Balm of Gilead

Awaken of blossom heart

Balm of Gilead : Cure


Haneul laying on her bed and keep looking at the fans swirling it blades. For every second times flies away her thought keep mingling over what happened today. Thanks for Tao who being so kind to send her until they reach her house. She about to ask Jimin about that boy name Jaehyun she saw this evening but unfortunately he was not at home at that time probably seeing his friends.

An images keep appearing again and it give Haneul a major headache again as her hand trembling pinching her forehead to loosen the pain that hit on her.

“Happy 200th day Haneul.. I brought you, your favorite flower”. A vision of a guy standing in front of her, he was smiling and that faces again. It was so familiar and she can senses that he was someone that closed to her before.

She keep let out a big sigh as her brain keep overthinking about that vision. “Urghh I hate headache”. She massages her forehead waking up from her laying position and sit on the middle of her bed.

A crack sound can be hear from her bedroom door signing that someone was about to enter her room. “Unnie?”. Jimin head pop out from the door looking at Haneul who busying try to restrain herself from the headache.

“Ummh Jimin? Come in”, haneul give her brother a weak smiles and enter the bedroom sit on the sofa near the bed.

“Mom told me that you want to see me?”. Jimin hug one of the pillow near him as his eye can’t take away from his sister who seems to be suffered from her headache. A sudden worry come after seen his sister condition. Since his mom told him that Haneul want to see him, Jimin can senses that something was wrong.

He comes home late due to practices with his friends just now and after a quick shower he when to see Haneul. Looking at her positions now, he know that Haneul was on her own dilemma.

“Hmm you know someone known as Kim Jaehyun?”, Haneul looking at Jimin full with interest as her eyes glittering with hope for an answer. She praying very hard that Jimin know him as it will help get the answer of her puzzle questions.

Jimin was in shock, his was on freeze as Haneul bringing that name now. That name, it had being long enough he been hears since that accidents. Kim Jaehyun was a boy on his age. They both a very closed friend back then in the middle school. But after the accident, they lost contact with each other. But that was not the main things that surprised him as there is other things that related to Kim Jaehyun. His older brother.

“Jimin, you know him or not? Because he told me that he knew you”. Haneul waved her hand in front of Jimin eyes as Jimin was in his own thought.

Jimin cleared his throat nervously and slowly closed his eyes somehow afraid that his answer will give an impact to his sister “Kim Jaehyun? Yes, we used o be very closed back then…”, Jimin answer nervously try to avoid any eye contact with her sister.

“Tell me more. I know you know something Jimin. Spilt it out. I’m ready”, Haneul tied her hair into bun and hug her teddy bear anticipating to hear more from her brother.

“I don’t think it was a great timing… You know unnie, it might give a big headache. I don’t want to make you suffered. As it’s already a past and I don’t want you to be sad again like before..”. Jimin looking at the floor and from his tone it will be every sad story.

Haneul don’t even care if it will make her into  a major headache as it already give  her a lot of pressure thinking about it. She just need an answer to clarifies all the question that keep bugging her mind this couple of days. Since the accidents, a visions keep coming and she even dreamt about the same guy again and again which makes she can’t got an enough sleeps.

“Please Jimin, I need to know the truth. I hate it when I can’t get an answer for every vision and dreamt I had been through”, she half begging her brother to tells the truths.

Jimin let out a big sigh blow his front hair before took a courage to tells his sister the truths. “Okay I’ll make this simple because I don’t want you to feel burden of what happened”, he hugging the pillow more tightly bitting his lips before continue his words “You got a boyfriend before…”. Haneul look at his brother dumbfounded as she can’t really remembered any memory about having a boyfriend before. Her eyebrows join together as Jimin continues talking. “He was your senior.. two years older and his name is Kim Jaekyung”.

Haneul keep focusing on every words come from his brother as she tried to remember every information that been told from Jimin. “He got a brother name Kim Jaehyun, as you already met him before. You guys been dating for almost 1 year before..”, Jimin look away trying not to continue his words. “Before what?”, Haneul look at his brother expression who seem to be down.

“Before—he dead because of accident…”,Haneul eyes become big, his first love was dead in accident and she can’t even remember anything.

“And it happens infront of your eyes”, without she know, a drop of tears come out from her eyes. Haneul feel a very weird feelings lingering around her.

And on the right moment a big headache struck into her again and this time she can see clearly all visions. A vision for all her questions.

She saw a boy been hitting by a car lying on the air before crushed down on the road. She clearly hears a screaming and that voices was her “Jaekyunggggggggggggggg! Nooooooooo!”

Before she can even grab into that boy body another car that was on it speed crashed on him who was unconscious and that times she felt that there is no more reason for her to live. She lost the person that was important to her. Person that was her first love, that stole her first kiss and first heart. She finally found her missing puzzles but it was filled with pains.

Her hand trembling in shaking as she just saw a very tragic accident just now infront of her eyes. Tears can’t stop coming keep on calling one name, Kim Jaekyung a guy that used to be erased from her bad memory.

“Jaekyung…. Jaekyung.. Jaekyungg… Jimin.. Jaekyunggg.. I miss him.. Jimin.. “, her lips shaking as keep calling for his names. Haneul pull her hair bun as her hand keep roughly ruffles her hair.

“Mom! Mom! Mom!”, Jimin shout as he walk closely to her sister hugging her tightly

“What Jimin?”, Her mom comes after been called and she was on shock as she saw Haneul crying with her hair look messy in her pyjamas.

“What’s going on?”, her mom question him as walk closer and sit beside her before haneul hug her tightly sobbing hard on her shoulder.

“Mom, I miss Jaekyung oppa…”,a hiccups can be hear due to her sobbings.

“Oh dear Haneul, I thought we should kept all thise from you because you was in terrified before and due to several reason you somehow loss a memory about him”, she slowly rub her back to comfort her from crying more. Jimin just standing there not even moving an inch as he felt very guilty telling everything to his sister just now.

“I know you miss him… I miss him too Haneul.. Everything happened had their own reason and life must go on”. Mrs Ahn let out her hug and wiping haneul tears. Her eyes already red and puffy after been crying all her heart.



“Mom I’m so sorry. I should not told her about Taekyung hyung..” Jimin looking at the glass of milk his mom make for him just now. Mrs Ahn smiles at his son before touch his cheek lovingly “That’s okay Jimin, atleast she knows that someone used to be part of her life. Sooner or later she will know about all her past”. Jimin give his mom a weak smiles and take a sip of his milk.

Haneul already on her dream after half an hour crying. She became tired and unknowingly sleeps in her tears. Eventhou, it was hard for her to know that about the whole things, part of her tells that everything gonna be okay.

In her silent sleeps, someone comes without any single sounds looking at peacefully Haneul softly snoring. He creasing her cheek softly “Don’t be sad Haneul, life goes on and live it to the fullest”. A smiles appears on her thin lips somehow indicated that she knows Jaekyung comes to see her… comfort that what she want right now


[a/n] Hye evryone! Sorry for not updating this ff since i got really moody for two weeks and i'm on writting blocks lewls

Miannnn everyone! So i will try to updating another chappie!

And what will tao do if he saw something as wrong with Haneul ihiks //cliffhanger//


p/s : here i give u guys a cute gif of my panda >///<

hahaha look how adorable he is xD



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i twisted the plot lol ! hope you liked it


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boicexoddy #1
Chapter 12: Oh, feeling bad for Haneul, T.T
I hope you will update the next chapter soon, hehe
hwaiting authornim
boicexoddy #3
Chapter 12: OHHHHH /falls in love with Tao/
Chapter 10: Daebak authornim, I love this story <3 <3 <3 look forward the next chapter, >.<
boicexoddy #5
Chapter 9: I love it the way you relate the flower's name to the chappie! Hikhikhik keep on update okay! ^^ Tao's charm is overwhelming kkeekeke I might steal him from you xD
boicexoddy #6
boicexoddy #7
Chapter 7: Wahhh nice story after all as expected from my dearly Syeera kekekeke aw aw aw update soon puhleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee babbbyyyy
psungjae1122 #8
Chapter 6: So short TTTT but anyways good luck in advance for your exam ^^
psungjae1122 #9
Chapter 5: Aww so sweet of Jiminnie ^·^ I sense TAO IS COMING!!! but whos from Japan?