Our Happily Ever After ...?

A Love That Never Alters


Hyosung stared down at the diamonds encrusted metal encircling her ring finger. It felt heavy – her heart felt heavy to be exact. She was wondering whether she was doing the right thing; it only hit her that the surgery was just around the corner, and it caught her off guard when the sudden realization hit her.


She might ... not make it.


A sense of remorse hit close to her heart as she studied the bleak sky with a forlorn expression on her face, heartbeat quickened. She was having second-thoughts on marrying Kikwang, just because she was afraid he’d be heart-broken all over again ... if she’s gone.


Her back against the big oak tree, she shuddered at the sudden blast of cold wind around her so she pulled her jacket and GumWang tighter around her neck. She took out her hand and once again looked upon the ring on her finger. Fresh tears started to brim in her eyes, tightened before a sob escaped.


“There you are. I know you’ll be here.”


Kikwang’s voice startled her and she roughly wiped her tears away when he came and sat down next to her. She purposely let her hair fell down her face and look elsewhere except him, afraid she might break down if she does. A minute of silence passed before she felt his hands slowly encircling her waist as he pulled her against him, his chin on her shoulder.


“Are you having second thoughts?”

“I don’t know ...”

“Are you scared?”

She remained silent.


“Look at me.” She leaned against him when he kissed her hair tenderly, and she turned around in his embrace. Her eyes laid upon the kitten-like pendant on his necklace and she pretended to observe it. She didn’t dare to stare into his eyes. His finger pulled her chin up and she realized they were only mere inches apart, his eyes gazed lovingly into hers and a smile lit upon his face. How could he be so calm? He asked again, “Are you scared?”


A single tear rolled down her cheek when she nodded, so he pulled her closer again and put his forehead against her as they both closed their eyes. Their breath mingled for their faces were only inches apart and they both just stayed that way a while longer before Kikwang pulled back a little. His eyes were just as moist as hers, one tear managed to leak and spill down his cheek. Hyosung’s heart wrenched at the sight. I’m hurting him ... He took her hand and rubbed his thumb over the ring on her fingers before kissing it.


“I’m sorry.” Hyosung said as she cupped his face and wiped away his tears, sobbing. “I couldn’t bear the thought of you being alone when ... I’m gone.”


“For goodness sake, Hyosung. Can you please stop thinking about that?” She wasn’t surprised at his sudden outburst as she expected it, so she just let him spew more angry words to her. “You’re not going to die. You are strong, and you will make it through. Understand?”


“Kikwang-ah, listen to me.”


“No, you listen to me Jun Hyosung. I know you’re afraid, but please drop the thought of you dying because you won’t. All right? You’ll make it through. We will make it through. Have faith in God, because I do. Even a little faith will do, because being faithful in small things is where the strength lies. You’re strong. Understand? Besides, you are the female version of Hercules. Remember?” Trust Kikwang to spoil the moment with his lame joke, but she still giggled anyway. Kikwang wiped her tears away with his thumb and kissed her forehead. “I love you, my future Mrs. Lee.”


“Mrs Lee Hyosung. There’s a nice ring to that. I love it.” Brushing back her hair from her face, Kikwang leaned forward to kiss her tenderly, his hands slipping away from her face to settle over the steady drum of her beating heart. Drawing back, he held her gaze for her next words. “And I love you too, Mr. Lee.”


Then they sat under the oak tree at the hospital park, Hyosung laid her head against Kikwang’s chest and sighed. Kikwang was right; there’s nothing to worry about. She’ll make it through it, and with him by her side, she was fearless.







Today was the day – the day Hyosung and Kikwang were to symbolize their love for each other by coming together to be married. Kikwang remembered how surprised his parents were when he told them he wanted to get married today as they thought it was too soon, and they tried to talk him out of it thinking he was doing it for Hyosung’s sake.


But he made it clear to them that it was not only for Hyosung but he was doing it for himself; he was deeply in love with Hyosung he didn’t care if she was sick. He didn’t care if they wouldn’t have long future together, he accepted the fact that she might ... leave him sooner than expected, but none of it matter. He was doing what his heart told him to do, and he never felt so at ease about it. He wasn’t going to be in doubt about it anymore.


He wanted to marry the only girl he had ever loved with all his heart.

He wanted to marry Jeon Hyosung.







As Jeon Hyosung stared into the mirror, her sisters and best friends buzzing at the back, she couldn’t help but think of how this wedding was still dream-like to her. Hyosung and Kikwang – the two of them had been through so much together. The laughters, the tears, the pain; they had been through it all. She had always picture that she’d be married to Kikwang, but never thought it would be this soon – Kikwang was on his knees, begging to Dr. Ga Eul to postpone her surgery for just another few days, and much to their delight, she allowed them. A couple more days wouldn’t affect her.


A small sigh slipped out from underneath her lips as she swept her shoulder length hair up into a loose up-do. She secured the hairdo with a few pins on the side and one or two clips in the back.


That should do, Hyosung thought as she smoothed down her wedding gown – her mother’s to be exact, and she could feel tightened at the thought of how wonderful it would be if her parents were here to see her. Hyosung-ah, stop it. You should be happy, this is your wedding day for god sake.


“You look gorgeous, honey,” Hyo Rin came up behind and kissed her hair. “Are you sure you don’t want me to do your make-up and hair?”


“It’s okay, onnie. I want to keep everything minimal,” Hyosung squeezed her sister’s hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.


A loud knock sounded on the door, causing Hyosung to jump in surprise, only to see a breathless Min at the door frame when it swung open. “I’m sorry for being late! Junho was being vain on choosing what suit to wear so we had to wait for him, and Sunye was still doing her makeup and it took us for almost an hour and the traffic was horribleand I should’ve left them earlier and and ... I’m sorry!”


“Oh onnie! Why aren’t you ready yet? Where’s your make-up? Your hair is still not ready too! Where’s your stylist?” Min blabbered non-stop, not giving a chance for Hyosung to explain that she don’t want all that. “Thank goodness I brought my makeup kit. Come, we have no more time to spare!”


“Min, it’s okay. I don’t need them. Just a little lip gloss and mascara will be fine, trust me!”


“What? Nuh-uh.” Min was already by her side as she dumped all the makeup on the table. She continued gushing about makeup of all kinds as she grabbed her brushes and started to work her magic, much to Hyosung’s protest. “I want you to look amazing. A-MA-ZING. Get me? Your hair needs to be whipped up, don’t cover your beautiful face with them covering it! And your eyes are just BEGGING for eyeliner! That lips need to be pumped up y!”


Ten minutes later, with her sisters laughing at her protest, Min backed away from Hyosung with a delighted smile on her face. “There!” she exclaimed and marvelled at her piece of art. “Oh, you look absolutely gorgeous. I’m so touched that I feel like crying now!”


Much to Min’s delight, Hyosung was smiling as she admired her reflection in the mirror. Being a performer, she shouldn’t have been shocked to see how she looked like right now with makeup being caked on her face all the time, but something about how she looked right then seemed different.


“Thank you, Min, for everything,” Hyosung pulled Min into a tight hug.


“Anything for my gorgeous friend, especially on her wedding day. Hey, don’t cry. Pabo, you’ll ruin your makeup!” Min wiped away the single tear that rolled down Hyosung’s cheek as she herself blinked away her own b tears. “Okay, now that we’ve got you all dolled up, let’s get going and tie the knot with Kikwang. I bet he’s a nervous wreck right now. You don’t want to keep him waiting, right?”


“No, of course not. Let’s go.” Hyosung chuckled at the thought and gave her reflection one last look.


“Wait! Don’t forget this!” Hyo Rin grabbed the tiara on the table and carefully placed it on the top of Hyosung’s head and beamed at her sister’s beauty. Hyo Rin let out a little sob when she pulled down the veil to cover Hyosung’s face, and then the both of them hugged each other tightly, “My baby looks really beautiful. I’ve never been so happy in my life, Hyo-ah. I’m sure Omma and Appa are looking down on you and think the same too.”


“Come, let’s go,” Hyo Rin took Hyosung’s hand as she assisted her in walking; her body has gotten weaker now, and walking was getting very tiring to her. Hyo Rin gave her sister a reassuring squeeze when she saw the nervous look she had. “Don’t worry, you’ll be okay. Everything will be fine, okay?”


“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go,” Hyosung let out a sigh and then smiled.


Even as Hyosung sat in the moving limo with everyone around her – Zinger, Sunhwa, Jieun, Min, GNa, UEE, Yubin and Jiwoon (who would’ve thought that you’ll have a lot of bridesmaid) – chattered on about the wedding and how they couldn’t wait for the ceremony to start, she couldn’t help but notice that her hands were shaking a little bit in nervousness.


You’re cool, you’re calm, and you’re collected.She mentally recited her mantra again and again. There’s nothing to be nervous about, Hyosung-ah. You’re going to marry the love of your life! But even then, the only thing that lingered on her mind was the fact that she would be walking down the aisle in a bit. After that, it was just going to be her and Kikwang ... getting married.


She was surprised when she saw the familiar park come into view, not noticing that she had gotten so lost in her thoughts. Her heart was beating faster by the moment as they stepped out of the car, her palms in sweat with the bouquet of flower in her hands.  Get yourself together Hyosung. This is what you’ve been dreaming of for eternity, there’s no turning back. Kikwang is waiting for you at the altar.


As the image of her fiancée’s face came into her mind, she couldn’t help but smiled and she felt herself calm down. Fiancée who’ll be her husband in a matter of minutes. He would always have that effect on her; just a thought of him would tranquilize her chaotic mind.Hyosung inhaled and exhaled deeply as they lined up behind the tall bushes, with Uncle Hong smiling at her side to give her away, they’re ready to go.


“Here we go,” Uncle Hong said softly, with her hand around his arm, giving it a squeeze.







Their secret sanctuary was no longer a secret. It was bursting with their close friends and family, and only a number of reporters were allowed to attend their small wedding. Security guards were already outside, only allowing those who were invited in, and at the same time controlling the immense amount of fans lurking around the park to grab a sight of them.


Because they were married on such a short notice, there wasn’t time to make an extravagant decoration for the wedding. Just a simple set of whites – everything was white to be exact; the chairs, the decorations, the flower petals on the grass leading to the altar. It was simple but he couldn’t help but marvel at it, seeing how it only took them a few days to set them up.


He was touched to see almost everyone (although not all members were present) they knew were there – 4Minute, After School, Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM, Miss A, Soyeon, KARA, INFINITE –  squeezing out their schedules just to attend their small wedding. When they finally announced the arrival of his bride, Kikwang was nervous – really nervous. He was only moments away from seeing his new bride. He looked over at his best man, Doojoon who chuckled and then mumbled “It’ll be alright” to him, probably sensing how nervous Kikwang was.


With his own father at his side, Kikwang saw his mom at the front row, dabbing her eyes with her handkerchief mouthing “I’m proud of you” from a far. A soft serene music started to pour out from the speaker and then they each walked in pairs towards the altar. Zinger with Hyunseung, Jieun with Yoseob, Sunhwa with Dongwoon, GNa with Junhyung, Yubin with Mir, UEE with Joon, Jiwoon with Woohyun and her sisters with Seungho and Kikwang’s own brother respectively, tossing pink rose petals on the white aisle.


The song faded and the “Wedding March” began. Kikwang held his breath, waiting for his bride to emerge, and as black hair contrasted by pure white came into view, he felt the world froze around him.


Hands encircled around Hong-hyung arms, they slowly made their way down the aisle. He noticed that there wasn’t even a single dry eyes in the house when Hyosung walked pass them – they knew about her worsen condition, so they couldn’t help but tear up at her sight. She did look fragile, looking so thin but still she was the most radiant beautiful sight that moment even under the veil. Halfway down the aisle, Hyosung suddenly seemed to tire and stopped to catch her breath. Kikwang’s heart was thundering against his chest, and it took every ounce of him to not sprint to her. It was only a mere few seconds, but Kikwang felt like an eternity before they started moving again, and he let out a heavy sigh of relief.


When she finally reached the altar, there were gasps of joy and everyone spontaneously began to clap. Uncle Hong passed her to Mr Lee whom finally passed her to him. Her small fingers on his large ones, she was finally by his side and he gave it a brief kiss. His breath caught at how beautiful and radiant she was once her veil was lift up, and he couldn’t help but smile widely. He intertwined their fingers together before they both turned to face the minister, and was led through their vows.


"We are here today to join Lee Gikwang and Jung Hyosung in a life of mutual commitment. It is fitting and appropriate that you, the family and friends of Gikwang and Hyosung, be here to witness and to participate in their union. For the ideals, the understanding, and the mutual respect which they bring to their life together had their roots in the love and friendship and guidance you have given them. The union of two people makes us aware of the changes wrought by time. But the new relationship will continue to draw much of its beauty and meaning from the intimate associations of their past."


Kikwang looked over at Hyosung and gave her a small smile as he squeezed her hand, and she smiled back as she curled her fingers around his. As the ceremony went on, the minister talked to the couple about the importance of love and respect in marriage.


"Gikwang and Hyosung, remember to treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Take responsibility for making the other feel safe, and give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship, as they threaten all relationships at some time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you, not just the part that seems wrong. In this way, you can survive the times when clouds drift across the face of the sun in your lives, remembering that, just because you may lose sight of it for a moment, does not mean the sun has gone away. And, if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.”


"May you always need one another, not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another."


By the time he finished speaking, almost everyone in attendance had tears in their eyes. Kikwang blinked away his tears, and he could tell that Hyosung was already in tears when he heard her sniffles.


“Gikwang and Hyosung, it is time to exchange your vows.”


He turned to face Hyosung, hands never separating, and he wiped away a single tear that rolled down her cheeks.


“Do you, Lee Gikwang, take Jung Hyosung, to be your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish her, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?”


Kikwang gazed lovingly into Hyosung’s eyes and confidently said “I do.”


“Do you, Jung Hyosung, take Lee Gikwang, to be your lawfully wedded husband, promising to love and cherish her, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?”


Hyosung gazed back at Kikwang with tears in her eyes, and replied “I do.”


Kikwang then repeat after the minister when he was told to. “I, Lee Gikwang take you, Jung Hyosung to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forwards.”


He could sense Hyosung could hardly bite back her tears when he ended his vow, her lips quivering, so he squeezed her hands once more. Before the minister could get a word out, Hyosung suddenly started to speak, her eyes never leaving his.


“I, Jung Hyosung, take you, Lee Gikwang, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles that we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."


When she finished saying her personal vow, he couldn’t help but tear up and a joyful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. An “awww” echoed out from the crowd and the wedding party.


Hyo Ri and Kikwang’s brother then stepped forward and gave the rings to them when asked by the minister. Kikwang and Hyosung both slipped their rings on their fingers, eyes never leaving each other. When they were finally ready, the minister finally pronounced his few final words they all had been waiting for.


“I now pronounced you husband and wife. Kikwang, you may now kiss your bride.”


Everyone in attendance was already on the edge of their seats when he slowly leaned in to kiss Hyosung in order to seal the vow. Closing his eyes, he felt his lips touching softly against hers, and he could hear the sound of cameras snapping. When they pulled away from each other, they were both smiling, feeling the unexplainable love they had for one another increased beyond imagination.


“Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs Lee!”


He could hear a round of applause, sobs, laughter and joy filled the air as they both turned to face the crowd. He saw his mother crying in his father’s embrace, and a bunch of their friends as well. He turned and faced Hyosung once more, his heart surged with love and affection for the woman before him. He pulled her into his embrace, before once again sealing a loving kiss, and the crowd went wild.


It was the most wonderful and memorable moment of his life.







The wedding reception winded to a close and the wedding party formed a receiving line for everyone to give their greetings and congratulations. After the line thinned out, their family and close friends gathered around the newly wedded couple as hugs and good wishes were received.


“Please take her back to hospital tomorrow morning, sharp. Not one minute late, all right?” Dr. Ga-Eul gave both Kikwang and Hyosung a warm hug when they stood outside the hall, everyone was already calling it a night at eight as Hyosung wasn’t able to stay up too late in her condition.


“Oh come on, Doctor. Don’t be too strict. It’s their wedding night, so I think they might wake up pretty late tomorrow. Right, Kikwang?” Doojoon nudged Kikwang playfully, causing a chain of laughter when both the bride and the groom blushed furiously, Hyosung hiding her face on his back and Kikwang coughing non-stop.


They left the hotel not long after, the classic rattling noises of tin cans attached to the car’s bumper announced to the world that they just got married as they drove away to Kikwang’s parents house. His house. It still hadn’t registered fully in his head that they were married, and suddenly the thought of spending the night as a husband and wife made him nervous. It’s not like they’re going to do anything – no, they won’t. No, Hyosung’s condition wouldn’t allow such thing. Not now. He hit himself in the head for even having such thought.


He stole a glance at Hyosung, and was not surprised to see her dozing off in the passenger’s seat, mouth slightly ajar. He smiled looking at her like that; she looked so serene and peaceful, as if she wasn’t carrying the weight of everything that happened on her shoulder. He continued on driving, and before he know it, they had arrived at their destination.


He opened the passenger’s door quietly, and just stood there for a moment while he marvelled at his wife’s beauty. His wife – he liked the way it sound in his head. Running a finger across her the bridge of her nose, he kissed it and he felt her eyelashes fluttered against his cheek. A tired smile spread across her face, and he smiled back before carrying her the way a bride should be carried during her wedding day.


He smiled even wider when he saw her eyes widen in amaze as they entered the house. Kikwang had made small decorations to welcome them, or her to be specific, into their new house; pink rose petals scattered from the door up to the staircase, with mini lights flashing about all over the wall.


“This is so beautiful,” Hyosung gasped, eyes wandered around before facing him once again. “Thank you for making this the best day of my life, ever. I love you, Lee Gikwang." She leaned forward and kissed him gently.


"You're welcome, Mrs Lee," Kikwang replied after they parted, and then he brought her upstairs to their room and put her down. "I have one last surprise for you. Just one, I promise. Wait here." He chuckled after seeing disbelief in Hyosung's expression as she giggled. He love spoiling her. He ran downstairs, and came back five minutes later with the cake he baked in his hand.


"Babe, close your eyes all right?" He slowly made his way in, eager to show her his creation ... and the cake slipped off his hand, breaking apart as it hit the floor. His every being frozen. Just before his eyes, Hyosung's body sprawled on the floor, and his breath caught in his throat when he noticed blood trails from to her white wedding gown.











Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for the late update -- three weeks late to be exact. I'm not busy at all, just suffering from a very long writer's block. Really, I feel like my brain would break apart whenever I tried to squeeze out ideas on this fic. Anyway, I'm really sorry if it's too long. I pity your eyes to have to read this long. Hehe. Forgive me!


So okay, I know I've said this many times, but I've made my decision. The next two chapters will be the alternate endings of this story, which I can't assure you when will I update it seeing how this one almost make me go cuckoo for a while there. Hehe. But yeah, I hope you'll anticipate it! Bohoo though, it'll be the end of this story :(


Oh yeah! Thanks a million for all those who've read my fics! I can't express how grateful and happy I am that people take interest in reading my not-so-great story, with all the grammar mistakes. Hehe. I love you all so much! Thank you thank you thank you!



Hope you'll have a good read!




OH BTW! Have you guys seen this?




Kikwang smiled after Hyosung made the introduction for Secret at KPOP Music Fest Sydney '11. Doojoon and 4Minute Sohyun immediately gave side glances to Kikwang too! SOMETHING'S FISHY :D

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EnnieSuperman #1
Chapter 22: I'm Linh, i'm from Vietnam.
I just want ask you, can I translate your fic and post in my blog ?
Chapter 36: I took a longgggg break from fanfics because life just got so busy. =P

This is my first time back and I am really happy that this is the first story I read and finished. I finished the entire story in one reading. I LOVE IT!!!

Amazing storyline. Awesome characters. Love how you satisfy your readers with the different endings. I can't decide which one I love more (I have to say I love the happy ending just because I got to read about their marriage and their kids). This is absolutely one of my favorites. Thank you for giving us a wonderful story.
I finally got around to reading all of this and I have to say "Curse you for making me cry and feel emotions!!" just kidding. This story was just amazing. I loved both endings!! You are just an awesome writer!! I love you!!!
Ahhh, it ended already *wipe tears* I'm sorry for not commenting lately. Couldn't get my hands on the internet. And when I could, the words vaporize from my brain since your sad ending made me overwhelmed. <br />
What more can I say? Great, awesome story, as always. You always amazed me with your words, the way you tell your story, the flow, the angst. You left me speechless.<br />
Did I love the alternate ending? Hell yeap!!! I got a weird flashback as I read this last chapter. Somehow, I suddenly got the urge to read your cookies story XP Yes! I prefer your sweets to your angst~~~ Hahahaha.<br />
Thank you so much for sharing this story here. I hope you will continue to write~~ <br />
<br />
Btw, why didn't you put this as a completed story? There couldn't be a continuation after this right? Oh, oh, oh!
I actually read the last 'last' chapter a while back but didn't have time to comment. So it's only now that I am lol. so let me tell you where I was reading this ~ on my way to Uni on a bus and hell did I cry, thankfully there were not much people on the bus, cuz I was sobbing.*-* It took me a good half an hour to read it, that was the best bus ride EVER lol. Even though it was a happy ending ~ why do I feel this way, I don't want this to end, I really don't, I want to read about their daily life adventures after this .lolol. but I guess all good things come to an end. <3 ~ I enjoyed reading your story and the amount of emotions I felt during this whole process of reading is just unexplainable. I cried, laughed, smiled, jumped etc. It was truly a touching story <3 and If this could get published, I'd be the first ones to buy it ^^ lol. both endings were outstanding, but obviously for me the happy ending wins ~ ^^. <br />
AWESOME AMAZING OUTSTANDING PERFECT story ~ thank you so much!! ~ THANK YOU. Can't wait to read more of your stories <3 ~ <br />
Kisung all the way ~ ^^<br />
littleflowerpot Fighting!! <3