trust are my mom, Alice and Amber. Enough?” Sun said with tears in her eyes, but Hyunseung couldn’t say anything. He hugged her to comfort her and she hugged back.
“That’s not all…” She said to cut the hug and carefully pushed Hyunseung away.
“One boy group beat me badly and after that I was at hospital couple of weeks…” She sniffled.
“My right knee was really bad shape, I had bruised everywhere and I have still scar on my stomach from kicking…” Hyunseung looked at her worriedly and confused. He didn’t know what he should say.

Sun started to cry and only what Hyunseung did he hugged her until she stopped crying. She sniffled beside his chest.
“Are you fine?” He finally asked.
“Mmm, now I am. Thank you for listening…What clock is?” Sun asked.
“Soon 21 pm. Why?”
“WHAT? But clock was just only seven just a moment ago? DID I REALLY CRY THAT LONG?!?!” Sun looked around and took her phone beside her. After that she hit Hyunseung to shoulder.
“YAA! It’s only eight! You liar…”
“Auch~! Why did you hit me?” He pouted.

“You deserved it. Are you going to answer your phone?” Sun pointed to Hyunseung’s phone which started to ring. Hyunseung shook his head and turned his phone off.
“What if that was something important?” Sun looked at him questioning.
“Nope. It was only Doojoon.” He smiled and moved closer to Sun. Sun’s heart skipped a beat when Hyunseung leaned closer to her and put his arm around her waist. Sun swallowed and closed her eyes when she felt his warm breathing on her face. She felt his soft lips on hers and she tried to push him away but Hyunseung continued kissing her passionately. Sun relaxed a little bit and answered to the kiss passionately. Hyunseung surprised because of that and stopped. Sun looked at him disappointed and pouted. After that Hyunseung put his lips against hers again, but it ended to short when the doorbell rings. Hyunseung sighed disappointed and pulled himself up from the sofa and walked to the door.  

“Who’s there?” He asked.
“JUST OPEN THE DOOR!” Alice shouted behind the door and Hyunseung opened it. Alice walked inside Doojoon, Yoseob and Amber behind her.
“Because Sun can’t walk probably…so we thought that we should come to here have some fun.” Doojoon said when they walked into the living room where Sun was still sitting and he sat next to her.
“Yes! And because tomorrow is your birthday Sun!” Alice smiled widely.
“YOUR BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW?!” Yoseob started to yell.
“I DON’T HAVE EITHER! I’m such a bad friend…” Alice continued.
“Calm down! I don’t need presents or anything.” Sun said and rose up from the sofa and took her walking stick next to the sofa and walked to her bedroom.
“Here we go again…” Amber said when everybody else looked at Sun’s back confused.
“What? Did I say something wrong?” Yoseob said a little surprised.
“No you didn’t. She just don’t like birthdays, that’s all.” Alice said.
“Oh, why?” Yoseob asked.
“None of your business.” Amber said behind Alice and walked beside the sofa and sat on the armrest.  

“Hahahha and you have a really good mood today Amber.” Doojoon temped.
“And why you can’t be quiet?” Amber snorted annoyed.
“And why you are such a smiling princess today?!” Doojoon raised his voice.
“We said to you, that you don’t need to come here!”
“BECAUSE SUN IS MY FRIEND! WHY I WOULD COME?!?” Amber started to yell.
“I don’t understand you now at all. WHY ARE YOU YELLING?!?!” Doojoon rose up from the sofa and walked front of Amber while yelling to her.
“NO REASON. YOU ARE JUST SO ING ANNOYING THAT I CAN’T STAND YOU!” She continued and they both looked at each other angrily.
“What here is happening? AND YOU TWO, STOP FIGHTING! THIS IS MY HOME!” Sun came out of her room. Everybody turned their faces towards her. Hyunseung’s heart skipped a beat because he noticed that she was definitely cried again and walked beside her.
“Are you fine?” He asked.
“Yes I’m fine…Would you two please stop.” Sun said and after that Amber looked at Doojoon and they both started to laugh.
“Told you! She can’t handle fighting at all.” Amber said finally when they both stopped laughing and everybody else looked at them confused.
“That was really mean!” Alice shouted.
“Not really. You all should have seen your faces when we started to argue.” Doojoon said.
“Anyway, Sun sorry that we came here suddenly…” He continued.
“Yeah you really sure came suddenly.” Hyunseung said.
“And what that meant?” Yoseob asked and Hyunseung blushed and also Sun.
“Wait a minute! Don’t say that you two…” Doojoon was able to say before Hyunseung cut him.
“Oh okay then.” Doojoon smirked.


When the clock hit 22 pm everybody was so tired that they decided to leave their homes after they had so much fun talking and playing games. Hyunseung didn’t leave with them because he decided to stay at Sun’s place over night.
“So where I’m going to sleep?” He asked after Sun came from shower.
“On the sofa.” She said and took from the closed bedding.
“But it’s so uncomfortable. Can’t I sleep with you?” He tried to be cute, but Sun didn’t want to sleep next to him.
“NO! I can’t trust you that much yet, that you can sleep next to me!” She said and threw the bed clothes on his lap.
“Okay then…Hmph, can’t even trust me after everything…” He mumbled.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing, just go to the bed already. Good night and sweet dreams dear~” He smiled.
“U-uh, good night.”

Sun was almost to fall asleep when Hyunseung opened her bedroom’s door and the light came in.
“Are you awake? Your sofa is so hard that I can’t sleep.” He said and sat on the Sun’s bed. Sun moved closer the wall and turned her back toward him.
“Hey?” He asked and Sun only sighed and nodded. Hyunseung lied down next to her, but stayed a little bit further from her. Sun turned around after a couple of minutes and Hyunseung was already in deep sleep. Sun sighed relieved and fell asleep.


NOTE: Such a boring chapter, sorry gyus~ :( Anymore two chapter's and this story is finished. I have already some plans how I'm going to end this, so stay tuned for two more chapters! ^^

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)