The first meeting?

Dream, more than just a dream

"OMG, I'M SUCH A LAZY ! How I was able to overslept on my first day!!" Sun looked her phone and it showed 07:30 AM. "I'LL BE LATE FROM WORK!" She screamed and threw her phone on the floor and rose up out of bed urgently. With a haste she changed clothes, did her usual morning things and ate an apple. After that Sun noticed that clock was already 07:50 am: "AAAISH! Where is even my.........Oh, there it is." She took her bag from next to the refrigerator and lifted up her phone on the floor. She opened the door and started to run.

She took her phone from the bag and at the same time she bumped into with a person and they fell to ground. "YA! YOU SHOULD LOOK WHERE ARE YOU RUNNING! DAAMN~, my phone is broken..." A black hair guy with a white cap yelled to Sun, who just collected her things from the ground while rubbing her right knee. "Um-u, I-I'm r-really s-sorry but I'm really late...." A guy looked to her knee and helped her up: "ah, It doesn't matter..........But your knee, is it okay?" 

"Uum, I-I think so..........Thank you." Sun said shyly and quickly glanced at him. Boy was really good looking, no he was beautiful and his eyes were really nice. He had a worried expression on his face: "Oh, good but it's bleeding pretty hard. Wait a minute!.......I have a plaster in my pocked. What luck!" He took the plaster from his pocket and swept a sand from around the wound and put it to Sun's right knee. Sun just stared all the time this boy with a stupid look on her face. OMG, Why he is helping me? Although his phone just crashed because me. "umh, t-thank you but........I-I have to go now." The boy just looked after her and smiled while continuing walking: "damn, I have to buy new phone. Oh well, I hope that girl is not so late because of me." 

Sun arrived to Mr. Go's shop ten minutes after eight and his manager looked at him with a mad look on his face, but when he noticed Sun's knee his face changed. "What happened to you?" Sun took a deep breath and panted: "Ah, nothing much Mr. Go. I was afraid to be late, so I ran and I fell on my way here.....I'm really sorry Mr. Go!" She bowed down and stayed in that position, waiting her punishment. "Oh really? well, I believe you because you are a nice girl, so start to working with cleaning this place." Sun stood up in surprise. No punishment? "Ah, all right Mr. Go!" 

After five hours cleaning Mr. Go sent Sun's to home. Sun stretched and yawned a really loud and at the same time putting the cleaning things back to the right place. She was really exhausted and her tummy growled. "Ahahah, you are probably really hungry as well? I am right?" Mr. Go chuckled. "YES, I'm really hungry because I didn't even eat when I had a pause." Sun complained and step out from the shop.

Sun was shining and she took a deep breath. Weather was really nice and warm and she felt really fresh, although she was inside just cleaning over five hours. Someone patted to her shoulder and she jumped to air. "HI~! How was your first day at work with Mr. Go?" A similar voice asked. "YA! DON'T DO THAT ANY MORE ALICE! and my day was fine." Alice just giggled and continued walking next to Sun. "Hey Sun, what's wrong with your knee?" Alice looked Sun's right knee and stopped walking. "Ah, this? Naa~ I just bumped into some guy on my way to work and I fell." 

"YOU FELL? AAAW, MY POOR SUNSHINE~! I'm so happy that you are fine and your knee is not worse! But wait, you bumped into guy? DID I HEAR PROPERLY? INTO GUY? was he handsome? did he help you?" Alice was jumping around her, but stopped when she saw it Sun's awkward face. "Ummm, I can't say that he was handsome, more beautiful than hands....YA! Don't ask questions like that anyway! You know that I'm really awkward around boys! Anyway, I'm really hungry and thanks to you I feel like to dying here!" Alice laughed and calmed down. "Okay, okay! But it's time to you also found someone, who you like more than just a friend! Well, I was asking you to come eat with me ramen at one FREAKING good ramen place!"


They heated to ramen place and some guys was standing outside the restaurant. "Um, Alice? are we suppose to go that place? there's too much people for me and you know...." Alice looked at her and smiled: "I know that you don't feel comfortable around too much people, but this is town's best ramen restaurant! OH, COME ON~! I know how much you love food, so just come with me and don't be a such a coward!" She grabbed to Sun's arm and they stepped inside the restaurant. Almost every table was full, so they sat close to the door. Sun looked around the place and saw that boy, which she was bumped into in the morning. He wasn't alone - a noisy and really cute boy, who talked a loud voice and beside him sat a really handsome guy, who almost hit him because he had too much noise.

"YA! Why did you almost hit me Doojoon-hyung! no fair!" Cute boy pouted and Doojoon just mumbled: "Yoseob, if you don't see here is too much people, you should think others too, idiot." Yoseob pouted again and looked at him: "Hyuung~! Don't be a such a grumpy today. You ruined my mood!" Yoseob lowered his voice and continued eating his food. "Ya, Hyunseung are you listening to me. How was your day with that girl from Seoul?" Doojoon asked from this guy, which Sun was bumped into in the morning. "Ummm?.........It didn't go so well that you think. Date was awful from the beginning." 
"Oh, really? Why did you even go on a date, if you think that way?!" Doojoon raised his voice a little bit. Hyunseung just glanced at him without feeling on his face and continued eating his food. "Okay then, I don't never again help you with your woman problems." He rolled his eyes and started eat his food also. 

"Sun?........Sun?........SUN~!" Sun woke up and took a little piece of his food. "Finally, have you any plans for the evening today?" Alice blinked her eyes. "No, why so?" Sun mumbled a mouth full of food. "NAA~ I was just thinking do you want to come with us to karaoke room?" Alice asked with a demanding tone. "Okay, with who? You know that I feel uncomfortable around a new people and let me eat my food or I'll hit you!" 
"DON'T DARE TO HIT ME! anyway, There is me, Amber and Fay.....well, okay there will be also two of Fay's friends. That one guy was called Junhyung but I don't know him and I don't remember who was that other...." Sun lifted her face and stopped eating. "YAAA~ don't look at me like that Sun! but hey, come on! you should get know more people. You are always sitting at your apartment writing lyrics or editing photos!" It was the last drop before Sun stood up from the table and left Alice to sitting alone at table. Her friend just only looked at her back open-mouthed. 

"ARGH! Why she always bring these kind of things up, when we are talking to going somewhere. I hate her...." Sun hit the sink and looked the last time her face from the mirror and heated back to table. But when she step out the bathroom she bumped into something. It was he.

"Oh, you again? are you fine?" Sun pushed him away and continued her way to the her table. "uh-uh, Okay?" Hyunseung said and went men's bathroom. Sun looked behind her: "Him again. OMG, I'm so clumsy." She slapped her cheeks and sat on the table. "Oh, Miss grumpy came back." Alice said while holding her hands, crossed on the her chest. "I'm not grumpy, my tummy was upset........anyway, about that karaoke room thing, I'm in." Alice lift her eyebrow and started to scream: "YAAAAY~ I KNEW IT! YOU ARE THE BEST!" Sun shushed her and looked around the restaurant. All in the restaurant looked at they table and some girls giggled. "Oh, sorry~" Alice said awkwardly and lowered her voice. 

"HAHAHAH, hyung did you hear that girl? She have a louder voice than I have!" Yoseob said happily to Doojoon, who was looking at girl's table trying to hold his laughter. "Yeah, you're right this time! Where did Hyunseung go?" Doojoon looked around and noticed Hyunseung around men's bathroom looking at same direction as they. "Oh, there he is! HYUNG!" Yoseob called Hyunseung who walked to their table and sat down. "Wow, that girl had louder voice than you have Yoseob." He said and took his water glass.

"By the way, did you get on a competive group?" Doojoon asked from Hyunseung who just looked at him and sighed: "No....That freaking Junhyung took my place again in it." Yoseob looked at his hyungs. "Him again?! He sure is the most annoying guy I have ever know." Doojoon said while biting his lips. "Yes, maybe he is but he is better than me anyway. Should we leave already? I'm tired!" Hyunseung yawned and they all stood up and heated outside from the restaurant.


Sun and Alice walked to Amber's place and she was waiting them outside her house. "YA! you two are late!"
"SORRY~ But this girl wanted to eat!" Alice pouted to her friend who looked them with a angry face. "ALICE! I didn't eat nothing all day, only one apple! and you asked me to come eat with you, so shut up!" Sun said with a little angry voice. "Okay, you two, but I'm sure our friends are waiting us." Amber grabbed to they hands and they went into a bus. 

They arrived to town center and walked to karaoke room. Fay was waiting them outside with her friends. This really handsome and cool guy was standing next to her while talking to his other friend. Second friend was just one guy from the same university where Alice was also. Fay waved to them: "HI~! You're late! We waited you guys for hours!" Cool guy raised his face and looked at them. He really is handsome.. Sun though in her head and followed her friends inside the karaoke room. 

All had really fun singing and drinking, but Sun only sat on the couch watching them. "Your name?" a guy asked from Sun who almost jumped air because sudden question. "Her name is Sun, Junhyung! Don't even try nothing, she's shy!" Fay yelled over the music to Junhyung who looked at Sun. Sun blushed and looked away from him. Junhyung grinned and continued drink his cider. I think, that I've seen her somewhere... He though. 

"AAAAH, It was really fun! I'm so sorry Sun that I left you alone!" Alice hugged Sun, but she pushed her away. "YA! I'm mad of you, you left me alone with that Junhyung!" Amber laughed and pushed her friends into the bus. "Ya~ Don't push me Amber! But Sun I hope you had fun still, although you didn't even sing, you are boring! meeerong~" Alice showed her tongue and crashed on the bus's chair. Sun sat next to her and fell asleep. Amber woke her up at the stop. "We are back? did your trip was so boring that you two fall asleep?" She joked to Sun and Alice while they was rubbing their eyes. Alice and Amber went home and left Sun alone again. 

Sun took her Ipod from pocket and started to listening to it. The Moon was shining brightly at the sky and one dog barked somewhere. Sun was nearly begins to sing when someone grabbed her hand. "NOT AGAIN....!" She almost started to scream but a voice said: "Don't start to scream like a last time!" It was Junhyung. Sun looked at his face with a asking expression on her face. "I want to apologies about that last time, I thought you were one girl who I know." Sun couldn't say anything, but Junhyung continued: "Can I ask from you something? Do you know one guy who is called Hyunseung?" Sun thought why did he even ask that kind of questions from her. "Uum.....No I don't." Sun said after a little pause. Junhyung released her hand. "Oh, good then. See ya!" Junhyung left and Sun stood open-mouthed before she continued her trip to her apartment. 

She opened her apartment's door and started to think why Junhyung asked about that guy. She shook her head and went to shower. After shower she ate and cleaned a little bit. After she was calmed down she went bed, but someone knocked on the door.....


NOTE: Finally all persons are in story! Sorry about this chapter. It's a little bit boring, but I'm not so good writer. D: Anyway, I hope you like it anyway. ^_^

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KpopBeast28 #1
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #2
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #3
Please update soon~
KpopBeast28 #4
Please update soon T-T!<br />
Coz this is an interesting fanfic !
a lots of suspense i fell in love with the storyline already~~~ update soon!!!sooo curious bout what happened next...please update x)
waaah.. who was that? aigoo. what happened :(
The story is really interesting.....<br />
<br />
update soon :)