Chapter 15

A Love That Never Alters



“Listen kids. Hong hyung said that you guys did awesome with your current promotion, so he’s giving a three days break to Je-Ju Island as a present.” Manager Choi told, with his eyes on the road. The boys just successfully wrapped up their comeback promotion just a while ago at M Station.


Seriously?! Daeeebak!” Yoseob snapped out from his tired state and was jumping excitedly in the front seat. They had been working so hard for their comeback, to make it perfect and unforgettable for their B2UTIES who’ve waited patiently for their official return to Korea.


“Yeap. I think he said something about bringing some others too, but I don’t remember. Are you kids up for it? Kikwang?” Looking at the rear-view mirror, he saw Kikwang looking outside with a goofy grin pasted on his face while texting. Again. He’ve been acting like that for the past week. Hmm, there’s something fishy going on here, he thought.


“Ya pabo. Are you listening? Kikwang-ah!” As they stop at the red light, Manager Choi managed to throw the car’s cushion playfully at Kikwang, which landed squarely on his face.


“Ah, bwo (what)? Je-Ju? Ah, whatever. I don’t mind,” Not even looking at the manager, Kikwang continued smiling goofily as he looked at his mobile phone. Manager Choi eyed him suspiciously. Something’s definitely fishy going on here.







Kittee, bogoshipoyo~




Na do bogoshipoyo~




Mianhe... ㅠㅠ

I’ve been busy with the final cycle of our promotions.

Have you eaten?




Of course! Have you forgotten how gluttonous I am?


Have you?



Feed me, then I’ll eat!

*opens mouth wide. ^O^



Say aaa. *shoves in food.




Omnomnomnom. Gomawo, baby~ ㅋㅋㅋ

Oh, gtg now! I’ll call you later, arasso?

Po-po! Mwah! Saranghae!


Hyosung smiled as she read the text from Kikwang, giddy from head to toe. She re-read it again and again, squealing and rolling from one side of the bed to the other. It’s been a week since they confessed their love again for one another, and still felt like she’s in seventh heaven. Even if this is a dream, please don’t wake me up now!


She sighed as she lay on the bed, still day-dreaming when she suddenly remembered that she had an appointment at three later. She sat up and looked at the clock, and bolted to the bathroom. She’ll be late!


She managed to arrive in time at the hospital by using the subway, and straight away went to the receptionist, whom directed her to Doctor Ga-Eul’s office. Doctor Ga-Eul had been her family doctor since she was a baby, and she was the one who treated her father during his cancer days. Thinking about it suddenly brought panic to her, remembering her condition for the past months. Ani, I can’t be. Can it ...?


She had her check up done two weeks ago, and she got a call yesterday that her result was done and to come by the hospital today. She greeted Doctor Ga-Eul cheerfully when she entered but was welcomed with a pained expression on her face. This doesn’t seem good. Hyosung gulped nervously.


I wish someone is here with me now.She thought. She hated hospital ever since she was a kid, having too many bad memories with it caused her to detest it even further.


“Ahjumma. Is everything okay?” she managed to croak, her heart started to beat irregularly, as she look at Doctor Ga-Eul who was tapping her fingers on the table with the same look on her face.


“Hyosung-ah. Have you been well?” Doctor Ga-Eul finally answered after a moment of silence, and Hyosung could only nod to her question. “Hyosung-ah, look at this.”


She stood up and hung the x-ray result on the light wall, and made a circular motion on the picture of her lungs. She explained everything medical explanations to Hyosung, but all she managed to do was to remain stony in her seat.


“We’re lucky to be able to detect it at an early stage, but the risk of it to spread across your entire lungs is there. We need to do a lot of follow ups to remove it slowly, which also includes ....”


Doctor Ga-Eul’s voice slowly fade far away as Hyosung’s thought started to think as the news slowly registered in her head. Her breathing shortened when she could feel panic starting to take over. Andwae Hyosung! Don’t panic, jebal. Don’t!


“Hyosung-ah? Hyosung-ah?” Hyosung snapped out of her state when Doctor Ga-Eul shook her, a worried look on her face. Hyosung stared at her for another minute not realising tears was starting to brim in her eyes.


Hyosung was sobbing hard by now, having it hard to swallow the news that moment. Doctor Ga-Eul immediately hugged her, straining to control her emotions too. Hyosung was like a daughter to her, and seeing her like this pained her. But she knew it pained Hyosung more.



She whispered in between sobs.




Hyosung sat against their tree by the lake, zoned out. It had been two days since she was told about it, and she already accepted the fact. It’s not like she haven’t before, as she thought about her father and a tear trickled down her cheeks. Appa, now I know how you felt. Am I going to die? I’m scared, appa.


“Kittee? What are you doing here this late?” Kikwang suddenly appeared from behind, a surprised look on his face. Hyosung quickly wiped away her tears as Kikwang approached.


“Ah, I just wanted to clear my heads. Something came up and I got stressed out.” Hyosung put on her brave face and smile at Kikwang, scooting and offer the space next to her. “What are you doing here?”


“Have you forgotten how I love going here at night?” Kikwang smiled back at her. “Wegure? What is troubling you, kittee? Tell me, I’ll try to help. Please?”


“Ah, ani. It’s nothing much, just stressed out with work. Manager Kim suddenly cancelled out all of our weekend’s activity yesterday, saying that we’ve been re-scheduled.” Hyosung lied, not looking in Kikwang’s eyes afraid that he’ll see through her. He always did. “I planned to go hiking with the girls, maybe inviting you boys too. But ah, what to do.”


“Hiking? Seems interesting. Well, I planned too but Choi-hyung said we’ll be going to Je-Ju Island this weekend. Hong-hyung gave us a three days off as a present! Ah, finally. All this promotion is really tiring.” Kikwang looked over at Hyosung, who dazed out staring at the night sky. Ah, she must be really worn out. Hmmm.


“Baby, come here,” Kikwang stretched out his hand and offered his shoulder to Hyosung.


“Oh? What are you trying to do?” Hyosung covered her body playfully, as she stared at Kikwang horrified face.


“Ah booya! I’m only asking you to lay here, not .. not doing anything else! Yakso!” His face reddened at the thought.


“Aigo yaaa. Why are you so cute? I was just kidding. Heheee,” Hyosung laughed at his reaction, and knock his head playfully. She then sat closer to Kikwang, and let her head rest upon his shoulder as she felt Kikwang’s hand closing the space between them and was softly patting her hair while his other hand holding on to hers.


They sat there in silence, with the night breeze blowing softly around them. Hyosung eased her problems away from her thoughts and just enjoy the moment as Kikwang laid his head on top of hers and kissed it once in a while. She sighed. Having him by her side was enough for now, and she wouldn’t ask for anything more.


“Kikwang-ah. Gomawoyo (Thank you),” Hyosung whispered, as she stared at their joint hands.


“Oh? Wae yo?”


“For being here with me. Jinjja gomawoyo.” Squeezing his hands, she gave him a shy peck on the cheek before hiding her face on his shoulder. Kikwang hugged Hyosung closer to him, his heart full of joy from her actions.


“Ani, thank you for being here with me,” Kikwang played with Hyosung’s finger as he continued on.

“All the while I was in Japan, I tried to convince myself that I can go on living with the fact that you were no longer with me. I really tried, but it was so difficult that I almost ... lost myself. Thank goodness they were there for me, helping me to get back to who I am. This might sound mushy but I seriously can't go on a day thinking that you won't be here with me, Hyosung-ah. I can't...”


"Hey, hey. Calm down, I'm here. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, promise. Don't panic, arasso?" Hyosung withdrew one of her hands from his grip and gave him a light comforting squeeze, as she could hear his tone turning into panic. 


"Yakso?" Kikwang peeked at her, pouting, as he took out his pinky finger.

"Yakso!" Hyosung linked their pinky fingers together with a smile on her face as she looked up to Kikwang.


Kikwang braved himself to draw his hands to cup her face, and moved his face closer to hers. He could see Hyosung's eyes widen and her cheeks blushing.


"Kittee, can I ... kiss you?"


Hyosung could feel her cheeks burning, and she gulped before nodding shyly. With that, both of them closed their eyes as their lips slowly met. She could felt Kikwang's soft breath on her lips, before Kikwang slowly pulled away. He lay his forehead against hers, smiling widely.


"I love you."

"I love you too."


Three simple words, yet the powerful meaning behind it. The both of them stared at each other a moment longer, before going back to their original position. Hyosung leaned back on Kikwang's shoulder, while Kikwang's head on top of hers as they both stared at the stars and made the same silent wish.



Please, let our love withstand any difficulties in the future.






Anyeong! I'm back! Oh my god. I think I ate too much, my tummy is about to burst! @_@

Anyway, a new update! Do tell me how you think of it!

Kamsahamnida! *hugs.

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EnnieSuperman #1
Chapter 22: I'm Linh, i'm from Vietnam.
I just want ask you, can I translate your fic and post in my blog ?
Chapter 36: I took a longgggg break from fanfics because life just got so busy. =P

This is my first time back and I am really happy that this is the first story I read and finished. I finished the entire story in one reading. I LOVE IT!!!

Amazing storyline. Awesome characters. Love how you satisfy your readers with the different endings. I can't decide which one I love more (I have to say I love the happy ending just because I got to read about their marriage and their kids). This is absolutely one of my favorites. Thank you for giving us a wonderful story.
I finally got around to reading all of this and I have to say "Curse you for making me cry and feel emotions!!" just kidding. This story was just amazing. I loved both endings!! You are just an awesome writer!! I love you!!!
Ahhh, it ended already *wipe tears* I'm sorry for not commenting lately. Couldn't get my hands on the internet. And when I could, the words vaporize from my brain since your sad ending made me overwhelmed. <br />
What more can I say? Great, awesome story, as always. You always amazed me with your words, the way you tell your story, the flow, the angst. You left me speechless.<br />
Did I love the alternate ending? Hell yeap!!! I got a weird flashback as I read this last chapter. Somehow, I suddenly got the urge to read your cookies story XP Yes! I prefer your sweets to your angst~~~ Hahahaha.<br />
Thank you so much for sharing this story here. I hope you will continue to write~~ <br />
<br />
Btw, why didn't you put this as a completed story? There couldn't be a continuation after this right? Oh, oh, oh!
I actually read the last 'last' chapter a while back but didn't have time to comment. So it's only now that I am lol. so let me tell you where I was reading this ~ on my way to Uni on a bus and hell did I cry, thankfully there were not much people on the bus, cuz I was sobbing.*-* It took me a good half an hour to read it, that was the best bus ride EVER lol. Even though it was a happy ending ~ why do I feel this way, I don't want this to end, I really don't, I want to read about their daily life adventures after this .lolol. but I guess all good things come to an end. <3 ~ I enjoyed reading your story and the amount of emotions I felt during this whole process of reading is just unexplainable. I cried, laughed, smiled, jumped etc. It was truly a touching story <3 and If this could get published, I'd be the first ones to buy it ^^ lol. both endings were outstanding, but obviously for me the happy ending wins ~ ^^. <br />
AWESOME AMAZING OUTSTANDING PERFECT story ~ thank you so much!! ~ THANK YOU. Can't wait to read more of your stories <3 ~ <br />
Kisung all the way ~ ^^<br />
littleflowerpot Fighting!! <3