"I'm here for you..."

Dream, more than just a dream

“Did you find her?” Doojoon asked from Hyunseung when he arrived home.
“Yes I found her and I took her home already too.” He said still biting his lip because of the pain on his right fist.
“That’s relief…Why you look so weird? I mean like you are in pain or something?” Doojoon asked.
“Ah…this is nothing…My right fist is a little bit sore, because I hurt it when I hit Junhyung.”
“WHAT?! Did you have a fight with him? What did he do?!” Doojoon raised his voice.
“I just hit him because I felt that I should hit him. I don’t know what did he do, but Sun was clearly upset about something and he didn’t let her go when she wanted. I don’t know anything else.” Hyunseung explained to Doojoon.
“If he did something bad to her I can’t let him just that easy…” Doojoon bite his lip angrily.
“What? Who did something?” Yoseob asked when he walked inside the apartment.
“Junhyung….” Hyunseung sighed while he tried to wrap his hand in a bandage trying to hold the pain back, because he didn’t want to show how bad injured it was.
“Ah, okay. I hope Sun is okay…” Yoseob said quietly.

Hyunseung didn’t answer anything and walked to his room with glass of water and painkiller in his healthy hand. After he took it he went to lie down to his bed.
“Hyung! Why you don’t tell me anything?” Yoseob walked in.
“YA! I’m tired! Go to sleep!” Hyunseung yelled to him.
“NO! Just tell me is she fine?! I can’t text to her because she is probably sleeping already…”
“She was okay when I took her home, enough?”
“YA! That didn’t tell anything really! Tell me everything!” Yoseob pushed Hyunseung off the bed, maybe too harsh because Hyunseung fell the ground and groaned because he fell to the floor on his sore hand above.
“Hyung? Are you fine?” Yoseob asked surprised when Hyunseung grimaced in pain on the floor.
“Damn that hurt…”
“What was that noise?” Doojoon came inside the Hyunseung’s room after he heard Hyunseung’s painful voice.
“Nothing. Can you guys please leave, I’m tired.” Hyunseung said with a painful voice.
“You should go to check up because that hand tomorrow.” Doojoon pointed his fist which was swollen pretty bad.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll go.” Hyunseung said and Yoseob and Doojoon went out and Hyunseung went back to his bed.
“Okay what a hell happened?” Yoseob asked from Doojoon.
“He had a fight with Junhyung or something, he didn’t tell so much to me either.”
“DAMN! What the hell that guy did then? Just wondering, because hyung’s hand looks pretty bad.” Yoseob sat on the sofa leaning on his hands.
“AISH! I don’t know!” Doojoon hissed.
“I didn’t even ask from you! Damn…I hope Sun is fine…”


Sun woke up the next morning and was thankful that it was Sunday and not Monday because she felt awful. She wanted just stay in bed and don’t do nothing but she was sure that Alice or Amber would call her asking her out whit them so she forced herself up and at the same moment her phone started to ring.
“HIII SUNSHINE~!” Alice yelled to phone after Sun answered it.
“YA! Why you have to always yell instantly when I pick up the phone!?” She scolded.
“Aahaha, sorry! I’m just on such a good mood today. Want to hang out with me today?”
“Mmm…sure.” Sun said a little bit uncertain.
“Sure? Are you fine? What’s wrong?” Alice asked worriedly.
“Naah, yesterday was a little bit bad day but it’s nothing. Don’t worry about me! Let’s have a fun today, okay?” Sun said because she didn’t want to tell to Alice what happened whit Junhyung.
“Mmmm, okay then. I want to go to that good ramen place where we were that day when you arrived here!”
“Sounds nice! Let’s meet there then? At two?”
“YUP! I can’t wait hahaha. I hope we will meet the boys too!” After what Alice said Sun wanted to change her mind, but if she would do that Alice would know instantly that something was wrong.
“Ahahah, maybe! By the way where’s Amber? She doesn’t come with us?”
“No, she has some business things today or something that she can’t come.” Alice said.
“Oooh~ I see. Always busy Amber, ahahah.”
“But hey I have to go, so let’s meet at the ramen restaurant then! See you!” Alice said and they hang up the call.


At the restaurant Sun went sit down a table which was front of the window and looked at her phone’s clock. It was already two and Alice wasn’t there yet, but when she was starting to write a text message to her Alice came and walked to their table.
“Sorry that I’m late but my little sis was a little problem again…” She sighed angrily.
“Oh? What did she do?”
“She wanted to come with us but I say that I want to hang out with my friend alone and then we had a little argument…”
“Ouh, just about of normal things?”
“Yeah…Anyway what we should eat? Black bean noodles again? It was so good last time.” She said and they ordered the food.

“Hi! You two are here too?” Doojoon said when he walked past their table.
“Hi oppa! Just eating and having fun day. What are you doing here?” Alice said and smiled widely to Doojoon who stood beside their table holding a empty ramen bowls in his hands.
“Oh, just working. So I should continue…Anyway, it’s nice to see that Sun you are doing fine although what happened yesterday.” Doojoon said.
“You know? Yes I’m fine, thank you.” Sun said quickly and Alice looked at both of them confused.
“Is here something what I don’t know?”
“Sun didn’t tell you? Anyway, I have to continue working. Bye!” He said and walked away while Alice looked at her friend still confused, but soon began to stare at her.
“Okay, start to talk!”
“Well, there is nothing to tell you. Mmm~ this food is freaking good. I want to eat this every day.” Sun said trying to change the subject.
“YA! NOW TELL ME! I see here is something what you should tell me!” Alice looked at her friend now a little bit angrily.
“What if I say…Uumm…That I don’t want to talk about it?” She bite her lip while poking her food with the chopsticks.
“SO WHAT! I’m your friend Sun! You can tell me everything and you know that.”
“Yeah, yeah. Well…Uuum…I was on date whit Junhyung yeste---“
“I-I…He asked and you know that I can’t say no easily, especially because I fear him…”
“SO WHAT! Aigoo~ what I can do with you…” Alice shook her head and Sun only lifted her shoulders uncomfortable.
“Anyway, tell me everything.” Alice said immediately when she noticed that something weighed on his mind. Sun told her everything trying to hold her tears back. After she ended her story Alice just looked at her confused and angrily.
“I’M GONNA BEAT HIM!” She yelled after a little silence and other’s in restaurant looked at them surprised.
“A-Alice can you please calm down a little…” Sun said quietly.
“Please~” Sun said and looked at her friend who looked like she was going to explode at any moment but calmed down when she noticed that everyone was looking at them.
“Ah, sorry…” Alice apologized and they decided to go to out.

“But are you fine?” Alice asked while they walked towards a shopping mall.
“A little bit better, thank you Alice. I’m a little bit stronger than two years ago! And I’m really happy that Hyunseung came in time. I was so afraid…”
“I can believe that. He is such a prince~” Alice teased.
“YA~! Stop it.” Sun lifted his arm to hit her but she just dodged it.
“He is already kissed you twice!” Alice continued teasing and smirked playfully.
“SERIOUSLY STOP IT! Not fun at all!”
“Ahahaha, you are too easy to tease. Oh, it’s that Hyunseung and Yoseob there?” She stopped walking and pointed the hospital’s front doors, which was nearby the shopping mall. Alice waved to them, trying to awaken their attention.
“Alice, please don’t do that!” Sun tried to stop her before they would notice them, but it was too late. Yoseob noticed them and waved back and showed with his hands that they should wait. Hyunseung looked at Yoseob wonderingly what he was waving because he didn’t notice Alice and Sun first, but after he noticed them he followed Yoseob. Alice smiled widely when Sun wanted just run away.

“HI! Going shopping?” Yoseob asked happily.
“That’s correct! Why you guys are here?” Alice asked when she noticed Hyunseung’s right arm. It was in plaster.
“Oh, hyung went to a check up because his arm and don’t believe or not it’s broken.” Yoseob said before Hyunseung could even open his mouth.
“WHAT?! When that happened? Yesterday?” Alice asked.
“Oh, you know already?” Yoseob asked surprised and glanced at Sun who stood behind her friend looking at the ground.
“Yes I know...” Alice said and started to smile widely and looked at Hyunseung.
“I know everything!” She teased.
“W-what?” Hyunseung stammered and blushed a little bit when he noticed that everybody was watching him.
“Don’t even try that you don’t know~” Alice sang.
“AlICE!” Sun yelled to her friend.
“WHAT? What I’m so confused now?! Tell me?” Yoseob looked both of them.
“Nothing~ , just that he kissed her last night!” Sun tried to block but failed and Hyunseung blushed really bad after she said that.
“WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! REALLY?!” Yoseob shouted surprised.
“Yup!” Alice said and hugged Sun who just pushed her away and tried to look away because her face was really red.
“AHAHHA, hyung you are even blushing? Does this mean that you two are dating?”
“N-NO!” Sun and Hyunseung said at the same time.
“DAMN! If you two like each other, so why you two just don’t start to date? Hu?” Alice asked.
“Conversation is over, let’s go.” Sun said still blushing and tried to drag her away.
“YA! Anyway, would you like to come with us?” Alice asked with a little smirk on her face.
“I wish I would but I have something else to do. Sorry~” Yoseob said and walked away waving.
“I have also…” Hyunseung started but Alice looked at him that way that Hyunseung changed his mind.
“Well, it’s not important so maybe I can come.”
“That’s great.” She said walked inside the mall when Sun and Hyunseung walked behind her.


After a long silence and couple of shops later Sun looked at Hyunseung’s arm worriedly and quickly glanced at him. He walked besides her and Sun felt really comfortable like that but somehow she wanted to walk with him hand by hand like that one time when he second time walked with her at her home, but most now she wanted to ask how his hand was.
“Is your hand fine?” She asked when Alice disappeared somewhere because she noticed her two friends from school.
“Yes it is. Thanks for asking. Are you fine?” He asked with a worriedly tone.
“Okay? He did to you something, didn’t he?”
“N-no-nothing bad!” Sun said, because she didn’t want to tell what Junhyung really did.
“Really? I have a feeling that you don’t tell me all.” He stopped walking and looked at Sun’s eyes but she looked away quickly when their eyes met.
“I-I don’t want to talk about it…Okay?” She bite her lip.
“I’m just worried…Are you sure?”
“YES and s-stop asking, please. I just want to forget everything.” She said and walked fast away of him. Hyunseung followed her and grabbed her hand when he caught her outside the mall.

“YA! What are you doing? Let me go!” Sun shouted scared and Hyunseung let go off her hand instantly when he noticed how scared she was.
“Hey? Are you okay, you don’t seem that you are?” He asked again and slightly touched her shoulder.
“Ah, sorry…I just…Old habit, ahaha.”
“Yes habit…AH! What I’m even talking, I should go back and search Alice.” Sun said and was leaving when Hyunseung grabbed to her arm again.
“You can trust me, although we don’t know each other so well. You know that I love you! You are so complicated that I don’t even know sometimes what you are thinking. This time don’t push me away or don’t run away. I really want to know about your feelings toward me and how are you. I’m here for you…” He said while looking at Sun’s confused face with his beautiful eyes. Sun didn’t know what to say, she knew that she loved him, but how she should say it.
“I…I like you, but I can’t trust anybody after what happened in my country when I was still in high school…Aish…This is really hard for me if you know.” Sun hurriedly tried to explain and after that Hyunseung put his arms around her body and hugged her.
“No rush.” He said still hugging her to comfort her.
“I love you.” She said after a long silence and couple of heart beats later. Hyunseung sighed relieved and because of a little bit surprised. They looked at each other faces a little while when they finally stop hugging and Sun gave him a little shy smile.
“So are you going to tell me what happened yesterday?” He asked carefully.
“I don’t want to…maybe someday.” She said while bite her lip.
“Mmm…I don’t want that anything will happen to you anymore. I promise!”
“I-I’m tha-“She started but Hyunseung came closer and they kissed a long time.  

“SO! This maybe means that you two are finally dating.” A voice said behind them. Hyunseung and Sun quickly pulled away from each other and looked at Alice who stood behind them.
“How long did you stood there?” Hyunseung asked still a little bit surprised because suddenly interrupt.
“Long enough. SO?! I hope you don’t hurt my best friend and take care of her? Okay?” Alice said serious.
“You promise?”
“YES! Oh mother god sake, how you can be so annoying? Sun your friend is annoying.” He pouted.
“Omo~ trying to be so cute at moment like this.” Alice teased.
“ALICE! Stop it already!” Sun shouted.
“Okay, no need to yell! Anyway, I have to leave already…Mom called and at home is some kind of problems with someone and she wants me home soon.”
“What kind of problems?” Sun asked worriedly.
“I don’t know, I think it’s not nothing bad. Call me later, okay?” She winked and left leaving Hyunseung and Sun behind.  


They walked together to Sun’s home. Sun walked besides Hyunseung and she was pretty happy that she finally told her feelings towards him and didn’t being a chicken.
“This is somehow…How I should say that? Awkward....I’m not fallen in love with anybody after…” He said suddenly, but stopped when they arrived at Sun’s front door.
“Hu? Have you date before someone?” Sun asked but felt jealous somehow but pushed that feeling away.
“Yeah, once...Two years ago actually, but she betrayed me behind my back. So we broke up actually kind a soon after we started date.” He bite his lip because he was never talk about it with anybody.
“Sound awful…”
“Isn’t it? But anyway it’s past and I’m with now most beautiful and nice girl in the world!” He smiled.
“Oh…” Sun said dazed.
“What? I just started to date with you and you still can’t talk with me normally? Just oh?” He asked and started to tickle her side.
“Hahahaha, stop it! What I then should say, hu?” She laughed.
“Something else than just oh. Anyway I maybe should go already, good night!” He said and turned around to leave.
“HEY! W-wait! Don’t leave yet.” Sun said and grabbed his hand and Hyunseung turned around to look at her face questioning. Then she realized what she was doing and did not know what to say.
“Why I can’t leave?” He asked, but she was still holding his hand trying to think what she was doing.
“I-I…I don’t even know…That was old h---“ She said at let it go off his hand.
“HABIT AGAIN? How many habits you even have?”
“N-No! I just…” She started but then Hyunseung hugged her.
“Did you want to just hug?” He asked and Sun didn’t say anything just put her arms around him and hugged him back.
“So warm and nice…” She said quietly after a little silence, but when Hyunseung wanted to leave she didn’t let go of him.
“Just a little while?”
“But I really should go already? We can see each other again tomorrow.”
“Okay then. Good night!” After that Sun kissed him on his lips but as quickly as it happened, she stopped and ran into the dazed shutting the door behind her. Hyunseung stood confused and surprised just because that what just happened.

Sun shook her head behind the door and walked to her bedroom. When she went lying on the bed she screamed because she felt so happy and embarrassed because she didn’t even kiss him as good as him was kissed her. She wanted to disappear. “Maybe it’s impossible now when we are dating.” She though. After that her phone started to ring.
“Hii~” Sun heard Alice’s asking voice.
“Hi my annoying friend!”
“So? What happened after I left?”
“Nothing much and why I should tell you?”
“YA! Tell me I’m curious!” Alice shouted.
“No! Get your own life Alice!”
“But Susan~”
“STILL No, especially when you call me by my real name!”
“Hey come on!”
“Okay then! We are dating, enough?” Sun sighed.
“YA! I KNEW IT THAT ALREADY!” Alice shouted to the phone and Sun had to put the phone away from her ear because she shouted too loud.
“Sun are you still there?”
“YES! But stop yelling or I’ll hang up!”
“I’m sorry!”
“I know. So what was that problem at your home?”
“Nah, Fay did something bad again with her friends and when she came home she was pretty drunk and beaten. And you know my mom that she can’t handle stuff like that.”
“Ooh, that’s don’t sound Fay at all?”
“Fay changed when she met Junhyung, she likes him. Somehow cute, but somehow really dangerous.” Alice said sighing.
“I know right…But I’m already a little bit tired, so I’ll go sleep. Good night!” After that they hang up and Sun put her phone away. She wasn’t really tired, but day was long and she wanted just go to sleep although clock was only 18 pm, so she decided to took a small nap.


“Hi, mister romantic!” Doojoon temped immediately when Hyunseung arrived to dorm.
“So you know already…” He sighed and sat on the sofa.
“YES! Alice told me. Finally!” Doojoon said and pulled himself seating position on the floor.
“Where’s Yoseob?” Hyunseung asked because he was sure that he would be home already.
“He was working somewhere or something when I called to him. Anyway, how’s your arm?” Doojoon asked when he noticed the plaster in his hand.
“Oh this, it’s broken but it will be fine after couple of weeks. I just can’t practice…” He said while looking at his right arm.
“That’s a shame, but you need a pause. You work too much! You are even so skinny, do you even eat enough?” Doojoon said while looking at Hyunseung worriedly.
“Of course I eat! I’m not that stupid.” He lied, because he didn’t eat enough.
“Really?” Doojoon lifted his eyebrow.
“Okay, if you say so. I’ll go out for a walk.” He said and walked away.
“Walking? But you don’t never go?”
“So? I can go out when I want, problem?”
“No, just wondering.” Hyunseung said and Doojoon went outside closing the door behind him.

Hyunseung took his phone and wondered should he text to her something. He started to write: “What are you going to do tomorrow?” But after that he wiped it away and started to write new one: “Are you already sleeping?” After that he thought that would be impossible because clock wasn’t even 20 pm, so he just put his phone away and sighed and wondered what she was doing.


Sun just woke up from her nap and thought that she should make a something to eat because she wasn’t eat nothing such a long time and she was pretty hungry. She cooked ramen and noticed that she cooked too much it and thought should her text to Hyunseung and ask to him to come eat with her, but she changed her mind because it was already pretty late and he was probably already eaten something. So she ate a little bit and put the rest of the ramen to the fridge.

She sighed deep and wondered what she should do. She decided to leave to outside for a walk before sleep time because clock was already 21.30 pm and next day was again a work day. She walked around her local neighborhood while listening to her iPod. She didn’t hear a bike’s ring voice behind her and before she realized what happened she felt to the ground and groaned because of the pain on her knee. Biker stopped and came to her.
“Are you fine? I’m really sorry, but you didn’t hear anything and I couldn’t evade you.” He looked at her worriedly.
“I-I’m fine.” Sun tried to hold her tears back and pulled herself up from the ground.
“That’s good then, I’m sorry.” He said and left with his bike.

Sun stood still a little while, but everything darkened in front of her eyes, and she lost consciousness.          


NOTE: Finally I had time to write this! D: I hope you guys like this. I'll write anymore about 2-3 chapters to this story, so stay tuned! ^^

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)