"appa where are we going??why did you pack my bags??"

"kongju you will live in a different place now"


she looked down



"appa what if daddy donghae came back and he will not see me here.he will be sad"


kongju really loves her daddy donghae


"daddy donghae will not come back here"


she hit my shoulder

"let appa finish first"




"but don't worry appa will find daddy donghae .i'll find a way to keep in touch with him"


"promise!! :)'


she hugged me

"appa you will not leave kongju right??"

"neh !!why would i??appa loves you very much!!"


*fast forward


we reached the place bigbang is now staying


i knocked

top hyung opened the door


"oh jiyong you're here"


we entered

kongju hid behind me

"oh hi kongju:)"


"kongju why are you hiding??"


"appa im scared"



"his voice is like a monster"




pointing top hyung


"he's not a monster"

"he is"

"no he is top hyung.he's a nice guy"



top hyung spoke

"im sorry if i scared you :)here.."


he gave a candy to kongju

"gomawo :)"


the others came too

i left kongju with them


top hyung talked to me


"what's your plan??"

"im gonna take her with me to japan"

"is our manager aware of this??"

"neh.i talked to him already"

"you know the possible consequences,i hope"

"neh.i believe our fans will understand and accept kongju"

"neh me too.but just in case it does not happen what will you do??"

"mmm...hyung what's important for me now is kongju.im willing to leave everything for her"

he patted my shoulder


"aww kyeoptaahhhh!!"-seungri



"what happened??"

"my cheeks hurt appa :("


her cheeks are kinda red


"seungri pinched her cheeks"-daesung

then hit seungri's head

"but she's too cute can't help it"


kongju hugged my legs


"im sorry kongju!!v!!"-seungri


she nod smiling


"we're friends now??"-seungri

"neh :)"

"bad move kongju"-taeyang



kongju laughed

"don't mind him"


"you're stuffed toy id cute"

"it's mr nemo.im gonna give this to daddy donghae when he comes back.right appa??"



they all looked at me

*fast forward


we're now here in the airport


i noticed kongju was not with me anymore



i started to panic and look for her






i saw her 

"kongju what are you doing here??i said always stay beside me"

"im sorry appa but i that butterfly again it showed up again"


"remember the butterfly im  chasing when we first met??i saw it again"

"but butterflies all look the same"

"no!!that butterfly kissed my forehead!!i know it's the same butterfly"

"how can a butterfly kiss your forehead??"

"i don't know.it just rested on my forehead.and it felt like someone kissed my forehead"





i lifted her up and go back 

"appa!!!the butterfly!!"


i looked at where she's pointing


i saw



























she's smiling


i felt goosebumps

i felt too much happiness when i saw that smile again



i felt little fingers on my face

"appa why are you crying??"




i looked at it again but she's gone


"appa why does that butterfly kiss me??"

"molla maybe he has a crush on you"

'what's a crush??"

"ahh nothing!"

"what is it??"

"don't mind it"

"appa what is it??"

"forget it!!"




they say butterflies are the spirits of our loved ones

guarding and watching us


i know that butterfly was dara


she's the reason why i met kongju


she made us see each other



"appa wanna sleep"

i put her on my lap with her head on my shoulder


"appa sing for me"

 i sang butterfly as lullaby


she fell asleep 


dara never really left us

she's just there


i promise im gonna take care of kongju

she's the best gift i ever received

and it's from you

just be happy whereever you are now

now everything's over 

im gonna start a new life now 

a new life with kongju


but if i were to take something from my past life

that would be you

i will always love you






that's it!!

i hope you liked the whole fic

sorry for errors!!V!


what's your favorite part??

rate my story at a scale of 1-10


just comment your answers :)

im gonna write a one shot first before writing a new fic

my one shot's title is MY GROOM then the new fic will be PLEASE GIVE MY HEART TO JESSICA JUNG!!

gonna try jihaesica triangle hehehe!!does that exists!!??haha!!

hope y'all read it !!


so yeah tnx for everything !!

see u soon chingus!!:)





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Chapter 19: Maybe not a happy ending for dara ad ji, but still a happy life with kongju.. :)
jessicabyun #2
Chapter 19: fudge, i cried a lot...
mara625 #3
Chapter 19: its kinda sad...but your story is very nice
eunhee16_VIP #4
Chapter 19: Great story. I was touched of Dara's sacrifice and cried because of jiyong's heartbreak. Authornim, great job! JJANG! ^____^
chasycheska #5
Chapter 19: i can't keep from crying...this story is awsome!!! :)
Chapter 19: waaahhhh~~~ the feels!!! my tears forming in my eyes...gaaahh!~ great great great~~ i love this it's awesome!!
waaahhh i can feel the story even i only read the foreword!!
Going to read it now... :)
shidxxx #8
aww poor jiyong! ;(
kay_hyo_ree #9
Chapter 19: My favourite part:10
purple_bee #10
Its heartwarming... Haist...