6. A Piece oh Sheet

The Dressmaker
Some people says, that when you're in love, you are trying to do your best to impres your love. But, because words "love" or "be in love" or " like that" didn't belong to Kyuhyun's vocabulary, was he again over the half and hour in late. Without stress. Why should he even stress, that was only some worthless dressmaker. Thought, his speed meter was saying strongly against speed limit. Couple of hongking cars later he was standing outside of Kim's Dress and Suit. Quickly he checks himself from side mirror of his car. Yes, he was looking really good, even with mild hangover. In the first meeting he was more mess. So, he steps inside and the bell rings again.
- "Good evening Mr. Cho." In front of him was really tired looking man. Under his eyes were bags and he looks more.. greyish, than usually.
- "You look like a ." Ryeowook rolls his eyes, of course he looks like , he was tired as hell! That troublesome customer of his, was shifted their prototype fitting day two days earlier, so.. he has to make patterns to end and prototype during the Sunday night. He was beyond of tired.
- "Hopefully you're damn proud of your success." That short male whispers quietly back. Kyuhyun didn't hear it.
- "Please, come with me to the back room, so we could do the first fitting."  He was smiling again, and leading taller man to the back of shop. Kyuhyun obeys and follows shorter male to the familar room. It was the same as the day when they took measurements.
- "Please, take your clothes off, but please, leave your underpants as last time. You can leave your clothes to that chair." Kyuhyun obeys again, he was like puppy trying to please his master to get his reward.
- "Thank you." Kyuhyun midly nods.
- " Okay, here's prototype, let -"
- "What the is that piece of sheet are you ing kidding with me?" Kyuhyun grimaces when he sees what Ryeowook is holding in his hands.
- "You have to kidding me you damn dressmaker as you say, I'm not going to wear that ,hell, take it away!" Slap. Kyuhyun feels it.His left cheek was lightly burning.
- "I'm really sorry Mr. Cho, but you don't have rights to judge prototype, before you aren't even tried it on you." Ryeowook's eyes were moist with unshed tears.
- "As you don't definetely know, prototype is usually made of bed sheet fabric. Because of that it's called "prototype". And -" While Ryeowook was keeping his lecture with shaky voice he helps Kyuhyun to wear that "piece of sheet" onto his.
 "You're ordering your first product from me, it's extremely important to make prototype, because I'm not yet familar with your body, that we get really good and working pattern to your suit." And in the same time Ryeowook checks how it was fitting. "Like now, I see that you have really good posture, and because of that I've to anticipated it while I made patterns last night after mid night, and even I noticed it, I've to make little modification to pattern in backside." The dressmaker makes some notes. "And.. If that would be the real suit, we would not decides how big shoulder pads we need - because they needs their own space in pattern, and if they're too big - you look really comical, if too small - you end be like me: straw." Kyuhyun reminds silent and he really was listening what that petite dressmaker was telling him. He stuffs now shoulder pads.
- "Like I said too big: nope. " Kyuhyun looks himself from mirror, he looks really comical, not at all seriously taken business man.
- "I'll end torturing you" Ryeowook changes shoulder pads again.  "Like I said, the size matters." He smiles playfully through the mirror to Kyuhyun. "Better."
- "Yes.. better." Kyuhyun said with dry mouth.
- "Trousers seems to fit greatly, please, would you take the jacket away." Kyuhyun obeys, and now he was being chest bare.Ryeowook stand behind of Kyuhyun and places his hands on Kyuhyun's waist. The taller man feels shorter's warm breathe on his back.
- "Waist didn't seem too tight." He slowly - like torturing Kyuhyun - lowers his hand. "There's loosenes about eight centimeters.. Is it good to you?" Right now yes, but if you keep doing this you've to make more loose trousers for me. Kyuhyun feels the the body warm of Ryeowook, and it was real torture. He could smell that fragile odour of another male, it was like forest after rain, or the first snow of winter. Pure, and so easily passing.
- "Yes. " Kyuhyun croaks. Ryewook kneels.
- "The lenght of leg is right, if you're wearing normal dress shoes.. but if you were insoles with th-"
- "I don't use insoles."
- "I was also pretty sure that you don't use them. Okay, we're done now Mr. Cho, please, let me help that proto off you, and then you would wear your own clothes. I'm sorry, but some one came to the shop, I've to leave you for moment. Excuse me." After helping Kyuhyun out of proto he walks away.
After changing to his own clothes, Kyuhyun walks silently to in front of shop - but then, he decides to hide behind the folding screen. In front of shop was Sungmin and Ryeowook. Kyuhyun's blood was boiling: why?!?
- "Wookie, are you alright?" Sungmin's voice was warm while he caresses Ryeowook's cheek.
- "Oh, yes I'm, bit tired.. but it's nothing, but hyung, why are you here, at that time?" Ryewook was confused - he didn't know that Sungmin and Kyuhyun knows each other, he didn't know that Kyuhyun was bragged to whole day because of fitting, he was clueless towards so many things around him.
- "I was worried because of you, you make so long days nowadays." Kyuhyun sees from his hiding spot how Ryewoook leans into Sungmin's hand. How Sungmin's eyes were twinkling like some ing stars.
- "Look, you're too tired.. lets go, you need sleep."
- "Hyung.. I've customer right no-"
- "Mr. Kim, should we place next fitting time?" Kyuhyun yells and walks with long steps from his hiding spot. He was fuming. Ryeowook turns sharply to face Kyuhyun, who was coming behind his back. He didn't see how Sungmin smirks cockily back to his dear friend Kyuhyun, who was choking to his own rage. To make situation worse the eldest wraps his arms around Wookie's waist. Ryewook was shocked, Kyuhyun was going to exploid in that very moment.
- "H-hyu-"
- "Let me support you, you look way too tired, and not really healthy." Sungmin places his head on smaller man's shoulder.
- "O-okay.." He whispers almost inaudible. Kyuhyun was ready to kill that ing Lee Sungmin in that very minute.
- "Please, don't mind about us, Kyuhyunnie." 
- "You, you know each other?" Ryeowook was really confused.
- "Oh yes, we have been friends for long, long time, right Kyuhyunnie?"
- "Oh yes, my dear braindead bunny brain." Kyuhyun's voice was like thick poison.
- "Ooh.. then, should we have some tea?" The two taller males stared at Ryeowook like he was some madman.
- "I'm pretty busy, my cutie, I've important business meeting early at morning." Sungmin places really gentle kiss to Wookie's shoulder. Kyuhyun was gripping his fist even tighter and tighter.
- "Oh okay. But Mr. Cho, how about that next fitting day?"
- "I'll call you, I've some things to arrange before it. And Sungminnie, shall we go? Our time runs." In really deep confuse Ryeowook watches how those two friends walks away from his shop. Little he know what they were talking outside of the warm shop.
- "Please, Kyu, be quiet, we're in public.
- "Wow, we have here a formal piece of I see. And I did nothing, I was just worried about his well-being, he isn't that healthy. And he is overworking, because of your crazy orders. Or what you're saying about that, he opens his shop at nine, he usually ends at six, but because of you he keeps shop open at seven, eight? And in the middle of ing night he have to make your s because oh no, you are decided to make some rearranges! What the CHO KYUHYUN! Have you any living brain cells in your hard head? Are you trying to kill that Wookie, or what! If you're trying to get laid: you aren't going to success. You see?"
- "And what the problem it is to you?"
- "BECAUSE I ING CARE ABOUT HIM, I don't want to that you only use him, he is more precious to me than you will never be. So please, step back. He isn't some ty toy for your sick games.
- "AND who the say that I'll use him?!"
- "WHAT ARE YOU DOING then with him?"
- "Please, would you leave from yelling at in front of my shop: there is apartments where is persons sleeping. Good night Mr. Cho, good night Sungminnie." They watches how Ryeowook speaks  and waves to them from slighty open window from second floor. Then he closes the window and he was gone.

I'm really sorry about way too slow updating space! The school works is eating my time (and my brains..)
Please, take derp-Kyu as apology,
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I updated, it was a miracl--eeeee ~ !!


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Chapter 18: At the end I wanted more. I loved that we have a happy ending all but the conclusion was so abrupt for me. I mean Kyu was on another side of the world and they only talked over the phone. It was not enough for me T_T Can we have a sequel please?
Chapter 18: Wow..what a whirlwind!
Im so happy that everything ended well!
Kyuhyun is absolutely adorable with Ryeowook!
Chapter 18: already completed?
why is it so sudden? T_T
sequel pleaseeee
Chapter 18: so, this is the ending??
huwaaaa make sequel please ..i wants kyuwook's moments ..
btw, thanks for the happy ending :D
ateena1618 #5
Chapter 18: Waaahh! I am sad dat the story is over :( . Cute kyuwook!. I will miss the story!
ateena1618 #6
Chapter 17: Poor wookie baby!! Rolling around the room! Aaii aaiii cute ^-^.. and kyu waaah!! Such a sweet boy friend!
Chapter 17: Awww kyu so sweet as a boyfriend^^
Thankyu 4 updated \^_^/
ateena1618 #8
Chapter 16: Update pleawwsee!~~
Chapter 12: I love it when at some point you could stop my tears from falling. I was glad at that. Who would know how hard I'm going to cry for Ryeowook and Heechul.
It's hard to believe when Ryeowook said this has been better, and that he has gone through things which are lot more worse than this. I'm sorry, I can't stop crying thinking about that.
Chapter 10: Damn Jongwoon! Ryeowook tried so hard to survive, and you just come in - destroying everything again. Thank goodness he came to Sungmin. Poor soul.