Enter green eyed monster.

Love Me For My Imperfections.

The guys and SNSD filled up the small waiting area, making extra touch ups and doing some practice vocals. From the corner of Minah’s eyes, she saw Jaejoong and Jessica standing next to each other. She was laughing at literally EVERYTHING he said. Minah came to a conclusion that Jessica is flirting with him, and she was doing a very bad job at it too. Jaejoong said something which caused Jessica to laugh and playfully put her hand on her chest. Minah gagged out of disgusts. Even thought she did not look directly at them, she could tell Jessica’s eyes were piercing through her skull. For some reason, Minah’s chest started to hurt. It was a light pain, almost like someone stuck little thin safety pins in her chest. It wasn’t the fact that Jessica was starring her down like a vulture. It wasn’t the fact that Jessica was laughing at everything Jaejoong said, or the fact that she’s touching him here and there.  It was the fact that he let her do that. She didn’t know why on earth this bothered her so much, or why she wants to go over there and yank all of Jessica’s hair out.

Annoyed, she got up and walked over to the vending machine. Maybe a drink will calm her down. It wasn’t until she reached the vending machine that she realized she didn’t have any money on her. Now she’ll just look like an idiot browsing the drinks. Not that anyone would actually spare their time to pay attention to her.

“Thirsty?” A voice said beside her. The voice was husky and said in a low tone. She knew just who it was.

Minah looked at Jaejoong, “Yup.”

He gave a small chuckle, “Anything in mind?” He nudged his head towards the vending machine.

“I was kind leaning towards air. I mean, it is free.” Minah joked.

“No money?”

“Nope.” Minah continued to stare at the machine. Her eyes landed on a can of pineapple juice. It’s been so long since she drank it. The last time she drank pineapple juice was when she’d been at the orphanage and her only friend, Jisun, snuck some in from the convenience store.

Jaejoong noticed her eyes land on the can and pulled out his wallet and stuck a bunch of coins in the machine. There was a plop sounds and he reached down to retrieve the can. He handed it over to Minah. “Personally, I’d drink water after a hangover, but you know, I guess pineapple juice is…good too.” He joked.

Minah smiled, “Thanks but, the last thing I wanted is for you to buy me anything.”

Jaejoong held the can closer towards Minah, “I’ll just add it to your tab.”

Minah gave a small laugh then took the can. “Thanks.” She said then walked back towards the couch. The whole time, when she was standing at the vending machine, when Jaejoong talked to her, when he gave her the can, she felt Jessica’s eyes on her.

- -

After SNSD’s performance, they came back into the room and started chit chatting. Minah hate to admit, but it was a lot quieter when they weren’t here.

“DBSK, you’re on in ten minutes!” Someone shouted from the back.

Minah sat on the couch, starring at the ceiling out of boredom. She shifted her gaze to Jaejoong, who was speaking to Yoochun. A small smile crept across her face. Her smile was quickly wiped off when Jessica walked up to Jaejoong. She didn’t know what they were saying exactly, but she kind of had an idea:

“Jaejoong, I’m so thirsty after my performance.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, I think I’m gonna go get a drink or something.”

“Want me to buy you one?”

“Oh, that would be very kind of you! Thank you!”


Minah’s realized the conversation she imagined in her mind was quite accurate since they began to walk to the vending machine. A little while later, there was a small plop and Jessica bent over to get the bottled beverage. What a , Minah thought.

She sighed and starred at the can on the coffee table, beside where her feet were propped up. She hated the fact that Jaejoong bought Jessica something to drink. She felt anxious and anger at the same time. Could it be that she was jealous? Minah shook her head. No way in hell was she jealous over Jessica being so close to Jaejoong. Besides, Jaejoong was rude and nasty to her, so it was best to ignore it.

Minah couldn’t help but to flick her eyes towards Jaejoong and Jessica. She was laughing, and touching him – again. Minah got up the couch and stomped her way towards the back, where the dressing rooms and washrooms were. She stood the in the washroom with her back against the door, clutching her head. Why am I feeling like this? She thought. Her heart was thumping against her chest, almost as if it wants to jump out. Her breathing got heavier, and then all of a sudden, everything went black.

- -

“I don’t want to take it!” Minah shouted on the top of her lungs.

“Failure to take your medicine upon given will result in detention.” The nurse in white said.

“Either way, I’ll still end up there!” Minah argued.

“Be a good girl and take your medicine.” The nurse held the tray before Minah. On it was a small plastic cup with 3 pills in it. Minah looked at the tray than back up to the nurse. Out of anger, she slapped the tray, sending it flying over the nurse’s head.

“Don’t think you can tell me what to do.” Minah warned her, “I’ll kill you.” She gritted through her teeth.

“I think she needs the shot.” Another nurse said. She held up a walkie talkie, “Code white.” She spoke into it.

Minah started to run down the halls until two men caught her and pinned her down. The same nurse who called ‘code white’ came up to her with a small syringe in her hands, “This will only hurt a bit.” She smirked.

- -

“AHHHHHH!” Minah screamed on the top of her lungs, “STOP IT! GET AWAY FROM ME!” She clutched her head. She stopped screaming when she realized she was in the washroom backstage. Minah’s eyebrows wrinkled and tears slid down her face. What was that? She thought. Minah knew it was her, she knew it was the orphanage, but she doesn’t remember that happening to her, ever. Maybe it was just all in her mind. But her wrists hurt from being pinned down. How can that even be possible? It was all in her head, so why does her wrist hurt? She shook her head then leaned back against the door. Whatever it was, Minah wished it would never happen again.

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omg, jessica, I see drama~
great update! :D
awww i love the update ^^
happy new year!<br />
yay! minah loves jaejoong~
what will happen O____O
changmin and food ;)
Jaejooong's so caring :3<br />
but he shouldn't mention the orphange... tsk!
anonymous_runner #8
Aish..jae calling out about orphanage like that just..aigoo