"Why me?"

Dream, more than just a dream

Hyunseung walked away but stopped surprised when he noticed Yoseob standing in the corridor only few meters from Sun’s door. Yoseob looked at him also surprised and confused, but didn’t say anything. Hyunseung decided to walk past him, like he didn’t saw him.
“Do you really love her?” Yoseob turned around and Hyunseung stopped.
“I-I’ll make her love me hyung, no matter what.” He said a little bit uncertain. Hyunseung just listened these words and walked away. Yoseob followed him, but a far away of him. He felt awful, because he saw it all – that kiss and Sun’s confused face and Yoseob thought that Sun had the same feelings toward Hyunseung as Hyunseung had toward her. He didn’t know what he was doing anymore; maybe he was a little bit selfish that he wanted she love him and not Hyunseung.


The next day Sun, Amber and Alice went Amber’s house to keep their pajama parties. Sun didn’t have a mood to do anything, but Alice and Amber frankly dragged her with them after her work day ended. Alice was that mind she has to forget all guys and to do something else. Something else for Sun was; sit at home and to do nothing, but they did not like her idea. So she was too tired to even put against, maybe Alice was right.

Sun sat on the floor thinking while her friends were cooking something from chicken. She watched her phone and thought should she write a text message to Yoseob and apologies, but put it away when Alice sat beside her on the floor and gave her a noodle bowl and Amber sat in front of them that they were sitting on the circuit.
“Hey come on smile a little bit already!” Alice said annoyed and looked at her friend worriedly.
“Sure~ should I forget all my worries like now?” Sun grinned with a slight angrily voice tune.
“YA~! Hell yeah! That’s not nice watch you when you are down! Cheer up~ little sunshine~ and forget all your worries~” She sang.
“Hahaha, stop it! Your sing voice is awful!”
“Really?! Do you do this then better than me?” Alice pulled herself to stand position from the floor and tried to do simple dance moves, but in the end she failed and almost fell on top of Amber who tried to protect her noodle bowl. They all started to laugh and Alice sat back in sitting position and took her noodle bowl. They continued eating their noodles and chicken while chatting.

After food they chat a little bit more about everything and after a little Amber looked at Sun worriedly.
“Okay, tell us everything. What happened between you and guys?”
“N-Nothing much, hahaha. Don’t worry, it’s nothing.” Sun said nervously, but her friends looked at her madly. Sun told everything what happened yesterday night and after that Alice and Amber only looked at her with widely eyes.
“Only like that will happen in movies!” Amber said and shook her head.
“Indeed! So Yoseob and even Hyunseung love you?” Alice looked at her friend amazed.
“Yes…I’m so confused and afraid! This is so new for me…I don’t know what to do!”
“Hmm, we can’t help you. You have to figure this alone, although we are going to support you whatever happens!” Amber said and patted Sun’s head friendly.
“I know, thank you!” Sun smiled slightly.
“Yeah! But now forget all and let’s have a fun night!” Alice said and they all smiled.

After that Sun felt already a little bit better, although she still thought what she should do. She tried to enjoy her friends company and they had a nice parties just talking girl things and watching stupid videos from internet.


At the guys dorm the atmosphere was between sad and confused. Yoseob just stared the television without expression on his face from the sofa while Hyunseung put on his black leather jacket and left without saying anything. Doojoon sighed annoyed when the front door closed and he pulled himself up from the sofa and sat down on the floor.
“Aigoo, so boring. What we should do today?” He said while stretching his back.
“I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to do nothing…” Yoseob said insensitive.
“Okay? And what is wrong?”
“Sigh…I told my feelings towards her and well, she just likes me just as a friend.” He sighed.
“And? I’m sure that’s not all?” Doojoon asked worriedly and Yoseob told all to him that Hyunseung kissed her and told her that he love her.
“Wow that was a very good move from him.” He said maybe a little bit too supportively because Yoseob pulled himself to standing quickly and gave an angrily look to his hyung. Doojoon just watched him surprised and after that Yoseob walked to his room without saying anything.
“Did I make him mad?” Doojoon said himself.
“Maybe I should leave to my mom’s place; this atmosphere is so annoying!” He said so loud that he was sure that Yoseob will hear him.

After that he pulled himself from the floor and packed his backpack. He left from the dorm and when Yoseob heard the door closing - he came from his room and went back to the sofa. He sighed and took his phone from the floor next to the sofa. He watched it and thought should he send a text message to Sun but he put it away and sighed.


Hyunseung walked around alone and thought everything. He was happy that he finally did his move toward to Sun, but sorry for Yoseob. He didn’t know what to think, because he was his friend and they loved the same girl. He didn’t want to broke his friendship with Yoseob just because one girl. Sun was just one girl among others, isn’t she? He sighed and kicked empty bottle which rolled down the road and hit the wall below the top of the hill.  

Hyunseung continued walking without knowing where he should go, not back to the dorm and he didn’t want to go even his parent’s home because he parent’s maybe will start asking and they were already sleeping anyway. He just decided to walk until is morning, he wasn’t even tired and it would be Saturday next day.


It was already midnight when Amber’s door bell rings. Amber looked at her friends perplexedly and they just raised their shoulders. She pulled herself up and walked open her front door to look who there was this time of night. Amber opened her door and a tall handsome man stepped a slightly backwards because surprise back to yard path. Sun and Alice came behind Amber and they all looked straight through to Doojoon’s surprised face.
“Doojoon?” They said at the same time.
“Ahahaha, how this door happened to be your door…” He laughed embarrassed.
“What?” Amber asked.
“This is embarrassing, because I’m lost….” Doojoon said and scratched his neck with his right arm.
“LOST?! HAHAHAHAHA!” Alice started to laugh behind Amber and leaned on to Sun’s right shoulder who stood next to her.
“Not fun at all! I was searching my mom’s house but I think I turned a wrong way…”
“HAHAHAH, THAT’S REALLY IS EMBARRASSING! Uhahah~ you don’t even know where your mom is living.” Alice laughed tears in her eyes and tried to breath.
“YA! My mom just moved here and this area is not familiar to me at all.” Doojoon said already annoyed and Alice stopped laughing when she noticed his seriously face.
“Oh it’s that so? Anyway, what are you doing up this time of night?” Amber asked.
“I was pissed to stay at dorm anymore. Hyunseung is somewhere and Yoseob isn’t himself, so I left because I couldn’t stand those two love sick.” He snorted.
“Sounds bad…” Amber said quietly.
“Not bad at all just annoying and maybe this is because of you Sun! You should do something although I don’t know what the situation is, but I think it’s because of you.” He said and looked at Sun who was listened they quietly whole time but now she startled at his words. 
“Anyway, I’ll go find my mom’s place now. Bye!” He said and walked away after girls said bye for him too.

Amber, Alice and Sun went back inside and they heated to beds to sleep after evening things. Amber and Alice didn’t say anything and they fell asleep quickly but Sun couldn’t sleep, because she thought Doojoon’s words. Suddenly she felt angry, why she should to do something. It was these two boys fault that they fell in love with her. She threw a pillow toward the wall angrily with her all arm power. She mixed her hair with her hands and after that she sighed deeply and fell asleep.


Friday came and it was raining again. Sun wanted to work hard that she would be able to forget all – her thoughts and a bad mood. Just one day she wanted to focus on the job and not anything else. Mr. Go was surprised and was really happy her work contribution that he even paid her lunch. Sun ate it happily and after her lunch she continued working.

After the long work day Sun was exhausted but happy. She felt like singing in the rain what was not really her. She listen her iPod happily and went the dance lesson. Sun felt nervous and walked in the dance studio carefully, she didn’t want to see Hyunseung or Yoseob but she didn’t see them anywhere, not even Amber wasn’t there today because it was Sun’s private lesson course. Sun sighed relieved and heated to dance room where her dance teacher was waiting her already. She tried to focus hard what her dance teacher tried to teach to her and she learned a lot of new things. After dance lesson she tried to leave from building unnoticed because she wasn’t sure were the boys there. When she came outside the building she smiled relieved because now she was survived and she walked towards her home happily.

It was already eve when Sun came from the shower while listening to music from a CD-player. She felt that this day was the best day such a long time. She crashed to the bed with a smile and sighed of relief.  She looked at her calendar and very quickly her good mood disappeared. Tomorrow was the day what she didn’t want to come - date with Junhyung. She bite her lip and tried to forgot it and think about it in positive way although it was hard. What kind of date these would be? What will happen? She thought and tried to fell asleep.

She was almost falling asleep when she got a text message. She snorted and took her phone next to her. Text message was from Alice, Sun didn’t want to read it but she knew it that if she didn’t answer it Alice would begin to bomb her with a many text messages until she will answer. Message said:

From Alice to Sunshine~
Hey, I’m really sure that I woke you up! Sorry about that but I can’t sleep when I think your problems with boys. Have you already talked with them?


From Sunshine~ to Alice
I wasn’t sleeping yet, so don’t worry. No I haven’t, I don’t want to talk with them yet…


From Alice to Sunshine~
WHAT? You haven’t? Promise me that you will even call to Yoseob tomorrow! T__T”


From Sunshine~ to Alice
Let’s see…I’ll sleep now, Good night and don’t dare to answer this anymore!

After that Sun turned off her phone and put it away. She pulled herself back to the supine position. She was again angry when the tears came her eyes because frustration. She wanted to disappear underground. Why she should do something what she didn’t want to do? "Why me? Why I have to be just that girl?" She said with a sad tone. Clock was already three in the morning when she felt asleep.


NOTE: Sorry for a late update, but my laptop was broken and after it was fixed I didn't have the Microsoft word but here you go! I'll start to write a new chapter after this soon! This is a little bit short but I tried to write a good chapter! I hope you guys like it! ^^

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)