Many thoughts.

Dream, more than just a dream

Sun was sick three days and finally she was sure that she was ready to talk with Yoseob. She felt nervous, but if she didn’t do it now it would be really hard later. She thought while she was walking towards Mr. Go’s shop. Autumn sun was shining and weather was really cold, it was soon winter and also her birthday. She sighed, because three years ago at her birthday two boys from her school was bullying her and they beat her badly. She was in the hospital three days because her one rib and hand were broken. After that she didn’t want to even remind her birthdays and she started to hate boys. Somehow when she came to Shout-Korea and moved to this little town she started to believe a little bit that all boys weren’t bad and awful.

Sun started to sing, because her favorite song came just from her iPod. She was near the park what was around the Mr. Go’s shop and she had to walk through it. She continued singing without worrying just to enjoy a good music and weather. Then she noticed a people around a big tree talking and laughing. Sun stopped singing and walking immediately when she noticed Junhyung with Fay and other guys. Sun tried to quickly hide and walk some another way to work, but it was already late because Junhyung noticed her and waved his hand that she should came to talk with him. Sun didn’t want to move, she just stood still. Only one who noticed her was Junhyung and other’s kept talking and laughing.

Junhyung left from the group and walked closer her.  Sun’s heart skipped a beat when Junhyung smirked: “What are you doing here beautiful? Going work?” Sun just glanced at him and tried to walk away, but Junhyung grabbed her hand with his hand. “Hey, I’m trying to talk with you! You always run away when I try to talk with you. I’m that scary?” He said and Sun looked at him surprised because he wasn’t ever talked so normally to anyone.
“N-no, I-I’m just going to be a late from work. So I should go…” Sun bite her lip.
“Ah, sure. Before you go, Can I ask something?” He said a little smirk on his face.
“Uumh, sure. What?”
“Would you go out with me someday?” He said.
“Uumh, I’m not sure…” Sun said and started to walk farther.
“Hey, don’t be an afraid. On Saturday, at two?”
“Uumh, okay then.” She said nervously and walked away.

When she was sure that nobody would see, she ran the work and clock was already 08:10 am when she arrived and Mr. Go looked at her angrily when she walked in still deeply breathing because she ran so fast. “I’m sorry that I’m late, but…” Sun tried to explain, but Mr. Go only pointed the empty shelf and put her immediately to working.


 After a long day at work Sun was walking towards the dance studio, when she noticed Hyunseung, Doojoon and Yoseob walking towards her. Yoseob noticed her too and walked quickly to walking with her. “I see you are finally healthy? Going at dance lesson?” He said and wrapped slightly his fingers around her fingers. Sun felt uncomfortable, but didn’t shook his fingers away.
“Yes I am and I’m so behind that I’m sure I have so much to catch up.” She answered.
“Of course you are, because you were away so long! Anyway, I can help you if you need any help.” Yoseob smiled and looked at her face.
“Really? That’s really nice!” Sun smiled.
“Yup! Aaaw~ you look so beautiful when you smile.” He said and hugged her quickly, but Sun pushed him away as fast.
“YA! No public hugging around others Yoseob!” Doojoon said behind them.
“Hyung, it’s none of your business!” Yoseob shoved tongue to him and Doojoon almost hit him, but Yoseob grabbed to Sun’s arm and started to walk faster whit her. Sun just looked at Doojoon to apologies. 

Doojoon and Hyunseung left behind and they glanced at each other’s surprised. Hyunseung looked at them jealous, but tried to hide it. “I see you are jealous!” Doojoon temped and slightly nudged him, but Hyunseung almost lost his balance. “Ya! I almost fell and I’m not jealous at all. They are couple, so why I should be jealous?” He said and continued walking towards the dance studio following Yoseob and Sun. “Hey! They aren’t couple or is there something what I don’t know?” Doojoon said surprised.
“Did I say couple? I meant that I’m not jealous at all.” Hyunseung quickly corrected his words.
“But I heard correctly that you said couple.” Doojoon said confused.
“But I didn’t, okay?” Hyunseung said and stepped inside the dance studio building.

Doojoon didn’t say anything and they walked toward Sun and Yoseob who stood around the coffee shop. Yoseob looked angrily towards Doojoon, but didn’t say anything. Doojoon couldn’t be silent anymore and he looked at Yoseob questioningly.
“Are you two couple?” He said.
“WHAT! No we aren’t!” Yoseob said surprised and Sun looked at Doojoon confused.
“But you are walking with her hand by hand and you also hugged her and…”
“Hahaha, I wish we are but we aren’t…” Yoseob said quietly and Sun blushed.
“Eh, I’m so confused just now.” Doojoon rolled his eyes and walked to the dance room number seven and others followed him.

Sun quickly glanced at Hyunseung who walked behind them. He seemed a little bit depressed and then he noticed that Sun was staring him so he smiled a little bit and Sun quickly turned her face away because she blushed. She felt awful because he looked so depressed, she thought what was wrong but she didn’t want to ask because maybe it didn’t belong to her. Boys went the dance room number seven and Sun walked in the six. Amber was already stretching and Sun joined with her.


“AAA, it’s so nice that you are doing fine but girl you look so thin! Did you lose some weight?” Amber hugged her when they had their drink break. 
“Well, maybe a little bit because I lost my appetite.” Sun said and pushed her quickly away because she smelled a little bit of sweat.
“Ahaha, I can see that. Okay, when we are going to spend time only me, you and Alice? I miss you two!” Amber sighed sadly.
“Well, I don’t have anything special on these two last days before weekend.”
“AH, great! Then we should keep pajama parties at my place! I’m alone and I don’t like to be alone.” Amber said excited.
“HAHA, its sounds like a child parties and we are almost adults. Anyway, we should ask first from Alice too!” Sun smiled excited.
“YEAH! I can call her after dance lesson because now we have to continue our practice.” She said and they went line with others to follow their teacher’s teaching.


Yoseob, Doojoon and Hyunseung came in the room, when others were already left and there was anymore only Amber and Sun. They sat down on the floor next to they and they also started to stretch.
“Aigoo~ I’m so sore from everywhere. We had a really hard practiced.” Doojoon complained.
“Hhaha, because you are old!” Yoseob laughed.
“YA! I’m only one year older than you!” He hit Yoseob’s head. Yoseob moaned and rubbed his head with his hand while looking at him angrily but quickly turned his face to Sun.
“If you aren’t too tired I can help you with a some dance moves now.” He smiled.
“No I’m not; I have a lot of energy! See!” She spun, but before it she began to cough.
“Wow! Are you sure?” Yoseob said worriedly.
“Yes, I am. Don’t worry.” She said and they rose up from the floor. Hyunseung also rose up and looked at them a little confused.
“What? I’m also a good dancer too!” He said, but when he noticed what did he said he blushed and looked away and others began to laugh, but Sun didn’t. She looked at him surprised and wanted to say that he was really good, but kept shut up.
“HAHAH, are you jealous hyung? You aren’t never like this?” Yoseob temped.
“What, no! But…Ah let it be. Just teach her.” He said and went away from the room. Others just stared at his back when he left and Doojoon and Amber stood up too and left with him. Sun watched when they closed the door behind them.
“Ha, they don’t ever trust my teaching skills.” Yoseob pouted and put the music on.

Hyunseung came back the room after five minutes and sat down the front of the big mirror. Yoseob tried to teach Sun to move better with music but Sun failed every time. Hyunseung stood up from the floor and sighed – he started to practice. Yoseob tried to tell Sun to follow him faster but Sun lost her balance because she stumbled to her feets and bumped straight into to Hyunseung chest and he lost also his balance because he was trying to work out his own dance moves. They felt ground and Yoseob only looked at them trying to keep his laugh. Sun and Hyunseung quickly retreated further away from each other and stared each other’s eyes.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to. Are you okay?” Sun said quickly when she realized what just happened.
“Ah, don’t worry I’m fine. Are you okay?” He asked and looked at her worriedly.
“Yes, I’m fine.” Sun bite her lip and slightly blushed because she noticed how close they still were each other. Hyunseung swallowed nervously and Sun tried to look away from his pretty eyes but she could take her gaze of him.
“Hey you two! Should we continue our practice or should we stop?” Yoseob said and Sun stood up quickly put they hit their heads with Yoseob.
“AAA, it hurt!” Sun said and rubbed her head with her hand and Yoseob did the same.
“Hahah, maybe we should stop because we are hurting each others.” He laughed and at the same time Hyunseung were also rose up off the floor.
“I think same too, I’m tired.” He yawned and walked away when Yoseob and Sun followed him.


“Thank you a lot of Yoseob. I learned a lot.” Sun said when three of them were walking towards her home.
“Ah, it’s nothing. I can teach you some another day when we have a more time.” He smiled back and Sun smiled back. After that the atmosphere turned uncomfortable and they didn’t talk anything. Hyunseung walked a little bit ahead and Yoseob walked next to the Sun. Yoseob wanted to walk with her hand by hand, but Sun obviously was bothered about it, so he only sighed and they walked in silence. Only voice was their footsteps and one dog barked somewhere farther.

When they arrived at Sun’s home - Yoseob was already really nervously, because he was whole trip tried to think how he would ask Sun to his girlfriend but because Hyunseung was with them he should not say anything. Hyunseung turned around and looked at Yoseob. “Uumh, I’ll continue that way, so you have to go alone. See you at dorm!” He said and started to walk towards the park. Yoseob looked at him and almost get excited because now he can ask from Sun.

Sun watched Hyunseung’s back and her heart was beating fast, because somehow she thought that Hyunseung wanted to her to come with him but Yoseob was still standing next to her and she already hoped that he would be gone, too. But Yoseob grabbed her hand and turned her around. Sun gasped with surprise when he put his hands around her body. She tried to push him away, but Yoseob didn’t let go. “Don’t…I want to tell you something.” He whispered her ear. Sun calmed down and listened. “You really are really amazing girl and every day I feel that I can’t live without you, I think you every day and your smile is best medicine when I’m sad.” He said and retreated a little farther away, so he was able to look into her eyes. “Would you like to be my girl?” Sun looked confused at his round cute eyes and face. What she should say, this was what she was feared.

Then Sun only pushed him away and with teary eyes she looked at him. “I don’t know what I should say. I really like you Yoseob, but I’m not really sure about this. I feel so confused, I’m afraid. I don’t know, I feel lost and this is the first time when I even can talk with guys like this or be with them naturally. I-I….” She almost started to cry and Yoseob looked at her teary eyes also confused. Was he too outspoken or something? “Hey, don’t cry. I-I maybe I think too far, maybe I just hoped that you would have a same feelings like I have towards you. I’m sorry, but should we even try? I-I don’t know myself too what I’m talking about anymore.” He tried to calm Sun.
“T-try? I don’t know too hard…You are like my brother it would be too weird.” Sun sobbed.
“C-can I think this a little bit?” She continued and looked and Yoseob who seemed a really confused and disappointed.
“S-sure but I want answer soon. I really want that we can…be together.” He said and hugged her the last time before he left and Sun just stood still in place and sobbed.


Her heart was aching and she felt awful. She almost wanted to run after him and tell him that he should leave like this but she didn’t - she ran inside her apartment and before she opened the door someone grabbed her arm and turned her around. She felt lips on her lips and she surprised looked at straight into Hyunseung’s eyes. After kiss he stepped away and slightly wiped a tear from her cheek. “Don’t cry, I don’t want to see you crying.” He said with a slightly smile. Sun looked at him confused; her heart skipped a beat when he looked at her worriedly.

“H-Hyunseung?” She finally said.
“Ah, sorry! I-I that was just…I…” He tried to explain and waved his hands nervously front of his face but then he quickly turned back to seriously.
“I just can’t hold my feelings toward you anymore. I-I love you.” He said and looked at her with his pretty eyes and make Sun nervous.
“I-I…” Sun said but then she quickly went inside and hit the door shut behind her and left Hyunseung stood in the corridor confused. Sun leaned the door and tried to calm her messy thoughts.

Too much in one night, she felt like her mind was almost to explode. Hyunseung knocked the door, but Sun didn’t want to open it.
“I know that Yoseob love you too, but that’s why I just can’t stand behind and watch when he hugs you and…” He paused.
“Would you go out with me?” Sun listened to him and maybe this time she should go out with him, last time she fainted. Just now she was too confused to answer anything. She heard footsteps in the corridor when Hyunseung walked away. Sun sighed deep and she wanted to yell after him that she loved him too, but she wasn’t ready to say it.  


NOTE: Like I promised, here is the chapter ten! ^^ Heheh, I don't know what to say. OMG, So short again. Waah, I feel so awful when I write so short chapters... D:

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)