"A lot"

Dream, more than just a dream

Phone started to ring and Sun groaned and turned around away from the phone. She’s phone continued to ringing and she groaned while taking her phone on the table beside her bed.
“Hi?” She answered with a tired voice and yawned widely.
“Oh Hi, did I wake you up?” A surprised voice asked.
“Did I sound like that I was awake? Who is this anyway?”
“It’s me, Yoseob. I’m sorry that I woke you up! I’m really, really sorry~” Yoseob said a little embarrassed tone.
“Ah, It’s nothing…OMG! Clock is already 12:00 am!” Sun said and rose up out of the bed in a hurry.
“hahaha! Yes, It’s already that much. Anyway, have you any plans for tonight?” Sun heard a little enthusiasm on his voice.
“mmm, I don’t think so that I have nothing special tonight. Why?”
“Naaa~ I’m just curious…Well, no! I have something special for you tonight then! So~ Can I pick you up at seven?” Yoseob asked nervously.
“Oh? Y-Yeah sure. See you then! Bye~” Sun said and they ended the call.

Sun dropped the phone on a table and walked to her kitchen. She was still a little bit sleepy and didn’t realize anything yet. After making the breakfast she finally realized that she was going out with Yoseob again. She didn’t felt nervous or anything, but she was excited. She yawned again and really fast the accident kiss came to her mind. She blushed because embarrassing feel. It should be embarrassing but that expression on Hyunseung’s surprised face gave her that feeling. She blushed and because door closed behind her she almost dropped the milk glass on the floor.

“WOW! What’s wrong with you Sun?” Alice said behind her. Sun turned around and looked at her friend surprised. She stood at the front door and looked at Sun perplexed. “H-How you get inside?” Sun asked surprised. “Hihihi, you really have a short memory! You gave me a key couple of days ago.” She smiled and sat down on the kitchen chair which was besides the window. “Oh, really? Anyway, what are you doing here Alice?”
“I was bored and I decided to come here. Well, well why you look so happy today?” She smiled.
“H-happy? I’m always happy…hehe.” Sun turned her red face to the stove.
“No, I didn’t mean that! You look extremely happy! Did something happen yesterday?” She tempted.
“NO~! Nothing didn’t happen yesterday…” Sun said quickly and put the egg on the pan.
“REALLY?! Now I don’t believe you Sun! Tell me everything!” Alice said excited.

Sun turned around and sighed deeply. She put her breakfast egg on a plate and sat on the other kitchen chair. Sun was nervous, but she knew that Alice would continue asking until she tells everything. “Well, Hyunseung came here after the competition…”
“WHAT~?! YOU SAY WHAT?! HYUNSEUNG WAS HERE? WHAT, WHY?” Alice looked at her surprised.
“YA! Let me tell my story!” Sun pouted to her angrily.
“Okay, okay!”
“So~, he said that he didn’t want to go to home yet and asked if he could stay a little while here. So, I let him inside and after I washed up and stuff…I found him looking my stuff…I asked what he was doing and he turned around and then…” Sun blushed.
“WHAT? WHAT? Don’t stop I want to hear!” Alice’s eyes were fully open because interest.
“He lost his balance and then we kissed…”
“AAAAW~ MY LITTLE SUNSHINE’S FIRST KISS! And then?” Alice tempted.
“Nothing else, really! He left and I went sleep. AISH! It was embarrassing.” Sun touched her cheeks which were hot because embarrassing feeling. “Hihihi, it wasn’t embarrassing at all…Well, okay maybe a little bit. Aaaaw, your first kiss was accident. How cute~” Alice smiled widely and Sun sighed.


Alice decide to left around 18 pm and Sun was more than relieved, because she didn’t tell about her date with Yoseob. She looked at her closet and took her favorite dress - simple white autumn dress and purple long sleeved cardigan, because it was autumn she also put warm tights. After a little make up, she was ready to go. She opened television and weather reports came just in time. There was rain coming next week and Sun sighed because she didn’t like the rain at all.

Clock hit the seven and the door bell ring. Sun’s heart skipped a beat because she knew that it was Yoseob. She opened door and this young-looking man stood in the hallway. His hair was nicely done and he smiled a little bit nervously. Sun stepped hallway and they walked outside the building. The air was a little bit cold and eve was really beautiful and calm wind waved the tree branches.

Yoseob slightly put his hand around her hand and they continued walking towards the park what was near the river. Sun wanted that he would remove his hold of her hand and tried carefully take her fingers away, but Yoseob didn’t let go. Sun felt really uncomfortable but let it be. The street lights were shining brightly at the park. Sun looked at the beautiful view and quickly looked to Yoseob. He looked really calm and enjoyed her company without saying a word. However, they quickly stopped and Yoseob looked at her and smiled. “Here we are! What you think?” He showed the river and sat down the park bench what was under the big tree. Sun sat beside him and looked the beautiful view. Lights hit the water surface creating beautiful patterns and moon is reflected in the water's surface. Place was a really nice and the cool air didn’t bother the nice evening.

“It’s beautiful…” Sun said a little bit awkwardly. She was really bad about this kind of things. “mmm, it is. Like you…” Yoseob said and touched her hand slightly with a serious face but then smiled. Sun was surprised and lifted her hand in her lap and Yoseob looked at her. Sun didn’t notice that she stared at him too and quickly looked away biting her lip. “No, really I mean it.” Sun blushed and almost stood up, but Yoseob pulled carefully her down. “Maybe this comes too suddenly, but…I-I-I Like you.” Sun quickly looked at him surprised with a blank expression on her face. What she should say? She didn’t know what to think about it. Yoseob turned her taking her both hands and Sun looked at him like a lost sheep. “A lot…” He said a little bit nervously. Sun felt a new feeling in her chest; never anyone had told his feelings towards her. Sun remove her hands from his grasp and bit her lip. Yoseob seemed disappointed when Sun didn’t answer anything.

“I-I hope that you like me also as much as I like you.” He said finally and stood up. He stretched up and looked up in the sky.

Sun sat still on the bench surprised and bewildered. Somewhere the dog barked and Yoseob sat again on the bench. This time Sun gathered herself together and decided to answer for him.
“Yoseob, I-I…”
“You don’t need to say anything.” Yoseob smiled widely and looked at her. Sun blushed but somehow that felt so wrong. She started thinking about Hyunseung, what her feelings were towards him and to Yoseob it wasn’t the same. Yoseob was a more friend for her than something else. She couldn’t say that, maybe she shouldn’t because at the same time she felt arm around her waist and before she could react she felt his soft lips on hers. Sun surprised because his unexpected move and pushed him away.
“W-what are you doing?” She said quickly.
“Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to, it just happened.” He seemed to be really sorry. Sun bit her lip and stood up from the bench. “I want to go home…” She said. Yoseob nodded and seemed a little bit disappointed. Sun felt bad that she behaved like that to Yoseob, but she was just so surprised. “Um, sorry Yoseob but it came really suddenly.” She said quietly.
“I know, I should apologize. Ah, but I’m hungry, are you? I know one good night snack shop near this park.” He turned back to himself smiled widely. Sun wanted really to go home, but agreed and they walked to the market.

“Wait here and I’ll bring something for you too.” Yoseob said and walked to inside the market. Sun sighed when he had gone into the market. At the same moment she noticed someone familiar on the other side of the street. She couldn’t see directly who it was, but she/he was really familiar. This who stepped street light’s light and it was Hyunseung. Sun wondered what he was doing around here, but then Yoseob came. “What are you looking at? Here you go cutie~.” He gave a half of the rice cake and ate the other half himself. Hyunseung didn’t see them, so she turned her face to Yoseob and took the half of the rice cake of his hand. “Ah, nothing…Thank you. Can you walk with me to my apartment?” Sun asked although she wanted to walk alone, but she didn’t want to be rude. “Sure!” He smiled and they started to walk towards her home.

“I hope you had a nice eve tonight…” Yoseob said awkwardly when they arrived to Sun’s apartment. “Yes I had…I’m sorry.” Sun said biting her lip.
“Ya! Don’t be sorry, it was my fault but you didn’t answer for me what you think about of me?”
“I-I really don’t know what to say.” Sun said.
“Oh, maybe this really came suddenly…” He said disappointed, but smiled then normally.
“But I’m glad that you had a nice eve anyway. Good night Sun~!” He waved and turned around to walk away. “Good night for you too~!” Sun yelled back.


Hyunseung was walking at the park like always when he wanted to be alone. Although the air was cold it didn’t disturbed because the nigh was beautiful and calm, he felt relieved.  All the worries and frustrations evaporated off. He stopped suddenly when he heard a familiar voice near the river. “What Yoseob was doing here?” He walked closer and noticed that he wasn’t alone - He was with Sun. Hyunseung walked behind the tree that he could hear what they were talking about. He heard Yoseob’s voice saying: “No, you don’t need to say anything.” Hyunseung’s heart skipped a beat when he looked at them. Yoseob’s hand was around her waist and he gave her a kiss. Hyunseung turned around and walked quickly away. A little bit further he stopped his walking and touched his chest. He felt jealous and he was angry of Yoseob. Why? He shook his hair and continued walking. He was disappointed, he was sad and his feelings were messed up. It was over now; he should stop thinking about her. He was planning to ask her on a date tomorrow but now it was pointless. He walked on the street were only one street lamp was burning. Other side Sun noticed him…


Sun opened her computer to write email for her mother. It was almost already a month when she came to Shout-Korea and now she had time to write email for her. She hopes that her mom wouldn’t be angry or too worried. She wrote a long email for her and closed the computer after she finished it.

She sighed deeply and went bed. She started to thinking; did Yoseob really like her that much? How she should say for him that her feelings weren’t the same or should she give opportunity. Sun didn’t want to break her friendship with Yoseob, but now when she knew about him feelings towards her, their friendship might be really awkward. What she should do? She felt that her life was a really messed up now.


Yoseob came to his home and walked slowly to the living room where Doojoon was laying on the floor again. “Hahah, what is that face? Did you get rejected?” Doojoon tempted.
“Well, not quite. I kissed her…” Yoseob said.
“WHAT? You kissed her? Wow! That was quick even from you!”
“It was too quick for her! She pushed me away and wanted to go home…” Yoseob sighed.
“Hahaha, she seems a girl who is not easy at all.” Doojoon smirked.
“Yeah, but I was not meant to kiss her. It just happened.”
“Well, well you can’t do nothing anymore. You should think before you do something like that.”
“It's like I do not know.” Yoseob said angrily and walked to his room. Doojoon looked at him and opened the television.

He heard the door close behind him and quickly looked at Hyunseung who came inside, but continued watching television. Hyunseung walked to the living room and almost fell on the floor lay down. He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. “Okay, and what is wrong with you then? Did you also get rejected?” Doojoon said already annoyed. Hyunseung didn’t answer anything for him only gave him a look that he didn’t want to talk. “Okay then, I’ll leave you alone with your sadness and I go sleep. Aigoo~ my back.” He said and walked to his room. Hyunseung looked up to the roof. Why does he always fell in love with the wrong person? 


NOTE: FINALLY! Finally I had time to write this! I hope you like this, hihi. I myself like this chapter a lot. x)

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)