The truth is in the rain.

Love Me For My Imperfections.

“Why did we let this happen…” Yoochun sighed.

The five of them were all sitting in the waiting room at the E.R. Ever since Minah got admitted, all visitors were denied. Manger Kim went through great trouble, coming up with a fake name for Minah, since she was still wanted for escaping the orphanage.

“You guys should have thrown it out!” Jaejoong exclaimed.

“We should have?” Yunho shot up, “You printed it out!”

“It was an accident!” Jaejoong shot up and now the two were face to face, almost inches apart.

“Guys, calm down, don’t start a fight in the emergency room.” Yoochun tried to sooth them both.

“What are we going to do?” Junsu asked.

“Well, manger Kim said she didn’t know about her illness…she left the orphanage right after she was tested.” Yoochun said,

“That explains why she was so surprised to see the article.” Yunho added. “If she knew she had an illness, she would have just left without a word.”

“Or she could have stayed and killed us.” Changmin chirped in.

“It’s not the time for jokes. And besides, the type of illness she has can do us no harm.” Jaejoong said. “But with her…the damage can be critical.” Jaejoong starred at the floor, not wanting the other members to see his face. He knew concern was written all over it and he didn’t need them teasing him at the moment.

Junsu got up and went over to the nurse’s desk, “Can we see…Jae Hwa?” Junsu almost rolled his eyes, could manger Kim come up with more of a dumb name for her?

“Sorry, still no visitors.” She said behind her computer screen.

Junsu went back and slumped over in his chair. “What’ll we do now?” He asked.

“We wait.” Yoochun replied.

- -

“Doctor! Can we see Jae Hwa now?” Yunho asked.

“Sorry, she’s still resting.”

“How bad is it?” Jaejoong asked.

“She has a high fever, but other than that, she should be fine. However…” The doctor cringed, not wanting to say what he’s about to say next. “She might suffer from some memory loss. We don’t know the cause, but it’s likely that she won’t remember anything from the past 5 hours or so.”

The five guys nodded their head and all sat back down.

- -

Hours later, the guys shuffled into the small room that Minah was staying at. She lied on the bed, asleep with tubes connect to her.

“Guys…be quiet, we don’t want to wake her up.” Yoochun said.

Just then, Junsu bumped into the little table beside the bed, knocking over the lamp. “Oops…” Me muttered.

Yoochun sighed, and picked the lamp back up. “Nice going, idiot.”

Minah’s eyes slowly opened and drifted over to where the five guys stood. A thin, lifeless smile spread across her face. She looked around and then tried to get up.

“Careful.” Jaejoong said, rushing to her side. He slowly helped her sit up.

“Where am I?” Minah asked.

“Hospital.” Jaejoong replied.

“Why am I here?”

“The rain–” Junsu started.

“You went to buy Changmin cake mix, but the rain made you sick, and you passed out when you got home.” Jaejoong quickly cut off Junsu.

The other four guys stood there like stone. Did Jaejoong just lie about why Minah was at the hospital? Yoochun spoke up, “Are you feeling better?”

Minah nodded, “Yeah…thanks…” She looked around the room once again. Minah felt something was missing. Something she couldn’t quit grasp. She looked out the small window and saw small drops of water on the glass. It was still raining. She squinted her eyes to get a more clear view of the rain. The pitter patter made small sounds that seemed to play with Minah’s memory. She decided to forget about it. Whatever it is, she’ll remember it soon.

- -

Yoochun and Jaejoong walked down the long corridors of the hospital to sign Minah out. It was awkwardly silent until Yoochun spoke up.

“Why did you lie?” He asked.

Jaejoong stopped in his tracks, “You would have done it too.”

“Jae, she deserves to know.”

“Do you want her to have another episode?” Jaejoong’s voice rose, “Besides, we’re lucky she doesn’t remember. It’s better that she doesn’t remember what happened at the apartment.”

“This isn’t fair to her.”

“That’s not my biggest concern right now.” Jaejoong snapped back. He continued walking down the hallway, leaving Yoochun behind. Sure, he did lie. And yes, it was unfair. But in the end, all he has was good intentions.

Besides, it’s not like Minah will remember.


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omg, jessica, I see drama~
great update! :D
awww i love the update ^^
happy new year!<br />
yay! minah loves jaejoong~
what will happen O____O
changmin and food ;)
Jaejooong's so caring :3<br />
but he shouldn't mention the orphange... tsk!
anonymous_runner #8
Aish..jae calling out about orphanage like that just..aigoo