
Dream, more than just a dream


“HYUNG! How long did you think you are going to sleep?” Yoseob yelled to Hyunseung’s ear. Hyunseung lifted his head from pillow but decided to stay on the bed and turned over. He didn’t sleep last night almost nothing because he thought Sun and what happened last evening. Why he even did that? Why he walked with her hand in hand? He felt himself an idiot. “YA! WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!” Yoseob yelled last time to Hyunseung’s ear and walked away from Hyunseung’s room. Hyunseung rose out of bed and rubbed his eyes. Clock was already 10.00 am on Saturday.

 Today was the day which would be the group competitions. They were practice whole week their dance and they were ready to show Junhyung’s group who was the best. Competition wasn’t official, only one betting event. Competition would be in the evening at old dance school next to the new one.

“Finally! We have to prepare before competition against Junhyung’s group! It’s finally our time to win!” Yoseob’s a round face was full of self-confidence and he smiled widely. Hyunseung laughed and changed his shirt to ordinary white t-shirt. He took his black hoodie and dance shoes from the floor and followed Yoseob to the foyer.
“I’m ready to leave if you are. Where Doojoon is?” he asked.
“He left already, because he was supposed to meet someone but I don’t know who.” Yoseob said while walking to hallway. “Oh, that’s weird.” Hyunseung closed the door behind him.


Day was really warm, although it was almost end of the autumn. They arrived at the dance building and heated to the dance room seven. Doojoon was already there and he was wearing his dance clothes (simple and comfortable). After stretching guys started they began grinding them choreography.

Two sweaty hours went and they were to ready to keep a pause when dance room’s door opened. Two girls stepped inside and bowed down to greet them. “AH, sorry we were sure that here is nobody today.” The girl with glasses said to them. “Ahhaha, it’s okay we were supposed to keep a dinner pause anyway. By the way, why you are here this time at day Amber?” Doojoon lifted his eyebrow and sat down on the floor. “Ah, I wanted to show a couple of dance moves to Sun. Can we practice here that time when you guys are eating?” Amber asked. “Sure!” Yoseob smiled and looked to his hyungs. Hyunseung didn’t hear or see nothing, because he practiced still his dance moves and Doojoon only nodded. “YAY! Thanks guys!” Amber smiled and dragged Sun near to the mirror.

Sun didn’t feel comfortable because Doojoon, Yoseob and Hyunseung didn’t leave from the room. They started to eat they snacks and food the other side of the room. Hyunseung stopped also practicing and sat down besides to Yoseob. Sun looked around nervously and Amber noticed it, because she sighed and put the music on. “Okay, follow me and I’ll fix you if you step wrong.” Amber said over the music and Sun started to follow her moves. These moves what Amber showed her were simple but Sun failed those anyway. She was nearly to give up when she heard a familiar voice behind her. “You have to move your hips and ankles more. You are too stiff.” Hyunseung said while analyzing her dancing. Sun looked at him surprised. How long he had watched her dancing? Sun thought inside her head. “If you don’t mind Amber, can I teach her?” Hyunseung said and Amber stepped aside. Hyunseung changed the music and walked besides to Sun.

“Okay, ready?” Hyunseung smiled, but kept his seriously mood. “U-Uh, ready.” Sun said nervously and started follow Hyunseung’s moves. She didn’t get how he was so good. His moves were better than anyone she had seen. “No, you have to move your hips like this.” Hyunseung put his hands on her hips and tried show him how she should move. Sun’s heart skipped a beat and she blushed. “Oh, I get it.” She said and swallowed when Hyunseung released the grid and continued teaching her. Sun started understands how she could move and she learned it fast after Hyunseung’s advice. “Now you get it! Good job, you can continue Amber.” Hyunseung said to Amber who watched them surprised with Yoseob and Doojoon.

Hyunseung walked away from the room and outside he sighed. “What I just did?” He said to himself and leaned to the wall. His heart was beating fast and he felt again that a same feeling when he kept Sun’s hand in his hand. He closed his eyes and sighed again. “Hyunseung? Can I ask why did you help her? You don’t ever help girls like that? Oh, or are you falling in love with her?” Doojoon leaned to the wall besides him and . “NO! I was just really annoyed when she didn’t get that damn easy move.” Hyunseung said fast. “Really? Even a little bit?” Doojoon grinned. “Ah, No! I go back inside.” Hyunseung left and Doojoon followed him back to the room.

“AA, you are a good dancer Sun!” Yoseob said to Sun who blushed and smiled shyly. “No, really! Although you are beginner you know a lot already!” Yoseob smiled widely. “T-thank you Yoseob, I deserve that because I think that I’m really bad on this.” Sun said and wiped her forehead. “You say always that same thing to girls who you like Yoseob!” Amber laughed and Sun looked at Yoseob stunned. “WHAT! NO I DON’T!” Yoseob said and turned red. “AAW, Now you are even blushing!” Amber teased and Doojoon laughed hard. Yoseob only pouted and drank his water. Hyunseung felt a sting in his chest when he saw Yoseob’s face. Did he really like Sun? No, what I’m even thinking! I don’t care if he likes her, because I don’t like…her? Hyunseung thought inside his head. “Hyung! HYUNG! We should continue our practice.” Yoseob changed topic and rose up from the floor. Hyunseung woke up and followed his example.

“Well, I guess we should leave.” Amber said to Doojoon who was too lazy to continue with Hyunseung and Yoseob. “Ah, don’t leave yet. You two should watch our dance, maybe you two learn something?” Doojoon winked his eye and went practice with guys. “Ahaha, I guess we can sit here for a while? Can we Sun?” Amber said, Sun didn’t say anything because she watched Hyunseung. He looked so flawless while dancing, maybe flawless is too strong word to say but Sun was too fascinated about their skills. She tried analyzing their dance, but for her it was too hard and complicated choreography. Sun smiled when she noticed Yoseob’s seriously face, somehow she was happy that she saw a very different side of Yoseob. Yoseob noticed her smile and smiled back but continued concentrated dancing.

Amber and Sun watched and tried learn something from them and three hours went like nothing.  Amber looked at her phone, it was already 16.10 pm. “OMG, I have to go now! Sorry Sun, but you have to go alone. See you!” Amber took her practice bag and ran away. Sun looked at her surprised and at the same time her comfortable feeling turned nervous. She was alone with these three guys, what she should say? “Where did she leave?” Yoseob asked and sat beside to Sun. Sun turned her face to him and glanced at him. His black hair was settled down and sweat trickle flowed down his bangs. “Ah, I don’t know. She just left and leaved me alone here.” Sun said a little bit nervously. “Oh, it’s that so. Well, if you want to leave you can go…WAIT, NO! You have to come watch our dance competition today!” Yoseob said excited.
“Ahha, sure! I don’t have anything to do today, so…” Sun said.
“Great! but first we are going to eat something and then we can go there!” Yoseob said and grabbed to Sun’s hand and pulled her up. Sun glanced at him surprised, but didn’t say anything. Yoseob wiped his forehead with his free hand and ruffle it with towel. “Hey! I’m going to eat with Sun now! See you at the old dance school!” Doojoon and Hyunseung stopped practicing and looked at them. Hyunseung noticed that Yoseob was holding Sun’s hand. He felt jealous, but blocked his feelings about it. “I really don’t care, so why I’m feeling like this?” He thought.


Yoseob and Sun went closed restaurant what was near the dance studio. It was a really small and cozy little restaurant actually it was cutest restaurant ever. “Wow, this place is so nice!” Sun looked at place mouth-opened. “You said it! This is my first time when I come here. Ah, anyway should we sit here?” Yoseob showed a small table on the right corner and they went sitting there. They ordered food and it was really fast ready. “WOW, even a fast service!” Yoseob said and started to eat his food. Sun followed his example and they didn’t say anything because food was so good. “OMG, it was delicious!” Sun said and tapped her stomach.

“Damn, clock is already so much! We have to go already!” Yoseob said and grabbed again Sun’s hand. Sun didn’t feel that same warm feeling like with Hyunseung, but she didn’t care about it. They ran the old dance school and Yoseob dragged her inside their dressing room. “Finally! We are already ready!” Doojoon said angrily to Yoseob who picked his dance clothes and changed it quickly behind the corner. “Sorry! Hey, anyway what are your betting numbers?” Yoseob said while they were walking toward biggest dance room. “Not so high that you think, but hey we didn’t come here to make money anyway! We came to win that freaking Junhyung and his group.” Doojoon said while stretching his arms. Hyunseung and Sun walked behind them and atmosphere around them was awkward. Sun thought why did she come? She didn’t want to see Junhyung after that what happened at the dance studio. Hyunseung noticed that Sun wasn’t herself. “Umh, are you fine?” He asked and Sun woke up and glanced at him. “Ah, no I’m fine just wondering why I came.” Sun said quickly. After she said that she almost hit her cheeks because she realized how stupid she sounded. “Oh, okay.” Hyunseung answered. Why did she then come?

The dance room was full of screaming and encouraging people. Music was loud and Sun started to regret her coming to there. She stopped walking, but Yoseob grabber her arm and bulled her whit them. “Don’t worry, I don’t lose you.” He said with a smile. Sun smiled back and they walked around the stage where some group was already dancing. Sun looked around nervously because there were a lot of people, certainly almost 100 people. “Stay here when we go prepare our turn.” Doojoon said to Sun, who just nodded her head because she was sure that she couldn’t even move anywhere alone. Sun looked at their backs when they went behind the stage.

Before them was Junhyung’s group. Their appearance was full of full of confidence and they really were really good. Sun watched mouth-opened Junhyung’s dancing because it was pretty amazing. The audience was excited and clapped and cheered enthusiastically when the group stopped their dance. When Junhyung was coming down from the stage he noticed Sun. He grinned, but didn’t walk over to her because some guys congratulated him and talked to him. The audience went noisy again, when Hyunseung’s group stepped on the stage and music started. Their performance was more powerful than when they were practicing. Their moves were perfect and in sync to each other. The audience cheered and clapped again when they stopped and walked away from the stage.

“Aaaah, I’m so exhausted but relieved!” Yoseob said when he walked beside to Sun. “WAH! It was freaking amazing! Better than I expect! I wonder if you don’t win!” Sun said to him. “Aaaw, thank you! I think we can win, if audience liked our dance more than him.” Yoseob yelled over the music and screams. Hyunseung and Doojoon were really a serious look when the judge of the competition enters on the stage and audience went silence. “And this day’s winner is….” The judge said to the microphone and the name of the winning group appeared on the screen. “…again Junhyung’s group.” Doojoon hissed and looked at Junhyung who went pick up his winning moneys. “Damn, what a shame!” Yoseob yelled. Sun looked at guys and they looked really disappointed and a little bit angry. She felt the same as they. Hyunseung didn’t believe that they didn’t win and were more disappointed than others. He felt that he was failed and really bad.

 “And again I won. Are you guys already losing your hope?” Junhyung said and looked at Doojoon. Doojoon lifted his eyebrow. “No we aren’t this time we didn’t win but next time…”
“Wow, don’t piss off! You guys have not won since I came this town, what a shame you three were the best dancers in this town.” Junhyung grinned. Doojoon were nearly to lose his nerves but tried to be calm. “First-timers have luck but next time I’m sure we win!” He said. Junhyung lifted his shoulders and touched Sun’s hand. “How nice to meet you here, Sun. Why you would come with me and not be with these losers?” He said and smiled to her. Sun was really nervous that she couldn’t say anything but before Junhyung was able to pull her away Hyunseung grabbed his hand. “Let go, she don’t have nothing to do with this.” He said and looked straight toward to Junhyung’s eyes. “Oh, why you care?” Hyunseung didn’t let go, but he didn’t said anything. Junhyung hissed and let go his hold of Sun’s hand and walked away. “Are you okay?” Hyunseung asked when he noticed Sun’s confused face. “Yes, I’m okay. Can we already leave? I’m tired.” She forcibly smiled and started walking towards the main entrance. He and Hyunseung followed her.

“AH, it was fun before Junhyung came…Are you sure that you are fine Sun?” Yoseob asked worriedly. “Yes, really! I’m okay, I want just forgot about that.” Sun said a little bit annoyed with tears in her eyes. Yoseob looked at her but couldn’t say anything. Sun was almost to start to cry, but she tried to hold them before she reach the home. Yoseob stopped her and turned her around. He gave her a big hug and Hyunseung looked at him surprised. What? Why this feeling again? He thought inside his head and looked away. Yoseob stopped his hug and let go of Sun who glanced at him really surprised. “I hope you still enjoyed!” Yoseob smiled. Doojoon came outside and waved bundles of cash in his hand. “We were second!” He said a little bit quietly and shared the money whit Yoseob and Hyunseung. “Hey! Why so down, we should be proud that we were even second this time!” Doojoon tried to cheer up his friends. “So what…” Hyunseung sighed. “YA! This wasn’t world’s end! Cheer up even a little bit…AISH!” Doojoon ruffled his head and started to walk away from them. “HYUNG! Wait for me…Sun you should cheer up also! I’ll call you tomorrow, good night!” Yoseob said and ran after Doojoon.


Sun stood beside Hyunseung and couldn’t move. Hyunseung still looked away from her and Sun wanted to comfort him, but couldn’t do anything. She felt useless, but decided to even say something before she goes home. “Ummm, I think that I should leave home…so~.” Sun said awkwardly. Hyunseung didn’t say anything, so Sun just left and leaved him alone. “I wish I could have comfort him…” She sighed.

Sun opened her apartment’s door and almost closed it when someone’s hand stopped it. Sun lifted her head and Hyunseung stood behind her keeping the door open with his right hand. “H-Hyunseung?” Sun stepped aside and Hyunseung put his hand down. “Sorry, that I came but I don’t want to go home yet…so could I stay here a little while?” Sun looked at him worriedly and let him inside. Hyunseung looked around and sat on the sofa. “So, this is your apartment inside? Girly and boring like I thought.“ He tempted and sounded a little bit himself already. “How nice, if you don’t mind I go take a shower. Uuum, Make yourself comfortable.…” She said and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Hyunseung rose up from the sofa and started look around. “She definitely don’t have a sense of the decoration.” He thought when he walked inside her bedroom, it was a little bit messy and there wasn’t anything else than bookshelf and a big bed. Hyunseung found Sun’s lyric book and opened it. It was full of sad and in-depth texts. He read it one page and sighed while putting it back to self. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” A Sun’s voice came behind him, Hyunseung frightened and turned around but he didn’t realize how close Sun was. He lost his balance and bumped into her.

Both of them were greatly surprised when their lips touched each other and fast as quickly as it happened, they pulled away from each other. “WAH, SORRY! I didn’t mean to…” Hyunseung said embarrassed and he was confused about what happened. Sun couldn’t say anything and touched her lips. It was her first kiss; she blushed and sat down on her bed. “N-No, it’s okay…” She said quickly after shock. Hyunseung scratched his head and walked towards the door. “Uuum, I guess I should leave already…”
“Oh, oh sure.” Sun said.
“Well…Good night.” Hyunseung said and left.

“Oh my god! What just happened!?” Sun started to scream and fell down on her belly on the bed. She shook her legs and screamed on the pillow. She felt happy but somehow she was really embarrassed - Her first kiss was an accident. She started to smile like a maniac when she remembered Hyunseung’s confused face. She turned around and buried her face in the hands.

“Aish, how embarrassing…” Hyunseung thought outside the Sun’s apartment and walked faster towards his home. He stopped walking when he arrived to the dormitory building and leaned on the wall. “Her lips were soft and…NO! What are you thinking you can’t fall in love with her or anyone!” He reminded himself and heated inside.

“Hyung, what you think about if I tell Sun about my feelings?” Yoseob thought aloud. “Why you are asking from me?” Doojoon said annoyed and at the same time Hyunseung walked inside. “I’m home, what you talked about?” He asked.
“This guy here is annoying me with his questions. I think he is love blind!” Doojoon tempted Yoseob, who pouted and snorted angrily. “Oh, it’s that so…” Hyunseung said and walked inside his room. Doojoon followed him, because he noticed his Cold entrance.
“I think you really like her?” He said.
“I think so too…”
“Why you are then teasing yourself? Go and ask her out! It’s already two years after she left you.” Doojoon lifted his eyebrow.
“No…I ca---“
“DON’T TALK LIKE YOU CAN’T! If you don’t do anything, Yoseob gets first! You aren’t even trying?” He raised his voice. Hyunseung didn’t say anything he went to lie down on the bed and turned his back on him. Doojoon hissed and left from the room. He was right, he should even try. 


NOTE: apologies about that this took so long from me to write this. I was so busy and I didn't have a mood to write nothing, but here you go! Chapter six. 

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)