First night in Singapore: The food.

Love Me For My Imperfections.

To Minah, the plane ride flew by much faster than she expected. When she got up to exit the plane, she felt as if her legs were jelly, and almost fell over.

“Whoa, watch yourself!” Junsu said, stabling her before she fell.

“Thanks,” She said, “My legs feel like jelly…and not to mention my ears feel like they popped…is this normal?”

Junsu laughed, “Yeah, but you’ll get used to it.”

“Used to it?” Minah exclaimed, “There’s more flying?!”

Junsu laughed again, “It’s not so bad…I remember the first time I went on a plane…I was six and we had to visit a relative in America…The plane ride was around 13 hours, it was horrible.” He smiled at recalling the memory, “I cried so many times, wanting to go home.”

Minah gave a chuckle, “I guess I’ll get used to it soon.”

“Trust me, it’s not that bad the second time.”

The two got off the plane and headed over to baggage claim. Junsu helped Minah get her suitcase and even helped carry it for her. She was glad to have a friend like Junsu to depend on.

- -

The six of them all got into separate vans and drove for almost an hour until they reached their hotel. Manger Kim was nice enough to get Minah her own suite, considering she was the only girl.

The bellboy carried Minah’s stuff to her suite and showed her how to swipe the key card in the door. She thanked him and gave him the money as the tip just as Manger Kim has instructed.

She looked around the entire room, and it was gorgeous. The windows were big and stretched from the floor to the ceiling. There was a television and a couch with a mini kitchen. There were two doors, one led to the bathroom and another that led to the bedroom, where a four poster bed sat. Minah jumped onto the bed and buried herself within the massive amount of pillows.

“This is amazing.” She said to herself. The plane ride was horrid, but this defiantly made up for it. She looked out the window and saw the tall buildings and people roaming the streets. She couldn’t wait to explore the streets and visit the shops. She grabbed her bag and shoes and headed for the door. Just when she opened it, Manger Kim stood on the other side.

“Hi Minah, I was just going to get you, come on, it’s time to go.” Manger Kim said, with a smile on his face. Minah realized that this guy is always too happy go-lucky.

“Where are we going?” Minah asked.

“They boys have a schedule…and then after we’re going to get something to eat.”

Minah was disappointed that they weren’t going to explore Singapore. She didn’t even want to go to wherever they’re going. It was always so boring, “Can I just walking around the city by myself?”

“No, that’s not possible, I don’t want you getting lost.”

Minah signed and followed him down the corridors, down the elevators and into the vans where everyone else were waiting.

- -

“Good job guys!” Manger Kim said after they were done their schedule. “Very charismatic performance too!”

“Thanks manger!” The guys all said.

Everyone boarded the van and drove off to the restaurant, where Manger Kim already made reservations. There were a lot of fans taking pictures while they were there. It annoyed Minah to no end that these people kept pestering them. But then again, what can she possibly do?

- -

Minah arrived back at her suite around 8:00pm and collapsed on the couch and the T.V. It wasn’t long until she heard a sudden knock at the door. She went over and opened the door to see Jaejoong on the other side.

“Hey, we’re going out, wanna come?”

Minah nodded her head and grabbed her things, and turned off the T.V. She followed Jaejoong downstairs, with the most uneasy feeling. Was it something she ate? Why does she feel all weird around him?

“Is something the matter?” Jaejoong asked.

Minah shook her head, “Nothing…nothing at all.” She forced a smile.

They met up with the others and walked down the streets of Singapore.

“It’s so nice here!” Changmin exclaimed, “I wonder if there are any good foods.”

“The point is to sightsee, not eat.” Yunho shook his head.

“Trying new foods are also very important!” Changmin yelled.

“Okay I get it, you don’t have to yell.” Yunho said.

“Hey! Look!” Junsu pointed, “A night market is opening up. We should go.”

“I’ve never been to a night market, is it fun?”

“It’s more than fun!” Changmin yelped, “There’s sooo much food!”

“Not only that, there’s knickknacks and stuff like that.” Yoochun added.

“But most importantly, there’s the food!” Changmin butted in.

“We get it…” Yunho sighed, “This is going to be a long night.”

- -

A/N: Hey guys! So I decided to update again today! :P

I kind of wrote this in a rush, so sorry if there is any grammar mistakes (Now that I think about it, I'm always saying this .__. )

Anyways...So this is probably going to the the last update for a while, unless I mange to squeeze in time. I've got so much projects/presentations/reports comming up x__x

But I pre wrote chapter 19, so just incase I dont have time to write, I can just come on and post it :D

That is...if I have the time.

OH AND! I started a new story called, "Kill Two Birds, With One Stone."

It's basically involving 2PM haha :P Well, if you're intrested, check it out here! It's only the foward but I pre wrote around 3 chapters already, so maybe I'll post another chapter up tomorrow?

Okay I'll stop blabering. :P

- Laterssss.

P.S. Thank you for the comments and subscriptions, it means so much to me :)

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omg, jessica, I see drama~
great update! :D
awww i love the update ^^
happy new year!<br />
yay! minah loves jaejoong~
what will happen O____O
changmin and food ;)
Jaejooong's so caring :3<br />
but he shouldn't mention the orphange... tsk!
anonymous_runner #8
Aish..jae calling out about orphanage like that just..aigoo