Man in the dark

Dream, more than just a dream

"MOOM~! WHERE IS MY CAMERA AND BAG?!" a long haired girl yelled to her mom, which just looked her and continued picking her daughter's luggages to a red car. "OH, WHAT EVER! I'll search it alone then....UURGH~" she yelled while rolling her eyes and ran back inside. She sighed while looking a big modern house where she lived almost 19 years. "I'll miss this place, I'm sure about it." She said a with a sad voice. After five minutes searching, she founded her camera from livingroom and grabbed it and her caramel colored camera bag. She ran back outside and her mom was finished packing their car and she waited her with a sad look on her face. "Mom, don't look so sad! I'll be fine, my friend is waiting me at the airport when I arrive to South-Korea and you know how important this is for me." She laughed, while walking other side of the car. "I'm not even sad, I just feel so empty without you, my dear~ and I support you with your dream." She said with a small smile. Girl looked her and walked back to same side where she was.

Mom looked her face: "Sun are you sure that you have all now? nothing missing? do you have a snack for a long fly?" Her mom asked with worried expression on the her face. "Yes mom, I think I have all and don't please worried about so much. I'm a big girl now!" Sun looked her mom and hugged her. Her mom sighed and opened the car's door. Sun checked her luggages last time and followed her mom in the car. 

While sitting in car on the way to the airport, she watched outside from the car's window and looked London's familiar streets and they drove past his old school. That place I don't will miss at all. She thought while looking old school where some teens played football. Sun sighed: "Dear, is all right?" Mom asked and Sun looked her mom's face while saying: "Yes, I think so. Don't worry~" She smiled and turned her face back to road. 

They arrive to airport and Sun's heart was beating really fast. She and her mom grabbed to her luggages and camera bag. At airport was a lot of people and Sun felt really uncomfortable while walking to gate. She hugged her mom the last time and took her camera bag while looking her mom for a last time. Inside the plane Sun's heart was still beating and she was really nervous, fortunately nobody wasn't sitting next to her so she felt a little bit comfortable. "Take it easy Sun, you can do it! Fighting!" She said for herself quietly. Plane left from airport and Sun looked from plane's window and realize that she took a really big risk in her life. She slapped her cheeks and a little boy looked her like a stupid. Sun looked back and showed her tongue. Boy looked really suprised and continued reading his comic book. She laughed with a grin on her face and took her comic book.

The plane landed and she takes a deep breath: "I can start my new life now." 


"SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" She heared a voice behind her and before she could even a turn around, when hands surrounded her. "OMG, I MISSED YOU MY LOVELY SUNSHINE~! HOW WAS YOUR FLY? AAAW, YOU ARE SO SKINNY! You should eat more!" Sun turned around and a tall girl with a pony tail looked her face with a big smile. Sun started smile like a maniac and hugged her back. "I MISSED YOU TOO! but please don't yell so much in public and DON'T CALL ME SUNSHINE ALICE! My fly was ok, but there was a one little annoying boy who stared at me all the time and I'M REALLY HUNGRY!" Alice laughed hard and grabbed my luggage. "Okay, I don't call you sunshine anymore, but you know me girl. I'm noisy and I can't do myself nothing when I see my best friend and you are always hungry!" She looked Sun and they laughed hard.  

Sun followed she and front of the airport was Alice's dad's grey car. Sun gave a inquiring look. "I know, my busy dad came pick us up. How cool is that? okay, don't look me like that Sun, I feel really uncomfortable." Alice pouted and Sun laughed. "Sorry, but I'm not never seen your family before, you don't never tell about them so much to me." Sun looked to Alice's face and she turned serious: "I know right, but today my dad promised to take us to your apartment. I was myself also really suprised when he offered helping us, but anyway we have a free cab!" She turned really fast back to herself. 

"Hi Sun!" Hard looking man greeted Sun and took her bags. "Hi Mr. Lee." She bowed shyly and Alice looked at her almost laughing. Sun looked back and gave a warning face to Alice who just stepped into to car. Mr. Lee started car and they drove to Sun's apartment, which she had acquired before coming to Korea. Mr. Lee drove down yard and leaved girls with Sun's things.

Girls moved into the apartment and Alice opened her mounth after 40 minutes driving: "weeeeeell~ what you think about my dad? scary huh?" Sun took a deep breath and answered: "INDEED! He was really scary, oh god I hate men. Altought he was only your dad!" Alice laughed while putting Sun's things in right places.

After one hour had working apartment started look like a home. "YAAAAAAAAWN~ I'm so freaking tired and hungry~! I need food now or I'll die!" Sun yawned a big and Alice agreed. They went into a nearby restaurant, well that was town's only place where was food after ten. "ALICE, come here!" one a girl yelled to Alice. "OH, AMBER HI!" She waved back to beautiful girl with glasses and which hair was signed up. Girl was sitting back table and Sun just followed Alice to table while looking around small a cozy restaurant. Everywhere was a small tables with a grill and there was only three other people besides their. "How you are here this time at eve Amber? anyway, this is my best buddy Sunshine~!" Alice presented Sun to her friend. "Last time Alice, I'M NOT SUNSHINE!" She looked her friend with a angry face and Amber laughed. "Hahahaha Alice you should take it easy sometimes! so you are Sun right? nice to meet you, I'm Amber this ugly girl's friend." Amber introduced herself to Sun: "HEY! I'M NOT UGLY! YOU ARE THEN PIG!" Alice's eyes was burning and she looked mad, but she wasn't. "HAHAHA, NO YOU ARE PIG!" Amber shouted back while ordering food for them. "Sun, what do you want to eat?" Sun woke up: "Ummh, I-I want black beans soup if here is even this dish?" Sun looked on the floor and Amber asked waiter to bring they food. 

"I'M SO FULL! I DON'T LIKE THIS FEELING~!" Sun shouted at the same time patting her tummy. "Why did you then eat so much, stupid girl!" Alice looked her friend with a worried face and Amber just laughed. "BUT IT WAS SO GOOD!" Sun pouted and started walk back to her apartment. "Well, while you two are screaming to each others I'll go back home. See ya!" Amber waved to Alice and Sun and they waved back. "Well, I'm sure you can find your place alone because I have to leave also....ALTOUGHT I DON'T WANT TO BECAUSE YOU ARE FINALLY HERE AND WE HAVE SO MUCH TO TALK!" Alice hugged Sun with a big smile and started walk to another direction. Sun just looked her friend who started to yell one dog who barked to Alice and Sun started laugh: "Ah, I forgot how crazy she is."


Sun kicked a rock and jumped air because some crapped her hand. "W-W-WHAT!?! LET GO OF MEE~!" Sun almost started to cry when tall handsome guy with black hoodie said: "Oh sorry, I thought you are one girl who I know." This guy released his hand and continued his journey. "W-w-what? who was that, oh god my heart is beating out of my chest." Sun said to herself tears in her eyes and started to run.

She stopped running only after she saw her apartment. Sun opened her apartment door's and put it lock. She took a deep breath and spilled on the floor against the door. Sun just sat on the floor trying to avoid a panic attack. Sun got up off the floor and walked to bathroom and took a hot shower. After shower she jumped to her bed and started to write text message to Alice.

To Wonder Alice, From SUNSHINE~

YOU DON'T GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, WHEN I WALKED TO HOME! One freak guy grabbed my hand! I was so afraid but he apologized and left. I almost panicked and I ran back home! D:


To SUNSHINE~, From Wonder Alice

OMG! That sounded awful, fortunately you all alright and nothing happened! I hope he was good looking man~ ;D But Sun calm down and try to sleep! I'll going to show region for you with my annoying little sister and Amber will maybe come! It going to be amazing! 8D


To Wonder Alice, From SUNSHINE~

I know right! and I don't know did he was good looking, I was scared for my life. Oh no, more people! D: Good night Alice!

Alice didn't answer back to her message, maybe she fell asleep Sun thought. Sun put her phone next to her and she fell asleep.


At the next day Sun was ready to walk around a lot and waited her friend to come her place. Because yesterday's night she was too afraid to go alone outside so she was waiting them front of the apartment building. Sun was texting to herself that she didn't look alone and peeked under the forehead hair every second. 

"SUUUN~ WE ARE HERE!" A voice yelled next to her ear and Sun jumbed air of fright. Alice started laugh really hard and couldn't stop before Amber looked her angry. "AHAHAHA, Sorry but Sun is so freaking cute when she take fright." Amber rolled her eyes and Sun smiled shyly. Behind Amber's back came a young girl's voice: "My sister really is a really annoying. WHY YOU ARE ALWAYS TEASING!?" Sun tunerd her face and really cute, thin 16 years old girl with a long brown hair glared her sister. "I'M NOT TEA....Anyway we are going to leave now my lovely Fay." Alice grinned to Fay who just glared her sister and lit a cigarette. "AAW, my little smoking squirrel." They all laughed and Fay just stared them while smoking her cigarette. 

Alice, Amber and Fay showed all things what Sun's should know about town. Sun just noticed one thing, town was a lot of smaller than Seoul and there was a lot of teens or old people in groups, fortunately this town was really beautiful, so she was okay with it. Best thing was, that her work place was near her apartment, so she has enough courage to walk it alone.

"SUN! are you hungry? I'm starving!" Her friend pouted her lips while looking Sun's face. "I AM!" Amber raised her hands up in the air. "If I think hard, I'm also really starving! How I can even survive without food!" Sun said to others and they all went eat.


In the evening at apartment Sun was writing some lyrics in her lyric book and started think about her dream living in Korea. This far it's a more than she was ever imagine. She has a new friend and Fay also seemed pretty nice, maybe this is really the new start in her life. Altought last night that man in the dark was really scary~ Sun thought. Tommorrow is the Sun's first day at work and Mr. Go promised something really nice work for her first day at his little shop. 

Sun put her lyric book away and lie down her bed. She was really tired and fell asleep.


NOTE: OKAAY, Here is the first chapter! OMG, I'm exhausted and clock is about 0:43 am. I'm sorry about this boring first chapter but in the next chapter the all begins. ^_^

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)