The end of the dream story

Dream, more than just a dream

Sun took her phone and looked at it. “You have three messages” read on the phone’s screen - she sighed deep. She really didn’t have a mood to answer to anybody. She dropped her phone next to her and lied down on the bed and looked up to the roof. Days and weeks went fast while he was London and now Sun was back in South-Korea - she thought it would be easy to settle down, but clearly not. She wasn’t told any of her friends yet that she was back. She felt that she should first try to clear up her thoughts and mind of everything what happened in London.

She took her phone again and read the text messages, thought she felt that it would just make her mood worse. Two text messages were from Alice. Alice was worried about her, because she heard from her mom that she was arrived back to city yesterday and second message said that why she didn’t tell her or others that she was back. Sun sighed annoyed and read the third message which was from Hyunseung. Her heart skipped a beat while she was reading the message, feeling really awful at the same time. Hyunseung’s text message was full of questions why she didn’t tell he and he wanted to see her, but suddenly her phone started to ring and she almost dropped it frightened.

“YA! SUSAN, MS. I DON’T TELL MY FRIENDS ABOUT THAT I’M HOME!!” Alice’s angry voice yelled from other end of the handset.
“Oh, thank god! So, Susan what’s up?” Alice asked still a slightly angry tone in her voice.
“Well, I’m not feeling so well and yeah that’s pretty much all. AND STOP USING MY REAL NAME!”
“Okay, okay I’ll stop. But tell me, what happened?” Alice asked worriedly.
“Nothing much, so don’t worry. I wanted just clear up my thoughts and mind. I saw a few of my old friends back in London. They just ignored me and were like they didn’t know me anymore.”
“Didn’t I say earlier that stop yelling. Anyway, I’m done about London and stuff so let’s not talk about it anymore. You wanted to see me, right? Let’s meet up at ramen restaurant, I’m hungry.” Sun said and they hang up after Alice agreed with her.

Sun started to get ready and changed her clothes. She sighed and decided not to answer to Hyunseung’s message, just not yet.


“SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN~!!” Alice screamed behind her and Sun turned around quickly to say that her friend should be quiet in the restaurant, but she almost fell back when Alice gave her a big hug.
“You don’t have nothing idea how much I missed you!” She sniffled dramatically.
“Hahahh, I’m sure about that but should you keep your voice down, because all are staring at us.” Sun said and Alice just pouted her lips.
“You are so mean! What happened to you?! Where is my friendly friend?”
“hahahahahha, don’t make me a laugh. I missed you too my noisy friend!” Sun said and poked Alice’s right hand playfully.
“I DIDN’T EVEN POKE HARD!” They both screamed and started to playfully poke each others.

“Sun, is that you?” A similar voice asked behind them. Sun turned around and saw Doojoon’s and Yoseob’s surprised faces.
“Oh, hi guys~!” Sun greeted them like nothing.
“YA! WHAT KIND OF GREETING THAT IS?!” Doojoon blamed her.
“It was my surprise greeting to you guys. We saw yesterday, didn’t we?” She tried to joke, but she was bad with jokes and others just started to laugh.
“Don’t even try to tell jokes, because you .” Doojoon said and Sun turned her red face away embarrassed.
“Anyway, what we are going to eat? I’m hungry~!” She changed subject.
“Something good and tasty, which takes your hungers away, hahha.” Yoseob said.
“Well, of course. Ahjumma, can you give us four bowls of black bean noodles?” Sun asked from the restaurant’s only worker and she bring them their order.


“So, Sun have you told to Hyunseung already that you are back? He was pretty down when you wasn’t here.” Yoseob said.
“No I’m not….I’ve been busy.” Sun forced smile on her face while continuing eating.
“Busy? Didn’t you just arrived yesterday?”
“mmmm, yes but I had to sort out my work things and stuff.”
“Oh, I see. Why you wouldn’t call him now?” He said and offered his phone to her.
“No, thank you but I’ll call him later.” Sun kindly pushed his phone away.
“Oh, okay but be sure you will call him!”
“OKAY, I PROMISE! Fine?!” Sun hissed annoyed.
“Okay, I believe you. He was really down, just saying. You should cheer him up, okay? He is probably practicing right now, but anyway.”
“I’ll, just leave it already. I’m done with eating. Will you guys pay? I have to go.” Sun pulled herself up from the table and left her friends into the table and they just looked at her confused when she walked away.

“YA! YANG YOSEOB! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Alice yelled at Yoseob angrily and slapped his head.
“I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, OKAY. GEEZ~! Why did you hit me?” Yoseob said and rubbed his head with his hand.
“You deserved it, be happy that I didn’t hit stronger.” Alice snorted.
“Okay, you two stop already and Yoseob you will pay the bill.”  Doojoon said to them.


Sun walked towards a dance studio and kicked the rocks with her foot. Her phone started to ring, but she ignored it and just sighed. She wasn’t mad at Yoseob but she wanted to do things by herself and not by others. She arrived at the dance studio building and heated towards one practice room, where Hyunseung probably were since it was private practice room. She opened door and stepped quietly inside, that Hyunseung would notice that she came.

Hyunseung were just practicing and he was really into the music, so he didn’t hear that Sun came in the room. Sun sat down near the window and watched his simply dance moves and she was proud of him and somehow she was happy that she saw him working so hard and he was gained even a little bit weight, but mostly she was jealous, because her boyfriend was so good dancer compared to her. She sighed with pleasure.

Half an hour later Hyunseung stopped dancing and turned the music off, but he didn’t still notice that Sun was sitting near the window, still watching him quietly. He was just able to take his shirt off, revealing his muscular body when he heard a surprise voice saying quickly behind him:
“YA! GIRL IN THE ROOM!” Sun closed her eyes and tried to watch a different direction.
“W-WHAT? SUN?!” Hyunseung’s jaw dropped when he saw her and Sun smiled widely when he saw his confused sweaty face.
“And that’s all what you can say to me? How rude! I’ll go back to London and never come back.” Sun showed a tongue to him playfully.
“W-why you didn’t call me first?”
“Because I wanted to surprise you! Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course I’m happy! I’m just so surprised. Oh my god, I’m so sweaty and I look awful.” He panicked.
“You look fine, stupid.” Sun smiled and came closer to Hyunseung.

Hyunseung touched her face with his hand and pulled her closer to him to give her a big and warm hug. Sun sighed and hugged back. They stayed like that many minutes until Hyunseung broke the hug and gently put his soft lips against Sun’s lips and they kissed a long time.
“I’m so happy that you are back. I missed you so much.” Hyunseung said and hugged her again.
“I missed you too, but you mister smell sweat.” Sun said and Hyunseung pushed her away embarrassed and rushed to the dressing room. Sun just laughed and looked around while she was waiting him to come back from the shower.

“Are you ready to leave?” Hyunseung came back after few minutes and Sun was already waiting him in the hall.
“W-what? Where?” Sun asked confused and followed Hyunseung outside the dance studio building.
“I don’t tell you until we are there. I’ll show you something cool!” He said excited and they walked to his car and they drove away.

It was already pass of the midnight when Hyunseung stopped the car and Sun woke up. She muttered annoyed and looked outside of the car’s window.
“mmm, where are we?”
“Somewhere, middle of nowhere.” Hyunseung said and stepped outside of the car.
“Ya! That didn’t tell me anything!” Sun said and was able to hit his hand, but her jaw dropped when she saw a beautiful beach view. Sky was full of stars and Sun started to smile.
“Holy shiiiiiit~! Here is so beautiful! Anyway, what are we doing here?”
“I thought that we should celebrate and lights some fireworks.” He smiled and walked near the water line and lighter couple of light sticks and handed the second to Sun. Sun took it and asked:
“What are we celebrating?”
“Us, our dreams and that you are back. Isn’t it nice?”
“Oh my god, did you get into dance school or whatever it is?” And Hyunseung just nodded happily.
“REALLY?! THAT’S AWESOME! I’M PROUD OF YOU!” Sun screamed and hugged him quickly which surprised Hyunseung totally and he just started to laugh. They laughed together and watched fireworks and enjoyed the sea and silence.

Sun smiled happily while she was holding his hand. She felt how all bad memories went away and finally first time of her life she was happy. She dreams came true, thought her dreams wasn’t nothing to compared to this that she met someone who loves her and would be by her side always. Sun leaned her head to Hyunseung’s shoulder and sighed.
“What’s wrong?” Hyunseung asked worriedly.
“Nothing…I’m just so happy.”
“Oh, that’s all?”
“Yup…well…..I love you.” She said awkwardly.
“I love you too.” Hyunseung said and kissed her forehead. 


NOTE: So the story is finally ended! hahha, how boring ending but really I'm so bad with writing stories and stuff, but I really hope that you enjoyed reading my story. :) I'll maybe write another one with Infinite, but first I need a pause from writing and just to collect my thoughts and ideas for the next one. So stay tuned for the next one if you like reading my fics! ^^  

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)