Hearts beating faster and faster.

Love Me For My Imperfections.

Minah got up in the middle of the night and fumbled around her room, looking for that stupid portfolio Mr. Kim gave her. She finally found it a sat back down on her bed to read through it. As much as she hates doing this, she didn’t have much of a choice. It’s not like she wants to bring someone to their death bed by mistake.

After about two hours of reading through this, she learned pretty much all she needed to know. Jaejoong likes spicy things, Yoochun can’t eat shrimps, Junsu likes sweets, Yunho likes salty foods and Changmin pretty much eats everything. She closed the portfolio and threw it onto the ground. Then she got back up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Even though she was here for a month now, she still didn’t know what most of the things are kept. She took a mental note to figure out where they keep everything. She looked under the cabinets under the sink and found a bunch of bottles. Minah cocked her head to the side. She picked up a bottle that read Absolute. She turned the bottled and read the other words. She saw things that read alcohol and vodka. She opened the bottle and sniffed the liquid. She made a sour face. It smelled disgusting.

“What is this?” She asked herself, “Dish cleaner?”

“It’s vodka, stupid.” Jaejoong said behind her.

She turned around, facing Jaejoong. “What’s that?” She raised an eyebrow, starring at the bottle.

“It’s a beverage. And I suggest you not to drink it.” Jaejoong walked over and snatched the bottle then put it back to its hiding place.

“Is it yours?” Minah asked.

“Yes and no.” Minah raised an eyebrow, Jaejoong sighed. “It’s mine but they don’t know.”

“I wanna try it.” Minah said quickly.

Jaejoong laughed then shook his head, “Are you serious? You’re 18. It’s not even legal for you yet.”

Minah shrugged, “It’s not like I’m doing this in public.”

“I can’t give it to you.” Jaejoong chuckled, he couldn’t believe she wanted to drink vodka, more importantly, his vodka. Jaejoong liked to drink, and when he did, he didn’t like sharing his drinks. More of the reason why he hid it.

“I’ll tell the others.” Minah crossed her arms in front of her chest and smirked at him.

“Are you playing your kindergarten games with me?” Jaejoong smirked.

Minah walked up to Jaejoong, their nose only inches apart. “Are you going to let me drink it, or no?”

Jaejoong’s eyes softened, “Fine.” He said, Minah happily smiled, “But if you tell them, I’ll kill you.”

“We’ll see who ends up killing who.” Minah chirped, picking at her nails.

Jaejoong froze for a second and the thought of her crazy illness entered his mind, but it left as soon as it came. Should he really be letting her drink this?

- -

Minah clanked her glass on the counter, “Fill her up.”

“That’s your 9th cup, I’m not giving you anymore.” Jaejoong said, tightening the cap around the bottle.

“Come on, JAAAEEEEJOONIE, one more cup! Make it an even 10!”

“You’re too drunk,” Jaejoong sighed. “What am I gonna do with you?” He hosted her up with his arm and dropped her on the couch. He sat down beside her and Minah leaned herself against him, unable to stabilized herself. To Minah’s surprise, he let her lean against him. She smiled to herself then starts to giggle. “Are you feeling alright?” Jaejoong asked.

“No!” Minah laughed. “I’m not.” She brought her legs up onto the couch and bought her knees close to her chest. “I’m not alright…” Her tone changed to a sulkier tone, and she stopped laughing.  

Before Jaejoong knew what he was even doing, he brought her arms around her, she was now against his chest. “You have a nice heartbeat.” She whispered, then she giggled, “It’s getting faster.”

Jaejoong’s cheeks went red. He felt his heart against his chest, beating faster and faster. Was it because of Minah? He felt tingles in his stomach when he put his arms around her. He only did that as an act of protection for her, she was drunk after all. But maybe, he knew in his heart that it was much, much more than just protection. He looked down at her and realized there were tears falling down her face. She buried her face into his chest then when she looked back up at him, there were two wet marks on his shirt from her tears.  

“When I was four, my mom abandoned me.” She sobbed, she looked back down at her nails and started to pick at them, a habit of hers that Jaejoong noticed.

Jaejoong’s eyes widened. Is that why she ended up at an orphanage? Is that why she had disorders with her personality? He thought for a moment, maybe this could be the chance for him to figure something out. “Why did she leave?” He asked. He felt bad for prying her of information when she’s at this state. It almost felt like he was taking advantage of her, but maybe getting it out of her chest was good for her too.

“I don’t know…” She sniffed, “It was raining…she left me in front of these giant doors, then just ran away…then the doors opened…” She stopped then became quiet. Could it be that she thought she revealed too much?

“What happened when the doors opened…?” Jaejoong asked.

“I don’t know…” She gasped, “It all went black, and I don’t remember what happened next…”

“What happened at your orphanage?” Jaejoong asked quietly.

Minah opened to speak, but then closed them. “I can’t tell you.” She whispered in a harsh tone.

Jaejoong held his breaths, and then a moment later, he started to breathe again. Jaejoong knew she was hiding something. Maybe it’s not the time to make her expose it yet, but the time will come. For now, he’ll just sit here on the couch, with Minah in his arms. And with that thought, his heart started to beat fast again. He heard her giggle.

“Your heart’s beating fast again…” She smiled against his chest, “I like it.”

- -


Hey readers! So, I just wanted to thank you guys all for reading so far ^^ And many thanks for my subscribers, and commenters! <3 It means a lot to me that you guys are reading, and commenting on the story. ^^

So, I'm not really sure when I'll be updating again, but I will try to update again by the end of this week! School is starting soon as well, so I'm not sure if I'll be updating as fast, however, I will try to update every Sunday when September comes around.

If I don't update for a while, I'll most likely drop by and post up some teasers/previews! So look forward to that.

Also, I know that at the moment, the story isn't as intresting as it should be...but, it's all slowly falling into place right now. I hope I don't bore anyone! Haha, but trust me, there'll be atleast a few twists comming up in later chapters, I've got it all planned out!

Once again, thanks you guys all! I wish I can thank you all induvidually, but this way, my message gets out to everyone, even readers who don't have AFF accounts! ^^ <3

Thanks for reading! Lots of love.

xoxo <3

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omg, jessica, I see drama~
great update! :D
awww i love the update ^^
happy new year!<br />
yay! minah loves jaejoong~
what will happen O____O
changmin and food ;)
Jaejooong's so caring :3<br />
but he shouldn't mention the orphange... tsk!
anonymous_runner #8
Aish..jae calling out about orphanage like that just..aigoo