First date

Dream, more than just a dream

Sun's phone vibrate and she muttered. ”Who calls me this time of day?” She turned away from the phone and continued cleaning Mr. Go’s shop. But she was too curious who called, so she grabbed her phone. She looked at the phone screen surprised. It was Yoseob. Why did he call? She answered the phone. “H-Hi?”

“Hi Sun, It’s Yoseob! I hope that I don’t disturb you?” Yoseob asked and Sun’s heart started beating faster. “N-no you don’t, although I’m at work now but maybe I have some time.” Sun heard Yoseob’s a relieved sigh. “That’s a really good thing then! but…Uuuumh~ Do you have any plans today?” He sounded a little bit nervous. Sun was wondering why he was, but didn’t care about it. “Well, My work ends at 15pm and after that I have dance lesson at 19pm…W-Why?” Yoseob couldn’t hold back his happy scream. “WOW, that’s amazing then! Would you like to go out on a date with me today? After your work, I mean.”  

Sun’s heart skipped a beat. Nobody has ever asked her out (well, he asked yesterday) and she was really surprised about it. What should she answer? Yes or no? She panic and couldn’t answer anything. “Hello? Are you there Sun?” Yoseob asked worriedly. Sun woke up and stammered. “A-Ah, yes I’m here…Well, maybe I can. I mean, that I don’t see any reason, why I couldn’t.”

“GREAT! I’ll pick you up at 15pm! Be ready! I’ll hang up now, see you!” Sun dropped phone on the floor and Mr. Go looked at her behind his desk but continued working. Sun grabbed on table, that was near her. “OMG, I can’t believe this. I’ll go out on A DATE?” She said to herself and continued cleaning although she was really nervous.   

The shop’s doorbell rings exactly at three. Yoseob came inside and called Sun, who was behind the store. “Wait a minute!” She yelled. “Mr. Go, I have to go now!” Mr. Go only nodded to her, while categorizing things on shelves. Yoseob was looking around the shop and his hair was done nicely. Even though he seemed young he was handsome. Sun looked at him before Yoseob noticed her. “Finally, are you ready?” Sun quickly glanced in the mirror that was next to the storage’s door. She didn’t like that what she saw. Her red hair was a little bit messy, but her make-up was okay. “Uum, I-I’m ready…Where are we going?” They stepped outside the shop and Sun felt that her heart was going to explode because she was so nervous. “I think that we have some time to go movies and eat? What’s you think?” He smiled.

Sun couldn’t watch him in the face and she breathed deeply. “Sound’s great!” Maybe she didn’t sound so excited than Yoseob thought, because his facial expression changed. “Are you sure?” Sun laughed, his facial expression was like a puppy’s face. “Of course I’m sure. Movie sounds great and…I’m hungry.” Yoseob started smile again and they continued walking towards the movie theater. 

Yoseob ordered tickets and they went a coffee shop. “Do you want to eat ice cream before movie?” Yoseob asked from Sun, who looked at him. “Well, I don’t usually eat ice-cream….”
“WHAT? YOU DON’T EAT ICE CREAM? You have to eat even this time!” He pouted and Sun couldn’t resist his face and they bought two. What one ice cream can do, it’s not evil.

“By the way, how old are you? If you don’t mind if I ask.” Yoseob broke the silence while eating his cream-milk ice cream. “M-Me? I’m 19 years old and you?” Sun asked and ate a piece of her strawberry ice cream. “Really? I’m also 19 years old! My birth day is in January and yours?” He seemed a really happy about it and waited curiously her answer. “Ah, you are older than me. My birth day is in November.” Yoseob smiled and continued eating his ice cream. They talked about almost everything and when the movie started they went inside.


Movie ended and Sun wasn’t anymore so nervous, well she felt very comfortable with Yoseob. “That man in the movie was really hilarious! I have to go to watch that again with hyungs someday!” Yoseob couldn’t stop laughing. “Indeed! I can’t still stop laughing either.” Sun said back and they looked each others for a while. Sun blushed and scratched her neck. “Aaaw, you look really cute when you blush!...but I guess we should go eat before you have to go to at dance lesson. It’s your first, I am right?” Yoseob smiled and pointed to a restaurant what was across the street. Sun looked away and started walk towards the restaurant. “Y-You’re right, it’s my first lesson. Anyway, I’M HUNGRY~! I can’t even hear my thoughts over my stomach, it’s so noisy!” Sun changed quickly the subject. Yoseob laughed and they arrived inside the restaurant.

“Wait a minute, It’s that Hyunseung-hyung? HYUNG!” Yoseob started to yell and waved to him. Hyunseung lifted his head from noodle dish and waved back. He seemed surprised when he saw Sun, but he didn’t say anything. “Can we sit here? OR do you have a company?” Yoseob temped and Hyunseung laughed: “No! I don’t have a company, I’m alone.” Yoseob and Sun sat down and they ordered noodle dishes.

Sun was curious to ask something from Hyunseung, but she couldn’t. “Anyway, what are you doing with Yoseob, Sun?” He looked at Sun and Yoseob quickly turned his eyes on Sun and back to Hyunseung. “WHAT? HOW DO YOU KNOW SUN’S NAME? We didn’t even introduce her to you yesterday?” Yoseob almost chocked on food. “HEY, look a little that you don’t choke!” Hyunseung yelled and continued: “Actually, this is the fourth time when we see each other. Why do you even care? Are you jealous?” He temped and smiled.  Sun and Hyunseung started almost laugh because Yoseob’s facial expression, it was between confused and surprised. Yoseob didn’t say anything only opened his mouth like a fish.

But when he survived from the confusion he looked at his phone’s clock and turned his face to Sun. “Sun you are late soon, if you don’t leave soon. I’m sure that I can eat your food to end.” Sun looked at her own phone and gasped, it showed 18.45 pm. “OMG, YOU ARE SO RIGHT! I have to go! I’ll leave first….oh, Yoseob. I had a really nice day today, thank you!” Sun took her bag and ran outside from the restaurant.

Hyunseung looked after her and asked from Yoseob. “Where she was in a hurry? Did she forget something?” Yoseob lifted his head from noodle dish and looked at him. “She will going to start the dance lessons at our dance school. How cool is that? I’m going to see her cute face every day and maybe I’ll get to know her better.” He smiled and continued eating his and Sun’s food.

Hyunseung thought and hoped that she wasn’t one of those Junhyung’s girls. Always the new girls were. He sighed and stood up from the table. “I’ll leave first, see you at dorm.” Yoseob only waved and mumbled something back to him.


Sun arrived to the dance studio building and ran inside. She checked her group’s place from info screen, it was room number five. She turned around and bumped into someone’s chest. Not again, why I always bump into someone! She thought. “Always the girls ran into my arms.” Junhyung grinned and put his arms around her. Sun tried push him away but Junhyung held her tightly. “Ya! L-let go off me!” Sun tired struggle off him and Junhyung finally let her. He started laugh and continued his way off the building. Sun just stood there and her heart was beating really fast. She couldn’t move because she was scared and confused. Why he hugged me? Then someone touched her shoulder.

She almost jumped air because fright. “Ah, sorry Sun! Did I scare you?” A familiar voice said. “No you didn’t Amber, I was just….ah, whatever! We are late!” Sun said and they walked to number five. During the dance lesson Sun felt uncomfortable and she did a lot of mistakes but her teacher said that she had skills and if she trained more than once of week, she was maybe able to aim up to the competition group. Sun was ready to train more, but only alone. She learned basic moves and stuff, so she was able to practice alone.

“I’m so tired, I can’t even lift up my finger.” Sun complained when they stretched their muscles. “I can feel your pain. I always feel like this after two hours. I can’t even image how Doojoon and others can dance over five hours in row.” Amber sounded a little bit worried. “FIVE HOURS? and do you mean by others Hyunseung and Yoseob?” Sun asked surprised and Amber sighed. “mmm, well I don’t think that Doojoon and Yoseob can dance so much, but I heard that Hyunseung loves dancing and he can’t stop until he learns whole song’s choreography. But I don’t know is that true anyway. Here you can hear rumors of anything.” When Sun heard Hyunseung’s name her heart skipped a beat. Not this strange feel again! She shook her head and stood up. “Sounds desperate…but I’m ready to go to home. I think that I have some time to spend with you and Alice tomorrow.” Amber sighed and looked disappointed. “Sorry, but I have to go to see my grandparents with my family tomorrow. Why I even live anymore at home, so annoying.”
“Oh, that ! Then I’ll spend time with Alice only.” Sun said and walked outside of the building with Amber. Outside the building Amber said goodbye to her and walked away. Sun waved to her and turned around.


Autumn was already far and the evening was really cold. Fortunately Sun was took her red-white-squared jacket from home. She put it on and started to sing her favorite song. While singing she didn’t hear steps behind her and before she noticed someone grabbed her hand. Sun turned around and it was Hyunseung. He smiled and pulled her with him, Sun moaned because pain on her wrist and Hyunseung let go.

“Ah, sorry! I didn’t meant to hurt you…is your wrist okay?” Hyunseung seemed worried and Sun rubbed her wrist. “I-its fine, don’t worry…What are you doing here?” Sun glanced into his eyes and Hyunseung looked back to her eyes. Sun blushed and looked down on the ground. Hyunseung’s stood still and he looked really handsome, it was just too much for Sun. “Here are a lot of erts and rapists men. I saw that you left alone from the dance studio, so I followed you.” He stared Sun and Sun felt uncomfortable. “I see…” She said and they started walk toward to her apartment.

When they arrived to her apartment the atmosphere was very awkwardly. The feeling with Hyunseung was really different than with Yoseob. What this was? Sun thought and her attention awakened when Hyunseung opened his mouth. “Well, I think that the erts and rapists don’t attack to you anymore.” He teased. Sun showed a little smile and Hyunseung noticed it. “Did you know that your smile is really pretty.” He said quietly.
“What did you say?” Sun asked.
“Ah, nothing.” He said it like he didn’t say anything.
“Well but anyway, It’s pretty late and I have to go. I think Doojoon is really worried about me just now. He is such a mom, always worrying about others…”Hyunseung sighed. “Good dreams for you!” He said and Sun thanked him.

She went inside her apartment and after evening activities, she fell asleep. 

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)