
Story of A Cold Girl

You end the call and started to think.

"How did he knew I am smiling or not ? Does he has a spy at that school ? Cannot be. As I knew, he is not the type to ask people for help. But.. people can change..... *sigh* Complicated"

You cannot slept that night as you had many things to think. You think about Kim Hye Mi, about the spy at your school and your live in the future without smiling. As you were deep in your thinking, you eyes became heavy. Soon, you slept at 4.00 a.m. 

---------------------THE NEXT MORNING AT SCHOOL'S GATE-------------------

You were about to enter the school when you heard whispers.

"There she is"

"How dare she come to school after what had happened"

"What a "

"Poker face. I thought she was innocent and shy to talk"

"Can you believe she is just a new girl here, yet she had make chaos"


You heard all the whispers and just like you usually do. Ignore it and proceed to your locker. As you were taking out books that you need for the class, some boys approached you.

"Heyyy, new girl. Since you had kissed him, can you kiss me ?"

"I'm sorry" *walk away*

"Stop the acting. The whole school had knew your real character. So, back to my question. Can you ?"

You stopped by his words. You turned around and said 

"Never believe the rumors until you see it with your eyes"

"Ooooooo~ I like your character. Do you want money or what before you kiss me ? Okey then"*take out money*

"I don't want your money"

"What so difficult ? You had kissed many man-

You turned to your right and saw one of Hoya's friends, L or Myungsoo.

"Watch your mouth. Or you will taste my punch again"

"Who are you ? Her boyfriend ? Woah~ new girl. You are really expert. How can you manage to change your boyfriend in one day"

L grabbed his collar and said

"I said watch your mouth"

"Fine. I'll not disturb your girlfriend anymore. Let's go, guys" *push L*

"Are you okey ?" *L said*

"What do you think ?"

"Want me to-

"Forget about that. Excuse me, I've to go to the class" *walk away*

"How can you just ignore what had happened ? Don't you feel angry ?"


L just watched you walked to the class.

"She must had been really suffering by the warning. Should I ask him to stop it ? He must be angry at me.. I don't know, I don't know" *L thought*

----------------------------------SKIP TO RECCESS--------------------------------

You stayed in the class as you know what will happen if you go to the canteen. You did your homeworks and studies some subjects. While you were studying, you saw a figure standing at the door. You realized his presence but ignore it as you had knew who it was. He was about to come to your desk when you warn him.

"Don't come near. People might think negative again. Go"

"Park Shin Gyul"

You stopped what you were doing and looked at him.

"That girl told him already. How fast" *you thought*

"What do you want ?" *continue doing your works*

"I'm sorry"

"For what ?" *still not looking at him*

"For causing the chaos. I knew I should not-

"Stop it. Can you go out ? You are disturbing me"

"I'm sorry" *left your classroom*

You stopped what you were doing and thought for a while.

"I'm sorry for not letting you speak what you want. Its for your own good too"

---------------------------------------------SKIP TO THE SCHOOL HAD ENDED------------------------

The whole day, you were just looking down and not speak much. The last time you speak was when Hoya came to you to apologize. You sighed as you think about your life. You never live like what you want. Not even once in your life. When you with your parent, they controlled you. They will never let you interacted with any boys. Later, when they disappeared, come the mysterious guy that never let you smile until the end of your life. As a conclusion, you cannot friends with anybody to prevent you from smiling. Sometimes, you thought if you die, you will not get any warn anymore and everyone can be happy. 

As you were about to across the road, someone pulled you back. You come to your mind and cannot think anything. 

"Are you crazy?!" *L shouted while holding your arms*

"Oh, we meet again"

"Is it important for you now ? In this situation ? Are you trying to kill yourself ?!"

"I'm not-

"Forget about that. Let's talked at the cafe"

------------------------------------TO BE CONTINUE-----------------------------

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happy2bFAN #1
Chapter 17: sequel3!!!...hehehe
ZakhirahMeyh #2
Chapter 17: sequel! i want shin gyul with woohyun! X'DD
Chapter 14: update soon
happy2bFAN #4
this story khind unique and interesting...
keep it up and i will continue to read it..hehehe