I know ... He doesn't?

Our son - HAITUS


Sorry it's been a while but I've been SUPER busy ~ I miss you guys and writing :(

But - Here is a little interlude and there is some more baby one-shots coming out.

Thank you so much for sticking with me and don't forget to like/comment/upvote.

Sophie x


It started with them holding hands as they walked down the corridor. At first they were shy, only doing so when they thought people weren’t looking, but unknown to them, I knew. I saw everything; from the blush across his cheeks whenever the other was around to the way his laugh changed pitch when the other cracked an awful joke. I noticed the matching bracelet from day one and the couple ring after three months. I was happy for them yet they didn’t know.


I was sure his parents had worked it out, same for his twin. It was blatantly obvious to me and pretty much everyone around them yet they continued to kid themselves and tell themselves no one knew. They continued to meet up in secret and lock themselves in one of their rooms where they thought no one would notice, yet we all did.


            “ANI! Jongwoo I don’t like her.” My shout resounded through the whole house as Jongwoo snatched my phone from my hand and waved it in my face. I reached out, trying to grab it back. The twin smirked evilly before throwing the device in my face and sticking his tongue out.

            “I know hyung, you’re gay,” he puffed his cheeks and frowned before laughing again and rolling around on the bed. It was at times like this when I wondered why he was my best friend.

            “Well stop,” I pouted and pocked my phone before anything else could happen. Standing up, I stretched and headed for the door. I was hungry and I knew my way around the house. I knew Jongwoo was following me as we padded along the wooden corridor, his socked footsteps louder then he thought.

            “Hyung, I want food,” he whined from behind me. It was only when we got to the door that led through to the kitchen that I stopped in my tracks.

            “Hyung wh-“ I lifted my hand to silence him before pointing at the crack in the door. Both of our breaths caught in our throats as we looked through to see Chanyeol and Jongha passionately kissing. Jongha had been backed up against the kitchen counter and encased in Chanyeol’s long arms as they made out. I turned to look at Jongwoo who looked as though he was in mild shock. Maybe I had been wrong about him knowing. Before I could stop him, Jongwoo burst into the kitchen, surprising the happy couple who immediately sprung a part whilst I just stood there with a guilty look on my face.

            “It’s not what it looks like,” Jongha was obviously panicking as his cheeks turned bright red. A look of disappointment sprung onto Chanyeol’s face as he shuffled away from Jongha who was having a mental breakdown.          

            “Oh really? Then what’s this? I’m not stupid Jongha,” Jongwoo said angrily as he pulled on his twin’s collar to reveal three or four blossoming hickeys along his collar bone. In response Jongha whimpered when the grip on his collar tightened. Suddenly snapping out of my trance, I lunged forward and ripped my best friend off his brother; Chanyeol gathering Jongha into his arms.

            “Please, don’t tell umma,” Jongha begged as he cowered into his boyfriend’s arms. I just smiled, nodding as I pulled Jongwoo into my arms and his back.

            “Don’t worry, I knew,” both Chanyeol and Jongha froze at my comment; looking at me through wide eyes.

            “What? How?” Jongha asked looking scared only to get no reply when I dragged the struggling teen in my arms out of the kitchen and into the living room. Once there, I slammed the door closed before letting Jongwoo fall clumsily onto the sofa. I watched as he sat up, hair ruffled and fist clenched whilst something of a mixture of anger and annoyance filled his large eyes.

            “Why’d you do that?” He growled. I shook my head, not talking to him until he calmed down. I didn’t understand why the younger twin was so cross; why he was overreacting? Was he jealous of his brother? Chanyeol had been a close friend to all of us since we were born and he’d never done anything wrong. He’d treated all his previous girlfriends well (the three he’d had) and he was gentle when he broke it off with them.

            “Are you calm now?” I asked a minute later when Jongwoo’s body didn’t seem so tense and his breathing was back to a normal, regular pace. My best friend nodded before reaching his arms out and pulling me forward: gripping me like I was a teddy bear as he stuffed his face into my neck.

            “Sorry,” he mumbled as he let out a sigh. I shivered when warm breath ran over my neck before lifting my hand and patting the teenager on his back.

            “S’ok,” I said, “why are you so ....?” I asked, trailing off when no word sprung to mind. Jongwoo lifted his head, looking at me through wide eyes before a sarcastic sigh left his lips.

            “I dunno hyung. Shock?” He muttered before pushing off me and stomping towards the door. I lunged forward as well, trying to stop the boy, but was too late when the tattooed teenager slipped through the gap and headed towards the kitchen.


I jumped up when my brain had finally kicked into action and headed through to the kitchen as well. I was surprised when I peeked around the corner to find a dumbfounded looking Chanyeol watching the two twins as they just stared at each other.


They were holding hands, their fingers interlocked as they looked into each other’s eyes. It was also as though they were talking to each other as slowly looks of worry turned to smiled and they pulled each other into a bear hug.


Jongwoo then turned to me, hurrying over before he was dragging me out the room. I still wasn’t sure what was going on and probably wasn’t making it easy for Jongwoo to pull me up the stairs. I didn’t say anything until we were back in the teens room, controllers in hands and eyes darting over the TV screen.

            “What happened?” I asked whilst I drove my cart across the screen and dodged around a bomb.

            “A twin thing hyung, don’t worry your precious little head.”



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Saphire32 #1
It's been a while but I hope you come back to this. It was all very good and I can't wait to read more.
I've read all the story so far and I love it. I found it looking for Chensoo but I'm glad I found it
Chapter 18: I'm so confused with the storyline. Truthfully, I don't understand anything. And I'm even more confused with this chapter. This chapter doesn't have any link to the previous chapter and it made thinking so hard who's Minwoo's (is it Minwoo or who?) partner, and why you suddenly write this chapter which is totally not related to the previous chapter. At first, I thought it was Jongha since he's Chanyeol's boyfriend and on the previous chapter you wrote about them. But when I read this chapter, the person who supposedly "broke up" is not Jongha or Chanyeol.

Also, I think you should fix the grammatical error in this fic and elaborate more about the characters and the storyline, especially the chapters about their teenager year.

It's just a friendly suggestion, I hope you will take my suggest without any offense :)
Chapter 20: Can you do more of baby Yukwon and Minwoo please???
Chapter 19: I just started reading this and its amazing! I hope Yukwon and Minwoo get together! :)
te #6
Chapter 19: Yukwonnie and Minnoe are soo cute..
ahh..but what happened to them now.. *sob*
I just thought they were starting up finally and they even broke up?? :'(
Hehe..but its awesome nontheless.. Update soon!!
benny- #7
Chapter 18: can we have a little taekai moment too ^^
tota93 #8
Chapter 18: Well that was interesting but
I want little green monster
Please update it soon
tota93 #9
Chapter 16: Awwwwww finally can't wait update spoon
maggieshawolexotic #10
Chapter 14: Update soon please! I wanna read more!!!!!