
Substitute Love

Late at night, Ji Hyo was closing up the café alone and she took her own sweet time trying to clean up while waiting for Jong Kook to end his meeting. As she was about to call him, an unexpected visitor came into the café.

“Dong Hoon Oppa, what are you doing here?” Ji Hyo greeted the man who just came in.

“I dropped by to pass you Jong Kook Hyung’s stuff.” Dong Hoon said.

“Why don’t you pass him yourselves?” Ji Hyo was puzzled.

“I know you are going to meet him later.” Dong Hoon started. “I doubt I’m going to see him any time soon. I drove by here to see if you or Gary Hyung is around. You would be a better option since now you two are like super glue. Have you not seen each other for a day yet?” Dong Hoon asked in a joking tone.

“Don’t be jealous Ha Dong Hoon.” Ji Hyo retaliated. “You can always meet your ‘uri hyung’ if you want to. It’s not like I chained him up or something. You could wait for him, he should be coming by soon. I could go home and let the both of you enjoy your times.”

“No thank you.” Dong Hoon rejected the offer. “I have better things to do than seeing you two being all lovey dovey in front of me.” The two started their bickering session once again. Since the day that Jong Kook and Ji Hyo both confessed their feelings, they had been inseparable. Apart from the times where they had to work, the both of them spent most of their free times together.

Ji Hyo even started to join Jong Kook to meet Gary and Dong Hoon at Gary’s restaurant where she even became good friends with the latter. Dong Hoon and Ji Hyo often bickered which made both Jong Kook and Gary laughed. Gary and Dong Hoon could tell that Jong Kook was very happy to be with Ji Hyo, the glow he lost was once again in his eyes. Jong Kook was significantly happier compared to the time he came back. Ji Hyo totally brought back the Jong Kook they thought they would never see again.

Initially, Dong Hoon was worried for Jong Kook, wondering if he had made the right decision to be with Ji Hyo. Considering the fact that Ji Hyo and Seong im really do very alike, he was afraid that he was hurting himself by thinking Ji Hyo was Seong Im. However, after getting to know Ji Hyo better, his opinion had changed for the better. He could tell that apart from the looks, Ji Hyo and Seong Im were quite different. In addition, the differences were very apparent for people who knew both of them slightly better. For one, Seong Im was always cheerful and overfriendly to anyone while Ji Hyo looked like she was spacing out most of the time plus may appeared as unfriendly to people she just knew. He recalled the first time that he met Ji Hyo at the hospital, she was barely smiling. 

In actual fact, Ji Hyo was actually quite enjoyable to hang out with. She was fun to tease and thoughtful towards the people around her. She was able to tell his likes and dislikes after eating a meal or two together, which amazed Dong Hoon. At times, when Ji Hyo was not able to join them for dinner, the three of them came down to visit her at the café. Through there, he saw how Ji Hyo was very caring towards Kwang Soo and Lizzy.  It did not appear as though they were her employee, but rather a family of hers.

 It was no surprise to him that both of his hyung can fall for her after knowing her well. Right now, he was more worried for Gary who seemed to be acting fine after knowing Jong Kook and Ji Hyo got together. He was not sure if Gary really liked Ji Hyo, or just a passing crush for her. When he asked him, Gary simply brushed it off by saying she was just a little sister to him.

“Anyway, I have to go off now. Byul is waiting for me.” Dong Hoon mentioned after they stopped arguing. “Remember to pass the bag to him!” Dong Hoon reminded her and left the café.

A short while later, Jong Kook came into the café. Seeing Jong Kook coming in, she walked towards him and both of them embraced each other. “Sorry, the meeting ended late. We had to settle some loose ends.” Jong Kook apologized as he kissed her cheeks. “You are alone today?” He asked after noticing Ji Hyo was the only one in the café.

“Kwang Soo had left early and Lizzy was on a day off today.” Ji Hyo answered. “I’m done. We can go now.” The two of them left the café and Jong Kook drove to his house. Since it was late and Jong Kook’s house was near the mall, they decided to order takeout and spend time at Jong Kook’s house watching tv drama with on the couch together. They sat side by side each other closely with Ji Hyo resting on his shoulder and Jong Kook placed one of his arm on her waist.

“Your Dongsaeng came by and asked me to pass you that bag.” Ji Hyo said as she pointed to the bag that was lying on the couch beside them. “What was in there?”

“You wouldn’t want to know.” Jong Kook disturbed her by keeping her in suspense.

“So you are keeping secrets from me now?” Ji Hyo removed herself from his shoulder to turn and glare at Jong Kook.

“No…” Jong Kook . “It is something…” Jong Kook started whispering softly to her ears after moving his head next to her ears. “Only a guy need…. At night…”

“What?!” Ji Hyo raised her voice a little out of astonishment, her cheek was starting to redden.

“We could use it later Ji Hyo yah.” His tone turned into a seductive one as he continued to whisper into her ear.

“Yah! Kim Jong Kook!” Ji Hyo pulled his hair as she blushed more upon hearing Jong Kook’s words, imagining all kind of weird stuffs between both Jong Kook and Dong Hoon.

“Ouch. It hurts.” Jong Kook tried to remove Ji Hyo’s hand from his hair. “It was just a jacket that I asked Dong Hoon to buy it for me! I’m joking!” Ji Hyo who was in doubt stood up to open the bag. Turned out, it was really a man jacket and Jong Kook chortled. “I could wear it to sleep at night, plus is a guy jacket.” Jong Kook made something up as though he was not in the wrong.

“Yah Kim Jong Kook!” Ji Hyo wanted to grab his hair again but Jong Kook was fast enough to grab both of her hands. He quickly gave her a peck on her lips trying to appease her. However, Ji Hyo decided to bite his lips hard when their lips touched.

“What was that for?!” Jong Kook asked after he quickly removing his lips.

“That was for making me like a fool just now.” Ji Hyo gave him a smirk, feeling proud that she had gotten her mini revenge.

Jong Kook returned her smirk by pulling her even closer and started kissing her deeply. They wrapped their arms around each other and started lying down on the couch with Ji Hyo on top of him. They pulled away to catch their breath for a moment, looked into each other and smiled.

“Do you remember?” Jong Kook asked. “We were like this, the exact same position.”

Ji Hyo blushed again, even redder than a moment ago thinking about the first time they made out on the same sofa.  It was wildly inappropriate but she could not deny both of them did enjoy that moment.

“I wondered what will happen if Kwang Soo did not interrupt the moment.” Jong Kook tried to again, remembering the exact same question that Ye Jin asked previously.

“We can always find out now…” Ji Hyo gave a seductive smile and made Jong Kook feel aroused.

“I would be delighted to. But, it’s late. You got to get home.” Jong Kook slowly pulled the both of them up. “Let me get you home.”

“It’s very late Oppa. You have an early meeting tomorrow.” Ji Hyo mentioned. “I could always get home myself.”

“Don’t be a nuisance.” Jong Kook stood up. “Let’s go.”

“Or… I could stay over. We can spend more time together.” Ji Hyo suggested. “It’s nearer to the mall, I can wake up later and go to the café. I have spare clothes in the café to change tomorrow.”

Jong Kook gulped at Ji Hyo’s innocent suggestion. He knew Ji Hyo suggested it for the convenience of both of them. This way, Jong Kook did not need to make a double trip to and fro which would be tire him out for the early meeting, and Ji Hyo would be able to rest longer at his house since his house was nearer to the café compared to her house. However, to Jong Kook, it could have meant something more. His mind was turning wild and his heart started to race fast as she became incredibly attractive to him. “I’m a guy Ji Hyo yah, even though I’m your boyfriend, you should not let your guard down like that. I might not be able to guarantee what happened later.” He said in his mind.

“Since you are not saying anything, I’m staying Oppa.” She smiled at him, and continued to watch the tv.

Jong Kook sighed as he knew he would not be able to win Ji Hyo. “Then I shall sleep on the couch, you could take my bed.”

“This is your house Oppa.” Ji Hyo sounded amused. “Just sleep on your own bed.”

“How about you?” Jong Kook asked again. “I can’t let you sleep on the couch.”

“Then let us rest on the bed together.” Ji Hyo suggested casually.

“Huh?!” Jong Kook was astonished by what he heard.

“I trust you not to do anything silly Oppa. Let’s rest now. It’s really late.” Ji Hyo said after looking the time on the wall. “Let me borrow your shower first okay.”

After Jong Kook nodded, Ji Hyo had gone to the shower room. Jong Kook went to his wardrobe and grabbed one of his t-shirt for Ji Hyo to wear with her own shorts. While Ji Hyo was in the shower, Jong Kook tried to concentrate on the TV but failed. His mind was running wild thinking all kind of possibility that could happen if they had slept together. This was not the first time Ji Hyo was in his house and definitely not the first time they had spent the night together. Somehow, he felt extremely nervous because it was different from the first time, Ji Hyo was sicked at that moment. Right now, Ji Hyo was fully conscious and saying things that are tempting him to do something crazy.

“I’m done Oppa. You can shower now.” Ji Hyo informed him and he got startled. “Oppa, I shall rest on your bed first okay. I will wait for you.”

“Wait Ji Hyo wait.” Ji Hyo had closed his room door before he could say anything else.

“Aish, this Song Ji Hyo really doesn’t think of any consequences of her words.” Jong Kook said to himself.

By the time he was done showering, Ji Hyo had fallen asleep on his bed with his blanket. Her body was curled up together and his blanket was covering half of her body, leaving some of legs and top half of his shirt exposed. He sat beside her, admiring her peaceful face as she was sleeping. He tucked her fringe behind her ears and caressed her face.

His mind was fighting with his heart. His heart was telling him yes but his mind was saying no. In the end, his mind had won the battle. He gently kissed her forehead and whispered to her ears. “Goodnight my sleeping beauty.” He took the extra pillow and blanket out of the room after covering her up with the blanket on his bed.

Ji Hyo woke up in the middle of the night to find she was alone on the bed. She quietly open the door and found Jong Kook sleeping on his couch. “Still a gentleman as always.” She thought to herself as she sat beside him.

When she made those suggestions, she really trusted Jong Kook fully to not do anything to her. He knew her boyfriend was such a gentleman, even though at times he loved to disturb her with those words, he would not do anything silly. She knew she was playing with fire, after all Jong Kook was a perfect straight man. Even so, if she and Jong Kook did proceed further from making out of the couch, she would not mind. The affection for him was starting to grow so deep, she was ready to give him that much. Yet, after dropping subtle hints to him, Jong Kook still being Jong Kook, decided to stay away from her.

“The way you act right now, you are going to make me fall for you more do you know?” She murmured softly to the sleeping him. “Goodnight my love.” She went back to his bed and fall into deep slumber.


When Ji Hyo opened her eyes again, it was already early morning. She opened the door to check if Jong Kook was still sleeping but he was no longer on his couch. Instead, she could smell the aroma of toast bread which her stomach reacted to it.

She quickly brushed her teeth with the toothbrush that Jong Kook had left on the sink and went to the kitchen to see Jong Kook who was concentrating making breakfast.

“Good morning Oppa.” Ji Hyo greeted him with her sleepy voice while hugging him from the back.

“Good morning. Did you have a good sleep?” Jong Kook released both of her hands and turned around to look at her while asking. His sluggish mind was suddenly awake after seeing how Ji Hyo actually looked like in the morning.

He stared at her from head to toes and up from toes to head again. Her morning face looked as beautiful as she was wearing makeup. He only realized it now that his t-shirt was too big for her that it actually covered most of her shorts. It made it looks like she was wearing only his t-shirt and nothing on, explicitly showing her long legs.

“Your bed is so comfortable Oppa.” Her morning tone sounded so arousing to him that his heart started to race faster than usual. He tried to distract himself by continued cooking the breakfast. “What are you cooking Oppa? Your healthy food again?”

“It will be something you like.” Jong Kook said with a grin on her face.

“I’m hungry Oppa.” She grabbed one of the freshly toasted bread on the table and ate it without consent.

“Hey! It is still hot!” Jong Kook told her. She playfully curled and her lower lips to show how delicious the stolen food was and fed him with remaining of the bread that was not bitten. She then casually opened the fridge behind to see if there was anything else to steal. In the fridge, there were fresh vegetables and some strawberries. Before she could eat one of the strawberry she took, Jong Kook had grabbed her waist and forcefully pressed his lips on hers. It was the morning and he was not thinking. Ji Hyo's action driving his mind even wilder. This time, his heart had won.

“You know how much you aroused me, when you decided to say those words and your lips like that.” Jong Kook whispered to her ears seductively. He grabbed her waist even tighter and started to kiss her ears, cheek and slowly travel back to lips where he gentled opened the entrance. Their tongue met and they explored each other wildly. As they broke free to catch their breath, Ji Hyo bit the strawberry and transferred the remaining to Jong Kook’s mouth using hers. She started to nibble on Jong Kook’s neck as Jong Kook’s hand slowly caressed his way up from her waist to grab her hair gently. She stuck out her tongue playfully to show how much she enjoyed doing that to him and he took advantage of biting her stuck out tongue. That little pain that was inflicted was actually pleasurable to her, giving her body a sensual pleasure. She could feel her body turned hot as her heart pumped faster which each of Jong Kook’s action.

They continued to exchange their kisses and Jong Kook carried her up to sit her on the cabinet. She interlocked her arms around his neck and Jong Kook slowly moved his hand up from her legs to her waist, seductively her. “Oppa...” She softly moaned as Jong Kook caressed her back. Ji Hyo wrapped her legs around his waist to bring the Jong Kook even closer to her till their bodies grazed against each other. Their burning desire took over their senses as slide their tongue back and forth, touching each other lips continuously. She swirled his tongue around his, then take his tongue into and gently nibble his lower lips. Her hands from his back to his chest, feeling his abs with only a cloth distance.

It was until the ringing sound of the kettle that brought them back to reality. They stopped what they are doing to catch their breath, looking at each other deep into their eyes,as their foreheads touched. “Oppa, your kettle is ringing.” Ji Hyo broke the silence with a little breathlessness in her voice.

“We could ignore it. It’s not important.” Jong Kook suggested and he tightened the grip on her waist.

“Oppa, you have an early meeting, and it is really important.” Ji Hyo reminded him with a smile. “Plus I’m really hungry. Let’s eat.” She removed her hand from him and Jong Kook carefully placed her down on the ground. As Jong Kook continued to prepare breakfast, Ji Hyo changed back to what she wore the day before. When they were eating, both of them had the same thought in their mind “Morning breakfast had never tasted so good.” 



JH and JK thoughts in this chap are a little messy, but still hope I made some sense out of it... And the kitchen scene, I hope it was okay… Ps: the kitchen scene was inspired by one of my favorite american drama. Anyone knows? :)

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sammyssi_rm #1
This is one of my favorite stories!! Fighting dear authornim ❤️
sammyssi_rm #2
Still waiting for an update.....
rishou #3
Chapter 33: NOOOOO huhu, I thought it would end here but it seems this is on a haitus. I got INVESTED :((
aaaiiii #4
Chapter 33: Please update soon
ccfncff #5
Hope for an update
Its a great story
sa_1109 #6
Chapter 33: Still hoping an update from you dear author .....
hlivajspartace #7
Chapter 33: please update soon authornim
Ann020 #8
Chapter 33: Please update soon
memyself2421 #9
Chapter 33: Please update soon
gogumaHR12 #10
Chapter 33: Are you dead authornim??